• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,576 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 100: Incident in Ponyville

"And this is where you'll be staying." said Spike as he opened the door to one of the many guest rooms in the castle.

"Damn, she really has that much space." said Isaac as he couldn't believe the size of the castle.

"Trust me, when we first moved in, it was rather dull and empty. It kind of was uncomfortable to living and sleep here. But with the help of our friends, we were able to make the change and now we like it here.” stated Spike. "Anyways, I'll just let you get settled in. You've got a big day tomorrow meeting with the others."

"Don't I know it." said Isaac as he watched the little dragon start to leave the room. "Hey Spike..." called out Isaac as he eyed the baby drake, "Thanks, for everything."

Spike just smiled, "Don't mention it... oh, by the way, I know that Sunset said that you're from the other world. And you're a human? I think I'm saying that right. Well then, goodnight Isaac. See you in the morning." Spike then closed the door as he made his way to his room.

After the door closed, Isaac was left to examine the room. Despite being a guest room, it still had some personality to it. There was a window view that allowed Isaac to see the town of Ponyville. He had some astrology curtains and his own worktable and nightstand. He had a mirror and a little bookshelf as it had a few pieces of literature.

After a long gaze at each other, Sunset was able to break the silence by reminding the both of them of what the issue was. Twilight had gotten her concentration back as she told Sunset about somethings that had happened while she had gone to fetch Isaac. She had received reports about several townsfolks about how they encountered several strange creatures causing trouble. Thankfully, nopony was harmed as the creatures only managed to take their goods like hay, food, and some personal items.

Both Isaac and Sunset heard these reports and were no more determined than ever to get rid of these Duel Monster spirits. Twilight was really fascinated to see that Isaac too possessed the same device as Sunset on his leg as she could only assume that he was what was known as a "duelist". Twilight then asked Isaac if he could show a demonstration for her and her friends tomorrow; she knew that Princess Celestia had sent her a message saying that both Sunset and Isaac possessed the ability to deal with these creatures permanently, so she wanted to see how they were going to do that. Isaac said he'd be happy to show Twilight, so with that Twilight got to work on sending a letter to each one of her friends as Spike showed Sunset and Isaac to their temporary rooms.

Isaac was still trying to wrap his head around this idea about Duel Monster spirits being alive and causing havoc, the only explanation he could think of was given that they were in a world where magic was the living force, it seemed to be the only reason why all of this was happening. Isaac had gotten a bit better with his magic during the train ride that he was able to perform the basic uses with his horn. Soon he used his horn as he opened up his saddle bag and pulled out his deck and looked through his cards till he found his partners.

"Got to say this is much easier with magic. Too bad, I can't take this back with me." said Isaac. He then looked at his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, "Whatever is happening guys, we'll get through it together."

Soon their cards began to glow as both Mahad and Mana appeared in front of their master.

"What ever happens, master. We'll be there every step of the way."

"Appreciate it, Mahad."

"YEEEE!" squealed Mana. "So cute!!" Mana then lunged at Isaac as she grabbed him in her arms and started to snuggle him. "What cute little pony, you are Isaac. You're so fluffy!" Seems Mana just couldn't contain her feminine side as she saw what her master had turned into.

"Mana... need.... air..." said Isaac as he was being squeezed to death.

"Mana! You're suffocating the master!" yelled out Mahad.

"Oops, sorry." said Mana as she let go of Isaac as he fell face first.

"I'm okay." said Isaac as his face was stuck on the floor. He then pulled his muzzle off the ground in a cartoonish way as he got his breath back. "What was that?" said Isaac. "Seems the magic in Equestria has allowed you guys to see and feel as if you both were still alive."

"Indeed, master."

"Who cares?" said Mana as she scooped Isaac back into her arms. "It just means that I get to cuddle with you as much as I want. So soft." said Mana as she was rubbing Isaac's fur and mane.

"Mana, stop that!" shouted Isaac as he didn't like being treated as a pet.

"I can't help it, you're a pony. You're so cute and colorful! I just wanna hold you like a stuffed animal. It's like looking at Starbursts but with legs." said Mana as he held Isaac in her arms while giving him a pet through his head.

"Mana, listen to the master." stated Mahad.

"Alright," pouted Mana. "But one more snuggle." she said as she held Isaac in her arms as he tried to escape her vice-like grip. Eventually, Isaac saw that it was fruitless as he just hung his head in defeat and waited for Mana to finish having her fun.

Soon Mana let go of Isaac as she couldn't contain herself at seeing her master in his new form. Isaac assured his magicians that this was just temporary as they need to solve this problem. Both Mahad and Mana gave their word to Isaac as they understood what he meant. With that they disappeared back into his deck as Isaac prepared himself to get some sleep.

Seems Isaac got to experience firsthand how things worked differently in Equestria as he saw the rays of sunlight peer through the curtains. Isaac let out a yawn as covered himself under the sheets as he wanted to get a bit more rest. Eventually, Isaac got out of bed as he stretched his muscles. He used his magic to put on his jacket and cap as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Still kind of feels weird that nopony wears clothes, but I guess it would be weird for the animals back home if they were suddenly wearing shirts and stuff." said Isaac. He then put his deck into his saddle bag as he strapped on his duel disk and started to head out of the door.

Apparently the castle was bigger than he expected cause the moment Isaac stepped foot out of his room, he was welcomed to the sight of so many other doors that all looked the same. Not to mention that he hadn't been given a tour of the castle, so he really had no idea on where to go. So he did the one thing that anybody would do in his situation, start checking every door and eventually he find something. That proved to be about as useful as finding a needle in a haystack, as they were so many doors that looked identical, it was becoming hard on keeping track of which ones he had already checked.

"God, why is this so hard!?!" shouted Isaac as he kicked open another door. Seems the one he managed to open led to the kitchen of the castle as there was Spike making some breakfast as he wore a chef's hat and apron.

Spike was busy making food, when he noticed Isaac entered the room. "Oh, hey Isaac. Sleep well." asked Spike.

"It's not the sleeping that's bothering me. It's just that this castle is so huge, if feels like you could get lost in here." shouted Isaac as he took a seat at the table.

"Yeah, that happens. But once you get used to it and you figure out where everything is, it becomes as easy as knowing the back of your hand or hoof in your case. Although you are still human, so maybe that saying applies to you..." said Spike as he too was trying to figure out what he was trying to say. "Anyways, you're just in time for breakfast. Here." Spike then served Isaac a plate full of pancakes as he handed them to Isaac.

"Thanks." said Isaac as he took a look at the food in front of him. They seemed like normal pancakes, but Isaac could tell they had a bit of wheat to them. "Right, I remember." What Isaac was referring to was his conversation with Sunset on the train ride yesterday about how being turned into a pony had altered his choice of diet. Meaning that the stuff he normally ate and enjoyed as a human had been changed to suit the needs of a pony. So in short, it meant that Isaac was now a herbivore as he could only eat things that didn't require meat. Which pained him a bit, since that was one thing he liked; but given how his body had changed maybe it was for the better.

Soon he used his magic to cut a piece of the pancake as he held the thing in front of him, he was hesitant on how it would affect his stomach, so he took a deep breath as he prepared himself for the worst. After that bite, Isaac just had his eyes closed as he swallowed it. He was expecting his body to reject the food and possibly have him return it to its rightfully owner; however, he didn't. If anything it seemed to be rather tasty, so Isaac began to nibble away at his food as it came like second nature.

Spike had been watching this from across the table and just rolled his eyes at how Isaac was acting. Of course being a dragon meant that he had a slightly different diet than ponies, one main thing was eating jewels as he had managed to crush some up into tiny pieces and sprinkled them onto his stack of flapjacks. "So, what do you think?" asked Spike.

"Not bad." said Isaac as he finished his plate. "Honestly, I was expecting myself to either throw up or just hate it altogether, but it tasted as if I'd been eating it my whole life."

"Seems that magic that turned you into a pony really is powerful." said Spike. "So, Isaac? Mind telling me something?"

"Like what?"

"Anything? Like what humans do? How different your world is compared to ours? Are their any dragons?" asked Spike as he was intrigued on listening to some stuff from Isaac.

"Well, first off, why are you asking me? I mean, wouldn't Sunset be a better pony to ask?"

"Yeah, but she's... well... a mare. And seeing as how you're technically a stallion/colt, I'd figured I wanted to get your perspective."

"You just want me to answer because basically I'm a boy." said Isaac bluntly.

"Well, yeah. Gees, you really don't blur the lines, do you?" said Spike as he shoved some food in his mouth.

"I just don't like it when people try to sugarcoat shi... I mean stuff." said Isaac as he tried to remember that Spike was still technically a kid, so he couldn't exactly curse heavily in front of the baby dragon. "Well, I guess you could say that we humans are a lot like you dragons. in a way, we're considered at the top of the food chain and we tend to eat both meat and veggies." stated Isaac. "What else, we're both protective of our desired treasures, we're tough, and we... like to... uhm... help out others?" said Isaac with an unsure tone about that last part for comparing dragons and humans.

"Oh really, wow." said Spike a he seemed to buy Isaac's somewhat bluff. "Man, what I wouldn't give to be human." stated Spike. "I can finally grow a couple of feet."

"Oh, trust me, If you had seen what your counterpart looked like when he got transformed into a human, you probably either like it or hate." said Isaac that last part to himself. He watched the little dragon starting to flex his tiny muscles as he imagined being a human and being a tad bit taller.

Soon both of the boys finished their breakfast; Isaac looked at his watch while Spike looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It had been an hour that passed since the two of them had started to talk and mingle with one another, soon Spike started to get to work as he fixed up some breakfast for both girls who were still sleeping. Isaac offered to help him clean up as a way to repay him for making him some food. Spike accepted Isaac's proposal as they got to work, another good thing about having magic is that Isaac was able to juggle multiple things at once. It still took a lot out of him as he wasn't used to this amount of stress on his body and being able to concentrate, but he still found a way. Eventually, they made a stack of pancakes for each of the girls while also serving some eggs on the side and some milk. Spike had offered to clean up with the dishes while he told Isaac if he could deliver the food to the girls. He pulled up a cart as Isaac placed the meals on them as he covered them up. Spike was able to hand Isaac a map of the castle as it showed where each of the girl's room was. So with instructions in his hand, Isaac got to work on delivering the girls their morning breakfast.

Isaac exited out of the kitchen and began to look at the map of the place as he tried to find his destinations. It took a while and couple of wrong turn, but Isaac soon found himself in front of Sunset's room.

"Let's see, make a left turn here, a right turn down the hallway and then it's three doors down. And... we're here." said Isaac as he put the map inside his saddle bag. Isaac then used his hoof to knock on the door hoping to get an answer. He knocked again, but still nothing. He then used his magic to open the door as he peaked his head in to see. Isaac found out that Sunset was still in bed as she had the sheets over her. So he slowly entered the room as he pushed the cart in, being careful to not wake her up, yet.

"Typically, Sunset. Always lazing around." said Isaac in a soft voice. "Alright, time to wake her ass up." said Isaac as he cleared his voice. "Wake up and look at your hair!!!!!" shouted Isaac.

"Huh! AHHHH!!!!" shouted Sunset as Isaac's wake up call seemed to have knocked her out of bed with the covers landing on her as she fell facefirst.

"So worth it, if only I had a way to record that." snickered Isaac as he was proud of what he did.

"Isaac!!! I'm gonna kill you!" shouted Sunset as she didn't like that her friend had to interrupt her sleep.

"Calm down, Sunset. I was just getting you out of bed, besides by the time you wake up, it'll already be noon. Now here, eat up." Isaac then picked up Sunset's breakfast as he placed it on her bed for her to see. He then opened up her curtains a bit as he let some light enter the room.

"Seems you're getting better with your magic." stated Sunset as she was impressed with what Isaac could do.

"Yeah, still I only know the basic stuff to get me by. All that other advanced stuff that you know is way above my level." said Isaac.

"Well, since we're gonna be here for a bit, it couldn't hurt to teach you some more advanced spells in case of emergencies." smiled Sunset as she began to eat away at her food.

"I'll take you up on that offer, since I have magic now, I better abuse this while I can. Cause once we go back, I'm gonna miss it." said Isaac as he began to leave.

"Hey, Isaac." said Sunset. "Thanks." She then wrapped gave a quick hug to Isaac.

"Anytime, now eat up. We've got some business to attend to."

"Oh, one more thing." said Sunset as she nibbled on Isaac's ear once more as she did on the train the previous day.

"Ow, what the hell?" asked Isaac as what Sunset did both hurt and felt good at the same time. "Why did you do that? And more importantly, what does that even mean?" asked Isaac as he was still clueless.

"Don't worry about, boy toy." winked Sunset.

Isaac felt like he should get out of there before something happened, so he left Sunset to finish her breakfast and get ready as he closed her door. "Just what does it mean, when she does that?" asked Isaac. "Can't think about that now, still got one more stop to make. Oh boy." said Isaac as he knew what the last stop was.

Isaac had pulled the map out of his bag and was now walking in the direction of his last stop and it was one that he was hesitant about for reasons. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for Isaac to get there as along the way it felt like he knew where to go despite not looking at the map. Sure enough Isaac found him in front of the door that lead to the princess' room. Isaac was taking some deep breaths as he was talking to himself almost as to psyche him up.

"Okay, you can do this. You can do this, it's just a simple greeting. Nothing more, a simple greeting between two ponies, more importantly a princess, who so happens to resemble my girlfriend. Oh, I'm in trouble." said Isaac as he realized this was a worthless effort. "Okay, focus. Get in and get out. Just drop off her breakfast and then leave. Simple as that. Right, here we go." Isaac then gulped as he knocked on the door. Like with Sunset, there was no answer; Isaac knocked again and still no answer.

That was now making Isaac sweat even more, he knew he couldn't just leave in case something bad had happened to her. So he ultimately decided to check on her, so Isaac used his magic as he opened the door to Twilight's room and slowly enter in with the cart as he quietly closed the door behind her. Upon entering the room was dark due to the curtains that blocked the sunlight from entering the room. Isaac noticed the things inside as it seemed to be things that the princess had a fascination for. Soon he saw the bed as there was the figure all snuggled up; Isaac slowly tip toed over to the curtains as he hoped that by letting in the sun it would wake the princess up naturally. Isaac then pulled back the curtains as the light from the morning sun slowly entered the room and lit it up. The rays of the morning star had landed on Twilight's face as it caused her to turn to her side, but she still remained asleep.

Isaac slowly brought the cart in closer to the bed as he looked at the princess. Despite being royalty, Isaac was able to see that Twilight was still a normal down to earth pony. "She really does look a lot like my Twilight." said Isaac. "Well apart from the obvious things, but even still, she's still beautiful."

Isaac was now staring at Twilight's face as he seemed to be under some sort of spell. He was so enthralled by Twilight's beauty and how she was so similar to his girlfriend back home, that it almost felt like she was here. Her mane and how it seemed to be taken with the proper care, her sleek lavender fur coat that seemed to be perfect no matter what. Her deep purple mane with a cute pink stripe running down the middle of it. Isaac then looked at her flank as it showed off her cutie mark which was a purple star with five white stars surrounding it; he had to admit was kind of adorable. Isaac had been staring for so long that he didn't realize that he was so close to Twilight's lips as he could feel her breath. Isaac felt like his body was moving on its own that he started to close his eyes and was about to kiss her when he heard a yawn that snapped him out of the trance as he fell on his back.

"Morning, already?" said Princess Twilight as she sat up and rubbed her eyes as she stretched her wings. She then looked at the cart in front of her. "Did Spike make me breakfast?"

"Uhm, he did your highness." said Isaac as he was still on the floor.

Twilight looked to where the voice came from and saw that it was Isaac who was still on his back. Twilight felt a bit of redness on her cheeks as she used her magic to help him up.

"Thanks." said Isaac as he dusted his jacket.

"Don't mention it. So did Spike have you deliver this to me?" asked Twilight.

"Oh, uh, y-yes he did your highness." said Isaac as he gave a quick bow to show respect.

"Isaac, I told you, you don't have to call me princess. You can just address me by my name, we're friends." said Twilight in a calm, heartwarming voice.

"Right, your name, Twilight. Y-Yeah." said Isaac as he scraped the ground in front of him.

"Is something the matter?" asked Twilight.

"N-no, just... you should probably eat." said Isaac as he took of the lid and levitated the food towards Twilight.

Twilight was amazed by what Spike was able to make for her as it looked tasty. Isaac had a smile on his face when he saw Twilight's face light up as it kind of warmed his heart. Soon she began to eat it as she enjoyed the taste of it; with his job done, Isaac felt like there was no need for him so he started to walk out of the room. Just as he was about to leave, Twilight called out to him.

"Wait, do y-you mind staying?" asked Twilight as she finished her food. "I just want to look at you."

"Oh, well..."

"I promise it won't take long." said Twilight.

"Well, all right." said Isaac as he closed the door and returned back to Twilight.

Twilight had gotten out of bed and was now standing in front of Isaac as she began to look at him.

"Interesting." said Twilight as she looked at Isaac. She then began to walk around him also like she was some kind of predator. All the while, Twilight was making mental notes for her brain as she absorbed these bits of information. Eventually, Twilight stopped in front of Isaac as she looked at him directly and stared deep into his eyes. This allowed Twilight the opportunity she needed as she was able to obtain some even more info about Isaac. Just as Isaac was about to say something, he felt hot fur press lightly against his body. The poor boy went rigid as he felt Twilight's head rest gently against his chest, her ear flickering ever so slightly, tickling him somewhat.

A gentle "hmmm" vibrated against his begin, followed by the words, "Only one." Twilight removed her head from Isaac's body, and he released a breath he had no idea he had been holding up until now. She then placed a hoof to her chin and gave Isaac a thoughtful expression. A moment or two had passed before she moved again, raising the same hoof to tap the top of his head none too pleasantly.

"Ow." Isaac raised a hoof of his own to rub at the spot where she hit him. Seems despite wearing a cap, it didn't give him much protection when Twilight did her little experiment. It didn't hurt, but it wasn't welcomed at least. "Hey, Twilight, mind telling me why I'm getting checked up like I'm at the doctor's office?"

A blush of embarrassment formed on Twilight's cheeks as she smiled sheepishly. "Oh! Heheh. Sorry, I was just making sure that you weren't an alien or changeling." Her embarrassment peaked as Isaac tilted his head questioningly, repeating what she said in the form of a question.

"Well, I don't know if I can technically be called an alien since technically, I'm not from here. And as for changeling, I don't think I have the power to shapeshift." said Isaac as he let out a small chuckle.

"You know about changelings?" asked Twilight.

"Ehh, more or less. From what I've read from books and seen on shows, I get that they can basically take the form of something or someone." stated Isaac.

"Fascinating." said Twilight as she was impressed by Isaac's level of knowledge and awareness.

Isaac took Twilight's finished plate and placed it on the cart as he began to leave. Twilight stopped Isaac from leaving as she reached for his hoof that had his duel disk on it. Isaac didn't do anything as he allowed Twilight to pull him in as so started to examine it.

"So... this is what's known as a duel disk, right?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah, it's what I use to play Duel Monsters." said Isaac as he looked at Twilight who was rather close to his chest.

"Could you tell me how it works?" asked Twilight as she looked up and stared into Isaac's brown eyes.

"S-sure." said Isaac as he was staring back.

The two ponies just simply looked at each other for a few moments. But for them it felt longer, almost like they were in a trance. Eventually they both noticed how they had been staring at each other that they started to turn red and took a few steps back. They turned their head to avoid any awkward looks as they stood there in silence. Eventually, the dead air was broken.

"I-I think I should go." said Isaac as he turned to leave.

"Y-yeah, I still need to get ready. Well, thanks for bringing me my breakfast." smiled Twilight.

"Don't mention it." said Isaac as he tipped his cap to Twilight.

Twilight giggled at Isaac's action that she approached Isaac and then gently nibbled his ear and pulled it lightly. Isaac was caught off guard by this as he exited the room. Compared to when Sunset did that, Twilight's was a bit more gentle but he still got that same nice feeling that he received when Sunset did it. Isaac quickly got rid of his thoughts as he needed to prepare himself for meeting the other elements of bearers.

After Isaac left her room, Twilight was now blushing all different shades of red. She was starting to mentally hit herself for acting like that. More importantly, she couldn't believe that she did that to Isaac; not that she wasn't against it, it's just that she had never done that before. All these thoughts caused Twilight to have a freak-out inside her head as she quickly got rid of it as she had to get herself ready to introduce Isaac to the rest of the elements.

Eventually, Isaac had made it to the map room as there was Spike sitting there in his chair reading a comic. He noticed Isaac had entered the room.

"So did you get lost?" asked Spike as he looked up from his comic.

"A little." said Isaac.

Soon the doors opened up as in came Twilight who had Sunset alongside her.

"Hey girls." said Spike.

"Morning, Spike. Thanks for breakfast." said Sunset.

"No big deal." he waved his claw.

"Now then, it's time for you to meet the others." When Twilight said that the door opened up once again and standing there was the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Isaac was finally understanding why Sunset didn't fully answer his questions when they were on the train before. "Now I get it." he whispered to her.

"Alright, we're here. So what's this all about!?!" shouted the pegasus that resembled Rainbow Dash.

"Ah don't mean to be madder than a wet hen, Twi. But what's gonna on?" asked the earth pony known as Applejack as she was in the middle of her chores.

"I’m just hoping that it doesn't have anything scary involved." said the other shy pegasus that was Fluttershy.

"Indeed, let's hurry this up please, I've got several orders to finish for Sapphire Shores." stated the unicorn that was Rarity.

"Settle down, everypony." stated Twilight as they all sat in their respective thrones. "Now then... wait, where's Pinkie?"

"I'm right here silly." said Pinkie as he was above them hanging from the chandelier.

"Pinkie, get down from there!!!" shouted Twilight as she didn't want her chandelier to fall.

Pinkie just simply floated slowly down as if she was defy gravity. She then sat in her throne chair as she let out a big smile and let out a squeal. Isaac could see that even this version of Pinkie Pie was just as zany as the one he knew back home. He did noticed her starting to cast a glare at him which got him a bit nervous.

"Now that we're all here. It's time to discuss somethings." stated Twilight. "As you know there have been some 'monster' sights as of late."

"Tell me 'bout. Those rascals have been takin' my vittles!" shouted Applejack as he she angry of her farm being vandalized by some monsters.

"Please, I can take those things with ease." boasted Rainbow.

"Maybe we could talk with them." suggested Fluttershy.

"All that aside, there's too many of them to deal with ourselves. So by order of the princess she's requested some help. She sent two ponies who have history with what we're facing." said Twilight as she pointed to Sunset and Isaac standing there.

All of the mares knew about Sunset as they had met her prior to this, but they were shocked to see somebody else. More importantly, a colt of all people. Isaac just simply waved as to avoid any awkward interactions.

"So, who's the newbie?" asked Rainbow.

"Seriously, did you not hear what Twilight just said?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anything? So tell us, who are you?" responded Rainbow.

Isaac just rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm Isaac. And I'm here to help you out." stated Isaac.

"Howdy, sugarcube. Ah'm..."

"I know who you girls are." said Isaac as he cut off Aj's introduction. "Princess Celestia told me." said Isaac as he came up with a white lie on the spot.

"Fancy that, the princess of Equestria told you." stated Applejack as she looked at Isaac and was using her special talent to see if Isaac was telling the truth.

"Interesting, darling if it's not too much, could you tell me where you got your outfit?" asked Rarity as she was fascinated by Isaac's jacket.

Figures, Rarity would be interested in her own work. "This was actually given to me by a friend, she's an incredible fashion designer." stated Isaac.

"Well whoever they are, has got some fabulous taste. The colors, the design, I'm jealous." said Rarity as she fawned over the piece of clothing. "Do you mind if I take a look at it later?" asked Rarity to which Isaac just shrugged his shoulders.

"Putting fashion sense aside, can we focus on the matter at hand?" stated Twilight as she got everypony's attention. "Now the reason Isaac is here is cause he like Sunset can personally deal with those creatures should they show up. Show them." asked Twilight.

Both Isaac and Sunset showed the duel disk on their front limb as it caused the girls to all go big eyed. They were fascinated by the device on the ponies' left leg as they had never seen something so advanced.

"So when do I get one of those?" asked Rainbow as she felt like having one would make her that much cooler and awesome.

"That's not how it works." said Sunset.

"Indeed, while our magic may have some effect on them. Only Isaac and Sunset can deal with these monsters in a head to head battle." said Twilight.

"So how are you gonna do that?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well, from what I've seen from the encounters I've had. I tend to use my duel disk to summon out my own monsters to fight back. And if necessary, I could always challenge them to a duel." said Sunset.

"A duel? Darling, perhaps you could tell us what that is?" asked Rarity.

"How about a demonstration?" suggested Isaac.

"Yes!!" shouted Twilight as she showed how excited she was for that idea. She cleared her throat and tried to regain her composure. "That's a good idea, Isaac." said Twilight as she was embarrassed for acting like a filly.

Isaac just smiled at Twilight's eagerness as it brought back some memories. "All right, well let's go outside." stated Isaac.

Soon the entire group all found themselves in a pasture next to the castle as they all stood side by side waiting to see what Isaac was going to do. Twilight was so excited for this that she had tons of scrolls and quills ready to take notes as she couldn't contain her excitement. Isaac on the other hand was looking at his duel disk as he tried to figure out how he would turn it on without hands. Seems the mark on his flank did serve as his true talent as Isaac almost immediately knew how to to turn on his duel disk in this world. So he concentrated as he used his magic to power up the device and it soon turned on as it was activated. A gold card tray projected out as it caught Spike and the girls' attention. Isaac then lifted up his front left leg as he normally would in a duel, but he used his magic to pick up the top card and hold it in front of him. He looked at the card and then played it on his card tray.

"Now I summon Beta the Magnet Warrior." shouted Isaac as he placed his card on the tray.

Soon some lights started to come when Isaac played the card and soon out came a robotic monster as it appeared for all to see. Everypony was shocked by what they saw, Twilight was frantically writing down all the things she observed as she was in disbelief. Soon Isaac called back his monster as he deactivated his duel disk.

"So, that's how you do it." said Isaac.

"Incredible!" said Rainbow.

"Land sakes!" said Applejack as she put her hoof to her hat.

"My word, darling."

"Is it safe to come out?" said Fluttershy as she was hiding behind Rarity.

"Oh, man. That was so cool." said Spike as he was the most invested out of the group. He then started to run towards Isaac as he wanted to get a closer look at it. "So, this is how you call out that monster?" asked Spike who had jumped up on Isaac's back to which he nodded. "And these cards are where the monsters come from?" Spike grabbed Isaac's deck as he began to hold them in his claws as he made sure to not scratch of destroy them.

"In short, yes." said Isaac as he addressed the little drake on his back as they walked back to the group.

"Yo, so when can I get one!?!" asked Rainbow as she was like a dog as she had her tongue out in anticipation.

"Hold yer horses, Dash." said Applejack as she grabbed Rainbow by the tail and dragged her back. "Give the new guy some space." said Applejack as she gave Isaac a wink.

"I have so many questions." said Twilight as she rushed over to Isaac and started to bombard him with questions. "Howdiditfeel? Wereyouabletousemagic? Canyousummonmultiplemonstersatonce?" Twilight was so engraved by her questions that she failed to realize that she had her muzzle making contact with Isaac until Sunset cleared her throat. Twilight saw this and immediately back off as she had turned the reddest she had ever been.

"Well..." before Isaac could answer, there was a scream that was heard.

It caused everybody to follow the source of the scream as it was coming from town. So they all galloped to see what was the issue, they arrived in town and saw a couple of ponies running away from town hall as there was some creatures causing some chaos. The group all arrived as they were shocked by the things, for Isaac and Sunset they knew exactly what they were.

"Is that..."

"Goblins?" said Isaac as he finished Sunset's statement.

Apparent there was tons of goblins from the monster card, Goblin Force. It appeared they were looting the town and taking stuff that they thought were personal to the folks of Ponyville. Everything from food, to prized possessions, to even soap. One goblin had raided a mare's closet and he found that he liked to wear some pink bows. Overall, there was a massive array of them as they were causing some damage to the town.

"I'm guessing this is what you ponies mean when you say 'monsters'?" said Isaac.

"Well, regardless these little guys shouldn't be a problem. Still they couldn't have come on their own, someone must be in command of these guys. Who?" stated Sunset. Soon she got her answer.

"Take everything! Leave no stone unturned!" shouted the commander of this force.

"Isaac, is that Ancient Lizard Warrior?" asked Sunset as she directed his attention.

"Tear this place apart!" shouted Lizard Warrior as he destroyed a cart full of carrots.

"Yeah, guessing he must in charge of this little attack." said Isaac as he made his way to confront the monster with Spike and the girls following behind him.

"Pathetic little ponies. Everything is so colorful here, it makes my eyes hurt." said Ancient Lizard Warrior as he couldn't stand all it.

"Hey, lizard boy!" shouted Isaac. "I think you took a wrong turn, the convention for Godzilla rejections is that way." taunted Isaac with a smirk.

"A pony? Get out of the way!" threatened Ancient Lizard Warrior.

"Yeah, I don't think I can. You're causing mayhem in this town and nobody's stopping you. I thought for sure there would be somepony to step up and take you down. Oh well, guess I'll have to do it." said Isaac as he got in position.

"A pony? You're as stupid as you look." said Ancient Lizard Warrior as he showed his arm and had a duel disk. "Be warned little pony, you don't know of the power I have." said Lizard Warrior as he played a monster card on his card tray. "Dispose of that pony." commanded Ancient Lizard Warrior.

"Isaac?" shouted the girls.

Spike just held on to Isaac's neck as he closed his eyes. Sunset just had a smirk as she knew Isaac would be fine. Isaac just stood his ground as he wasn't worried. Just before the monster made contact with Isaac it was stopped in its tracks by a staff. The staff belonged to none other than Isaac's Dark Magician who had appeared to protect his master. Mahad just gave an fierce glare as he wasn't too pleased that he repelled the attack and caused the monster to tumble back as Mahad fired a spell that destroyed it.

"What? But how?" screamed Ancient Lizard Warrior.

"You think you're the only one that can summon Duel Monsters?" smirked Isaac as Mahad stood next to his master.

Spike opened his eyes as he was still on Isaac's back. He was amazed to see that they were unharmed; Spike was even more stunned to see a monster that was standing in front of Isaac as he could only assume that he was the reason they were all safe. The girls were stunned to see one of Isaac's most powerful monsters as he just protect their friend from being attacked. Isaac looked at Mahad and he gave him a smile to show his thanks to which Mahad did the same.

"Now you've done it, you pest. Time to make you pay." said Ancient Lizard Warrior as he activated his duel disk and step forward.

"About time." said Isaac as Mahad disappeared back into his deck. "Hey, Sunset. Think you can handle the little swarms?"

"It's as easy as pie." said Sunset as she turned on her duel disk and slotted in her deck. Her duel disk then ejected a red card tray for her to use.

"Did somepony say pie?" asked Pinkie as she was now licking her mouth.

"Come on out, guys. Red-Eyes Baby Dragon, Gearfried the Red-Eyes Iron Knight, and Red-Eyes B. Dragon!" Sunset then placed her cards on her card tray as out came her monsters. They all let out a cry as they looked at their mistress. "Time to go to work, boys." said Sunset as her monsters got to work taking out the small other goblins in the area. "Twilight, these ponies need help."

"Right, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy. Go help Sunset in getting the others to safety." said Twilight. The girls all understood as they raced after Sunset. "Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, you both are with me. We'll stay in case Isaac needs some back up." stated Twilight to which the two of them nodded.

"Sorry to do this Spike, but I'm gonna need you to get off my back. It could be dangerous." said Isaac as he didn't want to put the little drake in harm's way.

"Understand buddy. Good luck." said Spike as he got off of Isaac's back and ran over to Twilight's side who put her hoof around him like a mother as they all watched Isaac prepare to battle.

"On the bright side, we get to see how Isaac does things in action." said Pinkie as she pulled up a chair and got comfy while eating some popcorn.

"Are you ready, lizard breath?" taunted Isaac.

"Enough stalling!"

"Well then, it's time to duel!!" shouted Isaac as he turned on his duel disk and projected a gold card tray. He then used his magic as he pulled out his deck from his saddle bag and slotted it into the deck compartment. He then took position as he raised his left hoof as he used his magic to draw and hold his cards in front of him.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Ancient Lizard Warrior's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"First move is mine, draw." Isaac used his magic as he picked up his card and looked at his options. "To start, I'll play my Magician's Valkyria in defense mode!" Isaac played his monster as out came a female monster that caused the girls and Spike to be amazed at what they saw.

"Interesting." said Twilight as she took a couple more notes in her head to write down for later.

"Next, I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Ancient Lizard Warrior

"My move," said Ancient Lizard Warrior as he drew his card. "Time to pay for getting in my way. I summon Weathering Soldier(2000/1200) in attack mode." Out came a rock monster that caused all of the ponies and dragon to drop their jaws. "Now Weathering Soldier take out his Magician's Valkyria!"

"I reveal my facedown, Magic Cylinder! Now your attack is negated and you take damage equal to your monster's attack points." shouted Isaac. Two pairs of cylinders came out as one of them absorbed the attack and then the other shot it right back as it collided with Ancient Lizard Warrior as he took some heavy damage.
Ancient Lizard Warrior's Life Points: 6000-

"That was so cool!" shouted Spike. "Did you see the way, Isaac was able to redirect his own attack?" shouted Spike in excitement.

"I'll say! Man, do I really want one now!" said Rainbow in excitement.

Twilight was just taking everything in. Isaac's opponent had a stronger monster and was looking to take his out. But he used a different card to not only protect his monster, but also deal damage at the same time. Fascinating.

"I'm not done, cause I play the spell Specimen Inspection. Now with this I send Shell Knight to the graveyard, then you have to send one monster that's the same level and Type as the monster I discarded from your deck or hand. Let's see you match a Level 4 Earth type."

"Fine, by me." Isaac's screen then showed the options that his deck had as he decided his choice. "I choose to send my Alpha the Magnet Warrior to the grave." Isaac's duel disk then confirmed his choice as it took the card from his deck and sent it towards the graveyard compartment.

"With that I'll place one card facedown and end my turn." said Ancient Lizard Warrior.

"Don't forget about your monster's ability! Weathering Soldier loses 600 attack points when you end your turn." said Isaac. True to his word, Weathering Soldier started to erode as it lose some strength.

Turn 3: Isaac

"My turn, draw. I now play Graceful Charity, so I'll draw three cards and discard two." Isaac then picked up some more cards as he selected the ones he wanted to discard. "Next I'll play Magical Dimension, so now I'll sacrifice my Magician's Valkyria and call upon my Dark Magician!" Isaac then summoned his most powerful monster as it appeared for all to see.

The mares were amazed by the monster Isaac chose to call out; Spike could now get a good look at Isaac's magician as they saw him standing there with such presence. Twilight saw Isaac's face and looked at his monster; Twilight could feel the magic that flowed between Isaac and his magician as she could tell the two of them had been through everything as a team. Twilight was now more interested in Isaac due to how he had a fascination for spellcasters and magicians.

"Now the other effect of my Magical Dimension allows me to destroy 1 monster on your side of the field. So say goodbye to Weathering Soldier. Now that you have no monsters, I'm free to attack. So Dark Magician attack his life points directly! Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted Isaac as his magician pointed its staff.

"I reveal my facedown, Call of Haunted. Now I can bring back a monster from my graveyard in attack mode. So rise once, Weathering Soldier." stated Ancient Lizard Warrior. Soon he had a monster to protect himself as he was able to minimize the damage as Dark Magician's spell took it out.
Ancient Lizard's Life Points: 5500-

"In that case, I'll set one card facedown and play Gamma the Magnet Warrior in defense mode. I end my turn."

Turn 4: Ancient Lizard Warrior

"My draw, now I'll play Fossil Fusion! Now I can fusion summon using cards from either of our graveyards. So I fuse together my Weathering Soldier and your Alpha the Magnet Warrior." Soon a vortex started to appear as both monsters were sucked in as they combined together as the outline of a monster was shown. "I Fusion Summon, arise from the depths of the earth, Fossil Dragon Skullgar(2500/0)!" Out came a fossil-like dragon as it let out a roar. Spike and the mares were surprised with how big the creature was.

"Now I'll play the field spell, Scared Defense Barrier. Now whenever I normal summon a Rock-type monster to my field, I can place 1 'Protection Counter' on it. And should my monster by destroyed, I can remove said counter. Now I'll have my Fossil Dragon Skullgar attack your Gamma. Skullgar's effect allows my monster to deal piercing damage." With that Gamma was struck down by Skullgar's tail as he was destroyed. Isaac held his ground as he lifted his hoof higher to protect himself.
Isaac's Life Points: 7300-

"Now then, I'll place one card facedown and then summon Flint Cragger(800/1600) in attack mode. I end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"Back to me, here goes. Hmm. To start I'll play my Queen's Knight in defense mode. Then I'll play Magic Formula and give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points. Now Dark Magician take out Fossil Dragon Skullgar." commanded Isaac.

"Reveal facedown, Sakuretsu Armor. Now your Dark Magician is destroyed!"

"No!" shouted Isaac as he saw his monster disappear in a blinding light. "When my Magic Formula was sent to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points." said Isaac. "Now I'll place one card facedown and end my turn."
Isaac's Life Points: 8300-

Turn 6: Ancient Lizard Warrior

"Now I play the spell Time Stream. With this I'll change a monster from the Cenozoic Era to the Mesozoic Era. Now I can tribute my Fossil Dragon Skullgar in order to bring out an even more powerful 'Fossil' Fusion monster, so begone Fossil Dragon Skullgar so that I can summon Fossil Warrior Skull Knight(2400/1100)!" Out came a monster that was a skeleton as it had a helmet and wielded a sword and shield. "Now Skull Knight take out his Queen's Knight." Skull King then raised its sword as it took care of Isaac's monster. "Now my Skull Knight's effect activates which allows him to deal piercing damage." Soon Isaac felt the after effect as he stood his ground and covered up with his hoof.
Isaac's Life Points: 7500-

"Then the other effect of my Skull Knight triggers, so since he destroyed your monster in battle, he wage a second attack. So Strike him once more." Skull Knight's eyes glowed red as he locked on Isaac and swung its sword in his direction.
Isaac's Life Points: 5100-

"But I'm not done, cause now my Flint Cragger is also take a bite out of you." With that Isaac noticed another monster coming his head as it showed its jaw bones. Soon it made contact as smoke and dirt were thrown up. Isaac took a big hit as he was sent tumbled into the ground but was able to land on his feet during the roll as he dug in his hoofs into the ground as he skidded along and eventually came to a stop.

"Isaac!?!" shouted Twilight.

The dirt smoke cleared as Isaac was still standing as he let out some breathes. He then turned towards Twilight and gave her a smile to show that he was fine. Twilight was relieved that Isaac was tougher than he looked. Isaac then looked back to his opponent.
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

"Tough little colt. Very well, I'll activate my Flint Cragger's ability. So by sending him to the graveyard, I can deal you 500 points of damage." With that another shot was fired at Isaac as he took another hit to his life points. "Now I'll end my turn with a facedown."
Isaac's Life Points: 3800-

Turn 7: Isaac

"Back to me, draw. First up is my Pot of Greed, so I'll draw two more cards. Now, I've drawn Pallidum Oracle Mahad, so now I can summon him to my field." Isaac now had his trusting monster back as he wore his other outfit. "Next, I'll have him attack your monster." Mahad then had his staff appear as he took out his target.
Ancient Lizard Warrior's Life Points: 5400-

"With that done, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Ancient Lizard Warrior

"My turn, first I'll activate the effect of Skull Knight, now by banishing him from the duel, I can destroy one monster on the field and I choose your Pallidum Oracle Mahad."

"You just triggered my Mahad's effect, since he destroyed by card effect, I can summon the Dark Magician from my hand, deck, or graveyard. Return to me, Dark Magician." Mahad then felt his robes transforming as he soon changed his appearance to appear in his magician's outfit as his hair changed back to purple.

"Don't worry, I'll send him back there. Now then, to start I'll play my Miracle Rapture, so now I send a 1 Level 4 or lower Rock monster from my deck to my graveyard. And since I have Fossil Fusion currently in my graveyard, I can draw an extra card." Ancient Lizard Warrior then sent the card he wanted as he looked to set his plan into motion. "Now I banish, my Fossil Dragon Skullgar to add a 'Fossil Fusion' from my deck to my hand." Now Ancient Lizard had all the things he needed. "Now then I play another Fossil Fusion and with it, I can banish my Flint Cragger and your Pallidum Oracle Mahad in order to fuse them together. I Fusion Summon, make way for Fossil Dragon Skullgios(3500/0)!" Out came what was basically a giant T-rex as it was just its skeleton.

"You know for a bunch of old bones, that thing looks pretty tough!" said Pinkie as she sipped some soda.

"Now my monster time to hunt your dinner! I activate my Skullgios' effect, now I can switch your monster's attack and defense points. Furthermore, any battle damage is doubled. So say goodbye to your Dark Magician!" Skullgios charged at Dark Magician as it opened its jaws and closed them shut on Dark Magician as he exploded into smoke. The attack caused Isaac to fall onto his back as he felt the aftershock.
Isaac's Life Points: 1000-

"Just one more attack your done. Take your turn, you'll need it."

Turn 9: Isaac

"Isaac, you okay?" asked Twilight.

"Never better." he said as he got back up. "Now my turn, draw. Perfect, I'll reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. So now thanks to this trap card, I can bring back my Dark Magician. Next, I play Card of Sanctity, so now each draw till we're holding six cards in our hand." Both duelist then replenished their hands. "Now I play Bond Between Teacher and Student. So I can call upon my Dark Magician Girl!" Isaac was now joined by his other trusting monster as all three of them looked to end this duel.

The mares and Spike were in awe at the sight that laid before them. Isaac standing side by side with his trusting companions sent chills down their spines. Isaac was poised to finish this as he had just the cards to do this. "Now I'll play Eye of Timaeus and with I'll fuse together my Dark Magician with Timaeus." Soon a large dragon came from the sky as Mahad jumped on his back as they both began to combine together in a blinding light. "Now I summon Dark Magician the Dragon Knight!" Down with a thud came Timaeus as he had Mahad as its rider as he wore his suit of armor.

"My monster is still stronger and it doesn't matter which one I destroy cause you'll still take double the damage. That means you'll lose the duel." snickered Ancient Lizard Warrior.

"That's why I play this card, Dark Burning Attack. Now since I control Dark Magician Girl on my field, I can destroy every face-up monster you control!" stated Isaac.


"Do it, Mana!" said Isaac. Mana then lifted her wand high up in the air as she casted her most powerful spell and nuked the entire field of Ancient Lizard Warrior. "Now that you have no monsters left, you're life points are wide open. Lastly, I'll play my Dark Magic Twin Burst, so now my Dark Magician Girl transfers all of her attack strength to my Dark Magician the Dragon Knight. Which means she gives him an extra 2300 attack points. Now guys, let's end this!" said Isaac as he thrusted his hoof out.

"Double Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted all three of them as a powerful attack hit Ancient Lizard Warrior as his life points dropped.

"AHHHH!!!!!" screamed Ancient Lizard Warrior as he was surrounded by a light as he felt himself being defeated and then was gone.
Ancient Lizard Warrior's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

The light died down and soon there was nothing left where Isaac's opponent once stood.

"The captain has been defeated!" cried out of the goblins. "Retreat!" Soon all of them began to fear for their lives as they all tried to run away.

"Time to take out the trash, go get 'em guys." said Isaac as his two monsters were still on the field. With that they both took off as they got rid of the remaining forces in town. Soon all of the goblins were defeated as Isaac and his monsters had managed to protect the town.

"That seems to be the last of them, master." said Mahad on top of Timaeus.

"That's what they get for messing with such cute little ponies. Oh, I can't help it anymore." Mana then grabbed Isaac as she pulled him into her arms and began to snuggle him as she petted her master.

"Mana, your... strength..." said Isaac as he found himself in a strong grip of his Dark Magician Girl.

"Mana! The master!" cried out Mahad.

"I can't help it, he's so cute and fluffy. I mean you were before, but now that you're a pony. It's like a life-sized stuffed animal." said Mana as she began to rub Isaac's head while giving him some kisses.

"Can you at least... let me... catch my breath?" said Isaac as he gasped for air. Soon Mana let go of Isaac as he doing his to return oxygen back into his lungs. "That's... much... better." said Isaac as he regained himself.

While Isaac trying to gain some feeling, Spike along with the girls all rushed towards him.

"Dude, that was wicked." said Spike. "I mean you were all whoosh, and then he was like pow, but you were like nah and then you did blam!" said Spike as he jumped on Isaac's back as was doing some cartoonish moves and sound effects to try to imitate the duel he just saw.

"Thanks." said Isaac as he just let the little guy has his fun.

"Hey now, when can you show me some of those sick moves?" asked Rainbow as she found it impressive of watching Isaac battle.

"Go team!" shouted Pinkie as she appeared in a cheerleader outfit and started to do a victory dance.

"I'm amazed, just the way you commanded that duel. The precision, being able to outsmart and outthink your opponent, not to mention believing in your monsters." said Twilight as she was also impressed by Isaac's battle. "You really were incredible." said Twilight as she let out a small blush.

"Oh, it was nothing." said Isaac with a small red on his face as he looked at Twilight. "But really I couldn't do it without them." said Isaac as he looked to his monsters that were still behind them. "I just trusted they had my back and they came through." smiled Isaac. The others saw Isaac's monsters and they too let out smiles of their own. "Thanks guys." said Isaac.

"Anytime, master." said Mahad as he and Mana disappeared back into Isaac's deck.

"Well, at least the town is safe." said Isaac as he looked the mess that those monsters created. "Though I think it's seen better days."

"Hey y'all." called out Applejack. "Reckon we check on y'all. Sunset managed to drive those little varmints out of town."

"It was simple." said Sunset as she appeared with the rest of the girls. "So, you won the duel, Isaac?"

"Was there any doubt?" smiled Isaac smugly.

"Hey everybody, there's the group of ponies that saved us." said one of the townsfolks. "Three cheers for Princess Twilight Sparkle and her merry band of friends." Soon all the other ponies came out of hiding and began to show their love and affection for the group.

"Don't thank me, thank the real pony who defeated that monster." said Twilight as she pointed at Isaac. It seem that Twilight's comment cause nearly everybody to start to swarm Isaac as they began to say their thanks and bombard him with questions.

"Girls, help!!!" shouted Isaac as he didn't like being surrounded.

"This is perfect, I was gonna throw a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party for Isaac, but I can now change it into 'Thanks for saving the day and fixing the town' party." smiled Pinkie. "This calls for some drastic measures, time to bust out the caramel." said Pinkie with dead serious tone.

The rest of the group and Spike just rolled their eyes as they all tried to help disburse the crowd and help get Isaac some space. If this was an example of the stuff that was to come and explain what's been going on, then Isaac knew he was in for one hell of adventure. But regardless, he was ready. As long as he had his friends to support him, then he was ready for whatever challenge was thrown their way.

Author's Note:

Well, we've finally started a brand new arc. Also 100. 100. I never thought that the first story that I would write on this site that I would be able to reach that milestone. When this story was first coming together, I certainly thought about the idea of it reaching 100 chapters. Now granted it seemed like a ways off, but somehow I managed to do it. I managed to create 100 chapters of content for you guys to read; that alone is something that makes me happy. And the crazy thing is that I still have a couple more ideas that I haven't begun to write about. When it came to writing this story, I had several ideas that I wanted to explore which I'm sure you'll can tell which ones, but for some of the chapters, I just happen to just simply write and whatever came into my head I would write down and then fix it during editing.

Regardless, I thank everybody who has stood by and read this story. My only goal was to create something that everyone could enjoy. Whether it was the dueling, the story, or heck even a specific part of this story that you liked; it makes me happy to know that I could put a smile on your faces. Even just reading a single sentence is enough to make me proud of what I've created. So with that I say thank you and I can assure you that we still have a lot more ahead. Who knows, maybe I'll come up with another 100 chapters, though that probably might seem impossible. But nevertheless, I thank everybody and I'll see you all later.

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