• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,632 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 16

M.0.D, is there something wrong?



No L33t. Did you send the items to Princess Celestia?

Yes, but from what I can tell from your bio readings, there seems to be something bothering you. Is it because of Luna?

I was hoping she wouldn’t actually be in love with my.... I mean Derpy.

Well you could put the green light on the operation now if you want. You could test-

No. It’s too early and I don’t want to jeopardize my work simply because of Luna.

Then you know how this will turn out then?

Yes. Now put the stream back online. If I did this correctly, the devices you sent Celestia will help record some data on our subject’s abilities.

Of course M.0.D. Activating stream...


M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 16

Place Your Bets Ladies and Gentlcolts

Two hours before match...

“64 and 0. I think that’s commendable,” Luna chuckled to herself as she set her controller down with her magic and relished in the glory of victory and the cries of plot hurt victims.

“This is horseshit! How the hell does somepony go 64-0!?” a voice yelled through her headset, “You had to be hacking or something! I’ve never went negative until now!”

It did Luna’s heart proud to hear such lovely words of hate and bewilderment. Players online loved to talk shit before a match but she was not one to get into that...at least not until after the game. She would let her victims talk smack and act like they were gods in their own little gaming world but when the time came to put in work, she put more than her fair share and with it, broke the pillars her victims stood on and showed them who the real gaming god was, or in her case, goddess.

“There’s a first time for everything,” Luna replied nonchalantly but with a hidden undertone of cockiness.

“Screw you!” the pony online yelled back.

“No, I don’t think that you will be doing that. Seeing how you played, I could probably bet that your performance would be the same in bed. Very poor I’m afraid.”

There was a barrage of laughter in the virtual lobby. Though Luna was not one for sexual jokes, seeing that her sister gave her plenty of that, they were sometimes useful to use as insults to players who wanted to try and test her.

“Screw this, I’m outta here!”

XxMLGp0NYxX has left the lobby.

Seems my work here is done.

With that, Luna turned off her console and beloved television, deciding that it was time for a break after playing for a full eight hours straight. The alicorn could’ve kept playing but she was more focused on the match against her sister that would take place in only a matter of hours. She didn’t want to fatigue herself and end up playing poorly, especially against a sister that had no type of gaming skills.

Even then Luna was more than confident that she could still beat her sister even when she wasn’t in tip top shape.

Regardless, she wasn’t going to take that chance. She would be damned if Celestia and her student beat her and Derpy simply because she was tired, especially since the regal had cancelled her court for the day just to get some play time in.

Princess Luna went over to her bed and threw her body on it and stretched out. Playing and sitting in one spot for hours on end made her body stiff and all she wanted to do was bum it out for a little bit, but there was another reason.


Ever since last night’s conversation with Lyra and Bon Bon, Luna had been doing some thinking concerning her interest for Derpy. To be more specific, she was still debating if she should reveal her love for the mare or keep it to herself for eternity.

One half of her wanted to tell Derpy, reveal to her these feelings of love and romance but there was always that other half that was telling her that that she shouldn’t, that Derpy only wanted her as a friend and nothing more.

“You guys practically look like a couple with all the time you two spend together.”

For some odd reason, that one thing that Bon Bon had said to her repeated itself in her brain and Luna couldn’t agree more. Now the alicorn didn’t know much about couples and what their practices were except basic things like dates, kissing, and it, but one thing stood: Derpy and Luna definitely looked like more than just simple friends.

Luna sighed and looked over to her phone that sat on the nightstand beside her bed. She wanted to call Derpy, tell her how much she loved her and maybe, just maybe, become more to each other and-

Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Gah!” Luna yelped, falling off the side of her bed and landing on the floor face first.

She quickly got up, rubbing her muzzle, and levitated her phone with her magic to see what pony was trying to get ahold of her.

Incoming Call: Celestia

“Oh,” Luna said to herself.

She had hoped that it was Derpy and that she was on her way to the castle even though it was not near time for the mare to start making her way over to Canterlot, but inside she knew that she was just eager to see her beloved Derpy again.

With disappointment, Luna answered her phone.

“What do you want Tia?” Luna said immediately, not even wasting time on a proper greeting.

“Hey Luna! W..what are you doing?” Celestia answered in a heavy breath over the phone.

“Nothing right now, just trying to relax before I have to kick your ass tonight,” Luna snickered.

“O...o..Oh! That’s g..good-Ah! I need...by my beard, right there...I need to talk to you about that...Yes!”

Luna pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at it in confusion. Her sister was barely making sense and the alicorn now wondered what was wrong with Celestia.

“Are you okay Tia? I can barely understand what’re saying.”

“I...I’m fine. I just wanted to...oooooh, keep licking....just wanted to say...say...that they're going to be some c..changes in tonight’s g..g..game,” Celestia stuttered and moaned.

Licking? What the-oh...

Luna deadpanned inside, now realizing why her sister was having trouble talking.

“Tia,” Luna said in a bland tone.

“Y..Yes?!” Celestia moaned.

“Are you busy with another pony? You know I don’t like you calling me when you’re...you know.”

Celestia went quiet, though despite her efforts, Luna could still hear the heavy breathing and small whines that were escaping her older sibling.

“Noooo, I’m just...I’m having a bath. Now a...about the game. I’m...bringing...bringing a few ponies to pllllLLLLAY! HOLY BUCKING HELL!” Celestia screamed, making Luna pull her phone away from her ear.

I should just hang up and act like nothing happened.

As much as Luna wanted to hang up and save her mind from the audible rape that her sister was causing, she needed to know what Celestia was trying to say about tonight’s game. More so, she just wanted to make sure that Celestia wasn’t backing out. Luna prepared and psyched herself out for tonight and she wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to finally show her sister up.

“Celestia, what do you mean a few ponies?” Luna asked but kept her phone away from her ear, just in case.

“I...team. I have a t...team! We’re going to...to...play against you.”

“What?!” Luna exclaimed, now ignoring her sister’s struggle to talk, “A team?! That wasn’t part of the deal Tia! You said it was just you and Twilight against Derpy and me!”

But what was the problem with this? Both Luna and Derpy were more than competent gamers and have proven countless times during their nights together that they could handle any obstacle that was thrown at them, including uneven teams.

“I know and now I...I’m...I’m about to cum!”

“Huh?!!” Luna blurted as her cheeks turned red.

“I mean I know and I’m changing it!! Call y...your friends and tell them to come to the castle a...and we’ll play against each...each other! Ah! Don’t stop!”

“But that wasn’t the deal Tia! You’re going to make me call my friends and tell them to be here in less than two hours?! You know ponies do shit on Saturday nights!”

Luna didn’t even know why she was still trying to hold a conversation with her preoccupied sister but she didn’t want to call her friends and tell them to get to Canterlot just for a match that was really between her and her sister. It was too short notice for her.

“Just...just tell them to cum-I mean come! If you don’t, you’re...wearing...damn! Just do it L...LUUUNAAA! OH FU-!”

But Luna hung up the phone before Celestia could finish her last outburst.

“I can’t believe this,” Luna huffed as she set her phone back down onto the nightstand.

Celestia had gathered a team without letting her know and was now making her gather one in a small amount of time. Luna didn’t have a problem with teams but she now wished that she had been notified much earlier. It would’ve given her time to plan with the rest of her friends their tactics and strategies.

But she had to do it. The last thing she wanted to do was wear panties to some party that she still didn’t have any details about.

So with nothing further to do, Luna picked her phone back up and dialed.



Stop staring Luna. Stop staring.
Luna moved her teal eyes away from the grey mare that stood in front of her as Derpy set her saddlebag and things on the floor. The alicorn was in love with her best friend, this much has been established, but she was now seeing that Lyra was right. Just because one accepted their love for another pony didn’t mean that their wants and desires of that pony would simply leave.

And it was proving true for Luna.

Derpy Hooves had arrived only a few minutes ago but still a half hour early for their upcoming match. What bothered the alicorn though was the fact that not even five minutes had passed before she was finding herself wanting of the mare in her embrace and having the almost overwhelming urge to confess her feelings for the blonde pony.

Tell her Luna. This is the time! She just got here and you two are alone, this would be-!

No. Luna replied back to her inner voice, I haven’t even decided to tell her or not and even if I was, this wouldn’t be the time. We have a match against my sister remember?

But you know you want to tell her.

And Luna did. She wanted to tell Derpy about her talk with Lyra and Bon Bon and what she had realized, but she knew she wouldn’t.

At least not right now.

She needed more time to ponder the sacred question but today was not the day to do that. She just now wanted to concentrate on wiping her sister’s flank and getting out of this blackmailing mess with her troll of a sister.

“There we go,” Derpy said as she flipped a headset over her neck and closed her saddlebag and looked over to Luna with her familiar smile, “Sorry about that. I just wanted to make sure I had my headset with me.”

“It’s fine,” Luna replied, “I had one ready for you in case you forgotten yours again.”

Derpy rolled her cross eyes playfully.

“I don’t always forget my headset Luna.”

“Yeah, only half the time right?” Luna joked, making the grey mare chuckle back in response.

“Maybe,” Derpy shrugged with a smile, “So how was your day today?”

“I took the day off. Needed to put in some work on Halo 4 since I didn’t get the chance to play it last night.”

“I can imagine how that went,” Derpy laughed, knowing that Luna more than likely decimated any who had the misfortune of playing against her.

“Yes, well, did you hear anything from any of our friends?” Luna asked, now wondering where the rest of the gang was at, “I called them a couple hours ago and they're still not here. We only have a half hour before Celestia and her team gets here.”

“They were on the train when Vinyl called and that was about an hour ago,” Derpy answered, “So they should be here in a few. Maybe in the next five minutes or so?”

Luna believed her blonde friend. If her friends all agreed to help her out despite being it so short notice, then why should she doubt if they would get here on time? There hasn’t been any other time her friends weren’t there for her when she needed it, even if it meant a little persuasion on her part sometimes as she did with having Vinyl help sneak into her sister’s room.

“Very well. Would you like to help me set up the game and stuff real quick while we wait for them?”

Derpy nodded happily, always willing to help her favorite princess.

The two mares went over to the Tower of Power and began setting up. Derpy grabbed Halo 4 from the shelves and put it into the disc tray as Luna began unplugging HDMI’s and cords in and out the back of the television with her magic.

“Hey Luna?” Derpy said as she pressed the close tray button and looked over to the alicorn.

“Yeah?” Luna replied, plugging in another HDMI in the back of her T.V.

“If Princess Celestia is bringing her own team, won’t we need another Xbox?”

It was a good question but Luna already had her answer ready.

“We do. I have my other Xbox since I got the Halo 4 Edition one last night. The only thing I’m worried about right now is if my sister and her team bring their own controllers.”

“I’m sure they would,” Derpy answered, always being optimistic, perhaps another trait that had captivated Luna’s heart.

But it is my sister.

Luna plugged in the last input and quickly summoned her remote with her magic and turned her immense television until it showed a green glowing X on the screen.

“Are the speakers on Derpy?” Luna asked the pegasus.

Derpy looked over the speakers and saw the small red light indicating that they were ready to blow minds with a smack full of awesomeness.

“Yep!” Derpy answered, “Everything’s ready to go.”

“Good. Then we just have to wait for everypony and then we can do this.”

Derpy chuckled at Luna, a bit amused about how eager this alicorn was to play this match against her sister.

“Wow Luna, I don’t think I’ve seen you this ready to play against somepony before. You seem pretty hype.”

Luna couldn’t deny it. She was a mix of butterflies and raging, competitive, gamer excitement. It was a feeling that pumped adrenaline in her and as time ticked down, it just made her antsier.

She didn’t want to just beat Celestia because she had blackmail on her, though it definitely was a motivator, but also this was Luna’s chance to finally beat her at something. Celestia always had the uncanny ability to always be one hoof step ahead of her, somehow, someway, in anything she did.

But the dark alicorn knew that she had the advantage.

Experience and time were on her side, along with the only blonde mare that could play at her level. There was no way she could lose and she was more than ready to prove it.

She just needed everyone to be here first.

“Then you should’ve saw me when I was playing Halo earlier,” Luna laughed; now picturing how intense she must’ve been when she achieved that 64-0 match.

“Oh!” Derpy exclaimed, “I almost forgot. I was looking for you online last night to play Halo but I didn’t see you on. Did something happen last night? I would’ve called but it was real late and I didn’t know if you were asleep or something.”

Luna suddenly remembered what she had told her treasured pony last night before she went to Lyra and Bon Bon’s. She had promised Derpy that she would be on Live to play with her but last night’s discussion had taken much out of her and the thought of playing had totally left her.

“Oh my gosh!” Luna exclaimed, now feeling terrible for leaving her gaming mare hanging, “I’m so sorry Derpy! I had totally forgotten about that last night! I guess when I got back to Canterlot I was more tired than I thought.”

Derpy waved her hoof at her and laughed.

“It’s okay Luna. I made sure that I took down a couple noobs for you last night.”

“Yeah...” was all Luna could say to that.

Luna felt horrible for now forgetting something that she would’ve normally never let leave her mind. She loved playing with Derpy and now she felt that she had let the pegasus down somehow.

Derpy’s friendly laughing slowly came to a cease as the blonde pony noticed the alicorn’s demeanor.

“Hey, are you okay?” Derpy asked, seeing that Luna wasn’t laughing with her.

“I didn’t mean to forget Derpy,” Luna replied, cursing and damning herself in her mind for not being online.

“It’s okay Luna. Really, it’s not a big deal. We’re going to play here together soon anyways,” Derpy assured.

But it was a big deal for Luna.

Did you really forget Luna? Maybe you should tell Derpy that you were at Bon Bon and Lyra’s?

Luna wasn’t going to do that. If she told Derpy that she was at Lyra and Bon Bon’s, she would no doubt ask questions and the regal knew she would lose her very sanity if she was forced to admit her love for the mare now.

“I know Derpy,” Luna sighed, “But I don’t want you to think that I didn’t want to play with you or anything like that. I just can’t believe that I actually forgot.”

You didn’t believe that you loved her either at one point.

Luna grimaced inside and silenced her small, somewhat less tortuous voice.

Derpy went over to the alicorn and hugged her, the pegasus now trying her best to reassure her princess.

“I wouldn’t ever think of that Luna.”

Oh crap...she’s hugging me again.

And thus another moment that was proving Lyra right once again.

Luna’s heart was beating too fast for its own good, making her breathing a bit more difficult and she felt her hooves go cold while her chest was warm against the padding of grey fur.

Tell her Luna.

Her thoughts were fogged but the more she looked down at the blonde-maned equine and saw the innocent beauty that radiated from her, the more she wanted to whisper in the mare’s ear that she loved her.

Maybe I could...maybe this is the time. Maybe if I do it right, she might love me too. Maybe-

“Awwww yeaaaah!” a voice that broke Luna’s inner thought shouted, “Derpy and the princess are about to get it on!”

“Huh?!” Both Derpy and Luna cried, quickly breaking their embrace from their surprise and looked over to the entrance of her door.

Vinyl, Lyra and Bon Bon, Berry Punch, and Trixie stared at the two with sly smiles, except for Trixie since her face looked more confused than anything.

“When did you guys get here?!” Luna cried with red cheeks, “And why didn’t anypony knock?!”

“Just now and to answer your second question; because none of us were expecting you two getting ready to get some friction going and you never lock the door,” Vinyl snickered.

“No, no, nothing like that was going on,”Derpy said hastily with a very coy laugh and bright red cheeks, “You know Luna and I are just friends. We we’re just having a best friend moment.”

“...Luna and I are just friends....”

Luna didn’t feel a small sting, but a punch right into her chest that made her slightly cringe this time as the phrase repeated in her mind

Yeah...we’re just friends.

The alicorn looked over to the grey mare that now smiled awkwardly at their friends with her grey cheeks still being a very visible red. She knew Derpy looked the way she did because she was embarrassed by Vinyl’s outburst but it made her wonder.

Is she really embarrassed or is she blushing because of...no....that’s wishful thinking Luna. She’s not interested in me like how I am with her.

For a moment, Princess Luna thought that Derpy was blushing because of their hug but she saw this as just another wishful thought of her consumed mind.

I shouldn’t even be thinking about this! I need to focus on beating my sister.

“Damn. I was hoping I was going to get a lil’ show,” Vinyl joked.

“Show? Say no more!” Trixie proclaimed, “The Great and Powerful Trixie will perform the most-!

“No!” Everypony in the room yelled before the magician could get the chance to finish and put on a show that most would fall asleep for within minutes.

“Fine,” Trixie said, crossing her forelegs across her chest and plopping her rump on the floor, “You’ll all regret not wanting to see the Great and Powerful Trixie perform one day.”

“The daysh I see you perfomsh ish the day I shtop drinking. Gets good at video games then maybe some ponies might watch,” Berry Punch slurred as she took another hit of her cider bottle, always in the safety of her hoof.

“Trixie is good at video games!” Trixie argued.

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other and snickered quietly as once again Trixie and Berry Punch went at it.


“Girls, can we not start off the night with an argument? This isn’t really the time.”

Trixie looked away from Berry and huffed in disgust.

“The only reason Trixie came here in the first place is so she could beat Twilight Sparkle. Not so she could be in company like yours.”

“Whatever shish,” Berry said, being the bigger mare. Ironically, it was the drunken pony that had enough sense to put a halt to their argument.

“Well since Berry wants to be a party killer, where are Celestia and her ponies? Don’t we start this thing in a few minutes?” Vinyl asked as she sat her bottom on one of Luna’s bean bag chairs and threw her shades on.

Luna looked over to the digital clock near her bed.

Five minutes. She should be here any minute.

“Yeah she should be Vinyl,” Luna answered but noticed that the DJ didn’t bring along her weird masked friend.

“Where’s Perro? Isn’t he usually with you?”

Vinyl shifted in her bean-bag chair and shrugged.

“Nah heard something about him being with Fluttershy in Ponyville now.”

Everypony gasped and Derpy was the first one to ask what everypony was thinking.

“Are Perro and Fluttershy together?”

Vinyl lifted her shades and stared at the blond mare for a few seconds before she began busting out in laughter.

“Bahahaha! Perro and Fluttershy? No bucking way. I think he’s staying with Fluttershy for a year...or maybe six months, I’m not sure...but it seems that he was caught with some bad stuff at his apartment last night and long story short, Perro is going through rehab and Fluttershy is his instructor.”


“Was he involved in drugs?” Luna asked, seeing that hearing the word ‘rehab’ could only mean one thing.

Vinyl looked at Luna and smirked.

“I suppose so, not that I been part of his little sessions.”

“Sessions huh?” Bon Bon said, “Why do I doubt that you weren’t part of it?”

Vinyl looked over to Lyra and Bon Bon who shared a bean bag chair together in the middle of Luna’s room.

“Hey, that’s your call Bons. I might, I might not. I guess we’ll never know right?”

“I abush drugsh all thesh time! Like thish cider!” Berry proclaimed randomly as she threw herself over Luna’s bed.

“Oh no, we’re not having a repeat of last month Berry,” Luna stated.

With diligence and quickness, the alicorn lifted the eternally drunk mare off her bed and gently onto the floor where she could lay out and drink her adored cider. The last thing Luna needed was vomit all over her sheets again.

“The time has arrived to play and Trixie does not see Princess Celestia or Twilight Sparkle. Trixie grows impatient!” Trixie huffed more.

“Trixie, she’s a princess and we’ve only been here for five minutes. You know she has responsibilities to take care of and if she’s late, she’ll probably have a good reason why,” Lyra said in Celestia’s defense.

She better not be.

Luna had to agree with the arrogant magician. She was already tweaked enough that her sister had the audacity to call her to change the rules up at the last minute, let alone getting it on with somepony while doing so.

But as if on cue, a bright yellow flash appeared in the middle of Luna’s room, almost blinding Luna and her friends. Within seconds, Luna and the rest opened their eyes and beheld the sight of Princess Celestia, Twilight, and several other ponies that stood behind the two.

“About time Tia,” Luna said with a flat tone,” We were just wondering where you were at.”

Celestia smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if she was some type of innocent bystander.

“You know how it is little sis. Royal duties had to be handled.” Celestia winked at her, knowing full well why Luna would ask where she was at.

More like you were being handled.

“Of course.”

Celestia turned to the others and greeted them in her innocent and regal tone that made the Princess of the Night roll her teal eyes.

“Hello everypony,” Celestia said with her signature smile of friendly proportions, “I’m assuming that you all will be on Luna’s team for tonight’s match?”

They all nodded.

“Yep, we were just waiting for you and your team Princess Celestia,” Derpy said in a polite tone.

“And Trixie has been waiting for Twilight Sparkle,” Trixie added.

The entire room went silent and all eyes were upon the magician before Celestia continued and Twilight simply giving a small wave and coy smile to her wannabe nemesis.

“Of course Derpy and I apologize to all of you for the last minute notice and having my sister pull you all from whatever activities you had planned tonight.”

“No big deal princess,” Vinyl assured, though Luna couldn’t agree, “We’re always down for a game.”

The rest nodded their heads in agreement with the DJ. They were gamers and who wouldn’t want to play against one such as Celestia, the Ruler of Equestria and Goddess of the Sun? Not everypony could say that they played against a goddess.

Then again, not many could say that they also had a gamer friend that raised the night either.

“I’m glad to hear that and I can assure all of you that your trip here will be worth it,” Celestia replied with an undertone of slyness.

What is she talking about?

Luna eyed her sister, wondering what the white alicorn meant by that.

“Yes, well, how about we get this show on the road then and not waste any more time? Derpy and I already set up everything for when you got here so all we need to do is setup the game” Luna said, now trying to somehow deviate whatever her sister was planning, not that she really knew if Celestia had some shenanigan planned.

“Luna,” Celestia said in the same way a mother would when she was disappointed with her child, “I know you're excited to play but we still have introductions to do. We do have some new ponies here after all and I’m sure they would like to meet your friends.”

Princess Luna looked over to the group of ponies that all now looked over with coy smiles on their faces. As much as she wanted to just start the game and destroy her sister’s flank her face in utter pwnge, she also didn’t want to come off as rude, especially to ponies that she had never met before.

“Okay, your right Tia.”

“Good,” Celestia chimed as she now looked over to her faithful student, “Twilight, would you like to help introduce the others to Luna and her friends?”

“Of course princess,” Twilight answered, being the ever obedient student, and turned to the group of ponies, “Who would like to go first?”

“We will!” A pair of stallions said as they broke from the others and went up to Luna, ready to introduce themselves to their ruler.

Luna watched as the two made their way to her as she stood beside her sister.

“Hello,” she greeted with a polite smile as she held out her silver hoof to the pegasus first.

He had ice blue eyes with a somewhat messy green mane. His coat was matched the color of his eyes and his tail was a very dark blue. He wore a wide smile on his face and held out his hoof to shake the alicorns.

“Hello!” he chimed as he shook her hoof, “My name is Nexus and it’s a pleasure to meet you Princess Luna.”

“Same here,” she answered and looked over to the stallion that stood beside Nexus and noticed something about him.

He looks almost like-

“Hey! You!” Luna heard Vinyl call out as the DJ got up and left the others to see who this pony was.

The black coated, dark blue eyed stallion along with Nexus and everypony else watched as the DJ came up to the pony.

“What’s your name?” Vinyl demanded with authority.

The stallion backed away and gave his answer.

“Uh, my name is Sketch. Why? Have we met before or some...ohhhhh!”

Now there weren’t many ponies that had the same style of manes and tails but these two were the exception. Sketch had his dark coat but what surprised Luna about him and probably Vinyl was that he had the same exact color and style of mane and tail just as the DJ’s.

Vinyl grinned and nudged the pony in the shoulder.

“I like your taste in mane styles Sketch,” Vinyl chuckled.

But Luna noticed that Sketch wasn’t really paying attention to her DJ friend and kept finding the stallion making glances toward her sister and it was then that she knew that this pony, to his own fault, had something for the Sun Goddess.

Don’t even try. By the time she’s done with you, you’re going to want to commit suicide.

“Oh, uhhh yeah thanks,” he simply said as he kept stealing glances over at Celestia.

“He totally wants this ass,” Celestia whispered into Luna’s ear, making the alicorn almost vomit in her mouth.

“So do you guys like electronic music?” Vinyl asked both stallions.

“Yeah! You know some?” Nexus said as Sketch was left in his entrancement with Celestia’s beauty.

“Know some? I create them,” Vinyl stated proudly.

Instantly Nexus’s eyes lit up in sudden awe and admiration and discussion erupted between the two. It was only moments later that Luna watched the two stallions go with Vinyl so the DJ could introduce the two to the rest of their friends.

And possibly have a jam session.

Okay then. So at least Tia didn’t bring any weird ponies.

The introductions continued and a unicorn along with a pegasus came up to introduce themselves to their future opponent.

One unicorn with a cutie mark of a lime green space invader had a black coat with markings that were similar to a Zebra’s but instead of them being black; they were a somewhat bright green. The unicorn had a pair of headphones around his neck and wore a dark green, sleeveless, V-neck sweatshirt with a black dress shirt underneath it.

Hmm, classy.

“Princess Luna,” the unicorn said, giving a little bow, “Princess Celestia told me that you’re a pretty good gamer.”

Pretty good?

Luna smirked, amused that her sister would say that she was just ‘pretty good.’

“You could say that,” Luna answered, “But we will see when we actually play, won’t we?”

The green striped unicorn chuckled.

“I guess we will but before I get too ahead of myself talking, my name is Beat Bot.”

“Nice to meet you Beat Bot.”

“You too princess.

Luna nodded but also kept a mental note in her head to watch this pony. She could tell by his demeanor and the way he spoke that he was more than ready to go. The alicorn smile inside, seeing that Beat Bot had no idea what he was really going up against. She was going to make sure that she proved that she was more than just ‘pretty good.’

“And my name is Windy Quill,” the stallion beside Beat Bot said as he shook Luna’s hoof.

Now this pony was much different. He had a light green coat with a purple mane and brown eyes. He had a cutie mark of an inkwell with a fountain pen and Luna could only guess that he was some type of writer.

“Windy Quill,” Luna said, “I assume by your cutie mark that you write stories of some sort?”

Windy looked at his flank for a moment and looked back at Luna and chuckled at how easy his talent was to guess.

“Hehe, wow, guess Deadinlight wasn’t joking when he said anypony could guess my talent just by looking at it.”

“Deadinlight?” Luna asked, not knowing what pony Windy spoke of.

“Who said my name?!” a voice called out, making Luna Celestia, Windy, and Beat look over to see a white unicorn with a black mane and tail and grayish eyes coming towards all of them.

“Oh great,” Luna heard Windy whisper to himself.

“Hey guys! What’s up?!” Deadinlight said with more than what one would call an indoor voice.

Luna’s teal eyes looked over the unicorn for a moment to see what information she could gather on him but what she saw shocked her.

His horn, it’s broken.

The unicorn was missing the top half of his horn and just looking at it made Luna conscious of her own. She could only imagine what had happened to cause such a thing but she decided against asking, seeing that she didn’t know this stallion.

“We were just introducing ourselves to Princess Luna was all,” Beat Bot answered.

“You were?! Me too! I just got done talking to some blonde mare named Derpy and that’s when I heard one of you say my name so then I wanted to know what you guys were talking about and here I am right?”

Windy lightly sighed.

“Yes, I was just telling Princess Luna what you said about-”

“Your cutie mark? Anypony could tell what the hell that means,” Deadinlight laughed.

Beat Bot chuckled while Windy simply stared at Deadinlight, almost looking as if he was going to back-hoof him.

“I see that,” Windy said flatly.

“I mean, look at mine. I actually have some type of mystery to mine.”

They all glanced over to see what he was talking about and Luna had to admit that he had a point. His cutie mark was composed of a cog with an inkwell and quill inside of it.

“I really don’t see how. The only difference you and I have is that you have a cog for whatever reason.”

Deadinlight laughed and looked over to Luna.

“So we’re playing against you then?”

Luna nodded with a smile.

“Yep, along with Derpy and my other friends.”

“Oh then this will be easy then.”

“Uhh, excuse-?” But the alicorn was cut off by the unicorn and began bouncing around her.

“So what weapons do you use? BR? DMR? Carbine? I like using the BR because it makes cool sounds. Oh! You wanna hear a cool sound?!”

Luna started to feel a bit dizzy as she tried to keep up with the stallion’s obnoxious questions.

“I’m not sure-”


“Huh?” Luna said in confusion

“Beep!” Deadinlight said again and began poking the alicorn with his hoof multiple times, “Beepbeepbeepbeep!”

Luna felt her patience waning quickly as the stallion continued with his annoying poking and beeping.

“Okay Dead, cut it out,” Beat Bot said as he grabbed the unicorn and pulled him away from Luna, “Let’s go meet the others and you can go annoy them, alright?”

The trio left to meet with Derpy and the others and Luna looked over to her sister who now had her hoof over her mouth, trying to keep herself from busting out in hysterical laughter.

“Who the hell was that Tia and why did he keep poking me and making ‘beep’ noises??”

Celestia took a deep breath, trying to quell the oncoming laughter that was sure to have her on the floor.

“Luna, do you remember when somepony asked you if I beeped when I backed up or something like that?”

Luna thought back to that moment.


“Oh...yeah...” Luna said with embarrassment.

“I told him that if he made beep sounds and poked you that you would actually begin to beep.”

“Are you serious? He was annoying the shit out of me.”

Celestia snickered, still trying to hold back her laughter.

“That was the point dear sister and I have to say that your face was priceless.”

Luna simply shook her head, now even more eager to start this match up. Her sister needed to be put in her place.

“Is there anymore ponies of yours that I must meet Tia? I really want to get this game started up and running.”

“Patience Lulu,” Celestia said, “There are still two more ponies I want you to meet and then we will start.”

Celestia scanned her eyes over the mass of ponies to look for the last two. She saw Vinyl and Nexus sitting beside each, wearing headphones and bouncing their heads to music while she saw Sketch simply staring at her. Her eyes searched more and found Derpy, Lyra, and Bon Bon all talking to Windy and Beat Bot, while Deadinlight and Berry Punch seemed to be having a small debate about what the best cider was. She continued her search and found the last two watching Trixie talk smack to her student, though the lavender mare seemed undaunted by the magician.

“Spirit! Theo! Could you two come over here real quick please? My sister would like to meet the both of you before we get started.”

Another light green pony with a mossy green mane, tail, and hooves along with a purple coated one with a black mane and tail came towards the Princess of the Night.

“This is Theo,” Celestia began with a warm smile, pointing to the green stallion.

“My full name is Theorem Proof but most call me ‘Theo’ for short,” the stallion said shyly as he held out his hoof.

“Then it would be okay that I call you Theo then?” Luna asked as she shook his, trying to be as friendly as possible since she could see that the pony was obviously nervous.

“That’s, uh, fine, Princess Luna.”

“And this is Brawny Spirit,” Celestia said, now pointing to the purple pony.

“Hello Brawny Spirit,” Luna greeted, following suit with the hoof shake.

“Hey Princess Luna, “Spirit greeted with a playful smirk of mischievous proportions.

“Oh. I remember you,” Luna said, now recalling a bad memory that she still couldn’t accept.

“So do you think this is going to end the same way like when we played The Pony of Pimps?”

Luna scrunched her muzzle in dismay.

“The only reason you won is because of those damn arrows.”

“You two have met before?” Celestia asked Luna in surprise.

Luna sighed, not wanting to get into details about it.

“It’s a long story Tia.”

“Yeah, maybe after we win then we can discuss it,” Brawny Spirit joked.

“You mean when we win,” Luna replied with a cocky smile.

“Um, Spirit, I think Trixie and Twilight is really getting into it,” Theo said, making Luna look over to the two unicorns.

“I will beat you Twilight Sparkle! Today will be the day that I finally prove that I’m better than you!”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a snarky smile.

“If you say so Trixie.”

Wow, she got Trixie mad enough to actually speak normally?

The two stallions quickly left to watch the two mares and their one-sided battle. Luna looked over to her sister, ready to finally get this match underway.

“Well Tia, I’ve met your team. Are you ready to get your flank handed to you?”

“Yes but we have one problem Luna.”

Luna raised her brow.

“What would that be?”

“I have ten members on my team and you only have seven. The teams aren’t even.”

“Pfffft!” Luna blurted, “All I need is my friends. You can have ten or even twenty; we’re still going to win.”

There had been plenty of times where Luna was put in a position of having unequal teams but she knew that skill could beat numbers any day. A victory over her sister would only help solidify and validate Luna’s skill even more.

“If that’s what you want but I could’ve sworn you had more than seven.” Celestia nudged her sister, “You need to start making more friends little sister.”

Luna bit down on her tongue, knowing exactly what her sister was trying to say.

“Sorry, but unlike you, I don’t have to spread my hind legs to make friends with ponies.”

Celestia looked into her eyes with a mischievous look and raised her brow.

“Well whatever you’re doing now isn’t working either Luna, so maybe you should try spreading yours and see what happens, but we both know you won’t do that,” Celestia said in her everlasting calm tone.

“Happy you got that much,” Luna retorted.

Celestia craned her neck a bit until she was next to Luna’s ear and whispered into it.

“Unless it was for Derpy, right?”

Luna’s body stiffened and she felt her heart begin to race. Her cheeks felt warm and a very explicit image started to enter her mind but she quickly blocked it out, not wanting some type of repeat of last night where she had almost groped Derpy’s rump.


Just say no! Don’t let her enjoy this!

“Uhh...can...can we just start this Tia?”

Luna couldn’t say no though she wanted to deny her sister the satisfaction of being right. She didn’t want her sister to find out that she was in love with her friend but at the same time, she couldn’t reject what her sister had said.

Celestia nodded with a satisfied smile. It seemed Luna’s reaction was enough answer for the Sun Goddess.
“Can I get everypony’s attention please?” Celestia said with authority but also with a gentle and regal tone at the same time.

Instantly, both Luna and Celestia’s team members ceased their chatting and mingling and looked at both alicorns.

“Thank you. We all know why we’re here and I’m assuming all of you are ready to get this game underway?”

“Let’s do this!” Derpy and Vinyl yelled together.

“Yeah! C’mon! I’m ready to kick some royal flank! BEEP!” Deadinlight shouted.

Luna narrowed her eyes at him.

He’s going to be my first kill.

“I hope you are,” Luna deadpanned, “So does everypony here have a controller to play?”

Before anypony could answer, Celestia interrupted.

“We’re not going to need controllers for this game lil’ sis,” Celestia said proudly.

“Huh?” Luna blurted, “Then what are we supposed to use to play?

How could they play without controllers? Halo 4 isn't Kinect compatible and there was no way she was going to use that over-hyped piece of junk. She understood that Celestia wasn’t a gamer and she didn’t expect her to know the in’s and outs of the gaming world but even Celestia had to know that they needed controllers.

Celestia went over near Luna’s beloved Tower of Power and all eyes were on her, waiting for an explanation.

“Something better than controllers. Today I received a package from our dear mailmare here...”

Everypony looked at the blond mare for a moment as she simply waved her hoof with a coy smile and quickly looked back at Celestia.

“And what I found in it may please most of you.”

Celestia’s horn lit up a bright yellow and a large open box appeared in front of her. Everypony, including Luna, gathered around to see what was inside as Celestia levitated one to herself.

Luna peered inside the box and saw several metallic helmets with visors. They were shiny chrome with golden visors and had a button in the back that had the word ‘SYNC’ near it.

“Are these...” Twilight began as she levitated one to herself and studied the item with great interest, “Are these actually....?”

“Yes they are Twilight,” Celestia answered, “These are virtual reality helmets on steroids.”

“What??! “Virtual reality?” Luna gasped.

“Yep!” Celestia chimed as she summoned a small piece of paper, “Apparently all you have to do is just put it on, hit the SYNC button on the helmet and the Xbox, and you will actually be in the game playing.”

Everypony looked at each other in excitement and amazement but no pony was more excited than Luna was right now. To actually be in the game, and really put her skills to the test? It was a gamer's wet dream!

“So does that mean, like, we get to be Spartans and use weapons and stuff?” The green pony named Theo asked.

“Exactly,” Celestia answered.

“Wait, rewind for a minute,” Vinyl began, “If we’re going to be in the game shooting at each other, aren’t we going to feel that shit?”

Now that was a good question, a question that Luna wanted to know the answer to. If she was going to be taking bullets and what not, she definitely didn’t want to know how it felt.

Celestia looked at the small piece of paper that she had summoned earlier and read from it.

“It says that the VS34 does not integrate itself with nerves, blah, blah, blah, and that no pain will be felt when one takes damage. If one dies in a game, the VS34 simply brings the player back to reality and shuts down.”

“Sounds pretty awesome to me,” Beat Bot said.

“But there’s one thing with this,” Celestia continued, “It alters the game of which you’re in, of course make it seem real, but also real within the game’s rules. For example, Spartans possess significant strength. In turn, you the player will have that same ability.”

Celestia took her eyes off the paper.

“So basically saying that any abilities that you can use in the game can be used while you’re in it I guess.”

“Holy shitsh! Thatsh bucking crazy!” Berry Punch yelled, almost falling over onto the floor.


Luna looked at the helmet she held in her hooves in awe and anticipation. She now wanted to try this first hoof.

“So this thing is completely safe right?” Derpy asked, seemingly a bit worried about this new change.

“Of course Derpy,” Celestia assured, “I would never suggest using these otherwise if I thought they weren’t.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?” Lyra said,” Let’s get this started!”

Everypony agreed and began looking over their helmets, preparing themselves for a new gaming experience.

“We have to set up the game first though,” Luna said and quickly grabbed her controller, wanting to waste no time in starting this, now much more interesting, match.

Karma's a Bitch

Infinity Slayer
Score to win: 250
Map: Ragnarok
Time Limit: None

Luna and the others sat in front of her immense television as she set the parameters for the game. Celestia took a seat beside her on one side while Derpy sat on the other side of her, fidgeting with her new equipment.

“This is going to be so fun,” Derpy said in foalish excitement.

Yeah, fun kicking my sister’s ass!

“The game is set,” Luna announced.

Derpy put her helmet over her head and the rest followed suit except for Celestia and Luna, who now eyed each other.

“So are you ready to do this Luna?”

She was more than ready. Everything that she had gone through had led up to this moment and there was no way she was backing down. Celestia had blackmailed her, spanked her, humiliated her, and everything else that she had been subject to by her troll of her sister.

It was time for payback.

“I've been ready,” Luna replied with a cocky smile, “Are you?”

Celestia smiled wickedly as she put her helmet on.

“I’m ready to see you in panties.”

Luna rolled her eyes and put her helmet on and said one last thing before everypony pressed the SYNC button and were thrown into a new world.

“Karma’s a bitch Tia.”

Let the games begin...

Author's Note:

Who do you think will win?

Thanks to Nexuskld, Party Favors, Deadinlight, Asfrasle, XxPon3xSketchxX, lego2112, and GimmyJibbsJr for letting me use their OC's and possibly destroying them.

To the rest of you that read this, thanks for sticking this far into the story. We only have a bit more to go before the end. Six more chapters I believe.