• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,632 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 5

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 5

The More Serious Part...

Princess Luna and Derpy Hooves walked side by side as they trotted down the marble-floored hallway, making their way to Celestia’s chambers. It had been quite a morning for Luna as her mind was going in too many directions for her to count. One half of her mind was thinking about the mare that walked beside her and how good it felt to hold her earlier, and how good she felt even now with Derpy simply walking next to her, and she had no clue why. The other half was thinking about Celestia and her little blackmail she had on her and what she had planned.

As bad as it sounded to go to a party that Celestia had her eyes set on, Luna tried to look at the bright side to all of this. Celestia could have made her do things that would probably end in her staring at a wall for hours on end from being so traumatized, so being blackmailed to go to a party was pretty tame. Another good thing, and probably the best out of all this, was that she was going to take Derpy with her. True, it’s not like she was given much choice concerning Derpy but even if she had the option, she probably would have still asked her to come so at least she wouldn’t be alone with Celestia and her questionable ways.

Was Luna afraid that Derpy would find out about Celestia’s dirty side?

Hell yeah.

But Derpy came to the castle every week to come spend the night and play games and Luna made it her mission to keep her friend from Celestia’s roaming hooves and she had done a good job thus far. If she was able to save Derpy’s innocence for this long, she was confident that she could keep her safe at some small party.

The two continued walking silently until Derpy decided to break it with an innocent question.

“So how did you sleep last night Luna?” she said with a small smile.

Usually such a simple question would be easy to answer but Luna was finding herself hesitating. She definitely slept well; probably the best sleep she had gotten in a long time, but the image of her them holding each other and snuggling began to plague her mind once again.

“Oh..uh, I slept fine,” she said hastily.

“You sure? You kind of seemed a bit zoned out.”

Derpy was right. Ever since asking her friend to this party, which she gladly accepted without hesitation, Luna has been in her own world. With Celestia’s shenanigans and these weird feelings that she was still trying to figure out, she even had to admit she wasn’t acting normal.

“I’m sorry Derpy, I just have a lot of things on my mind today,” she answered as she turned her gaze to the pony.

Luna’s eyes began to scan the grey mare over. Her blonde mane seemed more blonde than usual and looking into her crossed eyes was bringing back that pleasurable nervousness within the bellows of her stomach. Her eyes then moved, as if they had a mind of their own, and went to Derpy’s flank, checking out her cutie mark of bubbles it was printed on. She had the strong urge to-

Stop it!

Luckily the alicron caught herself and turned her head away for a few seconds, taking a silent deep breath.

That was wrong....that was so wrong! I shouldn’t be...checking her out!

“Like what?” Derpy asked, seemingly oblivious to the eye raping that Luna had almost committed.

Luna turned her gaze back to Derpy to answer her but forced herself to keep her wandering eyes in control.

“Just royal stuff. I don’t really like dealing with all the politicians and all the ponies that complain about things and crap. It gets a bit annoying after a few hours.”

Derpy cocked her brow, suddenly more interested in what she was hearing.

“What would ponies complain about? I mean, you run the kingdom just fine I think.”

“Well I wish more ponies thought the same like you my friend but it’s really not about the way I run the kingdom with Celestia, but about me,” Luna said.

Luna was no fool and this was the reason she hated dealing with her court. Ponies complained about her and some even complained to her sister about her. Why? Some ponies still feared her, afraid that she still had Nightmare Moon in her. They complained that she shouldn’t be running the kingdom alongside her sister, little did they know that Luna was the only one that kept some type of barrier between them and Celestia. Without her, they would either all be contemplating their marriages or checking underneath their beds every night.

“What? What have you done?” Derpy asked.

“They still see me as Nightmare Moon. They’re afraid that I’ll try to take over again and no matter how many times I tell them I’m not her anymore, they don’t believe it,” Luna explained, waving her hoof nonchalantly in the air to give off the impression that it wasn’t a big deal.

Derpy looked away and continued walking but Luna noticed something in her eyes before she looked away. She saw a bit of anger flare in the small pony.

“Well they’re stupid then. If they knew you the way I did, they would see that you're nothing like Nightmare Moon.”

Luna’s eyes widened. Derpy sounded actually a bit pissed off, something that Luna had never heard from her friend. She didn’t even know that Derpy was capable of actually being ticked off like she seemed now. The mailmare was always happy and pretty accepting of many things...except for Trixie but she couldn’t blame her for that.

“Derpy, it’s quite alright-”

“No it’s not.” Derpy stopped walking and looked deep into Luna’s eyes. “I don’t know why ponies are still afraid of you Luna. Your the nicest pony I know and I’m tired of other ponies not seeing it.”

Luna began to feel a slight sadness within her heart as she heard such kind words but she couldn’t blame other ponies for how they felt. She was fearsome as Nightmare Moon and Derpy didn’t know it, but when she was her dark alter ego, she had no thoughts of being friends with any pony; only to rule them and make them pay for not appreciating her night.

“Thank you Derpy but it’s not something you should get upset over,”Luna insisted, “I don’t really care what other ponies think of me anyways.”

“I do. You're my best friend and it hurts to think that ponies still see you that way. I could understand why ponies would make fun of me because of my eyes but you? How could they? You're beautiful and funny and all kinds of other good stuff,” Derpy said with sincerity.

Luna felt the nervousness in her stomach almost explode and her heart pounding in her chest as one thing ran through her mind.

She said I’m beautiful...and funny?

It was almost as if those simple words held some type of joy to them. They made her chest feel warm and brought up a pure, raw, happiness within her like some type of foal who just got their cutie mark.

“You...you really mean that?” Luna asked without thinking.

Derpy came close to her and wrapped her forelegs around Luna’s neck, making the regal blush red hot.

“Of course Luna. You’re my best friend. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t believe it,” Derpy said as she hugged her.

Luna now found herself wrapping her arm around the mare and bringing her in closer. Her fur felt unbelievably soft and her muffin scent was filling her nostrils once again, making her heart pound even faster.

“I, err, I don’t know what to say Derpy...”she trailed off as a small voice began to speak to her.

What do you mean Luna? All you have to say is thank you. Is that so hard now?

Her own little voice in her head was right. She would usually just say thank you and continue on but it seemed that saying thank you wouldn’t be enough to really show how much she appreciated such words from her friend.

You’re my best friend.

A twinge of pain struck her beating heart as she now thought about that sentence. Hearing the word friend actually kind of hurt and it perplexed the already confused alicorn even more. It hurt like a small needle poking into her chest and just like all her other weird feeling she had been experiencing this morning, she couldn’t explain why.

“I mean...thank you. That means a lot,” Luna finished her sentence.

Derpy broke the embrace with her bright signature smile that Luna knew so well and loved. Maybe a bit more than usual now.

“No problem Luna.”

They both stared at each other with their faces close to each other and Luna was now finding herself staring into Derpy’s beautiful crossed eyes. She felt her head begin to move a bit closer to Derpy’s and her mind going fuzzy with her little voice encouraging something that she found herself agreeing to.

Kiss her.

The thought was taboo but Luna was finding herself being drawn in by Derpy’s presence until her other, rational voice spoke up.

NO! What the hell are you doing?!

Luna quickly came back to her senses and pulled her face away from Derpy’s with a quickness, making Derpy give her a look of ‘What happened?’

“Are you okay Luna? Did I say something wrong?” Derpy asked in a worried tone.

“No...no. I just...we have to get my sister’s room and see about these costumes. You have work soon and I don’t want you to be late on my behalf.”

Luna looked over to her with a sheepish smile and closed her eyes while doing so so she could avoid looking into those adorkable crossed eyes.

“Oh...alright. Yeah, we should probably hurry up and get over there. My boss would be mad again if I’m late,” Derpy said with a half-hearted tone.

So with nothing more to say, they both continued their way to Celestia’s chambers and didn’t say another word until they got there.

...And The Not So Serious Part

“Little sis! Derpy! I’m sooooo glad you made it!” Celestia beamed as she opened her golden doors and let the two in.

“Not like we had much choice, did we Tia?” Luna said quietly as she passed the alicorn.

The doors closed behind them and they took in the scenery. A small fireplace crackled and popped with a small rug beside it littered with scrolls and a book that Luna quickly took notice of.

Pony Sutra.

Damnit Tia.

Luna quickly went over and pushed a few pieces of parchment over the book, covering it’s title. She didn’t want Derpy to see such a thing and risk the reaction she would have to such a text...or worse, actually read it on accident.

“How are you today Princess Celestia?” Derpy asked, being polite to the ruler of Equestria.

“I’m great. How are you? Did you had a good time with little Lulu over here,” Celestia smirked as she pointed her hoof to a disgruntled Luna.

“Oh yeah! We had a real good time playing with each other!” Derpy beamed.

Celestia turned to Luna while she tried to restrain her laughter.

“You hear that Luna? She says you guys were playing with each other. Why didn’t you tell me you two had such fun with each other?” Celestia teased, trying to keep herself from bursting out in laughter.

Luna simply sighed softly and kept a blank face.

“You know what she means Tia. Now where are these costumes you were talking about?”

Luna didn’t want to waste any time playing Celestia’s game and just get this over with. The sooner that she could get her and her friend out of here, the better. With each passing second was a moment more that Celestia would have to try and embarrass her and Derpy being subjected to her sister’s antics.

Celestia stuck out her tongue like a child.

“You’re no fun Luna.”

“I try,” Luna replied with a bit of malice.

“Yeah! I want to see the costumes!” Derpy exclaimed excitedly.

Celestia smiled wide, showing off her pearly whites as she she heard such misplaced enthusiasm.

I don’t.

“Great! Now I assume my sister asked you to go to this party with us during Nightmare Night right?” Celestia said with a dastardly gleam in her eyes.

“Yep and I would love to go!”

“I just knew you would!” Celestia exclaimed, looking back at Luna.

Luna rolled her teal eyes. She knew Celestia was enjoying every minute of this and loving the fact that she was rubbing it in her muzzle, but at least it wasn’t her ass this time being rubbed on it. That was one thing to be grateful for.

Time to change the subject Tia.

“Where’s your student Celestia? Didn’t she spend the night with you?” Luna asked, though she really didn’t care for the answer. She just needed her sister to talk about something else for now.

“Duh! I mean, you and I both know I have ponies spend the night with me all the time.”

Luna face-hoofed herself.

“Woah! You have sleepovers every night? You must have a lot of friends Princess,” Derpy said as she admired Celestia’s bed...only Luna’s stars knew the things that happened in those sheets.

“Oh yes, I have a lot of friends. We have the most fun when we're all together, much better than Luna’s little sleepovers.”

Derpy faced the white alicorn and smiled coyly.

“Well, I don’t know about better. I love my sleepovers with Luna but I’m sure yours are fun too.”

Luna smiled a bit hearing that. Even when Celestia was trying to make her look bad, Derpy still defended her. It was nice to hear that she did think their weekly sleepovers were fun for her.

Celestia chuckled, taking no offense to Derpy’s claim.

“Maybe one of these days I’ll show you how fun my parties are and-”

“Tia! Costumes! Let’s see them!” Luna quickly said, seeing exactly where this conversation was going.

Celestia turned her gaze back to her and stuck her tongue out again.

“Fine. Jeez Luna, can I not get to know your friend a bit more? So rude,” she said with an evil grin.

You don’t need to know her they way you want to.

“Twilight!” Celestia called out, “Are you finished getting that costume on?”

A voice was heard behind a door that must have led to some back room of some sort.

“Just a moment Princess, I’m having some difficulty trying to get the panties on!”


Celestia sighed.

“Give me a minute, I think my student needs help.”

With a bright flash of light, the white alicorn disappeared and both Derpy and Luna stared at the door, waiting to see what kind of costume Twilight was trying on.

“Panties? What are those?” Derpy asked Luna, whose face was now red once again.

“Put your leg through here Twilight,” Celestia voice said behind the door, “Okay now this one- damn, your flank looks nice in this. The stallions are going to love you.”

By my own beard, help me.

“This is kind of tight Princess. Is this supposed to be that tight around my bottom?”

“Of course! That’s the purpose of it my dear student.”

Derpy cocked her head to the side, trying to figure out what was going on. A bright flash of light appeared once again and Celestia stood between the two mare with a satisfied smile.

“You two ready?” she asked

“Yeah! Let’s see,” Derpy answered.

“I...I guess,” Luna said with much reservation.

Great! Behold!” Celestia announced and pointed her hoof to the door, “The sexiest costume ever made!”

As if on cue, Twilight Sparkle timidly opened the door and Luna’s mouth dropped. The lavender mare had had striped socks on each of her legs and wore purple tight panties on her rump. Luna could have sworn that her nose was beginning to bleed from such sexiness.

“Holy crap Twilight! You look awesome!” Derpy said as she trotted over to the mare and touched her socks.

“I know right! It looks sooo good!” Celetia squealed and turned to Luna, “Doesn't she look amazing?”

Luna was at a loss for words. This was no costume! This was just straight up dirty!

“Well? Doesn't she?”

“Tia...please tell me that ...thats not our costumes,” she stuttered.

“Okay, that’s not our costumes.”

“It’s our costumes, isn’t it?”

“Well, which one do you want Luna? You tell me not to tell you they aren’t then you ask me if they are? Which one do you want?” Celestia teased,”But yes, that’s what we’re all going to be wearing. Of course, I have picked ones out especially made for the both of you.”

“Oooooo, I want to try mine on!” Derpy blurted as she heard the alicorn.

Luna looked over to her friend with her mouth even dropping further to the ground.

“Are you serious Derpy?!”

Derpy smiled, as if there was nothing wrong with this attire.

“Heck yeah! They look so cool Luna!”

Celestia smirked at Luna, taking in this victory over her.

“Twilight, how about you help her get her costume on so we can see how she looks in it.”

The studious mare nodded with a smile.

“Could you come with me Derpy?”

The pegasus followed Twilight into the back room to change over and the door closed behind them, leaving the two regals together.

“You have to admit Twilight looked pretty sexy in that. I could imagine how your friend is going to look,” Celestia said giggling.

Luna looked over to her with her mouth still hanging a bit open.

“Tia, why are you trying to ruin my life?”

Celestia busted out in laughter.

“Ruin your life? What are you talking about Luna? You're my sister and I love you in a non-sexual way, why would I try to ruin your life?”

Luna gritted her teeth. She was losing patience and her sanity quickly.

“By all this! The blackmail, these...these...I don’t even know what the heck all that is!” she said, pointing her hoof to the door.

Celestia simply rolled her eyes.

“It’s so you could actually have some real fun Luna. Sexy fun!”

“I don't’ want sexy fun! The only fun I need is in a controller and a T.V.! This is just...this is just you being a perv again!”

Celestia gasped and put her hoof over her mouth, “Luna! How could you call me such a thing?! I’m not a perv! I’m a sexy freak, get it right!”

There’s no way we can be related... I had to be adopted or something.

The back door opened once again and Luna quickly turned her attention to it. The small grey mare came out and as soon as Luna caught a glimpse of what was before her, a fierce fire lit up in the pits of her stomach.

Derpy wore striped socks that were grey and yellow on each of her hooves and grey panties that made Luna’s mind reel with thoughts that I won’t even type up because they are too explicit for a rated teen fiction.

“So how do I look?” the pegasus asked, checking out her own socks.

Ohmygoshohmygosh! She...she’s...she’s sexy!

“By my own mane, I’d hit that!” Celestia exclaimed with wide eyes and her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth.

“What do you think Luna?”

She’s hot! She’s hot! She’s not supposed to look hot! I’m not supposed to be liking this!

“I..I’d hit that too?”


Derpy squee’d in joy and pranced around, enjoying her questionable attire.

“Okay! Your turn Luna!” Celestia announced proudly.

“No! There’s no way I’m wearing that!” Luna cried in disbelief and embarrassment.

Celestia, Derpy, and Twilight who now came out of the room without her ‘costume’, all stared at her in silence from her outburst.

“Why not? I must say the undergarment is quite comfortable,” Twilight said.

“Yeah!” Derpy agreed, “These panties are so soft! I need to get some of these!”

“C’mon Luna! Try it on! I want to see how you look in it,” Celestia encouraged.

This can’t be happening...there’s no way I’m going to wear that! I have to get out of this...I can’t even look at Derpy without looking at her...her..butt! What the hell is going on with everything!?

But she had an idea. One that could save her from wearing such items. One that would get both her friend and her out of Celestia’s domain.

“Oh my gosh! I almost forgot! The chef is serving his famous banana muffins today!”

“ Banana muffins?!” Derpy cried. She fluttered her wings and quickly threw off the socks and panties and grabbed Luna by her hoof, dragging her out to the door.

“C’mon! We got to get those muffins!”

Luna looked at Celestia as she was dragged out of the room and smiled at her. Celestia looked back and simply grinned, knowing exactly the move she had just played and mouthed two words at her.

Have fun.

The pegasus and alicorn left the room and the sound of Derpy’s voice calling out to Luna to hurry up was all that was heard in the hall.

“That was suddenly weird,” Twilight said as she stood next to her mentor, confused on what just happened.

Celestia softly chuckled. If Luna thought that she was going to pull something like that on her just to get away from trying on her sexy creation, then she had another thing coming.

“Yes, my sister can be very weird at times my dear student but let’s not focus on that. Go put your costume back on and I’ll get the camera.”

Twilight nodded happily and went to do as she was told. Celestia closed the door and the castle was silent once more except for a frantic muffin mare.

A/N. No, I don't have a sock fetish.