• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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265. Blood Bathory pt. 1.

Author's Note:

Music- No Straight Roads, Sayu Boss Battle.

Navy Spheals will be seen in this chapter, then again all of Fontaine's military is one giant navy.

-Ransei, Violight Kingdom of electric type Pokémon-

A happy little Grubbin crawled into the kingdom of lightning spewing Pokémon, their presence wasn’t unusual for they would eventually become a known electric type Pokémon with their first evolution and one capable of flying in their second.

None of the electric type Pokémon thought much of its presence, like most of them wouldn’t think that a legendary Pokémon would ever be taking a normal everyday Caterpie miles away from here in Chrysalia seriously as a threat.

The happy little Grubbin wanted to make friends that weren’t normally part of the kingdom of Chrysalia, where bug types come from, because Chrysalia tended to be too structured to him at times.

It only took him an hour and a half to be successful, for he made friends with a fluffy sheep like being called a Mareep and he cuddled up on their back to go traveling and see the sights with a tour guide. The kingdom was full of beautiful bright lights and interesting technology, only the steel type kingdom boasted better technology than Violight.

This particular Grubbin was completely ignorant of the turmoil happening to the far south in Fontaine.

-Fontaine Peninsula, southwest of Southern Fontaine Forest, Pom-

“Are these guys seriously the unit that Motochika is saddling us with?” Holding out my left hoof to our castle infiltration team, I watched as what was known as a Spheal bump face first into another Spheal with tiny adorable squeaks. “Why couldn’t we fly in on one of the large flying scary looking danger noodles? Is eccentricity a thing that’s this horribly common in Fontaine?”

A Spheal was basically a beach ball with an adorable face of two large teeth sticking out of their upper jaw from puffy lips. Its limbs consisted of two tiny flippers and a tail fin. They were covered in blue and beige colored fur and were so ridiculously unthreatening that I couldn’t find a way to believe they were really one of Motochika’s elite units.

The being I was addressing my concerns to was much larger. She has four flippers, a tail and long neck leading up to curled ears and a unicorn like horn on the center of a gentle dinosaur like face. All of that blue and cream colored skin resided mostly underneath a rocky shell with poky lumps that can be used as hoof holds while riding her that covered a majority of their torso like a turtle, unlike the Squirtles this Pokémon didn’t look like they could retract its limbs very well or at all. This was a Lapras and it was quite friendly looking for our stealthy transportation through rough waters.

“The Gyarados are needed for the front lines, after we went all the effort in getting them back up to fighting snuff they weren’t going to tolerate or even accept anything other than being in the thick of things. Don’t you worry though, the Silly Spheal unit will have us covered on the way in… okay yeah, they are a bit dim and eccentric, but that’s the insanity that Fontaine produces regularly.” Yeah, really selling me on the harmless looking beach ball Pokémon that have the same energy as bidoof in how vacant their stares can get at points. The Spheal were probably dangerous just because they looked and act as innocently adorable as they do, hopefully they could fight with the same level of competence that Captain Skeeball’s unit does. “Trust me even if you can’t trust them to not roll off randomly, I’m Plessilia. Please call me Plessy, I’ll be your ride today… hopefully we can avoid of the volatile fighting that will be going on over that that way more directly to the south of the wooden fort that was put up overnight by those exeedingly overeager Bidoof.”

One of the Spheal almost rolled off when Plessy stopped them with a fin and a sighed audibly, I felt that on a personal level.

“Yes, that’s… very… can’t lie, our infiltration team looks like it is being inserted with a bunch of toddlers as our personal defense force for getting through all the water Pokémon between us and the castle for the rescue operation.” Still quite dour, but highly fair take Quetal. “At least your bigger and will make decent transportation Plessy.”

“Let’s get on Plessy and set off on the west side of the Fontaine Peninsula for that castle.” Shine knew what we were doing here, she hiked her backpack loaded with healing supplies and would be here for emergency pain splitting.

We were simply doing our duty as a Rescue Team to make sure the castle was cleared before we burned it down, Grit said that there were Pokémon trapped inside and were slowly being bled out for some reason. I’m inclined to believe him after hearing Elizabeth Bathory for the first time. That castle was large, ominous, dark and gave off a feeling of demented territory to it, plus there was the whole swirling clouds thing that most evil places tended to do. It was the kind of place I wouldn’t normally want to wander into out of a logical fear that it was going to be exceedingly deadly.

“Let’s see if I have sea legs better than my land legs… I Favela know the move surf, so I should be able to make it on my own if I fall off.” Favela as much as Shanty, were both obviously raring to go and Shanty was practically trotting in place to get to a battle on the sea. We’ll be in Shanty’s element at least.

Dodo warbled worriedly to me.

“I’ll try to make sure that none of us get mangled horribly this time Dodo.” ‘Try’ was the word of the day for me, I looked towards the Pokémon piling out of the fortress built south of the forest and at the front of them all was Captain Skeeball.

-Outside the fort, Captain Skeeball-

“Remember everyone, aim to incapacitate, no killing and absolutely no dying! Don’t make me make you not die or undie! Blood may be shed, but let it be primarily that hussies if you can target her!” I paced in front of all the units of combined forces and volunteers for a big battle, before focusing on one thing. Nobody takes away my blubber hubbies freedom or love for me! “Protect our medical Miltank supportive units where necessary, they can mostly defend themselves. The higher priority protections must be given to the units that are specialized in canceling out the continuous mind control effects, otherwise the Pokémon you knock out will get back up. All melee fighters will be up front, artillery units will stay in the back under Commander Grit’s oversight and we’ll eventually bring out the siege units to tear down that eyesore floating out at sea once our courageous team of infiltrators go in to save every Pokémon trapped in there! Stick to our side of the field until Motochika and Evan start the countermeasure to the mind control effect the enemy will likely be using against us. We will not let our quick built fort fall, we will not let our leaders down, we will succeed in saving every single life we can, we will not bend, we will not break and we will not stop as long as the heroes of Aurora and Fontaine stand strong together, this is going to be one heck of a fight to remember everyone!”

I turned and my Skitty Squad formed up with me as cheers erupted around us, my children could see their daddy among our controlled enemy… he wouldn’t be staying there if I had anything to say about how this day goes. I adjusted my cute hat, smiled and got myself into a stupidly hyper positive mood.

The enemy was already playing music and was preparing to sing, which was what we heard when the hussy took control of Motochika’s people previously and we didn’t know what was happening.

Thank goodness Lugia did know what was happening and told us how to stop it this time, after being taken out of the sky by our newest hero in Aurora, the ever interesting and probably cursed Dragoon Jiri. Jiri was nearby and still wielding some electric type resistant shield and a blunted spear weapon, that alongside multiple Golduck lined up and prepared for a charge led by the Tauros farmers of Aurora.

I’d get Jiri through this and then Aurora will have more true heroes, all the stuff she’s done was accidental or small skirmishes… this… this would be a real battle for her.

-On the fort walls, Grit-

“Heh, the little lady certainly has charisma to her!” My bandaged self couldn’t do any running around and I could only shoot with one arm, but I was better for directing the artillery units with my injuries anyway.

“That she does Grit and she’s going to be charging straight into hundreds of attack face first with those Tauros. That Skeeball never fails to impress me with how outrageously nuts she is.” Motochika grinned and pulled his instrument from his back. “So when do you think that Elizabeth is going to start singing, she’s been letting that music carry on for a bit and I want to go down be on the battlefield personally.”

“Yeah, I feel like that too, I don’t want to sit here doing nothing.” King Evan said wistfully watching as hundreds of Pokémon took to the field on both sides. From edge of the forest, through the grass and to the sandy shore and under the waves where a lot of Pokémon were likely hiding that were incapable of moving on land. “After we’re done with our song and dance, do you want to head out there?”

“I’ll stay here and protect the fortress, please remember that Chan and some other Pokémon are waiting back at Helper’s Hamlet for Pom to save those that are trapped in the castle.” Maiden Jig stated as she had my stone that allowed for Dynamic Maximizing, it would be a Jigglypuff that knew how to use ‘Puff Up’ that would be our best hope when it comes to supersizing. Not that I would be able to make use of it as I am.

-Heading off the west side of the peninsula, Pom-

“Okay, here we go!” Plessy jumped into the water and we grunted with the impact, this was followed by six smaller splashes as the beach ball Pokémon rolled into the water behind us and then started to drift around aimlessly. “We’ll start heading for the castle once all the forces are busy engaging one another and that Batty Bathory character is distracted from sending anyone our way as we circle around all the fighting.”

“I’m, as ever, resigned, upset and mostly scared about this…” I put my hooves to my face and groaned audibly. Shanty and Favela might be able to fight in and or on water, but Dodo, Dolly and I were sitting ducks if we fell off Plessy’s shell. “Is it too late to back out this now?”

“Like you would ever be doing that in the first place!” Shanty’s shoulders had healed over the last few days, Chan was a medical miracle, the existence of Sitrus Berries also helped. “You are being scared, but you rarely if ever be acting on that cowardice in my presence. Also you are being the one with the rescue badge.”

-Bathory Battle-

“Underwater, out there with my heart, can you feel the powerful waves… as you go swimming on~?” The Primarina sang as she held her microphone close to her chest with a fanged grin as her power pulsed over the battlefield. Her opponents within range of her domain, she was a little confused that she didn’t take control of the Pokémon she previously had as she didn’t feel more Pokémon falling under her spell, still singing would empower her forces so she would continue. “The flood that overcomes thee, will be a new ocean as to the seas, but with all you acting… as the reef~.”

As Bathory sang, several large whale Pokémon known as Wailords breached the water and slammed down creating a tidal wave to hit the peninsula. It would hit before both armies could clash and leave the Aurora Fontaine alliance forces open to a critical assault.

On the opposite side of the field Evan grinned at Motochika while holding out his waiting right paw, Motochika sighed and dropped a small bag of Poké into it. Not even worrying about the tidal wave that would horrible decimate their forces if it hit.

A hydro cannon and a series of blasts arced from the wooden fortress across the battle field and before the wave would hit the charging Pokémon led by Captain Skeeball and or carry controlled water Pokémon over to their side of the battle line, the artillery shots hit the wave in multiple places causing it to break and split off to the east and west coast sides.

Incidentally one might see a Lapras riding the waves from the shifted massive amounts of water into enemy territory without notice and six small happily chirping beach balls.

The sudden loss of the tidal wave caught all the controlled as flat footed as the Bathory and they were slammed with the full force of a hundred Tauros charging with Captain Skeeball leaping onto a Pokémon known as a Milotic and proceeded to start tearing into the enemy forces like the rock armored turtles called Titouga and Carracosta, barely slowing down her forward pace.

“Undercurrents tear at your heart, draining all that lovely blood… why, the idea feeds me on~.” Bathory continued to sing and coax her forces with their red glowing eyes forward as the Wailords set up for another tidal wave. “A new tide will come in and you’ll be washed away, for there will be no more fate… when you’re all quite late~.”

“Fire!” Grit shouted, it wasn’t Pokémon that were attacking this time, but the siege engines that Smolder haphazardly suggested. Tons of wood went flying overhead and were not threatening to actually hit any of the enemy, even if they did the chunks of wood were for a different reason entirely and it took a genius like Grit to calculate where all the wood panels would land to give the less sea capable Pokémon a platform to fight from should the battlefield become flooded.

These slats of wood were landing all over the battlefield as Grit prepped his artillery forces to fire lower as the next wave came in. The wave when the shots hit from below weakened it tremendously so that it wouldn’t crush and would instead lift up all the wooden platforms landing in the battlefield and every normal or not water type Pokémon immediately proceeded towards the nearest square or rectangular flotation device as the weak wave swept towards them. Not all of them would make it to a makeshift raft, but those that didn’t would be saved by allied water Pokémon.

Jiri, Cubby and Skeeball were all on one such number of Pokémon on one of the wooden float platofrms as the water from the tidal wave swept backwards to slam hundreds of wooden platforms with Pokémon on them into the pushing army of controlled water Pokémon with the painful force of the receding water.

It was sufficient to say that Bathory, who wasn’t very bright tactician and was still very much dangerous, was angry. She felt something off and then looked to the west and sent three units of what were commonly known as Sharpedo, the living shark torpedo Pokémon, after those trying to circle around and then went back to paying attention to the battle in front of her as she brought her microphone back up.

Even if they made it to Bathory’s castle, Bathory didn’t think they’d last very long inside the structure.

So the tidal attacks weren’t working, but she still had yet to begin fighting or showing her truly terrifying power. Right now she was just warming up even if the land battle wasn’t going too well at the moment.

“Stronger, than fate, you don’t have to really have to wait, come now and let me sate, let me taste those currents of blood~!” Bathory sang while presenting her gleaming fangs and her land army finally started putting pressure on the forces that were spread out all over the battlefield by the last wave. Bathory herself was in the same place as the clamshell stage was protected by the water flowing around it in an odd manner. A small Pokémon moved up to her calmly and she picked them up to bite them in the neck and when she let them go they were left pale and shivering weakly on the stage. “Beat you from the deep, drowning you when you start to sink, only master you’ll ever need, you can’t fight the currents of blood~!”

Omanyte and Omastar were shelled squid like Pokémon were spewing water every which way and using their shells to tank hits. Staryu and Starmie were starfish Pokémon soaring through the air and ramming into enemies with brightly glowing red gems that showed they were under Bathory’s command. Shellder and Cloyster were large clam Pokémon firing ice and spikes across the battlefield. There was also the weirdness of Mareanie and Corsola working together as they fired a veritable salvo of spikes every which way, it was quite hard to tell which were poisonous or not.

“Stronger, than fate, blasting you with a hurricane, give up and don’t you wait, you can’t fight the currents of blood~!” Bathory kept singing as her forces pounded back the initial push forcing them back to the center line to the north, she was throwing everything at them and multiple Pokémon of her forces even used a move called Rain Dance to build the power of the building storm into a crescendo. “Take you, to the brink, you will all start to sink, I’m the only nightmare you’ll ever see, you can’t survive under the currents of my flood-ood-ood-ood~!”

The weather itself was getting to a point where it didn’t favor the normal types of the Aurora part of the Aurora and Fontaine alliance taking part in this battle, but they were nothing if not hardy under the stressful amounts of water, spikes and a numerous amount of attack pelting them from all sides. Bathory wanted a taste of the liquid gold in the normal type’s veins, she might even take some of them alive.

The only part of the battlefield that wasn’t hectic was the part where the Super Sentai Squirtle Squad were fighting a massive number of seventy five Magikarp by themselves. The magikarp were just bony orange fish Pokémon that could become Gyarados, usually by swimming up waterfalls, whose best move was to flail at or tackle their opponent. That would be more helpful to the Magikarp if they were in water, but they were all currently flopping around on land uselessly and being slammed into by six rapidly spinning shells.

Only one Magikarp was standing on its fin and shouting something at Squirt Black in all of the chaos, something about revenge for his toy named Scarred Face, before trying flail into him ineffectually.

Up in the air the Gyardos, the flying water monsters were raining down moves known as Hyper Beams onto Bathory’s forces puncturing holes into the masses of controlled Pokémon to give retreating Aurora units some breathing space to get back to the Miltank supported backlines from the heavily contested frontlines.

Bathory grinned as she raise her left flipper to start issuing commands and held her microphone up, it was her turn to push.

“One, two, three, four, rise up from the ocean floor~!” Hundreds more water Pokémon popped out of the water to started spitting bubbles onto the field in arcs slowing down any Pokémon caught in them. “Five, six, seven, eight, double bubble them some more~! One, two, three, four, show them quite a downpour~!”

Moves such as Bubblebeam and Bubble started increasing and creating a fog like effect over Bathory’s side of the field. Hiding the movements of her troops as bubble started flooding the land and hiding the movements of the shadows underneath.

“One, two, three, four, Wishiwashi pushing in, five, six, seven eight, Wimpod aid your sissy kin~!” At Bathory’s command numerous small shadows in the clouds of bubbles slowly flowing towards the northern wooden fortress eventually revealed small fish hovering on the bubbles. “One, two, three, four, suspicious fishes let’s begin~!”

The small weak looking fish known as Wishiwashi suddenly grew enormous and increased in size when swarms of similar fish gathered around them to turn them into demonic looking shark like horrors when the mashed themselves together. Said Large Sharks that were not notably hampered by the lack of water on the sand or in the grassy terrain, as the lunged forward and started tearing through a number of Tauros.

They weren’t alone, because the Wimpods were horseshoe crab bug and water type Pokémon that, even under control, were highly cowardly. They were slowly and carefully backing up the Wishiwashi swarms by spewing Toxic attacks, screeching meaningless Round attacks that grew in power the more they joined their powers and were basically terrors on the battlefield with their Scald attacks as burns and poisons started filtering through the Aurora and Fontaine Alliance troops.

“One, two, three, four, slamming slowpoke everywhere, five, six, seven, eight, shellos push otherwise I won’t care~!” Bathory’s orders had strange creatures called Slowpoke were pink water sloths that were spreading out among the bubbles and launching psychic attacks. “One, two, three, four, this is me just not being fair~!”

On the Aurora and Fontaine side of things, they were trying to figure out how to deal with the field of bubbles slowing down all their troops much less deal with the hidden threats that the slowpoke represented. The Shellos were more obvious in their threat as the pink and blue sea slugs sprayed blinding sticky Muddy Water attacks and even caused the ground to erupt with Earth Power attacks.

The Alliance forces were being pushed back and hard, but among those on the front that had yet to falter Captain Skeeball was still tearing through enemy ranks. The Skitty Squad was determined and on a mission to at least reach either Bathory or the Wailords that were using the move Water Spout or their own massive hyper beams to pound them into the flying grass and dirt from a distance.

“One, two, three, four, calling out my victory parade, five, six, seven, eight, I’m quite a lovely little mermaid, one, two, three, four, bloodbath under the shade~!” Bathory announced grinning devilishly, there were bubbles blinding the field, the rain causing the normal types to have problems in the mud and the injury based assaults were sending large amounts of what she thought of as delicious blood flowing her way.

Quite frankly both Evan and Motochika were surprised when she leaned back crossing her limbs as the music continued on, it was as if she had already won just because she put a lot of pressure on their combined forces.

“Agh?!” A bullet of water tore a hole in her left side of her chest where her heart should be and she just look slightly frustrated, she shifted forward to the edge of the stage and dipped her limb into the red liquid tightly flowing around her clamshell stage.

Any of the blood that had been shed in this battle thus far was flowing into being a part of a strange pool around Bathory’s stage and it became quite apparent why, especially when she leaned forward and dunked her arm into it the mass of red liquid.

The red fluids flowed up her arm and her injury healed immediately, she pulled her arm out of the pool and dragged her tongue along the still blood red limb.

All the red liquid seemed to vacuum up into Bathory’s mouth and she grinned happily while smacking her lips with glistening bloody fangs at the mid battle snack, this left her limb completely spotless and her chest relieved of any injury, it was like it never even happened.

-Quick fort wall, Grit-

“… I don’t know about you guys… but that wasn’t quite right.” I said slowly from my viewpoint on the fort lowering his left hand and stared in disbelief at the injury barely phasing Bathory and all the blood being spilt in the battle, where it could be seen, was flowing towards her clamshell stage. “There is something just not right about what I just saw there… it’s like she’s a Golbat for blood. We can’t take her out as long as she’s surrounded by all that blood. Why she’s practically immortal as long as there are any bleeding injuries on the field of battle. I even watched her pick up a Wooper and drain it while she was singing. To think this is all coming from that one Primarina, that didn’t even react after I shot her through the heart… it’s like she doesn’t have one.”

The Wooper was an armless bipedal small blue axolotl like Pokémon, the one she drained still looked to be moving and not dead, but that child seriously needed help.

Despite this I kept my cool, even if the battle wasn’t going well for our side. The Whismur and Loudred were blasting out Uproars and using their sound attack to push the bubbles back by popping them with noise and prevented them from pushing any further forwards. The Gyarados were starting to tangle with the still capture Gyarados in the air, assisted by a number of Pidgey and Rauco’s elite unit. A large number of Tauros were down and the Miltank backline was being attack and were trying to keep Pokémon from getting injured worse while fending off attacks.

Units were taking beatings everywhere and it was basically a slaughter on both sides, Bathory’s forces weren’t holding back and their forces were trying to take their opponents.

I turned and started giving orders to several of the artillery unit Pokémon.


Okay, seeing Grit shoot her and her not going down with a hole where her heart was caused chills down my spine.

Ocellus was quivering next to me, we were to stay here to help protect the quick built for and the siege weapons. Not that Pom forbade us from heading out and assisting in other ways, there was also Dazzle who was somewhat useless in doing fire attacks in this rain.

“Ocellus can you cloud walk me all the way to being above Bathory’s blood pool?” We turned and looked at Dazzle.

“Do you have an idea?” Could use a ridiculous one right about now Ocellus.

The situation out there was getting dire, as attacks violently crisscrossed all over the peninsula. Some controlled Pokémon were even close enough to hit the fortress beyond the heavily stressed Miltank backline.

“I’m coming up with one.” Dazzle stated with a clear look of concentration on her face as she watched the battle, probably glad to not be in the middle of it.

Pokémon fell and were dragged back to the Miltank for healing. Some controlled Pokémon were freed and joined the fighting, but it was going poorly out there.

“I hate to say it, but those Wimpods and Shellos are absolutely tearing us up with burns and poison and they currently have the battlefield advantage!” Stated Motochika with a weariness. “We could use a good idea.”

The Fontaine artillery Pokémon continued to pelt the backline of the controlled Pokémon trying to avoid friendly fire by hitting the heavily armored Pokémon in the back like the Cloyster firing giant spikes through the bubbles at the Pokémon in the field.

“We need to get started on our reprisal right away, but she has control of the battlefield for the moment… not that it will be for long. We can come up with something.” Evan snapped a look to Motochika. Dazzle moved over to King Evan and started talking to him. “Uh huh… Yes… oh that give me an idea… that’s going to be a nasty surprise and I have an idea of how to capitalize on it!”

“What, what is it?” Motochika was already readying his instrument along with several Loudred on the wall ready to start belting out his beats.

“Dazzle has an idea how to ruin Bathory’s ability to immediately heal from blood around her stage from what Grit just saw, if we can take her out, then the controlled Pokémon won’t be as big an issue since she’s the one behind all of this. So tell me do you have a Ludicolo team who specialize in using the move Sunny Day and Solar Beam?” Sunny Day, from the way Evan looks excited it sounded like his had an idea. Motochika grinned at Evan and they started talking with Dazzle as Ocellus and I looked at each other. “Also I’ve been holding back on some reinforcements in case it got this bad, so let me call them out… Okay, Riolu, Lucario, we need your assistance now! Please help us, we’ll forgive your raids if you assist us in this battle, that’s why I asked you to be here!”

From around the fort came the RIolu and Lucario raiders that were with Cu Chulainn, minus their leader who was still back at Aurora Castle. They all charged forward into the battlefield and immediately started tearing into the Wimpod that were causing problems and the battle line pushed back to the middle.

The sudden influx of fighting Pokémon turned the battle around, but it wasn’t enough to win it. I wondered how Pom’s team was doing?

-Open ocean, Pom-

“Plessy, incoming in the water!” They were hard to see under the dark clouds and to think this morning started out calmly enough before the rain storms started coming.

“Yeah I can feel them, thank goodness I have sonar sensitivity training! Silly Spheals unit, stop them before they can attack me or my cargo, if any of you on my back can assist then that would be quite lovely too!” Plessy swung wide as a stumpy shark shot out of the water in a blur and tried to bite her neck only to be frozen solid in mid-air by the six Spheal popping up and freezing it with cold air coming from their mouths.

“They are Sharpedos!” Quetal called out as another popped from the water and he fired a ton of swift into its open mouth. In fact that stumpy sharks looked to be mostly torpedoes with mouths.

Another leapt out for me and was grappled by Favela’s vines and she swung it around into another ones biting mouth going for Dolly who shivered in fright.

“Pom… please tell me you know how to fight in water…” I looked at Dolly and she looked back at me, then her eyes narrowed. She wasn’t asking for the information mentally. “Right then, this is going to be a problem.”

“Three coming up my rear, I can’t shake them… there’s fifteen in the water coming at us.” Plessy continued to speed towards the large castle with a small bit of land at its entrance sticking out of the sea in the distance.

“I got them, keep going!” Called Dolly as she held her right paw out and used her board and strap to hook herself to one of Plessy’s shell spikes to prevent from fall off.

“Dolly has them!” I repeated. The three fins in the water behind us went down and then they rocketed up and out of the water with their mouths open and wild glowing red eyes coming down on us.

“Aerora!” That… was new, but Dolly winced at the amount of energy she put out.

Two tornadoes erupted, one caught the three sharks coming at us from the air and the other tornado, it surrounded us with powerful silver winds as another leapt up from the left side and hit the swirling silver wind.

Our reaction to seeing the Sharpedo go flying in the opposite direction was to stare at Dolly and even she stared as the Sharpedo went sailing far away. The next few attempts didn’t break the silver barrier swirling around Plessy as they were sent flying off it all the same.

That’s when the next Sharpedo dove deep into the water as the shadow surged after us.

“They are going to try and hit us from below!” I realized immediately, that’s when I heard six splashes as the entirety of the Silly Spheal unit leapt off Plessy into the water. The six smaller shadows in the water kept up with us and then suddenly explosions started going off behind. “What are they doing?!”

“Their jobs, hold on tight I’m going to use the move Dragon Dance!” Plessy suddenly wobbling from side to side and leaning left and right as she continued to keep pushing us forward. Suddenly a glow covered Plessy beneath us and we were going much faster. “Once I drop you guys off I’m going to go back and assist them. They’ll be fine for a while on their own, they are the Fontaine Navy’s Silly Spheals! Even if Spheals aren’t generally bright, they know better than to swim directly into the mouth of a Sharpedo at least… performing another Dragon Dance to build distance!”

“That just makes me worry more about them, you said there were fifteen of those things in the water!” I looked back as did the rest of the infiltration team, we didn’t see any shadows moving after us as Dolly’s air shield ceased to exist.


Did I just swim into a strange cave, it is full of teeth like objects… hmm this part at the back feels like a stomach…

After several pokes with my face and the acid eating at my fur, I took another minute to figure it out.

Yep, definitely feels like I actively touched somethings stomach lining again.

I should turn around, fart ice and swim out like those training manuals for complete idiots tells me I should do!


The Spheal rocketed out of the Sharpedo’s mouth as it filled with ice, thankfully the Sharpedo wouldn’t have trouble breathing, but it was going to be stuck with what amounts to the worst ice cream headache for quite a while.

The other fourteen Sharpedo were going to have a ‘fun’ time with the Silly Spheals combat unit.

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