• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 188: The Homecoming Duel

"I'm back." said Isaac.

"This is... impossible." said Starlight as it seemed like the sins of her past had caught up with her as standing in front of her was the person who she thought she got rid of completely.

"Did you really expect me to be gone forever, Starlight?" asked the boy with a sly smile.

"This doesn't change anything." barked the girl. "Come on, Sunburst!" With that both individuals left the field as Isaac watched the pair leave with a smile.

"Isaac?" said Twilight as she was still lying on the floor as she looked up at her boyfriend.

Isaac didn't say much other than just simply looking at Twilight. He then dropped the necklace in front of her as he began to walk towards the school. The girls had been watching this as they made it to Twilight's side as they checked up on her to see if she suffered any major injuries but Twilight said she was just banged up. Fluttershy then pulled out a small canister as it contained a green paste as she began to work her herbal medicine in helping to heal the bumps on Twilight's skin. All the while the others all looked at their male friend as he entered the school as they couldn't help but smile at seeing him back. Well... almost everybody as one person had an upset look on her face.

"How is this possible?!" shouted Starlight as she and Sunburst were back at their hideout as she having so many questions running through her head that she couldn't think straight.

"I don't know... I too thought that Isaac had left for good." said Sunburst.

"Sunburst, you said that he disappeared." said the girl as she grabbed her friend's shirt.

"I told you the truth, Starlight. Isaac did disappear, have I ever lied to you?" asked the boy as he looked at his friend as she had the crazy eyes.

"No." said Starlight as she released her grip from her friend as she took a deep breath and then straight out his shirt from any wrinkles.

"Starlight?" asked Sunburst.

"Proceed with the plan." said the girl as she turned her back to her friend.

"But what about Isaac?"

"I dealt with him once, and I'll deal with him again. And this time, I'm not alone. Get in contact with our third party member, and tell them to be on standby."

"At once, Starlight." said Sunburst as he prepared to follow Starlight's command.

"Ohh, and bring the deck."

"Are... you sure?"

"Trust me, we're going to need it sooner rather than later." smiled the girl as she looked at her laptop screen as the image on it reflected in her pupils.

Upon entering the school, Isaac immediately started walking to Celestia's office as he passed several of his fellow classmates, they all had their jaws drop as they saw the sight of the boy. While in his mind, he was glad to be home. He didn't realize just how long he'd been gone in his time as the sight of him returning after so long, it was like he was a dead man who had risen up from the grave. He legit was like a ghost as nobody could believe what he was seeing, but for the ones who hadn't joined Starlight's side yet, they were glad to see a shining light in the darkness.

Isaac now found himself at the door as he grabbed the handle and stepped inside as he created a reaction. For both women, they were stressed out of their minds as they looked to have given up hope. When the door opened up, they both looked up as they dropped their mouths as they saw the boy. Isaac didn't get a word in as that moment, both women gave him a motherly hug as they had tears in their eyes. To them, he was the miracle they were praying for as it gave the girls some serenity; Isaac just smiled as it felt good to be back.

The next day rolled around as everybody was now questioning what was going to happen now between Isaac and Starlight. After Isaac met with the two principals, they asked the boy if he was still suffering from whatever condition he was, as Isaac just smiled as his answer. From there he then began to speak with the two ladies as they told the boy what had happening while he had been absent the past 12 days. Safe to say, he took it professionally as Isaac heard how Starlight had started the next part of her plan and in the process not only been recruiting people to her side but also taking out the girls one by one. Seems Isaac had arrived just in time as Starlight had been "technically" declared the winner between her duel with Twilight, but still... the result was as. Starlight won and had finished her personal list of taking out the girls, which meant it was now fell on Isaac to stop the girl from whatever plan she had. So Isaac said that he would deal with Starlight tomorrow as he had some other business to take care of. With that the two principals were thankful that their student was back and hoped that whatever Isaac's plan was to stop Starlight would be successful. Isaac sent a quick text to Sunset telling her to relay a message that he wouldn't be coming to the house as he needed to spend some time with his parents after being gone for so long. Sunset understood and said she'd inform the others.

The next day came as Isaac had actually contacted Starlight herself as he wanted to have a quick meeting with the girl in the auditorium. Starlight was hesitant in believing the boy, until Isaac said that it would be just him and nobody else, none of the girls, no Celestia or Luna, and nobody else to listen. Just him and her. Isaac was now standing in the middle of the room as he waited. It took a few moments, before he could hear footsteps getting louder as soon the door to the auditorium opened up as in came Starlight with Sunburst behind her. The pair saw the boy as Isaac just smiled at them as they soon stepped closer. Starlight and Isaac looked at each other as neither said a word, both just kept a long stare as they examined the other since it had been a while since both last saw each other.

"Well, you got me. Congrats, Isaac. You actually got me to believe you were gone for good. Take that to heart, it takes a lot for someone to actually surprise me. So be honored by that." said Starlight. "But this doesn't change the fact, I still don't like you. And I'll tell you this, as long as you stand and breath here, then my quest to change Duel Monsters will not stop. Until you're put six feet in the ground and I burn your ashes!!" shouted the girl.

"And you know that I will not stop fighting till I end your little plan for destruction. Cause I'm also fighting for my own reasons." said Isaac.

"Then we're back to square one. And to be honest... I wouldn't have it any other way." smiled the girl. "So welcome back, Isaac. Enjoy your time, cause it will be your final moments."

"I look forward to it. By the way, heard you talk about me being Mr. Missionary. Side note if you can find somebody who makes missionary position entertaining for 2 decades. Keep them in your life, it's gonna be worth it. I promise." said Isaac to the fourth wall. "Now with that out of the way, let's talk about me and you settling our differences."

"A proposal? Hmm. Isaac, I prefer dinner and good night of making love before you ask me for a proposal." mocked Starlight as Isaac just laughed at her comment.

"Oh, don't worry. I promise to give you a night you won't forget, in fact, Sunburst over here is going to be jealous about what I do to you." said Isaac as he played along with Starlight's foreplay.

"So... you want to duel me again? I'll think about it." said the girl as she began to walk away. "Oh, but I should tell you that you do have a challenge waiting for you tomorrow. Pass it and maybe... it'll persuade my mind about your proposal to me." Starlight then left the room with Sunburst next to her as Isaac just smiled as he looked forward to whatever test Starlight was going to have him go through.

Isaac was now walking back to the house as he opened the door as he was greeted to a welcome meow.

"Hey girl." said Isaac as he was petting Tigre who was rubbed herself against her owner as it had been so long since she last saw him.

"Miss me?" asked the boy.

"We all did." said Sunset as she and the other girls were all there as they were waiting for the boy.

"Welcome back, sugarcube."

"Big bro!" said Pinkie as she gave Isaac a great big hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Pinkie."

"Great to have you back, darling." said Rarity.

"So where'd you ditch us this time, geek?" asked Rainbow.

"Well, if you can believe it. I went where no one has gone before! See, I went to the Spirit World! And I got to chill with tons of Duel Monsters. Then I got to stop an evil spirit and I even got to even hang out with your monsters in each of your realms. Oh, by the way, they all said 'Hi'." said Isaac with a smile.

"Okay, the geek has gone mad."

"It's true. Pretty wack story, huh, gang?" said Isaac.

"All the cool shit happens to him." said the chromatic girl as she got a jab to her side by Aj.

"But I'm back in the game." stated the boy.

"Good to have you back boy toy." smiled Sunset. "We did our best to stop Starlight, but she's tougher than she looks."

"Hey, you all did the best you could. So don't think your efforts were in vain, cause I guarantee you, we're going to stop her. Together."

"Together." said the girls.

"Besides, I've got a challenge tomorrow from Starlight herself. Seems she wants me to earn the right to face her, but I don't mind."

"Well, best of luck then. Come on girls, we need to leave him be." said Sunset as the others knew what she meant as they all left through the front door.

"Hey, Sunny." said Isaac as he got the girl to stop before she exited out the door. "Is she... you know..."

"Pissed off? Good luck, boy toy." smiled Sunset smugly as she patted Isaac's shoulder as she prayed that Isaac would live. She then closed the door as it left the boy by himself.

Isaac then turned to look at the stairs as he looked upstairs.

"I'm in deep shit." said Isaac. He then took a breath of air as he slowly began to walk towards the stairway as he began to climb.

With each step Isaac took he could feel his heart starting to beat as it got louder and faster. He could feel himself getting hotter as he got closer to the top. He then arrived at the top as he kept on walking as he came to a certain door. Isaac then looked down to his side as there was Spike outside the door as he too had a worried look on his face.

"How is she..."

"I've been avoid her too as well, I'm scared. Also if you die, I promised the pussy cat, she would be the boss of me." said Spike he had concern for the boy and that he didn't want his mortal enemy of his animal kind to be in charge of him. He then left downstairs as he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire.

"Welcome to hell's door." said Isaac with some fear in his voice. He then took a deep breath as he lifted his hand knocked on the door.

"COME IN." said Twilight in a stern tone.

"Well... she's in a good mood." chuckled the boy as he felt like he needed one last laugh before he died. Isaac then opened the door as he closed it behind him and locked it.

Isaac was now leaning against the door as he looked onward. Sitting on her bed was Twilight as she was anything but happy. She had her arms crossed as Twilight had her head turned away as she didn't want to look at her boyfriend. Nothing was said, as both sat in silence. Minutes turned to eternity as the pair didn't say anything. Twilight still had her head turned as Isaac lightly tapped his fingers on the door as he was trying to figure out how to sooth this over.


"Don't talk to me!" shouted the girl as she still didn't look at him. The tone in her voice was less angry, but you could still hear the disappointment in it. Almost like she didn't want to be mad at Isaac, but had no choice in the matter.

"Fair enough, but let me at least explain." stated Isaac as Twilight didn't respond. "I didn't intend for me to just vanish, it just sort of happened. And it kind of was a good thing." Isaac then saw that, that point wasn't helping his case. "My loss to Starlight. You don't know what that does to a man, Twilight. It makes you feel worthless."

"After my duel with Starlight, I couldn't see my cards. I... I lost my will to duel. And so I thought to myself, if I can't do the thing I love the most, then I needed to leave. I know it's stupid, but put yourself in my shoes, dueling is the one thing that has influence my life so heavily that I couldn't beat the thought of everything I've worked for was taken away from me, before my career as pro and as a duelist started. It just scared me to death to think that I let this opportunity get the best of me. So I had to leave to find some solution and I did. And now I'm back. You and the others did well in trying to take down Starlight, I've saw your duel. You nearly beat her before you couldn't continue, but still, you came close. But I should have been there to support you guys. I'm sorry, but I'm right here now."

Twilight's expression soften a bit as she turned her head and stood up as she looked at the boy. Isaac smiled to as he started to approached the girl as he looked to give her a hug. Just then...

"Ow!" said Isaac as when he went to hug Twilight, the girl had managed to knee him hard in his gut. Isaac clutched his gut as he felt the pain. "Okay, I kind of deserve that."

"Isaac! What took you so long?!" shouted the girl as her eyes slowly started to form tears. "Don't you know how worried I was? That I'd never see you again. Scared out of my mind. Not knowing if, Isaac. You jerk!" Twilight then threw her arms around Isaac as she just let out her tears as she couldn't hold back anymore.

"Twilight." Isaac then wrapped his arms around the girl as he stroked her hair and comforted Twilight as she was still crying into his shoulder.

"I wondered if you were every going to come back. It frighten me. To think that I was never gonna see you again. Day after day I waited for you to come, but you never did. I didn't know where you were. I couldn't stand not knowing. I told myself, I should give up hoping. I was convinced that you'd forgotten all about me. I thought you were gone forever. But then I realized that you would never abandon me or our friends. And I decided, that I would wait for you. Even if it took the rest of my life to see you again. Now, you're here. I'm so glad to finally have you back, Isaac. It's such a wonderful feeling. I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now. Don't you ever leave me again, Isaac."

Isaac then pulled apart as he looked at the girl and brought his hands up to wipe the tears from Twilight's eyes.

"Don't you worry, Twilight. I never will." smiled the boy.

Twilight still had the water in her eyes as she looked at the boy as it made her smile a bit. She then brought her lips into Isaac's as she gave him a deep kiss. It was a kiss filled with every emotion possible, happiness, sadness, rejoicement, but most of all, comforting. Isaac returned the kiss as he too missed this. Twilight then brought her hands up as she took off Isaac's cap and his hoodie as she tossed it to the side as Isaac undid Twilight's ponytail while keeping their mouths connected. Soon they started to move towards the girl's bed as Isaac laid down Twilight as they kept on kissing as soon their mouths opened to add more action. Twilight then moved her hands as she was feeling up the boy and his body as she was being turned on as Isaac did the same as he moved his hands down south. Isaac's hands then slid under Twilight's skirt as he felt her upper legs and thighs as Twilight was enjoying it even more. His hands then found their target as Isaac felt Twilight's round rear as it was just as he remembered, nice, firm and round as he began to massage and rub it. All of it, was enough to get a reaction from the girl as she returned the gesture by sliding her hands under Isaac's shirt to feel his muscles.

"Mmm..." she moaned. "That feels so good..." Her hair was so soft like a feather. She rested her head against Isaac's chest as he continued to play with her hair and planting small kisses along every inch of Twilight's neck and whispering into her ear. Soon she captured his lips again as she continued their little make-out session.

Both teens began to enjoy themselves as they enjoyed their little activity that both longed for. Isaac and Twilight then looked at each others eyes as all that could been seen was joy to have the other back. Isaac then kissed Twilight for a gentle kiss as he stroked her hair while Twilight caressed his cheek.

"I missed this." said Isaac as he booped Twilight's nose.

"Isaac, I know that I don't have the same figures as Sunset, but..." said the girl as she looked at her rear and bosom size.

"Hey, I chose to be with you, didn't I? I don't care if your figures aren't like Sunset's. Do I admit that Sunset has some nice figures that I love, yeah. I'd be lying if I didn't say that, but... I like what you have to offer, that's enough for me." said the boy as Twilight put her head under Isaac's chin as she let out a sigh as Isaac closed his eyes and enjoyed this feeling of holding his girlfriend.

Twilight then brought her face to look at Isaac as this time he reached up and took the girl's glasses off as he put them on the nightstand. Twilight giggled as she and Isaac returned back to their make out session as both teen's desired more of each other. And so it went long into the night as both teens continued their make out session as it served as a sign of unity for both girl and boy as soon they fell asleep in each others arms as they had finally been reunited.

The next day came as it was now time for Starlight's little challenge. The girls had all decided to accompany their male friend as they were on the school field. While they stood on the side, Isaac was on the field as he waited. He then bent down on one knee as he placed his hand on the grass almost as he was seeing the previous duels from the girls that took place here as it came rushing to his mind. For the boy, he was also trying to clear his mind and concentration. Soon the door opened as there was Starlight as she came with Sunburst bey her side. Isaac then stood up as he prepared himself.

"Well, I'm here for whatever challenge you got for me. Just know that soon it'll be your turn."

"Settle down, Isaac. A girl doesn't like to be taken to bed off the bat without a little foreplay to warm up the mood." chuckled Starlight. "And like I said, I don't see a reason to challenge you right away. But, beat this duel and I might change my tune."

"Whoever you got, I've got no problem beating." said Isaac.

"Oh, believe me, you will. But I've been rambling on, time to meet your opponent." Starlight then snapped her fingers.

Soon another person made their presence known as Sunburst and Starlight smiled. The girls and Isaac all had a shocked look on their faces.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie is here." said the girl.

"Trixie?!" said the girls.

"Everybody, let me introduce to you the third member who I choose to help with executing my plan." said Starlight.

"Trixie? Why?" asked Isaac.

"Simple, Starlight made an offer to me that I couldn't refuse."

"See, Isaac. Unlike you, when I promise someone something. I follow through on it, so I simply gave Trixie what she deserved and I promise her that if she helped me to instate my ideology, I would give her what she wanted. Something you can't do for her." smiled Starlight as she raised her fist to which Trixie gave her new best friend a fist bump.

"Trixie..." said Isaac as he still couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Enough talking. Let's duel, Isaac." said the girl as she put on her small rectangle device as it projected a pale light grayish cornflower blue card tray.

"Very well." said Isaac as he too put on his duel disk as the small rectangle device strapped around his arm as it activated and projected a gold card tray.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Trixie's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start things off," said Isaac as he drew his card.

"You'd think he can win?" asked Sunburst as he and Starlight watched on.

"I want to see if Isaac has any ring rust on him." stated Starlight.

"For my first move, I summon Berry Magician Girl(400/400). And by summoning my baby magician, I get to add a different 'Magician Girl' to my hand." Isaac then used his duel disk screen as he was figuring out which one of his cute magician girls he wanted as he knew that the others would get a tad bit jealous. "I'll take my Kiwi Magician Girl." Isaac's duel disk then ejected his card as the spirit of his magician appeared as she was a bit taller than the boy. She gave a quick hug and peck to her master's cheek as her sisters were unhappy, but given that she was the big sister, they knew not to anger her.

"With that, I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 2: Trixie

"That all, stand back and be amazed by the Great and Powerful Trixie." said the girl as she drew her card.

At least, I know what Trixie's cards are.

"You see, Isaac. You thought you were special since not only have you mastered all summoning methods, but is the only one to have pendulum cards on this side of the world. Well, not anymore." smiled Trixie.

"What?!" said Isaac.

"Do it." stated Starlight in a calm tone.

"Now then, it's showtime! I set the pendulum scale with the Scale 3 Performage Bonus Dealer and Scale 6 Fire Dancer!" said Trixie as she showed her two cards and placed them on the far end of her duel disks as the word pendulum appeared in between them to show it worked. Trixie's monsters then appeared in separate pillars of light as they had their respective numbers in front of them. "Now I can summon as many monsters as I want from Levels 4 through 5." Trixie's pendulum heard her command as three lights came out. "Say hello, to Performage Ball Bouncer(1000/1800, Scale 3, Level 4), Performage Water Dancer(1200/1400, Scale 2, Level 4), and Performage Trick Clown(1600/1200)!" Out emerged three monsters as two of them were unknown to Isaac.

"No way, you pendulum summoned?!" said Isaac as he was in shock.

"How is that possible?!" said Sunset.

"Let's say that I borrowed these cards from a certain person, he doesn't even know they're gone." said Starlight. "But I've said enough, I upgraded my partner's deck. I told you, I help my allies, unlike you Isaac."

"Trixie thanks you, Starlight. Now she can compete with anybody and take down Isaac." said the girl as she looked back at her opponent. "Now then, I activate Performage Bonus Dealer's pendulum ability, since I pendulum summoned 3 or more 'Performage' monsters, I can draw two cards." said the girl as she drew her cards. "Now Performage Hat Tricker attack his Berry Magician Girl!"

"I activate Berry Magician Girl's special ability, so now since she became the attack target I can switch her into defense mode and then I can special summon another 'Magician Girl' from my deck, so I choose Chocolate Magician Girl(1600/1000)." A chocolate wrapper then appeared in the boy's hand as he tossed it onto the air as soon it began to shine with a white light in midair as soon out came the boy's magician as she snuggled her master's arm while giving a small kiss.

"So what, I'll still attack your Berry Magician Girl."

"Go ahead, cause she's in defense mode, I don't take any damage."

"That's where you're wrong Isaac, I activate my Performage Fire Dancer's pendulum ability, once per turn, I can target one of my monsters to inflict piercing damage. And I choose Hat Tricker!" stated Trixie as her monster looked to deal some damage.

"In that case, I'll send my Kiwi Magician Girl to the graveyard." said Isaac as he slide his card into his graveyard slot. "By doing so, I activate her ability, which lets me grant all of my 'Magician Girls' that I currently control an extra 300 attack and defense points for each 'magician girl' with different names on the field and in my graveyard. So since I currently have three in total: Berry, Chocolate and Kiwi, that means both of my girls get a 900 point boost to both stats until the end of the turn. Meaning now my Berry Magician Girl now has 1300 defense points, which means I take less damage than expected." stated Isaac as his monster was destroyed as he was able to minimize the amount of life points he lost.
Isaac's Life Points: 7700-

"Not bad, the kid is still as good as ever." said Starlight as she gave Isaac his dues for being able to think on his feet.

"Impressive trick, Isaac. But not good enough, watch! I overlay my Level 4 Performage Hat Tricker and Performage Ball Bouncer!" Trixie's two monsters then transformed into two orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon both orbs entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "Direct your gaze to the skies above, as I present to you a swinging star performer! I Xyz Summon! Performage Trapeze Magician(2500/2000, OLU: 2)!" A purple pole with studded orange heads on either end spiraled over the field, when a comically thick white-gloved hand snatched it, thin golden beams of light shooting out from each end to the ceiling. Hoisting onto the pole that had turned into an on-the-spot trapeze was a predominately white, lanky humanoid: Its waist and neck adorned in a fluffy pink boa, while from its back billowed a wide, magenta cape. Its spindly legs ended in dark blue shoes curled at the toes, while affixed to its masked, ever smiling visage, sat a white conical hat.

"She pendulum summoned and then Xyz summoned?!" Isaac was now thoroughly both impressed and in shock at how Trixie was able to do it given her new additions that Starlight said she made.

"I now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw," said Isaac as he drew his card and was trying to figure out what to do. Guess, I have to counter with my own.

"I now play the spell card, Pendulum Call. So now I discard a card and then I can add 2 'Magician' pendulum cards from my deck to my hand." Isaac then sent his chosen card away as his duel disk then ejected his two cards as he grabbed them. "Now time to show you how it's done, I set the Pendulum Scale with my Scale 2 Sleight of Hand Magician and Scale 8 Mirage Magician. I'm taking control of this duel, starting now!" shouted Isaac. Isaac's duel disk registered what he was doing as he placed the Pendulum cards on the far side of his card tray as the word 'Pendulum' in rainbow coloring spelled out to signal it worked. Isaac's two cards then appeared in columns of light as they stood still as the numbers showed in front of them.

"I'm allowed to summon monsters from Level 3 through 7 all at the same time! Back and forth, to and fro, what's coming next? You'll all soon know! So swing far Pendulum and carve the arc that will lead me to victory! My monsters are ready to swing into action!" Isaac then thrusted his hand into the air as two lights came out of the giant portal above him. "Prepare to have your fortune told, it's my Black Robe Mentalist(1700/1300), Scale 7, Level 4). She's certainly an eye-catcher, please welcome Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800)."

"Well now, seems we've got a battle of pendulum summoning." stated Starlight.

"At least with Trixie's help, we can learn more about Isaac and his strategies when it comes to using his pendulum cards." said Sunburst.

"Now I activate the effect of my Black Robe Mentalist, since I control three monsters, I can now look at the top three cards of my deck and choose which one I want to add to my hand." Isaac's mentalist then closed her eyes as she chanted some words as black aura encompassed her hands as Isaac's cards projected in front of him as he was deciding which one he wanted as he made his choice as it slid out for him to grab.

"Tell me you have a plan." asked the goth magician.

"I do."

"No, you don't." said Black Robe Mentalist as she read her master's mind.

"Alright, fine. I don't have anything... yet." replied the boy as his magician rolled her eyes.

"Cut Isaac some slack. He's doing the best he can." said Chocolate Magician Girl as she leaning against her master's arm as she nuzzled it to show her affection for the boy.

"Well, you better think of something fast Isaac. Cause I can't play defense forever, especially with Trixie's pendulum monster." said Magician Valkyria as she pointed to Performage Fire Dancer.

"Yeah, that's the biggest problem." stated the boy as he looked at his hand and then at the three girls he had on the field as he was thinking. "For now I'll play one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 4: Trixie

"My turn, now I'll play the spell Magical Pendulum Box. So I draw two cards and if they're Pendulum monsters, then I get to add them to my hand otherwise they'll go to the graveyard."

"And I have a feeling I know what your cards will be." said Isaac with a groan.

"Seems they were," said Trixie as she showed the cards for the boy as she added them to her hand. "Now time to pendulum summon once more!" shouted the girl as the two cards she drew came out. "Introducing two Performage Wing Sandwichman(1800/2100, Scale 1, Level 5)!"

"Not good." stated Isaac.

"Indeed, cause now I'll activate the effect of one of my Performage Wing Sandwichman's special ability, which means all my other monsters have their level changed to match his." stated Trixie as her Performage Ball Bouncer now changed from Level 4 to 5. With that I now overlay both my Level 5 Performage Sandwichman and Ball Bouncer to construct the Overlay Network once more!" Trixie's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered in the air for a bit as a portal opened up in front of the girl. Soon they entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged as a new monster was being summoned. "I Xyz Summon! The Monster with the silhouette you can't forget! Performage Shadow Maker(2600/1000, OLU: 3)!" Out emerged Trixie's shadow as it got longer, soon it began to stand up on its own as it then started to take shape as it was her new monster as it had a tux, top hat, and a pair of scissors in its hand as it wore white gloves.

"I now activate my Trapeze Magician's special ability by using one overlay unit, I can target a monster and have it attack twice this turn, however at the end of the Battle phase it's destroyed. So I'll use my monster's ability and target... my Performage Shadow Maker!" said Trixie.

"What?!" said Isaac as he was shocked to hear that.

"Watch closely," said Trixie with a snap of her her fingers, "Cause now I can activate the special ability of my Performage Shadow Maker, since it was target by a card effect, I can now remove one Xyz material from it to special summon another Performage Shadow Maker from my Extra Deck." said Trixie as her monster raised up its pair of scissors as soon another shadow appeared. "But why stop at one, cause I'll use my Trapeze Magician's last overlay unit to target my Shadow Maker again and then have the effect of my Shadow Maker use another overlay unit to produce a third one!" stated the girl as she now had three shadows on her field.

"So wait, how many attacks can Trixie launch at Isaac?" asked Rainbow.

"5 attacks by my count." stated Sunset.

"And Isaac only has three monsters on his field, so if he doesn't do anything, then it's over." said Fluttershy.

"Now then, shall we get the show started. Cause remember I activate my Performage Fire Dancer's pendulum ability, so now I can select one of my monsters to deal piercing damage. And I'll choose my first Shadow Maker. Now Shadow Maker attack his Magician's Valkyria!" commanded Trixie as her monster took out Isaac's monster while dealing damage.
Isaac's Life Points: 6900-

"And then it'll attack your Black Robe Mentalist!" said Trixie as her monster went in for a second attack as it took out the boy's other magician.
Isaac's Life Points: 6000-

"Now my Black Robe Mentalist goes to my Extra Deck instead of the graveyard." said Isaac as he grabbed his monster and placed it faceup in his Extra Deck compartment of his duel disk.

"Now then, my second Shadow Maker will take his turn. Take out his monster." said the girl as it now had its sights set on Chocolate Magician Girl.

"I activate Chocolate Magician Girl's effect, since you targeted for an attack, I can now resurrect a spellcaster from my graveyard and switch the target to it and your monster's attack is cut in half. So I choose my Berry Magician Girl."

"Why would Isaac choose that monster?" asked Pinkie as she knew for sure her big bro had better options.

"So what, even if my Shadow Maker has its strength cut in half, the monster you brought back is much weaker than it. So you still lose a monster and more life points." said Trixie.

"I may lose a monster, but my life points are safe. Cause now Berry Magician Girl's effect activates, so now I can special summon a 'Magician Girl' from my deck. So make way for the girl that always has a special place in my heart, Dark Magician Girl!" stated Isaac as his female ace was now on the field as his Berry Magician Girl was destroyed but he saved himself from losing more life points.

"So you survived both of my monster's attack and only lost about 1700 life points, not bad. But not good enough, cause I'll have third Performage Shadow Maker attack your Chocolate Magician Girl and you can't use her effect anymore to save her." informed Trixie as her other monster took out Isaac's other magician girl.
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"And now time for your Dark Magician Girl to join your other harem girls in the grave. Trapeze Magician attack his Dark Magician Girl!" commanded Trixie.

"Mana, do you trust me?"

"Always, Isaac." smiled the girl.

"Good, cause now... I activate my facedown, Magical Pigeon! Now my Dark Magician Girl is returned to my hand and then I can replace her with two Pigeon token(0/0) in defense mode." said Isaac as his magician disappeared in a white light as she zipped back to his hand as two pigeons were replaced as one of them flew away as the other made contact with the attack as there was nothing but feathers.

"I should have known you had a trick up your sleeve. Out of all the girls in your little harem, you chose to save your favorite one." stated Trixie.

"Well, that's a bit of a stretch to describe the relationship between me and my female magicians." said Isaac as he looked at his deck and saw the spirits of his girl magicians that were about his age and older as they all adored their young master with a smile.

"Now that the battle phase is over, my first Performage Shadow Maker is destroyed, but I still have two more and Trapeze Magician. And I'll provide extra protection with this, Bubble Barrier. Now all of my 'Performage' monsters can't be destroyed at all once per turn and I don't take any damage from any attacks." informed Trixie.

"I now end my turn."

"And now that the turn is over, my Pigeon tokens are destroyed and Dark Magician Girl returns to the field." said Isaac as his one remaining pigeon had a light coming from it as soon Mana appeared as a shower of feathers rained down on her to highlight her beauty. "Told you I had it covered."

"I didn't doubt you for one second." giggled Mana as she planted a kiss on Isaac's cheek before taking her position.

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll activate the spell card, Pendulum Treasure. So now I can add one Pendulum monster from my deck to my Extra Deck face-up." said Isaac as he grabbed one of his pendulum cards and then slid it into his Extra deck. "Now then time to pendulum summon once more!" shouted Isaac as a portal opened up as two lights came out. "She's back for an encore, my Black Robe Mentalist. Meet the keeper of the relics, my Rune-Eyes Illusionist(1800/2400, Scale 3, Level 5)." Isaac's mentalist was back as this time she was joined by one of their comrades as he appeared in his ringmaster outfit as the rune in his left eye shined a bit as he wore a circus top hat.

"Now I activate my Mentalist's ability, so now I can look at the top three cards of my deck and then add one of them to my hand." Isaac's options were shown as he made his decision and then it slid out for him to grab. "I'll then play the card I got which is my Mage Annette(1300/1700) and I can special summon her since I control a Level 4 or below monster. And when she's summoned, I draw an extra card." Isaac's kid magician appeared as she opened her small book under her left arm and used her tiny wand in her right as she found the card stuck between her pages as she levitated it towards her master.

"Please tell me you have a plan."

"I'm working on it! Gees, girl. Why do you got to be so... moody towards me?" asked Isaac.

"You're down life points, your opponent has the upper hand, you barely got back and you're asking me why I'm moody?!" said the goth girl as she ran down her master a bit.

"You're not making me feel better about myself. Gees, I know you're the goth person of our group, but did you have to say it like that?" said Isaac as he couldn't believe the savagery that he got from his own magician. Isaac's pain brought a secret smile to the goth girl as she enjoyed having fun with her master as it was one of the things she loved about the boy.

"Lighten up, girlfriend. Isaac will figure out something." said Mana.

"Well according to my calculations, if Isaac doesn't have a plan, he'll lose by the next turn." said Mage Annette as she was reading her book for a bit.

"Well what do you propose, Annette?" asked Rune-Eyes Illusionist to the small girl next to him.

"First things first, is to deal with that spell of hers, that's our only thing stopping us from dealing any real damage." said Annette as she was examining the situation with in front of her.

"Perhaps you can use my pendulum ability, Isaac?" suggested Mirage Magician from the pendulum zone.

"That would allow me to create a copy of any one of my monsters for this turn, but there's her facedown that I have to account for. Plus if I use that ability, it means you're destroyed and sent to my Extra Deck at the end of the turn." said Isaac as he looked at his monsters and at the field. "I'll play Swords of Revealing Light, now you can't attack for three turns." said the boy as giant swords rained down and stuck into the ground on Trixie's field.

"Hope that buys us time, I now end my turn."

Turn 6: Trixie

"My draw, you may have stopped Trixie from attacking, but I'm not concerned. Cause I still have my pendulum scale and I'll use it right now to pendulum summon." said the girl as a portal opened up as some old foes reappeared. "Say hello to Performage Wind Drainer, and Water Dancer!" Trixie now had more monsters on her field as she managed to resummon her pendulum monsters from her Extra Deck. "I now play Pot of Greed, so I can draw 2 more cards." Trixie then drew her set as she managed to pick up something that she was hoping. "I now play the spell card, Polymerization!"

"No!" shouted Isaac as he knew what was about to happen.

"Since can Trixie fusion summon?!" said the girls.

"I now combine my Performage Wind Drainer and Performage Shadow Maker!" Trixie's two monsters then appeared next to their mistress as a vortex opened up behind her as they were sucked into it in a pool of orange and purple as soon a bright pillar of light emerged as the outline of her brand new monster was coming. "Let your magic and majesty mix, mingle, merge and become one, one with the power to both delight and destroy! I Fusion Summon! Performage Trapeze Witch(2400/1800!" Out was another humanoid similar to Trapeze Magician as it too swung in on a trapeze as it wore white gloves but this one was a female as it let out a laugh.

"What did Starlight do to Trixie's deck, she's using whole new monsters that I've never seen before and she fusion summoned?" stated Isaac.

"Seems the deck you stole really is working." said Sunburst to Starlight.

"Borrowed, Sunburst. I borrowed the deck." chuckled the girl evilly as the two went back to watch their comrade defeat Isaac.

"I now play the spell card, Xyz Gift. Since there's currently two Xyz monsters on the field, I can draw 2 cards." said Trixie as she picked up some more cards. "I'll play Xyz Unit and attach it to my Trapeze Magician so now it gains 200 extra attack points times its rank so, since it's Rank 4, that means it gains 800 more points for a total of 3300 attack. And don't forget about my monster's own personal effect, I can't take any damage if it's less than my monster's attack and with my Bubble Barrier in place, all my monsters are safe from ever being destroyed. It's only a matter of time before your swords expire, Isaac." stated the girl as she ended her turn with a facedown.

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn, I draw. To start off, I'll use my Black Robe Mentalist's ability to now look at the top 4 cards of my deck and then select one to add to my hand." Once more Isaac's duel disk screen showed his options as he prayed that he could get a game changer to help. "Now I'll activate the effect of my Mirage Magician's pendulum ability, so now I can create a copy of a monster on my field. However, at the end of this turn, I have to destroy her. So I'll use her to create another copy of my Mage Annette." Mirage Magician then took off her masquerade mask as she unleashed her inner persona as she glowed with a red light as soon a shadow image of Mage Annette appeared next to the girl herself. "With that, I'll now sacrifice my two Mage Annettes so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" Isaac's kid magicians then disappeared as soon they were replaced with his top magician as he descended on the field.

"How long has it been since we last saw Isaac and his Dark Magician?" asked Rainbow with a smile.

"Far too long." smiled Applejack as she and the others were glad to have the boy and his team of magicians back.

"Then I'll reveal my facedown Spell Shattering Arrow, now I can destroy all your face-up spell cards and then you take 500 points of damage for each one. And don't forget those pendulum monsters count as spells when they're in the pendulum zone, so say adios to them as well."

"Well, I'm not the only one, cause I reveal my facedown, Magician's Tactics. So now I can copy the effect of a card on your side of the field, so I'll choose your Spell Shattering Arrow. So now I can destroy your swords and your pendulum cards as well." stated Trixie as her own arrow was now flying through the air as it took out Isaac's spells at the same time Isaac's did.
Isaac's Life Points: 4500-

Trixie's Life Points: 6000-

"Now my pendulum cards are put in my Extra Deck!" said Trixie and Isaac as both teens slid their pair of cards into the compartment of their duel disks.

"Now both are back to an even playing field." said Twilight.

"And now Isaac can deal with Trixie's monsters without having to worry about her Bubble Barrier." stated Rarity.

"Now, Dark Magician attack her Performage Trapeze Witch!" shouted Isaac.

"I reveal my other facedown, Negate Attack!"

Dark Magician then lowered his wand as he called off his spell.

"Not bad, I end my turn."

Turn 8: Trixie

"My turn, and now I play Xyz Treasure so that I can draw 2 more cards since there's currently two Xyz monsters on the field. Then I'll reset the Pendulum Scale, this time using my Scale 1 Bubble Gardna and Scale 6 Overlay Juggler!" Trixie then put her cards on the far side of her duel disk as he word pendulum spelled out in between them as her monsters appeared in their respective columns of light with a number in front of them. "Now I play the spell card, Xyz Transformation! With this, I can now change the rank of my Trapeze Magician into the same level as a monster on my field, so I target my Performage Water Dancer. And then both monsters gain a level." said Trixie as both of her monsters were now Level 5. "Now I overlay my two Level 5 Performage monsters to build the Overlay Network!" Trixie's two monsters then transformed into dark orbs of light as they hovered a bit as a portal opened up in front of him. Soon both orbs of light entered the portal as a pillar of light emerged. "I Xyz Summon, Performage Trapeze High Magician(2700/2200, OLU: 2)!" Trixie's magician now had been upgraded to an even more powerful version as it had magic flowing from his hands.

"And now I'll activate my Trapeze High Magician's special ability, by using one overlay unit, it can three times this round."

"Three times?!" said Isaac.

"Yes, but only one of those three attacks can strike you directly." informed Trixie as her monster absorbed one of its overlay units. "Now Performage Trapeze Witch attack his Black Robe Mentalist! And the effect of my Trapeze Witch's special ability activates, when it battles a monster, that monster loses 600 attack points." shouted the girl as her monster made contact with Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 3200-

"Since my Black Robe Mentalist was destroyed, if there's an empty Pendulum zone, I can place her there instead of sending her to my Extra Deck." said Isaac as he grabbed his magician and placed it on the far right side of his duel disk.

"Now Shadow Maker attack his Rune-Eyes Illusionist!" shouted Trixie as she dealt some more damage to Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 2400-

"Like my other pendulum cards, my Rune-Eyes Illusionist goes to my Extra Deck." said the boy as he grabbed his card and slid it into his duel disk.

"Now Trapeze High Magician attack his Dark Magician Girl!" shouted Trixie as it made contact.
Isaac's Life Points: 1700-

"And now his Dark Magician!" stated the girl as she took out Isaac's other star monster as he was thrown onto his back as he hit the grass.
Isaac's Life Points: 1500-

"Isaac!!" shouted the girls as they saw their friend as she was able to roll through the attack as he was bent down on one knee as he looked at Trixie and her field of monsters without fear.

"Time to seal the deal!" said Trixie as she gave her command to her Trapeze High Magician to attack Isaac one final time to end the duel.

"I discard Kuriboh from my hand so that I take no battle damage this turn!" shouted Isaac as he sent away his tiny monster as he came out and took the attack head on as he managed to save his master.

"Have we missed that." chuckled the girls as they saw Kuriboh save Isaac from losing.

"Very well, but it doesn't matter, cause come next turn, you lose." said Trixie as she ended her turn.

Turn 9: Isaac

"My turn, I draw." stated the boy as he was hoping to turn things around. Please give me something. Isaac then drew his card as he looked at all of his options.

"I now place my Sorcerer Swordsman in my other pendulum zone to complete the scale!" said Isaac as he placed his other monster on his far left side of his duel disk as the word pendulum in rainbow coloring spelled out between them. "Then I'll activate my Sorcerer Swordsman's special ability, which means I can take back any number of monsters I want so long as their levels fall within the scale I've set. So I'll take back my Dark Magician Girl!" said the boy as his female magician card slid out for him to grab. "Then I'll play Pot of Greed so that I can draw two cards."

"You're just stalling your defeat." stated Trixie.

"Then I better make this turn count. Now I'll pendulum summon any monsters from Level 2 through 6!" said Isaac as a portal opened up as this time four lights came out. "Back for an encore is my Rune-Eyes Illusionist. Her inner beauty comes from within, meet my Mirage Magician(1600/1700, Scale 8, Level 6). And lastly, give a warm welcome to the lady of the show, Dark Magician Girl!" stated the boy as he had four monsters on his field.

"So you summoned 3 monsters, but none of them can take out my monsters. Cause thanks to my Performage Trapeze Witch, my monsters can't be destroyed by card effects nor can you target them. And while I control another 'Performage' monster, you can't target my Trapeze Witch." informed Trixie.

"Then I better make this turn count, cause now I'll activate my Mirage Magician's special ability, so now I conduct a fusion summoning without the need of Polymerization and I can use any monsters on my field and/or in the pendulum zone and she can replace a fusion material. So I'll combine my Mirage Magician with all of my magicians on the field and in my pendulum zone!" said Isaac as he had all five of his selected monsters turn into a different color light as Mirage Magician threw her masquerade mask off her eyes as her inner persona starting to take over as she too entered the portal with the aura surrounding her.

"Persona!!" shouted Mirage Magician as she let loose her power.

"I Fusion Summon, Quintet Magician(4500/4500)!" shouted the boy as his powerful wizard descended onto the field with tons of magical energies gathered around it.

"Incredible!" said Rainbow as she saw Isaac's monster.

"Now whenever I use five different magicians to summon my Quintet Magician, I can destroy all the cards on your side of the field!" informed Isaac.

"So? Like I told you my monsters can't be destroyed by card effects." stated Trixie.

"True, but your pendulum cards are still vulnerable to my magician's effect. So now they are destroyed!" stated Isaac as he pointed with his magician taking out Trixie's two cards.

"So be it, they go to my Extra Deck." said Trixie.

"Now, I'll play this, Diffusion Wave-Motion. So by paying 1000 life points, my Quintet Magician can attack all of your monsters this round. And any monster it destroys in battle, you can't activate their effects." stated Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

"Like that's going to make a difference." said Trixie.

"It will when I play my card in my hand, Dark Magic Expanded. This spell activates its effects based on the number of Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl I have on my field and graveyard. So since I have both currently in my graveyard, not only does my Quintet Magician gain 1000 extra attack points, but this turn you can't activate any cards or effects in response to my spell/trap or card effects." stated Isaac.

"Then that means..." said Trixie with a set of wide eyes.

"Quintet Magician, strike down her monsters and end this duel!" shouted Isaac as he gave his powerful magician his command as several small magical circles with symbols on it appeared behind the spellcaster as he lifted his wand up and fired a beam as the circles fired their own beam as they all headed towards Trixie's monsters who struggled to hold on as soon they were all blown off and destroyed.

"AHHH!!" shouted Trixie as she was tossed onto the grass behind her as the attack made contact.
Trixie's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"He did it!" shouted the girls.

"Never missed a beat." said Isaac as he flexed his hand as he was happy. His train of thought was interrupted by a slow clapping as Starlight stepped forward as Sunburst was next to her helping Trixie up.

"Very good, Isaac. I thought for sure that you would have forgotten how to play given that I made you afraid and I destroyed your confidence." smiled Starlight as Isaac had a scowl on his face. She then began to leave as her allies followed her.

"What about our deal?" stated Isaac.

"I never agreed to the deal. I said for to take on this challenge and maybe I'll change my mind. Right now, I'm not interested." said Starlight with a sly smile on her face as they all left.

The group was now back home as they all gave Isaac a high five as they were glad to have their companion back. Pinkie managed to make a quick "Welcome Back" party for the boy as the girls all gave him a group hug to which Isaac let out a happy sigh as it felt nice to be surrounded by his friends. It was now nighttime as Isaac was in his room as he was lying down on his bed as he had his deck in his hand and was looking at it. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock on his door. Isaac then made his way to the door as he opened it up and standing there was Twilight.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." said the boy he opened the door and let the girl in as he closed the door and leaned against it. "So, what is..."

Isaac didn't finish his question as when he turned around, Twilight immediately crashed her lips against his as she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. Isaac then brought his hands up to Twilight's cheek as he returned the gentle kiss. They then parted as Twilight stepped in close to put her head to Isaac's chest as the boy wrapped his arms around and rested his head on hers. Twilight hummed happily and they just stood there, lost in each other's love. It was one of the happiest moments of their respective lives.

"I'm glad you're back. I love you." said Twilight as she looked at the boy.

"I love you too, my adorkable cutie!" said Isaac.

Twilight just brought her lips in for another tender kiss as the couple enjoyed it. Suddenly, Isaac felt Twilight bend her legs and jump. Instinct took over and he managed to catch her legs as she wrapped them around his back as she continued her assault. He felt her mouth open wide and her tongue darted into his own mouth and started to attack his tongue. Isaac was still too shocked for words; he had never done this with Twilight before that he didn't know what to do, so he just played along and continued the kiss. He pressed his tongue forward intertwining it with her own. Twilight moaned loudly in Isaac's mouth and fought back; their tongues jousting went on for, what seemed like five minutes, before Isaac pulled away. A small strand of saliva still connected their lips as they parted. Twilight looked at him curiously her mouth still ajar as Isaac smiled coyly. As the pair pressed their mouths against each other again, Isaac carried Twilight over to his bed as he laid her down on it as the pair had another one of their make out sessions as soon they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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