• Published 14th Aug 2020
  • 12,683 Views, 965 Comments

Queen Of The Wasteland - Jest

Twilight awakens to find that she is no longer an alicorn, nor a pony for that matter. Rather she has become the fearsome queen of the wasteland.

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One For My Baby Part 1

Author's Note:

This is a part of the Jest Days of Christmas, where I update something every single day of December. Go check out the link for the full list and check back everyday for a new update!

Twilight's unconscious mind roiled with strange shapes, flashes of memories, random sounds, and someone talking in the distance. Asleep, yet not dreaming, Twilight could feel herself tumbling through this strange kaleidoscope, bouncing from one thing to the next. For an instant she was back home, chatting with her mother, the next she was fighting for her life in the flaming basement of Novac’s community center. After that, she had returned to the moment she had become Celestia’s student, but the scene also featured Janey for some reason. The ever-dour, and distrusting wastelander scowled at the alicorn ruler of Equestria but said nothing.

Twilight opened her mouth to ask the human what she was doing there, only for the floor to give way and for Twilight to fall into a moment from her past. This time it was the time Trixie had come to town, the unicorn launching into her showboating routine while her friends watched. But it wasn't just her friends, for standing beside Spike, was a massive hulking lizard with enormous claws for hands.

Before Twilight had a chance to ask what was going on, Trixie mocked Twilight which seemed to set off the deathclaw. Frothing with rage, the enormous creature launched itself over the crowd, and landed on the stage, its arms extended. Twilight tried to use her magic but found that it didn't work, and worse yet it was like she was underwater as she could barely move.

Before she knew it the deathclaw was tearing Trixie apart, noisily ripping the poor unicorn limb from bloody limb. Despite the carnage, the crowd simply turned to Twilight in unison and stared at her in disbelief. Even Spike had crossed his arms over his chest, and was glaring her way, disappointment spelled clearly across his face.

Twilight tried to tell him it wasn't her, that she wasn't responsible, but the moment her mouth opened blood poured out. With each word a fresh gush of crimson vitae shot from between her teeth, splashing noisily against the ground. Twilight tried to hold it back but found that her hooves had been replaced with claws and that she no longer had any lips. Trixie’s decapitated head splashed into the rising tide of red and turned to Twilight.

“Trixie always knew you were a monster,” remarked the showmare in a disappointed tone. “But even Trixie did not believe you would sink this low.”

Twilight tried to offer a retort but between the blood, and the growling noises her throat made, no one could understand her.

“I deserved to be raised by someone better,” Spike stated.

Twilight's eyes went wide and she spun around, eager to declare her love for the small dragon.

“And we deserved a better friend,” Rainbow Dash added.

“No kidding. You haven't even looked for us,” Applejack declared with a frown. “All you’ve done is run errands for that psychopath you’ve been following around while killing folk.”

“You’ve forgotten everything you learned about kindness,” Fluttershy stated.

Twilight turned back, growing increasingly panicked as her friends crowded closer, wading through the knee-high pool of blood and gore.

“Last I checked ‘senseless violence’ isn't an element of harmony, Twilight,” Pinkie Pie accused, jabbing a hoof into Twilight's chest.

“Nor is stealing everything that isn't nailed down,” Rarity proclaimed.

“No, no no!” Twilight yelled.

The deathclaw turned around, intent on running away but found that everyone was gone, everyone but herself anyway. The alicorn version of who she once was stood a few feet away, teeth and hooves stained red with Trixie’s blood.

“I don't understand,” Twilight remarked. “This is what you wanted. I’m only trying to help.”

“This isn't what I wanted. None of this is what I wanted,” Twilight pleaded, only for her gurgling grunts to come out utterly unintelligible.

“You wanted her dead though,” Twilight exclaimed. “Why do you push me away? I’m trying to protect you.”

“Not like that. Never like that,” Twilight tried to reply.

The conversation ended abruptly when a bright blue flash banished the strange vision. The moment it was gone, Twilight lurched upward blinking rapidly as her brain caught up with what she was seeing.

“Jesus fuck,” Janey cursed. “You damn near scared the piss out of me.”

Twilight ignored the courier’s comment for a moment and just looked around, trying to figure out where she was. Then the memories of what had just happened suddenly returned to her, and she realized she was still in the REPCONN facility. More specifically, she was in the large central room where she had first seen Jason Bright and his followers.

It was there that Janey had set up a small triage for the injured deathclaw. Laying on several bedrolls, Twilight had an I.V. in one arm, bandages on the other, and numerous other fresh scars where there had been open wounds. From the strange heat in her veins, Twilight guessed that she had been dosed with a few stim packs and the empty syringes nearby confirmed that assumption.

“A super stimpack, and two regular ones,” Janey answered. “Plus all the bandages and gauze I had and the stuff Bright and his people left behind.”

Twilight relaxed slightly.

“It's morning by the way,” Janey answered. “It's been a little while but after what you’ve been through I’m just impressed that you're alive.”

Twilight searched for a piece of metal or something hard to tap out a response on, but found none.

“Worry about talking later. Here, eat, and drink,” Janey encouraged.

Janey stood up and walked over to one of the workbenches nearby. There she took a large pot from atop a bunsen burner and returned to Twilight, placing it a foot from Twilight's nose.

“I threw together what I could. Eat up, and we’ll grab some better food in town,” Janey encouraged before disconnecting the I.V.

Twilight sniffed once and was immediately hit by several very distinct and very enticing aromas. Dog meat, gecko jerky, and grilled mantis all danced across Twilight's nose, exciting her tastebuds. The realization that they were all different kinds of meat gave Twilight only a moment of pause before she grabbed the pot. Then she sat up, lifted the pot to her lips, and tipped back its contents, gulping down one mouthful after another.

“You really needed that,” Janey remarked. “I’d offer you more, but that's all of our provisions for the moment. Most got burnt or lost during the scuffle.”

Twilight heard what her friend said, but ignored her completely, focusing utterly on the food she was swallowing at a rapid pace.

“So, magic eh? I bet that's going to come in handy,” Janey remarked.

Twilight swallowed twice more before nodding to her friend and placing the now empty pot back onto the floor. As the deathclaw gathered herself, Janey moved about the area, packing up various bits and bobs she had been inspecting. By the time Twilight was able to stand up, Janey had packed away everything she had planned on keeping.

“Here,” Janey offered, extending a bag toward the deathclaw. “You can carry these bags. They are too heavy for me.”

Twilight nodded slowly and grabbed hold of the pair of duffle bags being handed to her. After weighing them briefly, Twilight found that they were indeed heavy, but wouldn't over encumber her. So she slung them over her shoulder and glanced expectantly at Janey.

“Figured we should head back to town, eat, and sell this junk before telling everyone you’re magic,” Janey offered.

Twilight shook her head, and after a brief moment to find a piece of metal, tapped out her response. “We shouldn't tell anyone,” Twilight declared.

“What really? I thought you’d immediately want to show off. It would give your whole princess thing a bit more credence to most,” Janey replied.

“It would,” Twilight stated after a short pause. “But the wasteland is dangerous, and I want to keep the fact that I can still use magic a secret until the time is right.”

“I mean it would be pretty damn intimidating if Mr. New Vegas got on the radio and declared that you were indeed magic,” Janey retorted. “No one would step up to us then.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’m intimidating enough as is. If I was any more powerful I’d be swarmed by scared people with pitchforks and torches.”

“That's actually a fair assumption,” Janey admitted.

“Besides, that burned me out. I doubt I’ll be able to cast anything for another day or so,” Twilight added.

“Plus getting irradiated isn't exactly a fun time, even if you have some built-in way to get rid of it,” Janey exclaimed.

Twilight nodded.

“Right, well that's settled. Come on, let's get this shit sold, and get my info from Mandy. Even if I don't really need it,” Janey declared.

Twilight waited until Janey set off before following in behind the courier.

Together they made their way through the Repconn facility, pausing several times as Janey disarmed a few traps she had set. Most seemed to be simple noise makers but Twilight noticed that at least one of them was rigged to a pair of mines. She didn't approve of such tactics, but with Janey being alone and having to guard Twilight's unconscious body, the deathclaw knew her companion hadn't had a lot of choices.

Either way, they made their way swiftly out of the building, and back into the wasteland once more. Throughout it all, neither said anything, the pair falling into the routine of staying alert while still listening to the radio. Which played a few songs while they were walking, but none were terribly interesting, as they were all ones Twilight had heard before.

The deathclaw was about to ask her friend to just turn it off when the voice of Mr. New Vegas popped up.

“Well it's just about time to for some news,” he declared. “Several unidentified aircraft were spotted flying over the REPCONN test site by a local crackpot. He spoke to a toy bear near one of our microphones.”

The familiar voice of the sauve announcer was then replaced by one Twilight recognized though not one she had expected to hear.

“Religious ghouls were looking for a land to call their own, and with the guidance of the princess, they found it,” there was a short pause. “Don't you laugh at me! I know a spell that will make you show your true form! A four-legged bug taught it to me.”

“You heard it here first folks,” Mr. New Vegas concluded. “And now, Nat King Cole, with your nobody until somebody loves you, and that somebody, is me. I love you.”

“A four-legged bug,” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Yesterday I’d say that No Bark guy is crazier than a bag of angry weasels, but now I ain't so sure,” Janey remarked.

Twilight frowned and though she wanted to disagree, couldn't bring herself to do so. Instead, the former pony distracted herself trying to think of the mechanics of how she was able to cast magic.

The most obvious part was her horns, which now resembled her old one a bit more, though how that came to be wasn't known to her. As for mana, she assumed it had at least a passing approximation in the form of radiation but again the hows eluded Twilight. Pretty soon the questions swirling around in her head were threatening to become a swarm of angry bees.

Twilight shook her head and focused on the road before her.

There were no ghouls, or other monsters to block their path, so it wasn't long before they reached Novac. There they saw that the town was fairly lively, with the market serving a caravan as well as a small number of other travelers. Those newcomers shirked away from Twilight in fear, while the locals seemed borderline unfazed by the deathclaw’s appearance.

Humans sure do adapt fast. Twilight thought to herself.

Walking over to the dinosaur that served as the town’s largest landmark, Twilight realized she hadn't seen her super mutant friend. Then she remembered he had probably just gone to sleep, which saddened the former pony slightly. Again she pushed such thoughts from her mind, and focused herself on the world around her, this time on Janey.

Who had stopped at the base of the great green giant.

“Wait here a sec. I’m going to see if Manny is at his post and do a bit of dealing with the shop owner,” Janey offered.

Twilight nodded, and plunked down near the base of the steps, leaning against the wooden supports. As the deathclaw got comfortable, Janey slipped inside, leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts. This time Twilight quite pointedly kept herself distracted by looking around, watching the humans come and go.

With her mind forcibly clear, she was able to enjoy the warm sun, the gentle breeze, and the relatively clear sky above. It was nice, and no one bothered her or did much gawking other than a single brave traveler that Twilight didn't recognize. Then a new shape appeared, one she recognized, though not one she could attach a name to.

“You’re super mutant friend is working out well so far,” remarked the beret-wearing male.

Twilight nodded.

“The name’s Boone, by the way,” he offered. “Don't think I mentioned that on our first meeting.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but then shut it.

“I know Morse code by the way,” Boone added.

Twilight grabbed her small metal plate and frantically began tapping away.

“Tell me everything about Jimmy’s progress please,” Twilight asked.

Boone leaned against the staircase and lit a cigarette. After a long drag, he tucked the smoke into the side of his mouth and began to speak.

“Turns out they only used him for guard duty back in whatever group he used to be a part of,” Boone began. “Didn't take much for him to understand everything he needs to know to do the job well.”

Twilight relaxed, sitting back down on the ground.

“He ain't a bad shot either, surprisingly. Most mutants just spray wildly and pray they hit something,” Boone added, pausing to take another long drag.

“Has there been any issues?” Twilight inquired.

“Small ones, sure but once folk talk to that big oaf they change their opinion right quick,” Boone exclaimed. “Helps that he's weirdly good with animals, and saved Matilda’s dog from a rad scorpion the other morning.”

That sounds like Jimmy. Twilight thought to herself.

“It won't take much and the town won't even need me,” Boone declared, puffing one final time on the cigarette before flicking it into a pile of butts near the base of the dinosaur. “Speaking of which, I need to talk to you about something.”

Twilight perked up and glanced expectantly down at the human.

“Normally I wouldn't trust this with just anyone, never mind a sentient deathclaw,” Boone remarked.

Sapient. Twilight corrected.

“But you seem to have a deep a hate for the legion as me, and seem weirdly adept at getting to the bottom of things,” Boone continued, only to pause. “We best talk about this somewhere a little more private. Come with me.”

Twilight glanced over her shoulder to the door but shrugged, figuring that Janey would probably be another few minutes at least. Turning back to her guide, Twilight hastily walked after him, catching up just as he was ascending the steps of the motel. A short jaunt, and the turn of a key later, the duo were standing in the motel room of Craig Boone.

Twilight frowned, the former pony unable to not notice the blood stains on the floor, and the discarded kitchen knife sitting half-forgotten next to the wall. The rest of the room was fairly standard, with a bed, a couch, a chair, a television, and some other bits of furniture. The windows were boarded up, and though generally cluttered, the bed was perfectly in order.

“Alright,” Boone remarked, pausing in the center of the space. “I’ll be frank with you, princess. No one in town knows that I know what happened to my wife. Best they never know. Or the legion will be after me next.”

Twilight raised a non-existent eyebrow.

“She was taken by legion soldiers, but that's not the important part. The important part is that she wouldn't be able to be taken unless they had someone working on the inside,” Boone continued, his already dour expression growing darker still. “Someone who lives here sold her, princess. And I want you to find out who it was.”

Twilight didn't hesitate and immediately nodded her head.

“I’m assuming you’re in, good,” Boone declared. “I don't- wait where are you going?”

Twilight had already turned around and had exited the motel room before Boone had even opened his mouth. Normally, doing something so rude would not be something Twilight considered, but she had been gripped by a powerful urge. Following that instinct, her nostrils flared, and she followed a strange, familiar aroma down towards the gate from the motel to Novac proper.

There she paused, rising to her full height and inhaling deeply, attempting to discern where to go next. There were so many different strange smells, and directions that she could go, but none of them felt quite right. Unseen by the distracted deathclaw, were Janey and Boone who were standing a few feet away, the pair sharing a confused expression.

“What's going on? What's got Princess all in a tizzy?” Janey asked.

“Don't know,” Boone muttered. “I asked her for a favor and she just took off.”

“What the hell did you ask her to do?” Janey asked, her tone accusatory.

“Nothing foul, I assure you,” Boone retorted.

Twilight's eyes went wide and she turned toward the Dino Dee-lite front desk area. The deathclaw then barreled inside, brushing past a confused traveler clutching a key to a motel room. The scream of terror that spilled from their mouth didn't even give Twilight pause, and she tromped right past the woman and toward the front desk.

“Watch it there princess,” Jeannie May Crawford exclaimed. “I know you’re a deathclaw but you can't go stepping on the guests now.”

“Yeah, what's gotten into you Twilight?” Janey called.

Again the former pony didn't hear her friend. Twilight simply walked over to Jeannie Crawford and began to sniff her all over, starting at her head and going lower.

“Please call your monster off,” Jeannie hissed. “I will not be intimidated in my own establishment.”

“Yeah Twilight maybe you should slow down and tell us what's going on first,” Janey offered.

Twilight brushed past the thin human, and knelt behind the counter, her gaze settling on the safe set into the floor. More complaints were had, and more threats were uttered, but Twilight was utterly focused on the task at hand. Something about the story she had been told by Boone had struck a sympathetic chord in her, only she didn't know why. It didn't even quite feel like her own sympathy, but that didn't make much sense to the former pony. She didn't give such strange feelings much thought though, and did as her instincts demanded.

“What are you-” Jeannie Crawford began.

Only to be cut off by the shriek of metal as Twilight tore the top of the safe clear off, and tossed it to the side.

“Call it off now! It's stealing from me, guards!” yelled the motel owner.

“Twilight what the fuck are you doing?” Janey shouted.

Twilight rummaged through the contents of the safe, her nostrils flaring until finally she found it. The thing which had so captured her attention, and so reeked of the legion that it was detectable, even now. A sniff confirmed that Jeannie Crawford smelled faintly of the same, making Twilight angry as well as disappointed.

“Twilight I am not going to tell you again, stop,” Janey shouted, her gun drawn but pointed at the floor. “I don't know what the hell’s gotten into you but I will shoot if I have to.”

Twilight snorted, and extended a hand, displaying a thin slip of paper.

“What is that, some kind of receipt?” Boone muttered.

Jeannie Crawford’s eyes went wide and she grabbed at the slip. “Stop! That's private property!” she shouted.

Twilight raised the paper out of the woman’s reach before she had a chance to snatch it from the deathclaw’s grip. Janey was taller than the middle-aged motel manager, and grabbed the slip from her friend.

“It’s a receipt alright,” Janey murmured, her expression darkening. “But not for a room.”

“What do you…” Boone muttered

The former NCR soldier’s sentence fell away the moment the receipt was turned around, allowing him to read it.

“That bitch,” he muttered. “You sold my fucking wife.”

“Now hold on a second, let's think about this,” Jeannie muttered.

The woman backed away, her hands raised over her head.

“There’s a logical explanation for all this, I swear,” Jeannie professed.

“And there's gonna be a logical fucking reason you’ve got a hole in your head,” Boone muttered, shouldering his rifle and aiming down the sights.

Jeannie shrieked. A bang briefly deafened everyone present. The room went quiet.

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