• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 91: Too Hot to Handle

The Gamemaster was currently watching the rest of the screens as they sat in their chair. "Those fools think that because they've won a couple of duels, victory is in sight. Well that couldn't be further from the truth."

"Excellent dueling, Twilight." said Isaac on the monitor.

"Th-Thanks, Isaac." said Twilight as she was still trying to stay warm as she was walking with Spike and Isaac.

"Seems I'll have to take some even more drastic measures if I want to make them pay for what they did to me." said the Gamemaster with an angry look on their face. "However, those last few duels have allowed me some helpful data. By analyzing their attack patterns, I can come up with a solid dueling strategy that is guaranteed to bring me success. I will stop at nothing to make Isaac and Twilight suffer, and if going through their friends is the way then so be it. Besides, they're associated with those two, therefore any friends of them are automatically my enemies! And I can't allow Isaac and his friends to make me look like a failure!" The Gamemaster was then skimming through the many screens.

Sunset was still walking around in the castle that she found herself in. Ever since she awoke, she figured there must be something inside the building to help her either find her friends or tell her how to get out. So she searched every single room and corner of the place, but found no clue.

"It's hopeless. All right, Gamemaster! Show yourself!" Seems Sunset knew that the only way to escape was to beat the Gamemaster at whatever challenge they were going to throw at her. "Well no response, man, where is everybody? I just wonder that wherever they are, they're safe. This is all my fault, I invited them and now we're stuck in a video game where the only way to escape is to beat this Gamemaster. And should we lose, our minds will be trapped here forever." Sunset was starting to feel a bit guilty for being the reason they were trapped.

"I'm sick of dis place!" shouted Sunset as she kicked the wall. Apparently, when she kicked it, a hole started to form and eventually it broke away. "Damn, I knew I was strong, but I didn't think that strong. Either that or these are some cheap walls." Soon the entire wall started to crumble, "Woah-- Real cheap walls! Hey, check it out. It's some kinda door!" said Sunset as the wall fell apart to reveal a giant door in front of her.

"Maybe I should knock... Nah!" Sunset then used her leg as she kicked the door open. "Seems all those karate lessons that Rainbow Dash taught me are really paying off." Sunset then began to walk through as all she saw was nothing but darkness, then she saw what appeared to be the room that they all started in. "Jackpot! I found the room where the Gamemaster had all of us trapped in before they split us up and that must be the way out," said Sunset as she looked at a portal, "Here we come, real world! I bet the gang's already waiting for me!" Sunset then rushed through the portal as she soon found herself back in her room.

"It seemed to work, I'm back in my house. But where's everybody? Hey-- Anyone here?" called out Sunset. "Guess not." She then noticed Isaac standing a few feet away from her as he was looking out the window of her house. "Isaac, I'm glad I found you. I thought we never would have escaped; I'm sorry for bringing this all on you and the girls." said Sunset as she put her head down.

"It's alright, Sunset. As long nobody got hurt, then everything is okay." mentioned Isaac as he still had his back to Sunset.

"That's a relief. Speaking of which, where is everyone? Where's Twilight?" she asked.

"Why should we worry about them? You're all that I care about." said Isaac.

"What? No... this isn't right. I know you, you would never abandon our friends. More importantly, Twilight." Sunset was now slowly backing away from Isaac, who still had his back turned.

"Why care about Twilight? You're the one that I truly love."

"Okay, I know for a fact that I love to flirt and tease Isaac to mess with Twilight. But there's no way he would ever say something like that, nor would I go behind Twilight's back to steal her boyfriend away." said Sunset as she was starting to piece together somethings. "Who are you, really?"

"Guess the gig is up." said Isaac as he turned to face her with his voice sounding different. He then began to change as standing there was now a girl who wore a cloak and wielded a staff as fire came from behind her.

"Who are you, anyway? Tell me now!" demanded Sunset.

"In case you've forgotten, I'm the Gamemaster. Ruler of this domain and person who's deciding all of your fates. If you would just take my card, it's all there." said the Gamemaster as they made business card appear between their fingers and tried to offer it to Sunset.

Sunset wasn't interested as she just swatted it away, "Save it! I'm not in the mood to talk, I want to know what you've done with my friends."

"Ha, ha." snickered the Gamemaster. "I can assure you that you're friends are perfectly fine, you on the other hand, are not."

"Oh yeah! Why's that?" demanded Sunset.

"Because we're about to duel and once I beat you, your mind will be trapped in here forever!"

"Well there's no way that's going to happen. I plan to defeat you and once I've done that me and my friends are escaping from this virtual prison!" stated Sunset.

"It's funny thinking that you actually stand a chance, you haven't realized that you've already lost before the first card has been drawn."

"Enough! Look I've had it with you! All your talking is making me dizzy, Gamemaster!" shouted Sunset.

"Then I'm doing my job, Ms. Shimmer." said the Gamemaster as it took pride in that statement.

"Well, listen to me!" said Sunset as she got in the face of the Gamemaster. "I say talk is cheap! So put your money where your mouth is! When you dragged us here you said we were gonna be dueling, so I'd said let's get to it so I kick your candy ass all over this god forsaken virtual world!" shouted Sunset as she was now fired up.

"Very well. Observe." smiled the Gamemaster with a smug look.

"Hey-- Why's the room spinning?" asked Sunset as she noticed their surroundings were begin to change.

"It's simple, I'm taking you to our dueling site, of course." The Gamemaster then changed the scene as they found themselves on top of a volcano with the two of them in the center as they were standing on platforms of rock. All around them, lava surrounded as the heat and flames could be felt by Sunset.

"What's goi' on here?" asked Sunset.

"I see you've got a red hot temper, Miss Shimmer. Not to mention the burning passion and fire in your eyes. So I'd figured why not duel in a place that resembles that red-hot passion. And what better place than a volcano? It matches your flames of fury as you're ready to bust out into a raging inferno."

"Be careful what you wish for, Gamemaster. You play with fire too much, you're gonna get burned really quick!" said Sunset as she was showing that spitfire desire as she flipped her hair. "And on a serious note, I won't lose!"

"I believe you'll change your tune, once you've had the opportunity to see what my Deck Master can really do." said the Gamemaster as it merged with Fire Princess.

"It's an improvement at least..." taunted Sunset. "But it's not gonna help you win this duel!"

"Now then, it's time for us to choose our decks from the card database so we can begin this duel." said Fire Princess.

Soon all the cards appeared in front of Sunset, "Woah! Cool." she said as she was in awe for a bit.

"Simply raise your right hand..."

"I know what to do!" shouted Sunset as she interrupted the Gamemaster. With that Sunset began looking through the cards as she selected the ones she wanted.

This duel is in the bag. I've researched your deck extensively and I know exactly what cards you'll choose, fool. The Gamemaster was just watching Sunset pick her cards as she had a smile forming on her face.

"All right! Let's do this!" stated Sunset as her deck she created appeared in her hand.

"Before we begin, you have to choose a monster from your deck to serve as your Deck Master." informed the Gamemaster as Fire Princess.

"Whatever." said Sunset as she rolled her eyes. "This shouldn't be too hard." Sunset then looked through all her monster cards that she selected as she was figuring out which one she wanted to serve as her Deck Master. "Folks, we have a winner! So... meet my Deck Master Black Metal Dragon!" said Sunset as her monster appeared by her side. "As long as this guy's standing next to me, Gamemaster, there's no way I can possibly lose this!" stated Sunset with a fist pump.

"As you know, I will be acting as my own Deck Master," said the Gamemaster as she reeled back in Sunset's attention, "and the monster that I've chosen to take the form of is Fire Princess. So now... let the games begin. And let the inferno rage on!" said the Gamemaster as she activated her duel disk.

"Think you can put this flame out, well prepared to be scorched!" exclaimed Sunset as she activated her duel disk projecting a red card tray as she slotted in her deck. All around her the lava began to bubble and shift as it matched Sunset's determination.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Fire Princess' Life Points: 8000-

Sunset's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Fire Princess

"Since we're in my world, I'll begin this duel." said Fire Princess. "Watch and learn. Now, I summon Darkfire Solider #1(1700/1150)!" Out came a monster as it's upper body was shown while the rest of it was covered in flames. "That's all."

Turn 2: Sunset

"That's the most weak turn, I've ever seen! With moves like that, beating you will be a breeze." taunted Sunset.

"Silence! It's time for you to play your first card." demanded Fire Princess.

"Well, excuuuuuuuuse me, princess!" taunted Sunset as she drew her card. "Here goes!" Gearfried, the Red-Eyes Iron Knight! Sunset then looked at her duel disk as it told her a message which proved useful.

"I summon Gearfried, the Red-Eyes Iron Knight! And thanks to my Deck Master's special ability, he gets a power boost! So now my Black Metal Dragon can transfer 600 extra attack points and I give them to my Gearfried. Gearfried-- Attack her Darkfire Soldier #1, now, with Metal Forearm Thrust!" shouted Sunset. Her monster received its command as it took out its target with ease.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 7300-

"He shoots, he scores! Nothing but net!" said Sunset as her monster returned to her side. "Thanks, big guy." Gearfried just simply bowed his head to show its respect for his mistress.

Turn 3: Fire Princess

She used her Deck Master's special ability right away. Not bad. But this duel had only just begun! "My move..." said Fire Princess. "I'll place this monster facedown in defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 4: Sunset

"Big deal." said Sunset as she wasn't amused by the Gamemaster's move. I'll admit making that choice served me well. I can be able to add 600 attack points and give them to my monsters. "Now I'll play The Black of Legend, then I'll use its effect so that I can summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!" Soon the lava around Sunset began to ripple as out came her ace monster as the lava was running down its body like water. Red-Eyes let out a mighty cry as the scent of molten lava could be smelled; Red-Eyes then took its position next to its owner as it bent its head down for Sunset to pet. "Hey there, boy. Here to help mamma." Red-Eyes let out a calming roar.

"Good." Sunset then gave her dragon a kiss. "So what do you say we try this again, huh? Check this out! One more time, princess! I'll move 600 attack points from my Deck Master to my Red-Eyes, and then I'll attack your facedown card! Smash it Gearfried!" shouted Sunset. Gearfried received his orders as it cleared the way by taking out Fire Princess' defense.

"It looks like you destroyed my Skelengel. This lets me draw one card." said Fire Princess as she drew her card.

"You'll need it... cause you're outta monsters! Which means, I can do this now! Red-Eyes! Attack her highness' life points directly! Inferno Fire Blast!!" shouted Sunset. Red-Eyes obeyed its owner's command as it opened its mouth and shot off a fire ball made of lava as it connected with Fire Princess.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 4300-

"So... having fun, Sunset?" asked Fire Princess.

"No, I'm having a terrible time kicking you around the lava pool!" laughed Sunset sarcastically. "Of course I'm having fun and this duel is just beginning, Gamemaster! Too bad you won't have anything to celebrate when I win." said Sunset with a smile on her face.

Foolish girl. She doesn't realize that I've let her get ahead. For it's not the beginning of the duel that counts, it's the final result!

"Come on! What are you waiting for, Gamemaster?" asked Sunset.

Turn 5: Fire Princess

I just like to watch my opponent squirm. Wait until she feels the wrath of my next move. "I summon Fire King Avatar Garunix(700/1700) in defense mode!" Out came a bird as it spread its wings as the flames around it died down with a bit staying on its tailfeathers. "And then I'll place one more card facedown. Any questions?"

Something is up, why is she just playing defense? I've got to be careful.

Enjoy this while you can, Sunset. For when the duel is over, you'll be left with scorch marks while your mind is trapped in this virtual prison!

"I'd give anything for a hot chocolate." said Spike. He along with Isaac and Twilight were currently walking in hopes of finding the others.

"M-me too... I just hope that the others are safe." said Twilight as she was still freezing.

Spike zipped up even more of his sweater as he did his best to keep warm. "Being temporary turned into a human has its downsides as I don't have my usual fur coat to keep me w-warm." said Spike.

"Y-you t-think that's bad. Try having nothing but wearing a skirt and a t-t-shirt." said Twilight as she rubbed her arms to keep warm. "I-I still can't believe that you're a human, Spike. And that y-you got to compete in a d-duel."

"W-well, it wasn't that bad. I had Isaac there to guide me, plus all that time I've spent listening to you actually came in handy."

"Y-yeah. God, it's freezing!" shouted Twilight.

"Here, take my hoodie." Isaac then took off his sweater as he placed it on Twilight's shoulders as it warmed her up a bit more.

"You're a total lifesaver, Isaac!" Twilight leaned in as she gave him a kiss. "Thank you. But aren't you cold?"

"It's okay. Being from Chicoltgo, I'm used to the weather being cold and I can tolerate it a bit longer." said Isaac with a smile as he tried to uplift Twilight's spirits. He then looked away as he was thinking of something.

Twilight noticed this, "Hey... you're worried about everyone else aren't you?"

"Yeah, I'm just worried about how our friends are doing. I mean, I almost lost you if it wasn't for my magicians. I'm just thinking about the others like Pinkie and Fluttershy; sure they've dueled, but compared to us, they aren't ones to always get hyped for a duel. Especially, Pinkie." Isaac was then thinking about how Pinkie was still trying to master that new deck of hers.

"True. But if I can beat the Gamemaster in my first duel, then I have a feeling they'll be fine." stated Spike.

"Yeah, you're probably right." said Isaac. Just then he began to hop between his feet as he started to get a bit cold.

"You okay?", asked Twilight, "You sure you don't want your coat back?"

"N-nah, I'm f-fine." shivered Isaac as he did his best to downplay the cold temperature. "L-let's just keep moving, alright?" suggested Isaac as the three of them kept on walking. "Let's just hope that all our friends found each other and they're pulling together to find a way out of this place!"

"Yeah, those guys always have each other's back." stated Spike. "I'm sure they're gonna be just fine!"

"Of course they are! Now let's get moving." said Twilight as the three continued moving forward while keeping each other warm.

Back with Sunset...

"It's your move." said Fire Princess

Turn 6: Sunset

"You've got it! Now look out!." said Sunset as she drew her card. Okay, so what's my plan here? She's got one monster on the field... and one card facedown. So first things first. I gotta get rid of her monster! "I summon Red-Eyes Wyvern! Pretty impressive lineup I've acquired, right? Well time for you to get a first look at them, all right, Wyvern... Time to crush her Fire King Avatar!" shouted Sunset as she thrusted her hand out.

"I reveal my facedown card!"

"Aw man-- That's not good." said Sunset.

An amateur move on her part. Time to show Sunset likes it when the heat is turned up! "Reveal, Firestorm Rage."

"What's happening!?!" asked Sunset.

Soon the lava around her started to exploded as the volcano began to rumble. Then a huge wave of lava and fire came at Sunset as her monsters put themselves in front of her to avoid Sunset getting severely hurt by the molten liquid. However, by doing so, Sunset's monster let out a cry of pain as they were washed away by the lava.

"Easy by giving up 1000 life points, this card allows me to burn away every single one of your monsters on the field." stated Fire Princess.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 3300-

"What, no way?" said Sunset in shock.

"And there's more! In addition, to you losing your monsters, you then take 500 points of damage for each monster that was burned alive. So that means, you're taking 1500 points of damage! I told you would get burned and now let's see how you handle these red-hot flames!!" shouted Fire Princess as her facedown card then shot a pillar of fire as it surrounded Sunset who used her arms to cover up as she could feel the heat from the flames.
Sunset's Life Points: 6500-

"I still have more life points than you do." Minor setback, but I can recover from this. Just like Isaac taught me, it's not over as long as I have life points to spare and cards to play. What do we got here? Sunset was now looking at her options. This could help, A Bottomless Hole trap card! This card allows me to remove any monster from the field with 1500 attack points or more... sweet! This could come in handy in case, she tries to summon something powerful. "Now I'll set one card facedown and end my turn!"

The trio were still traveling through the icy terrain while trying to keep warm. Soon Twilight saw something that caught everybody's attention.

"Woah, check it out!" she shouted. "Isaac, Spike, look! It's some kind of a doorway!"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go! Any place is better than here!" yelled out Spike as he had enough of the cold weather and being a human without his usual fur coat as a dog.

"You heard Spike. Let's move it, god! It's freaking cold!" said Isaac.

"I wonder where it leads!" shouted Twilight as she ran in front of the boys as they ran past the doors and enter through the other side. Seems that doorway had led the three of them to the location of Sunset's duel as they were now standing on the outer edge of the volcano looking on.

"Who let in the draft?" said Sunset as she looked behind to feel the cold air hit her back.

"Can it be?" said Twilight.

"It's Sunset!"

"Hey, Isaac-- Twilight! And... Spike?" Sunset was confused on seeing that Spike was now human. "Was there something I missed? More importantly, where have you'll been?"

"Silence! We're still engaged in a duel!" said Fire Princess.

"You're in a duel? With her?" asked Spike.

"Yep, only it's not against her. But rather against the Gamemaster. And you're just in time for me to show this guy why I'm the burning phoenix that never dies out!"

Turn 7: Fire Princess

"I believe it's my turn! So the rest of you pipe down! As soon as I'm done with Sunset, I'll then take my revenge on all you three once again. And this time I promise to make you suffer, especially you Isaac." said Fire Princess as she looked at him with a death glare. "You're lucky that I don't throw you three into the lava right now!"

"Leave them alone!" shouted Sunset as she was defending her friends. "After all you should be focusing on me, cause I'm about to win this duel and get us one step closer on getting us back home."

"This doesn't look too good. Sunset has no monster and it's this girl's turn." said Isaac as he surveyed Sunset's situation.

"Come on, Sunset." said Twilight in a worried tone as she gave Isaac back his signature hoodie.

"Now then I'll play the spell card, Polymerization and with I'll fuse together the Mystical Elf and Curtain of the Dark Ones. I fusion summon, meet Kamionwizard(1300/1100)!" said Fire Princess.

"Aw man! Her monster only has 1300 attack points! My trap is useless against monster that have fewer than 1500!" Sunset was a bit upset that she could use her card as she was banking on the Gamemaster to summon a powerful monster.

"Next I'll play a little spell card known as Sinister Justice! Now Kamionwizard attack her life points directly!" shouted Fire Princess. Kamionwizard leapt high into the air as it brought its scythe down on Sunset who put her arms up to block the attack.
Sunset's Life Points: 5200-

"Oh no, Sunset!" the trio shouted from behind.

Sunset had dropped to her knees as she felt the brute of the attack. She was now breathing heavily as she looked at her opponent. She was also dangerous close to the lava as she was just a few inches away from her fingertips touching the hot stuff.

"Lucky move, Gamemaster."

"Sunset's in big trouble!" said Isaac.

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

"As long as Sinister Justice is on the field, Fire Princess gets 800 extra life points everytime she attacks Sunset's life points with her Kamionwizard!" explained Isaac.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 4100-

"Wait, what?" asked Sunset as she was trying to register what Isaac just said.

"Your boy toy is correct!" said Fire Princess.

"Hey, only I get to call Isaac my 'boy toy'!" said Sunset as she took offense for someone else calling Isaac by her cute nickname she had given him.

"But that's not all, I'll place this card facedown to seal your doom! And then activate my Deck Master's ability. Now since I've taken the form of Fire Princess, whenever I gain life points you take 500 points of damage! Hope you can stand this searing pain!" Fire Princess then lifted her staff and shot out a fireball as it collided with Sunset who was dropped to her knees as her clothes smelled of ashes and ember.
Sunset's Life Points: 4700-

"Now both of them are about even." noticed Spike.

"If it wasn't for that trap card, I would have won this duel. Now everytime she attacks me, she gets stronger and stronger! While my life points keeping getting burned away bit by bit! You planned this all along, didn't you, Gamemaster?" demanded Sunset.

"Of course! But I have far worse in store for you, Sunset!" chuckled Fire Princess as she let out an evil laugh.

Turn 8: Sunset

"Oh yeah-- We'll just see. My move!" said Sunset. "All right, what to do? To start, I'll activate the effect of The Black of Legend in graveyard. So I'll add it to my hand and shuffle my Red-Eyes B. Dragon back into my deck." Sunset's duel disk then ejected her cards as she added one to her hand and put the other on top of her deck as the autoshuffler kicked in. Her facedown card is probably a trap, but right now my bigger concern is getting a monster on the field to protect me. Cause if I don't, I'm wide open to an attack and thanks to her Deck Master ability, whenever she gains life points I lose 500. "Now I play Cards of the Red Stone, so I'll send 1 Level 7 'Red-Eyes' from my hand and deck to draw 2 more cards. Then I'll play Giant Soldier of Stone in defense mode and place one card facedown. That's if for me, princess."

Turn 9: Fire Princess

"You're up to something. Oh well... I'm not too worried." said Fire Princess as she drew her card. "Because I have this card! Ready, Sunset? I play the card, Burning Spirit! This card allows me to add 800 attack points to any monster that I choose. So my Kamionwizard is now stronger than Giant Soldier of Stone! Wizard, attack now!"

"Not so fast, you triggered my trap! Go Negate Attack! Now your the battle phase ends!"

"I don't think so, reveal my facedown. Counter Counter! Not your trap is destroyed/negated and my attack continues." Kamionwizard then brought its weapon down as it took out Sunset's stone monster.

"No, my monster!"

"Once again you have no monsters on the field. And as for me, you remember my Sinister Justice card, don't you? It gives me another 800 life points. Which in turn activates my Deck Master's special ability, so now you lose another 500 life points." Fire Princess then shot another fireball at Sunset who put her arms up to block the flame.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 4900-

Sunset's Life Points: 4200-

"Not again!" said Sunset as she got back to her feet.

"That will happen everytime my Kamionwizard attacks your life points!" stated the Gamemaster.

"Stop this guy!" shouted Spike.

"You almost had her beat once! Until she turned things around and whooped you!"

"Gee, thanks..." said Sunset.

"Enough backseat talking, make you're move!"

Turn 10: Sunset

The Gamemaster's got me right where she wants me! Thanks to her Burning Spirit card, her Kamionwizard gets a power boost of 800 points! Which means it has a grand total of 2100 attack points! All in terms of monsters, the only ones I have in my hand are my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon as well as my Black Stone of Legend. Neither of them are exactly top contenders to take out that Kamionwizard; I could use my Black Stone of Legend to summon back my Red-Eyes, but she still has that Firestorm Rage trap card. All she has to do is give up 1000 life points and she can wipe out my field and then everything will trigger, she'll attack me with Kamionwizard and gain life points while I lose more life points. What to do?

"What's the matter? Did little miss Sunset use up all of her best monsters during the first few moments of the duel?" snickered Fire Princess.

"Shut up!" shouted Sunset as she ticked off. The truth is I did! And now I'm paying the price...

"Well then... Make your move."

"All right fine, Gamemaster." Sunset then drew her card as she looked at it. "Now I summon my Red-Eyes Baby Dragon in defense mode! And then I'll throw one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 11: Gamemaster

"It's my move and I activate the effect of my Firestorm Rage trap card, so now by giving up 1000 life points, I can wipe out your entire field. And remember for every monster I destroy using this card, you lose 500 more life points."
Fire Princess' Life Points: 3900-

Sunset's entire field was covered in flames as she could feel the searing heat from both the lava and the fire. Sunset let out a scream as she felt the embers touch her skin.
Sunset's Life Points: 3700-

"Sunset!" shouted Isaac as he was concerned about her.

"I still have my facedown, reveal Scapegoat! Thanks to this card, I receive some tokens to protect myself." said Sunset.

"Are those fur-balls suppose to frighten me? I'll have them roasted from this duel in no time! This ought to do for starters, now then I'll play Pot of Greed. I bet you wish you'd drawn this card, don't you, Sunset? Now I'm able to draw two new cards, which is something that you need to do quite desperately!" said Fire Princess as she drew her cards. "Now I'll get rid of my Firestorm Rage trap card, by doing so I can add draw one card from my deck. Then I'll play the spell Fusion Recovery which allows me to add Polymerization and a monster from my graveyard back to my hand. Then I'll use Polymerization to fuse together my Fire King Avatar Garunix and my Berlineth the Firestorm Vassal, I fusion summon my Fire Warrior of the Ablaze(1400/700)!"

"Wow, big deal Gamemaster. I was expecting something with more power." said Sunset as she was unamused by the monster that the Gamemaster choose to summon. "Your monster is weak and doesn't have a special ability!"

"Guess you forgot about my Burning Spirt card, I can be able to give 800 attack points to my monsters when they attack. So now it kicks in as I power up my Kamionwizard as it tears down your first Scapegoat!" Kamionwizard then raised its scythe as it brought it down on Sunset's first token by slicing it in half. "Now it will increase the strength of my Fire Warrior of the Ablaze as it eliminates your second Scapegoat!" With that the Gamemaster had its second monster take down another one of Sunset's goat tokens as it was cut in one fell swoop of its weapon.

"Two down... and two more Scapegoats left!"

"Not if I stop you first!"

Turn 12: Sunset

"My turn," Sunset then looked at her hand as she tried to figure out her plan. "I'll place this card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 13: Fire Princess

"That's all!?!" shouted Spike.

"Sunset doesn't have many left options left." said Twilight.

I hope you have a plan Sunset; I don't want to lose you. Isaac was concerned about Sunset's predicament.

"Now... Time to destroy one more Scapegoat!" said the Gamemaster as she drew her card. Her Burning Spirit card then kicked in as Kamionwizard then powered up as it received 800 more attack points; it then brought its scythe down one final time as it got rid of Sunset's third Scapegoat. "And last but not least, I'll enhance the strength of Fire Warrior of the Ablaze once more and dismiss your last Scapegoat!" Just like that Sunset's field was completely empty as the Gamemaster's monster took out her fourth and final line of defense.

"Check and mate!" snickered Fire Princess. "So... do you admit defeat?"

"Like hell I would!" shouted Sunset. "This duel isn't over until your life points are the ones to burn out, Gamemaster! No way am I'm giving up! Not a chance in hell!" shouted Sunset as kicked a rock next to her ."Ow! Note to self: do not kick virtual molten rock." said Sunset as she felt a pit of pain from her action.

"Come on, Sunset. You got to believe that you can win." Spike was doing his best to give her a lift of confidence.

Turn 14: Sunset

"Alright, my turn." said Sunset as she still had a determined look on her face as she drew her card. "Time for me to win this duel."

"It seems you really are as foolish as you look because you're about to lose everything, Sunset. Cause once I beat you, your mind will be sentenced to wander this cyber universe for all eternity without bail!"

"Ha, ha. Oooh... Wow I really should be scared, in fact I'm shaking in my boots. You're real tough!" taunted Sunset. "Here's the thing Gamemaster, try as you might, you'll never intimated me. Why, cause I'm one badass bitch! Now let's finish this duel! Draw!!" Sunset then drew her card as she had a slight smile on her face, "Well... looky here! I think my luck is beginning to change now!" said Sunset as she showed the card she drew.

"All right!" shouted Spike.

"Pot of Greed lets me draw two cards. Sweet! These two bad boys right here are just what I need. Time to bring this duel to a close! First, I move my Deck Master! Black Metal Dragon, go to the center of the playing field so I can use you to attack this princess!" said Sunset.

"Is that a wise move?" asked Spike. "Once Black Metal Dragon is destroyed, Sunset will automatically lose the duel."

"To think that the dog has more sense than you do, quite embarrassing." chuckled the Gamemaster.

Sunset just had a sly smile on her face, "Who said I'm done? Now I'll boost my Black Metal Dragon's power with Burning Soul Sword!"

"Not so fast! You need to sacrifice a monster for Burning Soul Sword to work."

"Hey, what makes you think I don't know how my own card works? Do you know who the hell you're talking to? You're right, first I have to select a monster. And then whichever creature's holding the Soul Sword gets more attack points! In this case, that's my Black Metal Dragon." stated Sunset.

"I stand corrected however you seem to have forgotten about one major fact about your strategy that will prove to be most unfortunate, Sunset. Look at the field! You have no monsters left to sacrifice, you fool! And I can guess that in your hand, you don't have a powerful monster that can allow you to win this duel. So your plan won't work!" said Fire Princess as she let out a witch like cackle as she was smiling.

"I'm not through yet! I still got this little number left! My Arduous Decision card!" said Sunset as she held it up high for all to see.

"Talk about risk! If this doesn't work, she could lose the entire duel to the Gamemaster right now, guys!"

"But how, Isaac?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah, what about that card is risky?" said Spike as he needed an explanation.

"Let me explain, playing that card allows Sunset to draw two more cards from her deck and that's where things get tricky! Cause then the Gamemaster has to pick one of those two cards. If she chooses a monster, Sunset can summon it. But should she choose anything else, it goes to the graveyard and Sunset's turn is over."

"You're kidding!?!" said Spike and Twilight as they were shocked.

Alright, time to see if this works. It's make or break time... Here we go!!! Sunset then picked up her two cards as she looked at them. Sunset then put the cards behind her back as she traded them between her hands. After a few moments she then held each card out in her hands as it project a larger hologram in middle of the field for all to see. The backs of the cards were now in front of Fire Princess as she had to make her decision.

"Well... your choice!" said Sunset with a smug look. "If you haven't figured it out yet, the outcome of this entire duel depends on this one move! Which means that our fate will be decided by chance and more importantly, by whatever you choose."

"Your fate was sealed the moment we met!" replied the Gamemaster.

"Just pick a card, Gamemaster! And quit your stalling already!" sounded off Sunset. "Come on, it's not a tough choice! There's two cards, it's not like it matters." said Sunset with some snarky sarcasm. "Of course, if you choose a monster I can sacrifice it to power up my dragon and blast away the rest of your life points!"

"Yes, but if I choose a spell or trap card then your puny dragon remains weak and I'll destroy it, thus winning the duel!"

"Come on! What're you gonna do here? We ain't got all day!" Sunset was really starting to get impatient. "Choose! Right or left hand. The time is now!" shouted Sunset.

Seems Sunset's bantering was causing the Gamemaster to really think and focus on what card she should select. Sunset just keep a calm, tough face as she enjoyed the torture she was causing them; though she was still a bit worried if the worst was to happen. Regardless, the lava around the duelist started to bubble some more as each second passed by.

"Come on, pick a god damn card already."

"Spike, watch your mouth." shouted Twilight.

"Sorry, but all this suspense is driving me crazy! I can't this anymore!"

"Well, if you can't take it just imagine how Sunset feels right now!" informed Twilight as both of them gave a nod.

"Shush, it's happening." said Isaac as he watched on with intense focus.

"Hurry up!!!!" yelled Sunset. "The more you put it off, the harder it gonna be! Just pick a card, Gamemaster!"

"All right, all right." said Fire Princess as she was sweating a bit.

"Yeah-- I'm waiting."

"I pick your left hand." said the Gamemaster.

"Are you sure?" said Sunset with a straight face while slowly lifting it a bit higher. "I mean really sure?"

"I'm sure. That's an old trick but a good one. However, I won't be fooled by your childish antics! You asked me twice if I was sure. Your hesitation proves I've made the right choice!" informed the Gamemaster.

"Okay." said Sunset with bluntness in her voice.

"Little info about me, I've spent years and years convincing people that lies were the truth, so you have little chance of outwitting me, Sunset! I'm positive I haven't picked your monster card. So this duel is over! Now please show me the card in your left hand."

"Heh." Sunset gave out one of those small laughs that sounded like the Gamemaster chose wrong. It worked as it made the Gamemaster quickly rethink its decision.

"No wait!"


"Ah... I change my mind!" pointed Fire Princess at Sunset's other hand.

"The right hand, then?" Sunset then flipped the card over as it was her Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon. "That's gotta suck." said Sunset with so much sass as the Gamemaster was left with a gasp for picking wrong. "You chose my monster card known as Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon!" Sunset then played her card as it came out of the hologram cards that were projected and then joined Sunset on her field. "And just so you have some closure, it wouldn't have matter what card you picked." Sunset then showed off her other card as it was her Summoned Skull.

"Way to hustle the Gamemaster, Sunset." said Isaac as he was impressed by what she was able to do.

"So now I'm able to sacrifice my dragon and add their attack points to my Deck Master, Black Metal Dragon, thanks to the power of my Burning Soul Sword!" Black Metal Dragon then absorbed Sunset's dragon as it was covered in head to toe in gold as its strength rose to 3000 attack points.

"But I'm not done, cause next I play The Black Stone of Legend and then tribute it to summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon." The egg then cracked and when it hatched out came Sunset's top dragon as it let out a mighty cry for all to hear as the volcano and lava around them rumbled. "Next, I'll reveal my final facedown, Red-Eyes Fang with Chain. Now my dragon can attack up to two monsters in this one battle."

"All right!" shouted Spike.

"She did it!" cheered Twilight.

"You wanted to feel the heat? Well hope you're ready cause you're about to see just how hot I can get. Time to feel the power of a raging inferno! Now my monsters take out Fire Princess as well everything else. Attack!!!" shouted Sunset as she trusted her hand out. Red-Eyes then unleashed a powerful attack as it took out Fire Warrior of the Ablaze and Kamionwizard, while Black Metal Dragon opened its mouth and fired off a fireball that traveled over the lava. The heat from the lava actually made it more powerful as it got bigger and bigger, soon it made contact with the Gamemaster.

"This can't be! No!!" The fireball then hit Fire Princess as she was being set on fire and being consumed by the flames. "AHHHH!" With that there was a blinding light as the Gamemaster disappeared.
Fire Princess' Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset Shimmer

"All right!" said Sunset as she fell down.

"Sunset!" shouted the trio as a pathway for them to reach Sunset's rock appeared.

Isaac got there and he laid Sunset in his arms as they all tried to make sure she was okay. "Hey, Sunset. You okay?" asked Isaac.

Sunset opened her eyes as she saw her friends next to her. "I won."

"Yes, you did." said Spike as they both did a fist bump.

"So how did I do?"

"Honestly, that performance was muy caliente." said Isaac.

"Thanks, boy toy." Sunset then gave a quick kiss on Isaac's cheek as he helped her up.

"We're just glad you're safe." said Twilight as she gave her friend a hug.

"Thanks, wait! We still have to go find everyone else!" Sunset stated.

"Yeah, the Gamemaster might be targeting one of them right now. Everyone who's trapped here... we're all in this." said Isaac.

"Right, so let's go." Just then the volcano began to rumble as it caused all of them to try to not fall over, "Cause I have a feeling this place is about to blow!!" shouted Spike.

"This way!" shouted Twilight as she pointed to the set of doors they came through.

The group all then began to run back over to the door, as the volcano was now shooting bits of molten rock and lava as it was landing next to them. All four did their best to avoid any of the burning stuff to land on them as they were so close; the lava was now rising at a fast rate. Twilight and Sunset made it as they waited for Isaac and Spike.

"Hurry up, you two!!" shouted Sunset.

"I'm not gonna make it!" said Spike as he was behind Isaac and tripped over some rocks as he fell.

"Oh yes, you are! Twilight, catch!!!" shouted Isaac as he grabbed Spike by his shorts and with one arm yeeted him into Twilight's arms. Spike was the most surprised as he had a stunned look on his face as he was thrown by Isaac and collided with Twilight as both went through the doors.

"Give me your hand!!" shouted Sunset as she extended her arm out.

Isaac was running as fast as he could as the path behind him was disappearing and the lava was just inches from touching his feet. Soon the path in front of him crumbled as Isaac put all he had into a full on sprint and jump as he had his arm out. Sunset leaned a bit more as she caught Isaac by his arm and with one pull she reeled in Isaac as they fell through the door. Behind them the door closed and disappeared as the place erupted into fire and ash.

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