• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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343. Aerial Aces: Dog Fight!

-???, Oleander-

A large bulbous creature with chicken legs, a red and white spotted behind and comically slug like face with goofy fangs went down under the beating the red plant warriors gave them, this was after I levitated said warriors all above it and dropped them on it all at once.

The little walking flower carrots seemed to have fun being minions, I already brought a number of them into the tiny Halo Array floating off the tip of my horn and will let them propagate there starting with one onion. They were cute, friendly and came in a variety of colors.

“I like the rock ones.” Wrex, I really don’t want to or need to find out that you’ve been arming the cute little indigenous warrior plant people with weapons or that you were possibly planning to.

Some barking noises were heard and we turned to see a small, two legged animal, with bright red fur and a decidedly canine disposition.

“Finally found one, and he was a wily little jerk too!” Buttina stated proudly as she had put a blue collar on a tiny space dog that was probably more space wolf judging by the appearance, it was a little strange that they don’t have front legs and were basically two legs and a mouth, but I’m sure Pom would appreciate figuring out how to raise one of these.

Don’t worry Pom, we would find you before you destroy yourself! At this rate some dark magic and necromancy may be required though…

-Pokémon Realm, Ransei Region, Top of Cerebrum City, Southern Rebel Position, Shanty-

Dodo not being capable of flying fast, but he can be flying with Dolly and me being on his back, he could not be taking much more weight than that currently and gain height. He could be slowly gliding down a heavier load like the wagon in an emergency though. He only be having limited flight capabilities, but it would be being hard to knock him out of the air and he is being confident at the very least in being able to help.

The Natu be spherical and green, kind of like the size of a volleyball with two legs and two small wings and a cone shaped beak. The Xatu be stretched out and taller, kind of looked like one of those tribal totem poles things with the thousand yard stare they all be having, also their beaks are being slightly bent, sharper and more knife like. Green, yellows, reds and blacks seem to be the common color among them all in a few patterns, aside from the Xatu having mostly white wings with black and red tipped feathers.

“Okay, people we’ve got a job to do.” A Xatu stated, he apparently be taking the lead of this mission and would tell us how we would be doing this.

This was Shine’s plan with some of Quetal’s input on it, I be trusting the both of them with my life, unfortunately they wouldn’t be around for what we would be doing. That’s why I be having Dodo.

“Oh, and here I thought we’re all here to take in the view, play checkers and eat some crumpets over a spot of tea, then get in a quick nap while Illusio burned down around all of us violent.” One of the Natu stated sarcastically and all the other Natu started laughing in a manner that started to be sounding somewhat like the clucking of chickens.

“Our mission may seem a bit suicidal from the outset…” Xatu stated as they be laying out a map of the top of Cerebrum City and the battle zones that were helpfully being colored coded for convenience.

“Gee, the forty eight of us and the three outsiders, does the canine even count as a full outsider… they look intelligent enough. Anyway, us against the five hundred plus Sigilyph, not to mention an indeterminable amount of Woobat that will be protecting them. I certainly like those odds… so how fast can we expect them to literally eat us alive? We can slather ourselves in barbecue sauce right now if we want to make it easier for them.” The same Natu interrupted again and all the Natu started clucking in laughter again.

The middle battleground was at a stalemate, Kenshin’s troops be doing as much damage as they be taking, but they weren’t able to push the line due to the Sigilyph backline long range assaults coming from all directions along the western edge of the massive floating island.

Sanosuke’s soldiers in northern zone were the least battered, then again with a guy that is being that strong he be doing really well in keeping his troops in shape, relatively safe and healthy despite Sanosuke appearing to be a crazy battle maniac who be no sense of self preservation.

Kaoru’s zone to the south had pushed in slightly, but her troops had taken a battering doing so and were going to soon be supplemented by the Dark Types and we were in this southeastern zone of the battlefield for a particular reason.

“We actually have a plan.” The head Xatu of these units stated bluntly, while he be looking to the west at the defense line taking on a swarm of Drowzee.

“You mean the one aside from getting absolutely blown and torn apart by the enemy aerial forces, where do I sign up to be in the unit that is not currently doing this mission?” That was being a good one considering the outlooks of the situation, the Natu that was a jokester was being quite good at it as he be getting a few of the Xatu to laugh as well.

“Yes, that… I can understand the need to make fun commentary to lighten the mood, but can we actually move on with this?” Said the leader with a flat expression, the Natu didn’t respond. “We actually have several things going for us here, a few aces in the hole really.”

All the Xatu be having that flat ‘thousand yard stare’ expressions and the Natu weren’t being that much better with their blank wide eyed gazes. It be a little creepy that they rarely blink, wouldn’t want to be facing them in a staring contest.

“Can I be in the hole with those aces if it’ll help me avoid the cluster cluck waiting to happen would be morale booster.” The Natu spoke out again, even I be laughing at the dark humor on that one.

“You’re not going to stop back talking are you?” The taller and older Xatu leader sighed and covered his face with a wing.

“I would, but we need the levity.” Natu replied bluntly and brightly with a smile.

“Here’s what we’re doing…” Xatu be going over what we were to be doing, Dolly was apparently integral to the plan and her gliding ability would mean she would be in the thick of it.

After the plan was explained the thirty Natu are all being quiet. The eighteen Xatu be knowing a move that Natu can’t be using, said move is called Tailwind and it is being a very powerful boost ability.

“Huh… so the fact that the Sigilyph are spread out as they are… and if our aces go as well as advertised… might be crazy enough to work if the Woobat aren’t going to be as big a problem for us.” Now there was a sharp look in all the Natu’s eyes and a glint in them. “The near future looks bright, when do we start?”

“After I am done Coaching you of course!” Lucha Mundo stepped forward and stated jovially, his job being to get us all pumped and be adding physical power to all of us before this mission using his move. He would be flying to the north to join the other companions in a secret mission that is being performed by Shine. “The start of Shine’s side of the mission will be carried out as soon as I arrive and join my five other traveling companions.”

Everything was being a part of what Kenshin be calling a battlefield Ninja ploy, as a pirate I can actually be respecting a ninja given we’re friends. Ignoring Shines group would be being the biggest mistake that Gilgamesh’s forces could be making and we would be drawing a lot of our ire our way to make that happen.

-Northern Rebel Position, Shine-

“Baltoys and Claydols, are you ready?” The entrances to the top tier of Cerebrum City were staircases, the top tier of Cerebrum naturally had a lot of soil at least forty feet deep before you hit the actual city layer. I had been loaned some of Kenshin’s troops to command as the companions protected me while I carried out the Ninja ploy.

Baltoy were basically two spheres with sharp spear shaped points on the tops and bottom of their bodies and two blunt mostly motionless arms for balancing, they were basic infantry and had pretty good special defense against psychic and fairy assaults. Their offensive capabilities left something to be desired though and there was a reason I wanted these guys specifically for this mission.

Claydols were their evolved forms with large clay pot heads, many eyes in a full circle around their heads and round bodies with two stumpy legs, what was special about them is that their large food baster shaped arms were good at firing off powerful artillery attacks. In particular they were known for being devastating with Hyper Beams. Attacks were not their specialty though, they specialized in being living walls to absorb attacks for other Pokémon and were immune to ground damage attacks with their levitate ability. These guys could take a veritable storm of attacks long enough to at least launch one themselves, also all four of their body parts could move and act independently for evasive ability.

Baltoy and Claydol were Ground and Psychic Types which was going to be the fun part about what we’re going to pull here.

The Claydols toughness capabilities were on almost on par with the amount of damage the Araquanid artillery squad from Chrysalia could take and that was key to our needs, as they would need to get off a few stupidly powerful attacks while under heavy fire. If they could even do the bare minim of three attacks each, then that would be enough.

I would have liked to try and get them to use smokescreen tactics like the move Sandstorm, which does the obvious in creating visibility ruining storm of sand, but the Golducks on the field would make trying that an entirely moot point if one of them had Cloud Nine ability. It only took one having that ability to ruin any weather related move, since the ability made it entirely impossible to change the weather from a clear sunny day or night. Golducks however could not stop natural weather from occurring, too bad we were so high up I couldn’t rely on a thunderstorm passing through here to help cover our movements, so distractions made by the small aerial force was our best bet for pulling this off.

I should thank King Evan, he gave me this idea and it would be a horrible thing to not take advantage of the terrain… because Gilgamesh’s forces certainly wouldn’t see this coming or would be able to even predict this move to begin with. They also didn’t exactly have the best future sight experts on their side of the field.

-Southern Rebel Frontline Position, Dolly-

“Okay starting Tailwind one now. Remember the Xatu that know the move Tailwind are our VIPs, do whatever it takes to keep them in the air or else we’ll be slowed down!” The Atchoo Leader called out as he started up the move Tailwind. “We hit them hard and fast and we try to do it on the first pass, we will not be turning back. Whatever is left in the air will have to be taken care of later.”

I thought it was pretty fascinating, creating a wind that can boost speed of everyone within a general area by a metric ton. It was a temporary super speed boost and we needed at least three Atchoos to keep sneezing us forward by layering on the speed. This was my kind of plan!

Looking below me, I saw all the Dark Types waiting for the Tailwind boost to start ripping into the funky barrier clowns along the battlefield while we had the hard job of drawing as much attention as possible.

I only had my helmet and my board strapped to my back, left the stone bone back at the wagon as I didn’t want to lose it by throwing it. It would be really hard to find if it fell down to the ground or into some water far below us.

It’s a really good thing I’m not afraid of heights, well anymore, the whole crane incident back in Camden town was refreshed in my mind. I had an important part to play in all this and was excited to get started.

Dodo was hovering in the middle of the formation of Nachos and Atchoos. The nachos were doing a familiar version of a duck flying V formation, with one in the rear. The Ahtchoos were doing a two in front and four spread out behind thing.

“Here we go… Tailwind!” It didn’t seem to do anything at first when the Xatu called it out, but then I felt an energizing wind blowing through me and all the Dark Type certainly felt it, because they were moving like they were using Pom’s Dancing Flame technique and had slammed into the enemy surprising them utterly.

We personally shot forward in a burst too as we headed towards the Sigils around the southern edge of Cerebrum’s airspace. The Sigils were spread out across the enter battlefield in a half circle shape, my job was to make sure the Snoz bats and their evolved forms couldn’t stop us and I was prepared to jump off and start gliding as Dodo shot high up in the air above the Sigils.

I also had to be constantly attacked to make this worked, I agreed to do this because of one thing. I wanted to show just how dangerous I was and after seeing a few small Pokémon do big things like Lit, I wanted to really let loose and rip the battlefield apart.

“Dog Gone~!” I jumped out of the seat in Dodo’s back and Shanty waved to me with a hoof and waved back with a paw as she took Dodo higher, I flipped and brought my board underneath me to start gliding ahead at a high speed.

Dodo would be sniping Glyphs from high up and would only come down if I started having problems, we would have to meet up with the Atchoo guys to refresh our Tailwind eventually… unless… I could create my own. Wind magic was kind of my jam and all, the wind blowing through my fur right now was amazing.

Sigils were immune to most ranged attacks, except those that hit with enough physical force and Dodo’s burnt bread loaf going really fast certainly counted as enough.

I boosted my momentum as I took to standing on my board on my hind legs and grinned.

“First up, above the city~.” I said as slammed head on into a Sigil’s eye taking them out, I looked back to watch as they fell away and I skipped higher into the air. Another Uglyph tried to lock onto me and was struck by a bread loaf so black that I’m sure nothing would ever try to eat it and it could probably outlast dinosaurs. “I’m fired up and I’m feeling giddy~!”

I dodged and weaved my way through several shots fired from the Sigils up ahead that took notice of me and they were quickly swarmed by a unit of nacho performing that Aerial Ace move that Quetal uses a lot, the nachos were tearing into the light numbers easily and we would soon be approaching are larger number of them.

“Paws whipping around the air with wonder~!” I held my right paw out towards the battlefield and cast ‘Aerora’ two tornadoes suddenly dropped on my targets to cause chaos. One sucked up the snot bats that were protecting the Sigils ahead of us. The other dropped onto the battlefield itself and caused chaos for as long as it would last over the next five seconds. “To ignore me will be your greatest blunder~!”

I grabbed my board with my front paws and swung it forward out from under me and deflected a blast of energy right back into an utterly surprised Clippy’s eye. As I spun with the deflection, I brought my board around and slammed it vertically down on another one that was distracted and used the impact to launch myself up high into the air spinning as it went tumbling out of the air.

“Like a shooting star blazing through the sky~!” I immediately dove into a Siggerette and skipped off its big eye to slap the front of my board across a sniff bats nose, I did a three sixty and slammed the rear of my board into the eye of another Siggerette to finish my spin and blasted myself upwards with an ‘Aero’. “There’s a fire burning in my eyes~!”

I looked behind me and saw a good number of Sigils were eating Aerial Aces all over the place at insane speeds. We were starting to get noticed, to the ground on my right the tornado had worn out and the panic I caused had let the Dark Types through and the creepy clown guys couldn’t reorient their barriers in time, not that it stopped the dark guys like the More-peckish before.

I was low on magical energy, so… I brought the nose of my board up and slammed into a beam and rode it into a Sigils taking them out when the wheels of my board wrecked them. Absorbing the energy of the beams impact through my board, I could feel my magic energy surge.

“I’m coming up on you, I’m going in for the biiieeeite-~!” I spun around three hundred and sixty degrees and felt something familiar that I’ve done before. It was like when I did that forward stab thing with my board against that Callow Fart guy. I burst foward with my board flashing bright white and passed by a Sigilyph and felt like I almost went through them. “I’m going to take you out of this fight~!”

The Lymph-node behind me suddenly exploded backwards and past me to slam into another Sigil taking the both of them out and I paused hovering in the air for some reason and blinked.

Wait… I could do it more than once?! A grin plastered itself on my face, I’m calling this Sonic Rave! Guess I’m going to be dancing in the air like a leaf on the wind… at least I now know what that quote from the movie ‘Tranquility’ means.

“Hey… take you out of this fight~!” I thrust the front end of my board and flashed forward and upwards, so wait… I can go up doing this?!

The only problem I could see is that I needed a target… rich environment for that, now if I imagined all of them are as annoying as Clarissa Corgi…

Eight more flashes and the Sigilyph were still trying to follow the sudden flurry of activity that just blew through more than twenty five of them, tens the max I can do I guess… woo, that was a quite a rush!

Now if I could do that on command more often. The feeling wore off and I felt my magic was at max, so I could only do it while my magic was surging? Oh yeah, I’m awesome!

I felt a blast of energy pass by my face and I rolled to the left, which had come from the ground. Right can’t lose focus, taking one direct hit to the body might actually kill me!

“Artillery fire from the ground units! We’re attracting a lot of heat now and are deep in enemy territory watch yourself even if the aerial forces are having problems keeping up with us and don’t get shot down here!” Shouted a Xatu who performed a loop and ripped by a Sigil with his wings extended to wipe them out. A few flaps and he was soaring back up. “Everyone gather up within a minute when you can find a moment to form up, we’re building up for the second Tailwind! We might actually make it without losing anyone… swing out in a circle back around into them when we do the second Tailwind.”

Got it Sneezer!

I took a blast from below on my board and I felt my magic surging again as I absorbed the energy from the impact and road it up into the air. They probably didn’t know this was helping me, their loss.

“Dog On~!” I shouted in excitement as I returned to gliding horizontally and blasted out another ‘Aerora’ to bother a large number of sniffle bats swarming for the Nacho guys and the second tornado dropped on the ground guys firing up at us. My magic’s range was only what I could see, right now that was a lot and I was causing chaos to their backlines.

The Nachos and Atchoos were really shredding through the air and the numerous Sigils they were wiping out way more of those than I was, but they weren’t matching up to the amount of snout bats that were getting bodied by tornadoes.

Despite there only being so few of these Nachos and Atchoo guys against these numbers, we were roaring through straight through them!

“I can feel the rush~!” Another hit to my board which I swerved up into the path of a Sigils attack and while my energy was surging again, I blasted forward ten times at what felt like light speed to me and when I felt the world go back to normal a shot gun blast of ten Sigils were launched into their buddies sending them scattering and tumbling through the air from the massive series of physical impacts I just dished out. “Burning through my veins~!”

I started actively veering into the attacks, careful not to take a hit to my body as I blocked several blasts and recovered, so what if my maximum amount of magic was limited… I could make up for it by taking constant attacks!

“Soaring glorious, above this city place~!” I used an ‘Aero’ and boosted my height a bit as I was getting a bit low, a whiffle bat tried to follow me and was blasted away by the wind burst. “Call me hurri-cane, can’t anybody stop us~!?”

Taking another powerful hit with my board I threw out an Aerora and totaled what had to be a hundred bats that got sucked into the two tornadoes that combined into what looked like one massive vacuum cleaner of pain. At this point we were moving far too fast and frantic for the Sigils to hit or catch us with their ‘Gravity’ moves.

“We’re a mighty force of razors wreaking havoc through the sky~!” The five group of Nachos sang as they all started forming up on me, we were all starting to slow down. To emphasize the point at least twenty seven Sigils were quickly ripped into by two other units of Nachos closing in with us.

“Break hard left, circling now!” The Atchoos were building up energy above us and were trying to dodge attacks while they did so. I didn’t even know how good we were doing here.

Shanty and Dodo swept down and clobbered a Sigil with Dodo’s feet for trying to break up the formation and they formed up with us as we swung out away from the aerial forces coming at us to the west. I think I saw an airship in this distance coming this way? Not important!

We all circled wide and away from the city and then started to curve back towards them.

“Tailwind!” Two of the Xatu’s called out and we all felt the speed boost from their moves enveloping all of us again.

I led the charge as we all returned to full speed tore into the Sigils ahead of us, me swinging, ramming or slamming my board into them. After I took down a single whiffle bat with a paw slap across the nose, something huge happened on the battlefield as a lot attacks were being sent our way from below while we were distracting a majority of the Sniffles and Sigils.

Huge beams suddenly erupted into Gelded Cleft’s side of the battlefield totaling a ton of monsters as several figures erupted from the ground, their forces were thrown entirely into chaos by the sudden attacks coming from all directions. The Dark Types were tearing apart the barrier clowns and Benching’s forces were really starting to push into them with all they had. Sake guy was really tearing a hole in them with that big sword of his.

-Battlefield Position: ???, Shine-

Baltoys and Claydols erupted out of the dirt, the Claydols quickly fired Hyper Beams into the Gilgamesh’s Forcces while the Baltoys started protecting the Claydols until they could burrow again. When Hyper Beam was used, you couldn’t move for a while until a complete cool down from using so much dimensional energy at once occurs.

Very few Psychics had time to react to the sudden incursion within their battle line as they were now thrown completely and entirely off balance and couldn’t reorient to the sudden problem of having ground types digging among their ranks causing a panic. Ground types that were immune to moves like Earthquake or Magnitude were a very dangerous resource on the battlefield where Dig was a common move among their number.

“Phase two, go!” I called out from my position, a Kirlia nodded and disappeared from sight by teleporting away.

“Okay, the path has been cleared Shine, let’s move out!” Thanks for the reminder Quetal, we had our own parts in this battle even if they were small.

-Western Gilgamesh Forces Airspace, Dolly-

We had swung from the southern side of the island and took a second to do a wide circled out to get a second Tailwind going. Whatever just happened down there, we apparently did our part well enough that it obviously caused quite a noticeable stir given Gilded Flesh’s guys are faltering badly.

“Dodge On~!” I called out and my shout was joined by several Nachos as they dodged incoming beams and attacks from below. They definitely knew we were after the Sigils and we weren’t going to get stuck in fur ball when we could be moving onto the next target.

The nachos even fired some beams of their own and I was wondering why they were aiming them at the Sigils when that wouldn’t… work? I noticed some of the Sigils eyes started swirling around weirdly and then they started randomly firing in directions and some of their shots tore into their own guys. They looked as horribly confused as I felt.

Emboldened by their prior success, the Natu and Xatu started to really take it to the Sigilyph physically while the Coaching effects from Mundo were still going, it would be a minute or two before the physical prowess boost of the aerial fighters wore off. As long at Dolly could continue keep the Woobat off them with tornadoes, then they actually had a tenuous form of control over the sky.

It almost looked like they were able to predict the Sigils were going to… oh right these guys had the whole future sight thing like my dark bro Dante, duh! That would explain why their eyes are like that, explains a lot about Dante too come to think of it. Must be a real strain on their eyes to be like that all the times and of course they would be able to know where all the beams were going to be, they were predicting them as they flew!

A Nacho suddenly veered off from a group and gently bumped into me suddenly a beam of energy passed by my nose and I barked my thanks to him. As he flew on and put hit cone shaped beak into the nose of a flying bat.

“Rip on them, very well~” I dove to avoid several attacks and when they started aiming ahead of me I leveled out. “We’re going-to, going-to, going-to raise some hell~!”

“Speed monsters, we jive~!” An entire unit of Atchoo looped upwards ahead and moved ahead of me as several Sigil started gather together and built up a lot of energy together, uh… right it was called a Unit Command and they were going to stop it immediately. “We’re going-to, going-to, going-to, make this dive~!”

The six stretched out bipedal birds blasted past them as several shots were fired at them almost point blank, it was right now that I realized we were hitting the Guppies so fast that they could hardly take the time to actually lock us in with their eye thing. The Atchoo avoid the beams with the barest of movements and then ripped past them and took out the unit behind them that had been building up to fire too that I hadn’t noticed.

“Get on it, don’t fail~!” I shouted as went into a downward spiral and pulled out of it hard to blaze out of a cone of fire that seemed intently focused on me, guess Goldy Test really wants me taken out. Either that or that knew I was responsible for the two tornadoes that started blazing a path through the snoot bats, only the stronger ones had visible eyes and hooked tails broke through the winds immediately and formed up to attack me with several blades of air. I brought my board up to block and it was slowing my momentum down immensely. “We’re going-to, going-to, going-to, make you wail~!”

“How about, I say goodbye~?” I grinned cheekily and then lashed out with a ‘gravity’ the grouped up snoopers suddenly were sent careening down into the island. Another few groups showed up and I tried to boost my momentum but they were keeping up with me, tossing out an ‘Aero’ at them didn’t work. “You’re going-to, going-to, goint-to, see me survive-~!”

The many numerous bats that now surrounded me didn’t seem to believe that as I had fallen behind the Xatu and Natu.

“I’m going to survive~!” As sang this I started blocking their attacks with my board and even knocked a few back by whipping it out on the strap, but I felt several of the air blades tear into my fur and body painfully.

I was being attack from all sides and my helmet could only cover so much of my body as I was lacerated.

“Hey, I’m going to survive~!” A black bread loaf block an attack from behind me that was aimed at my spine and I watched as it flipped over my head and I blinked at the fact that the loaf was completely undamaged.

Huh, so they would make good building materials.

Suddenly familiar beams of cold air blew into the guys surrounding me from above and suddenly four units were taken out when a flying whale slammed into them from above.

“Skitty Squad and Wilhelm to the rescue, for great justice!” Nice to see Captain Oddball, didn’t think I’d be rescued by a cat again. Much less easily distracted pink ones. “Need a lift? Hey hubby, get under her it looks like she’s taken some hits, kids start freezing some enemies! We can lend you some field aid, looks like you just took a large chunk out of their air forces let us take it from here.”

I gladly pulled my board onto my back and maneuvered to land on the flying whale, Dodo came in for a landing and fired a bread loaf off into the distance and I saw a Xatu that was about to be taken was saved when the bread loaf plowed through a row of those upgraded nose bats.

“They are safely onboard, you can attack hubby!” After Oddball said that, the sound of a whale singing could be heard before a devastating attack slammed into the force on the ground fighting Lynch-Hen’s forces and created a trench taking out numerous Monsters.

The Atchoos and Nachos were going for a third Tailwind, too bad I couldn’t keep up with some true pros in their element. Speaking of pro’s, a few badly injured Nachos and Atchoos slowly came in for a landing on Scream-helm, seeing that we found shelter on top of Oddball’s husband.

-Near the teleporter to the Castle of Illusion, Dazzle-

We erupted from the ground and the six Claydols we followed fired outwards in all directions while provided a defensive barrier around us. The Exeggutors didn’t know what hit them a second later when the six of us came out from under cover of the Claydols and launched our most effective attacks on them, Lit, Mundo and I took three of them down immediately in a splash of fire, bug type ramming and a Flying Press.

Quetal and Shine heavily injured two more with an Aerial Ace and Phantom Force, Shine had planned this exceedingly well considering we had a lot of Exeggutors weaknesses available to us. Favela was the only one to not do as much damage, she didn’t exactly have a move for this, but she did use Surf to hit all the Executor and took out one of the already weakened ones.

We just had to take out the last tree and hold position after securing the teleporter until Kenshin, Kaoru and Sanosuke tore a path straight to us.

-Castle of Illusion, Gilgamesh-

What a nearly unexpected turnout.

I will have to hold them off at the bridge soon, at least until I could fully unbind myself using all the absorbed energies I’ve acquired.

Maybe I will even see if some real heroes will rise to the occasion, but while they are doing that…

Let’s see how they’ll deal with one of them being assassinated. Particularly the one that gave me a reminder that even wild beasts can be dangerous given she can do a soul attack, no matter how meager said attack was. That sheep needs to be put down like a rabid mutt she is, reminds me too much of Cu Chulainn.

She’s fairly helpless and nobody is going to be able to stop my plant, everyone who is powerful enough to save her are currently busy fighting towards the teleporter.

Author's Note:

Dolly Learned Counter Rave*- When Dolly have max capacity magic, she can use the overflow to do ten consecutive Sonic Rave attacks with enemies within a medium range of her.

*Only available while wielding the skateboard, cannot do with the equipment Stone Bone.

Music- Panic In The Sky, TMNT Shredder's Revenge.

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