• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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280. Server City Ransom Pt. 5.

Author's Note:

Music: Running Around the City - River City Ransom EX GBA.

-Digital Realm, Server City, Riverside, Pom-

Basher Bullies, AKA the gang of Goblimon, were standing around when we walked out of the alleyway to the west riverside and I sighed. We needed to get to the east side and there was a bridge slightly to the south, we’d cross it when we come to it… unfortunately we were immediately noticed by the Goblimon loitering around.

“You guys again? Gabbah Gabbah!” The Goblimon oviously weren’t even going to talk this time before attacking us.

Ten of them, shouldn’t be too hard without Sami or Frizzle… I mean how many of these guys could there truly be?

One leapt at Canard and he cool brought his hockey stick from his shoulder down on the Goblinmon’s head.

“Blarg!?” The Goblimon’s head bounced off the ground and Canard brought it his hockey stick back with both arms and swung it. The Goblimon went flying over the fence and towards the river.

“ARGH, NOT THE DATA RIVER, NOT AGAIN!” Wincing at the screaming Goblimon, I watched as a large splash of water shoot up into the air.

Quickly sidestep to the right a second later, I avoided the chain that came swinging for me. The chain sent a lot of dust flying as it struck the ground with a loud cracking noise like the chain had been a whip.

Dolly road forward on her board and with a rising bone club swing to the chest, with boosted momentum, to send the chain wielding Goblimon flying into the fence and he bounced back into Dolly popping up and kick flipping the board into his face and she landed back on it with her hind legs once it finished bounced off their face. Nice to see Dolly can use her board with her hind legs while wielding the stone bone club at the same time.

The Goblimon rolled around randomly a bit before he stopped on his back out cold and was soon disappearing into a vortex.

A blast of flames immediately took out three more Goblimon curtesy of Dazzle’s Flame Burst and one came at me swinging with a… I blinked and hopped backwards and stared incredulously at what the Goblimon was attacking me with.

“A training toilet, really?” The Goblimon I was addressing grinned at me with clear malicious intent as he wielded the duck shaped toilet with blades for wings, a spear tipped beak on its head and a saw toothed Mohawk.

The thing was certainly looked to be designed to be ugly and weaponized on purpose, plus it didn’t look safe to use in any respect what with the back end handle being the only safe place to hold it by as there was a spike on the underside that meant it possibly also double as a spiked buckler shield.

“Whatever works as a weapon for us, would you believe that I never have to clean this thing?!” He stated nastily and tried to stab me with the beak and as I stumbled away he swung the toilet around in an attempt to hit me with the sawblade-hawk, before rearing back and trying to spin at me several times aiming to use the axe bladed wings.

I hopped over one of his swings and decided to a put a stop to this nonsense, with a twirling leap my right hoof slammed upwards into the left side of his face and sent him rocketing upwards. I turned around and reared up my hind legs and bucked the disgusting green monster right in the belly.

“Barf!” The Goblimon went flying with his ugly duck training toilet over the fence. What is up with the weird noises they keep making when they get hit? Are they doing that on purpose? He hit the water with a scream.

Almost taking a nail to the eye from a sideways swinging nailed studded club, I stepped back and then punched my left hoof into the top of the Goblimon’s skull and then hit him with a right hook that staggered him, I crouched down and pushed forward with all four hooves to shoulder bash him into rolling along the ground into Dolly dropping the bone club on his head as she passed by to take out another Goblimon.

The Goblimon Dolly struck disappeared in a vortex dropping some Digi-credits and Canard’s Digivice began vacuuming them up.

“That guy was rather disgusting and these Digivices actually have some rather convenient functions.” Canard muttered as he used the center of his stick to block an overhead swing of a metal pipe, for guy that could barely scrape two to four feet in height the Goblimon sure could jump you.

With a push Canard made the Goblimon stumble, he bashed the top of the stick into the right side of the poor green monsters before slapping him across the left side of his face with the flat of the blade at the other end.

“Do you think they are making those funny noises on purpose?” I asked as we each picked one of the two remaining Goblimon to fight.

“Probably, either that or they can’t help but make ugly noises when they take hits… it was always a running theme with Goblimon, like their eternal hatred of the general Leomon line of Digimon. Never met a friendlier species of Digimon than them.” Canard stated as we approached the remaining two who had stood back and they both ran forward raising their weapons, a rusty sharpened shiv and a bluntly studded club. “Want to do a team up and knock some heads?”

“Of course!” I stated pleasantly. Moving closer as we moved forward, both our opponents lunged for us, I hopped left and Canard hopped jumped right so we had both of them between us and their weapons harmless struck out at air or the ground.

I lunged forward with a left straight into the right side of the Goblimon’s with reversed gripped shiv and on the other side Canard jabbed the top of his hockey stick into the other ones head with his stick like a blunt spear. Their heads slammed together in a painful, if oddly satisfyingly hollow sounding, manner.

They were down, but now out until Dolly landed on them with the skateboards front and back wheels smashing their heads down into the ground, they soon disappeared into vortexes.

“Come on, let’s move, we’re burning daylight here!” Dolly barked and pointed towards the bridge.

“She’s got the right idea, even if I have no idea what she’s barking.” Canard led the way towards the bridge.

“It almost feels as if we’re bullying them…” The Goblimon weren’t exactly a great threat, but they were still an aggressive threat. Again, I likened them to the pukwudgies of Equus, aggressive, nasty and willing to ruin your day just for the sake of ruining it.

“If they weren’t the ones attacking us, I’d be more likely to agree that they aren’t too hard to deal with… if it weren’t for the fact that they could keep coming at us constantly and eventually wear us down with numbers.” Canard stated as we started onto the bridge and halfway up we saw six Goblimon waiting at the other end. I could feel music, but I don’t think it was a heart song meant for us. At least the music sounded fun and funky, even if it was being used by these guys. “All they need to do is get lucky once… don’t drop your guard around a Goblimon just because they seem less than threatening.”

“We are the numerous Basher Bullies, and we’re about to have quite-a-violent-amount-fun~.” The six grinned as the leader of them was looking at something behind us as the stalked forward slowly, turning around there were six more Goblimon coming up on our rear. “Don’t expect to go easy on you, especially when you now can’t even go on the run~.”

“Guys, ambush!” Yes, Dazzle we… a cube shaped barrier of energy surrounded the bridge. Four Kamemon erupted from the water through the barrier, two to the left and right in front and behind, basically landing on the bridge surrounding us in a square. “To be specific, I was talking about those guys.”

We all dove in several directions mouth fired blasts of water surged forth, scattering us as the twelve Goblimon charged forward. Dazzle seemed to move quite fast to avoid the water with a fearful look in her eyes.

I bucked out at the nearest Kamemon knocking them from the bridge and had to avoid another one firing a strange arrow connected to a wire from their back that arced up and towards me.

The arrow tracked me as I moved to avoid it by hopping left and right, back and towards the Goblimon encroaching behind us.

The arrow was swiftly deflected by Dolly as it closed in when she swung her board out on the strap into its path as she threw the stone bone at the offending Kamemon’s face, forcing it to reel its arrow back into its open shell.

Canard quickly fired a puck into its opened up back before it could close its shell and that Kamemon let out an agonized scream as he disappeared into a vortex. Apparently they had weak spots in the back of their shells when they were open, good to know.

My ears twitched and I rolled to the left avoiding a makeshift rusty arrow to the spine as one of the Goblimon had a bow and the arrow. The arrow was deflected upwards by Dolly popping it upwards with her board as she threw stone bone again to slow down the six Goblimon encroaching slowly form the front, I leapt up after the arrow and slapped my left hoof into it when it spun to point towards the nearest Goblimon that was about to attack Dazzle and the arrow pierced his shoulder hard enough to make him disappear into a vortex leaving the arrow behind.

The Goblimon did tend to leave behind weapons when defeated earlier, so the Backspace System can only account for so much.

Dazzle returned the favor as soon as I landed by blasting away three of the Goblimon behind me with a flame burst as she avoided another Kamemon shooting water at her like the plague given her weakness to water based attacks.

“Do you really think that you are very strong~? Well we’re here to prove whether you’re right or wrong~.” A Goblimon sang as he slammed his club into my left leg and wobble countered him with a harsh left that he rolled with and was on his feet again a second later. “Let me tell you a lesson of dealing with us Goblimon, it’s the rules that we have all lived by and known for so long~.”

“You’ve got to be tough, you’ve got to act rough, don’t you even dare try-to hurt the bosses bottom lines~.” The Goblimon stated as they ganged up on Dolly as she defended herself with her board and a freshly caught bone, one of the Goblimon slammed a club her across the helmet dazing her and confusing the Goblimon when the club cracked instead of her helmet. “You’ve got to be tough, you’ve got to act rough, there’s no weakness among these Goblimon’s spines~.”

I opened my mouth and fired a Bark Blast that knocked that just hit Dolly away from her, then barked to Bark Busters and exploded them at the other two Goblimon’s feet knocking straight them into the air.

Where was Lit, wasn’t he… oh he was helping Dazzle with the three new Kamemon that popped onto the bridge. His blasts of lightning were ripping into them with frightening strength for something so small.

“Thanks for the save Pom!” Dolly stated after she collected herself, I still owed you more saves than you could ever owe me. “How are we going to get through that barrier, what is even up with that thing anyway?”

Even as Dolly said it, she was throwing the bone towards a Goblimon that managed to latch onto Canard’s right leg as he was busy knocking another away with his hockey stick, she managed to dislodge the Goblimon enough for him to punt it through the barrier and into the river.

So the barrier trapping us on the bridge didn’t prevent the gang members from passing through it…

“I think I might have an inkling of an idea as to what the barrier might be for Dolly.” Some of it was almost far too obvious to me though, I would have to confirm my suspicions later.

I leapt up and flying bucked a Goblimon into the path of an arrow from the short range bow wielder, they disappeared in a flash of Digi-credits like the others had.

“I think we might even be having similar thoughts on that then!” Grunted Carnard as he lifted up two of the Goblimon and slammed their heads together for more oddly satisfying hollow clunk noises, before swinging them both around and tossing them off the bridge. “I bet we need to actually deal with all these guys on the bridge before we can leave.”

We were quickly getting swarmed here and Dazzle was singing a few small Rounds into them to keep them from closing in on her. Lit was busy stopping any Kamemon from getting close to her, they weren’t using their wire arrow things around Lit after our fuzzy little buddy completely fried one of them into getting sucked away by a vortex.

I noted that the gang members were picking up each other’s credits when given an opportunity and a Kamemon even fled through the barrier keeping us in having stolen what looked like an obscenely large amount from the Goblimon… hmm… curious.

“You’ve got to be tough, you’ve got to act rough, there’s no room for being ever-SO kind~.” Sang the Goblimon we were still wrestling with, speaking of wrestling I felt one land on my back as I was busy swatting one back with a jab of my left hoof and loosed my coiled wool to fired off a point blank Thousand Spear directly into him sending him flying into the bow wielding one we have yet to deal with to deal a little damage.

“You’ve got to be tough, you’ve got to act rough, you certainly won’t like what we have in mind~.” Grinned the Goblimon on my back as he gripped my neck with his left hand trying to choke me and jammed his shiv into the meat of my right shoulder making me bleat loudly in pain.

A swirl of wind was an immediate response from Dolly that sent the Goblimon flying off my back into the river, I pulled the shiv out and quickly stitched my small wound shut with my wool with some concentration.

“You okay there Pom?” Dolly asked as she was suddenly next to me defensively watching the bow guy and for any other nearby threat. With her board and bone held aloft like a shield and sword, my little black and white knight.

“Mostly, just a little stabbing… not that I haven’t had worse than this.” I commented dryly as I started coiling up the wool along all my legs to jump or fire off Thousand Spear jets as needed.

“Yeah, bullet wounds must really suck after seeing and feeling what one did to you second paw for weeks after the initial hit.” Well Dolly, I’m actually quite thankful my arrhythmia problems mostly cleared up when Arceus healed me.

Lit, having taken care of the Kamemon problem, gave Dazzle opportunity to blast the Goblimon over the side of the bridge or just hit them directly with exploding orbs of fire.

The bow Goblimon started to notch another filthy looking arrow, when he went down to vertical flaming puck striking him between the eyes.

“Blargleflargle!” Okay that one was really bizarre and don’t know how he even made that sound with his mouth. Not after taking a hit like that while foaming at the mouth and disappearing into a vortex like all the others.

“Barriers down!” Dolly announced while pointing her left paw to the end of the eastern side of the bridge and we were out of targets.

Lit quickly leapt from Dazzle’s back onto Dolly as we made our way off the stone bridge, Canard took some time to grab and drop some weapons into his Digivice that could be useful later.

“Let’s move we don’t want to get caught up in barriers like that anymore than we have to.” Carnard grumbled as we started heading north in the street. Not many vehicles around here I noticed. “Also yes, I now think they are doing it on purpose after hearing that last one Pom.”

Thanks for the confirmation that I wasn’t the only one that thought it was oddly specific sounds of pain Canard.


I was boarding on the street when some square heads ninja guys decided to drop from the nearby roof tops and all four of them were preparing fireballs to launch at us.

“Aero!” A gust of wind blew into them causing the fireballs they were preparing to erupt and cover them in flames.

The television heads quickly started running around in a panic and Pom simply sighed, but still gave me a warm smile for my quick thinking.

“You know, there’s water you can jump into over there.” Pom said dully as she watched the four square heads suddenly gain exclamations marks on their… face I want to say… eh.

The TV heads all started doing something with their hand and then balls of water formed above their heads and splashed down on them to put out the fires on their now slightly smoking and now wet bodies.

I felt a tug on my left ear and looked to my back. Lit squeaked pointed upwards with a tiny blue leg, while sending a slightly nasty look at the square heads.

Oh… I can see where this is going… I sent Pom an image of grin, the very grin she likely saw on my face right now.

“Light them up Lit!” I grabbed the little lovable yellow fuzz ball with my right paw and tossed him high up, guy was lightweight enough for my momentum powers to give him a boost.

The four TV heads looked up with question marks appearing on their screens, before they were all struck with a massive lightning bolt causing their screen faces to glitch out in what was obvious agony. Kind of like what happened when the TV lost signal all you saw was white noise static.

Their badly charred forms and now blank screens slowly fell over and disappeared into those swirly portals as Lit landed on my back with a happy squeak. That definitely had to hurt, especially their pride as ninjas if they had any to begin with the weird tubby TV monsters.

“Those poor Monitamon, they never stood a chance.” Chuckled out Canard as he motioned us forward and we continued on our way. A strange menacing looking motorcycle passed us by, but didn’t attack us… that thing looked weird. “What was that?”

“Machmon, champion level, vaccine type… does not seem aggressive to you at the moment given it is not turning around to run you down with its triple grill blades.” Our D-vices answered. That motorcycle with the freaky exposed spine portion certainly didn’t look like something we wanted to tangle with Sissy. Also didn’t Sam-I-am mention something about creating a bunch of those Machmon?

Eugh… now I have shivers down my spine that there was more than one of those two wheeled half biological and mechanical looking horrors. How many did Sam-I-am say she made again… she didn’t as far as I can remember, just that there were a lot of murder bikes running around that looked like that thing.

I’m fairly glad that the bike actually passed us by and ignored us, I wouldn’t know how to fight something that could move that fast.

“You guys okay? The Digivice saying something alerted me.” Sam-I-am said from the device on Canard’s hip.

“Aside from a slight injury, we’re mostly fine.” Pom answer, though that knife wound to the shoulder was pretty light considering how quickly she got to stitching it up.

“Well don’t get hurt anymore if you can help it. I’d miss you guys, especially you Canard, if something horrible were to happen!” Sam-I-am stated in an honest and earnest tone of voice. “Hold on, I’m contacting Frizzle.”

A second later Frizzle popped out and saw us slightly scuffed up, she whined and started slightly fussing over Pom and Dazzle while pressing up against them. So I’m sure she knows she could have helped, so why didn’t she?

“We’re fine, now let’s keep moving… did you need to do anything else in the Digivice?” Well Dazzle, it almost seemed to me that Frizzle could have helped us sooner… I even shared the thought with Pom who was the one that got stabbed.

“So what happened?” Glancing at me, Pom turned to Frizzle and she frowned while looked down. Frizzle made a motioned with putting both her claws up to one side of her head and mimed sleeping. “Well if you needed to sleep, then you needed to sleep.”

Frizzle seemed to be slightly relieved. She held up a claw and clenched it towards us, then motioned us forward.

We still had some distance to travel to get to the Night Life District place. The place sounds like my kind of party from what we’ve heard about it and the fact that we’re going to a Night Club meant for dancing.


As we quietly moved along the road, I quietly thought to myself

I’ve noticed that Frizzle the Guilmon doesn’t talk much or at all, I wondered why.

She was expressive, loved bread like it was truly chronic drug for her and she knew how to fight, possibly even reveled and loved fighting in a bestial manner. Otherwise she was rather alarmingly calm for the viciousness she can put out in a battle.

It’s still quite weird that she just approached me and gave me the device on this belt out of the blue. Did I end up here by happenstance or did I end up here in this world on purpose? Makes me wonder if Frizzle was somewhat of a quite rebel to match my personality and cared about freedom? There’s a lot of things I didn’t know, but a hug from Pom after days of torment eventually gave me have friends I would protect with my life.

I’m fairly large for a Salandit, but I guess no one would notice that fact had they not met an average Salandit in Viperia. None of these people here knew I was slightly abnormal, because I was going to get bigger and possibly alpha sized when I evolved and I was dreading that day.

I still wanted to evolve, mostly for a sense of security that comes with the strength… but for a pokemon to evolve they would have to be put under a lot of stress and duress. I really didn’t like the forced evolution practices of my family and would prefer to evolve for a reason or purpose of my choosing. I also didn’t like my family or the people that came after me, could I really stay in this world for as long as I wanted?

My eyes flicked upwards as I crawled along with my friends moving down the street and noticed something.

“Heads up!” I got the warning out in time as multiple Falcomon dived straight for us like a Taillow doing Brave Bird attack, but if I remember right these guys couldn’t fly and could only glide. “Say… could Dolly maybe force them straight down into the ground?”

“Dolly… do you still have the magical strength for something like that?” Pom asked and the little canid gave a reply that other canid Pokémon might be able to understand, but it just sounded like she was saying ‘Dalmatian’ a lot to me with a lot of strange inflections and variances.

The grin on the Dolly’s face was rather promising as she held up a paw and pointed down with a single digit, then uttered something.

A swirling wind formed in front of the Falcomon and when they flew into their angle for us suddenly turned them straight into the ground with the speed of a boulder being dropped off a cliff.

The seven Falcomon were now stuck beak first into the ground and hadn’t done the teleporting thing yet. Never really interacted with psychic type Pokémon to figure out how they did the teleport thing here, but my friends apparently understood how it was done here well enough.

“Don’t attack them just yet, I need to talk to one of them.” Canard was tall, muscular and fairly handsome warrior of a sport I can only begin to star understanding as an ice type Pokémon’s dream sport. Golducks were showboats and usually moderately nice looking, but this guy was no Golduck. “There’s something we’ve got to know, if the other Falcomon get free knock them out.”

Canard use his play stick to flip one of the Falcomon out the ground and onto its back where it struggled to get out from under the blade of the weapon.

“Okay, talk, who’s your leader and gang in all of this?” Canard stated grumpily.

“We’d rather that stay private.” The bird with the claws that seem to be common for Digimon said before spitting metal four pointed star out of his beak into his own belly and disappeared in a vortex. The other Falcomon were quick to do the same to escape us.

“Well that’s disconcerting, but given the ninja motif, I’m thinking they might be related to the Monitamon. We’ll shelve finding out knowledge on their gang for another time, let’s move.” After receiving acknowledgment from us, we started moving and eventually came to a street that was being watched by two red birds that were playing maracas and wearing Ludicolo hats… they must be Muchomon. “Are you Muchomon and is this the Night Life District we’ve been hearing so much about.”

His approach was friendly and even jovial.

“Si, this is the place if you want to have fun, but no troublemakers and the only fighting is if Tempomon lets it happen. Do you need help finding his night club?” The colorful birds had removed their Ludicolo hats and put away their maracas in an instant and were all business when seconds before they were playfully and joyfully playing around. “We assume you’re here for him if not for partying.”

“Yes please.” Pom said with a smile while warily looking around.

“Look one of the reasons we’re letting you into the district without too many questions is because you helped out Gaomon, his big brother put in a good word for you to let you through if you came this way. Also the big brother would like you to visit his gym when you have the time.” One of the red birds turned to a purple bird of similar appearances, except he for some reason had peg legs instead of bird legs and a large brown bag strapped to his belly. “Penmon, can you shows these guys around, pass by the gym on the way to the club and make sure they don’t get lost or attacked.”

“Sure thing dood!” Penmon saluted and motioned for us to follow him. “First time in this part of Server City I take it, you probably want some information. Well getting it out of Tempomon is going to be a real struggle, the guy really knows how to dance you into the ground dood.”

“What is Gaomon’s brother anyway?” I asked remember Pom combing to Gaomon’s aid, blue canine Digimon with boxing gloves like a Hitmonchan.

“Oh him, he’s a Kangarumon dood!” Did Penmon always say dood at the end of everything he says? That was going to get annoying quickly. “A fighter with a body as tough as he is kind too, we’ll make a quick stop by his place then we’ll head to the Tempomon’s Night Club once you are done talking things out with him dood.”

“So… what happened to your legs?” We were too polite to ask, but Pom decided to broach the topic after nibbling her lower lips cutely.

“Oh that, I’m not actually Penmon, I’m actually Prinnymon… most Muchomon and Penmon can’t make the distinction between us and them dood.” Wait… what? I was expecting some horrible accident where he got used to walking on stilt legs after losing his feet or something… so those were his actual legs?! “I stopped bothering to correct them about my actual species a long time ago and it doesn’t really bother me that much dood.”

We continued to follow Prinnymon in silence and a slight bit of confusion.

“What’s the difference between your species, aside from naturally having peg legs as part of your anatomy?” Canard was the one that broached the topic this time.

“Okay imagine if you were a baby bird digimon that incidentally got into a really weird mixture of data, one that makes you violently explosive if picked up and thrown. The act of lifting up a Prinnymon arms us and we detonate when our body is physically thrown, that comes from the Commandramon data we have in us.” Okay, that sounded a lot like an Electrode exploding because it was happy, sad or just because it wanted to explode. I sometimes wonder why some Pokémon have the ability to detonate their dimensional energy violently like that, it actually seems highly counterproductive to living. “Add in a cocktail of other Digimon data and of course Penmon data for the overall form before we grow into our Rookie level and you get us dood."

We continued to follow the Prinnymon in silence for a few seconds.

"Isn't it terrifying knowing you could violently explode?" I found myself asking.

"Eh, I take things as they come, exploding wouldn't actually kill me, but it would certainly really hurt a lot and leave me on deaths doorstep to the cold embrace for any Digimon to tear apart for data dood!" Prinnymon stated with a smile on his beak. "My life could be much worse than acting as a tour guide, I'm quite thankful the Backspace System exists, it helps prevent me from having a really short life expectancy like a Commandramon dood!"

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