• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 13,632 Views, 1,318 Comments

M0re Than Gam3rs - P3RROHAMBRE

Gamer Luna and Derpy are best friends, with a love of gaming. Will it turn to something more?

  • ...

Level 7

M0re Than Gam3rs

Level 7

Operation: Cele---

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Operation: Celestia

Late that night...

“Okay, I know I gave you the idea to sneak in Princess Celestia’s room but why do I have to be part of this?“

“Because,” Luna said as she put on what looked like a black wetsuit, “I need somepony that can keep a lookout while I search Tia’s room.”

Vinyl Scratch reluctantly put on what looked like some type of utility belt that Luna had given her and let out a long drawn out sigh.

“Why can’t you just have Derpy do that?! You didn’t have to go and send guards after me like I was being arrested or something to come get me!”

Luna made sure her suit was nice and snug on her body and turned to the white DJ who was still having a bit of trouble putting her belt on.

“ The only reason I sent my guards after you because I knew you wouldn’t agree to it if I asked-”

“Yeah! You’re probably right!” Vinyl interrupted. Luna simply rolled her eyes and continued.

“And I would have Derpy help me but considering that the pictures are of me and her, it wouldn’t be smart of me to have her help me now would it? Now stop complaining and get your belt on. It’s almost midnight and we have only a small window of opportunity to get in my sister’s room without being caught.”

Vinyl huffed and obeyed her princess. The white mare clicked her belt around her waist and pulled up the sleek black hood over her electric blue mane.

“What’s with all this stuff anyways? The belt, the suit, the paintball gun? Don’t you think this is a bit overkill Luna?”

Luna narrowed her eyes and looked deep into her friend’s red ones(I know they're not red, just deal with it) and spoke with a low, almost grave tone.

“Overkill? Vinyl, what we're about to do is almost unheard of. We may lose our very sanity and virginity’s-”

“Uh, you know I’m not a virgin right?” Vinyl deadpanned.

“Vinyl! Just let me finish! I’m trying to be dramatic!” Luna cleared her throat and continued with her forced drama,”We may lose our very sanity and virginity’s if we fail this mission and I can’t stress enough to you how important this is that we do not get caught by her. Do you understand?”

Vinyl just cocked her head with a face of ‘What the buck are you talking about?’

“Look Luna, I think your going a bit-”

“Do you understand?!” Luna said a bit louder as she pressed her muzzle against Vinyls.

“Okay! Okay! I get it! But what about her guards? Can’t you just tell them to go away or something??” Vinyl asked as she tried backing her own muzzle away from Luna’s.

Luna knew she could. She was one of Equestria’s rulers after all but if she dismissed her sister’s guards, no doubt Celestia would notice and begin to wonder why she did.

The alicorn backed away but kept her intense gaze on the DJ as if she was staring into her very soul. Vinyl Scratch couldn’t comprehend how serious this was to Luna, but Luna knew full well how damn serious this was.

It was just that serious.

“I could but her guards would tip her off and she’ll ask why. We have to get in there without any of them noticing.”

Was this a bit overkill?

Perhaps, but in Luna’s mind this was called preparation. They weren’t just going to infiltrate some random pony’s room to look for pictures and maybe dig some dirt on. No, this was her sister that she was dealing with and she had to be prepared for anything, and this was why she had waited until midnight to commit this deed.

Princess Luna knew her sister’s schedule like the back of her hoof; she had to to avoid Celestia and her sexy antics. So with that knowledge, Luna knew that every Sunday at midnight, Celestia would be down in the theater room watching some type of explicit flick with some unlucky stallion or mare that she had probably picked up from her court earlier today. The alicorn also knew that as soon as midnight hit, her and Vinyl would only have a thirty minute window to do what they had to do before Celestia brought her reluctant guest to her chambers.

“So what happens if she does catch us huh?” Vinyl now asked, still a bit freaked out of how seriously Luna was taking this.

Luna backed away from Vinyl and stared off into space as she thought about the numerous things that her sister could do to them if she did catch them. So many terrible and explicit things that Celestia could put them through that would make even the most strong-minded ponies break.

“Pray that we don’t get caught Vinyl,” Luna said with a dark voice as she squinted her eyes more, “Pray to the stars that our bums will still be whole and untouched by the time this is over.”


Both mares turned their heads to the small alarm clock that now buzzed and beeped on one of the shelves of Luna’s Tower of Power.

11:55 P.M.

“Well, if we're going to do this then let’s get this done. I got Perro coming over later tonight for a jam session and I kind of have to be home if that’s going to happen,” Vinyl said as she grabbed her paintball gun and hooked it across her back, “But there’s one thing that I want to say before we do this because you’re making this sound like a life or death thing.”

Luna pulled her black hood up and followed suit, taking her paintball gun and throwing it over her shoulder.

“And what would that be?” Luna asked as she stared at the clock, their mission about ready to commence.

Vinyl began to make her way to Luna’s chamber door and looked back at her with a blank face that held a hidden dismay in it.

“You’re bucking crazy...”

Luna rolled her teal eyes once again as she continued staring at the clock that now read 11:57 P.M.

Thanks Vinyl...

But then the DJ’s face turned into a wide smile.

“And I’m liking it.”

Luna turned to her, now a bit surprised by that piece but she couldn’t help but let a small smile escape her.

11:59 P.M.

Vinyl Scratch locked and loaded her paintball gun.

“You ready to do this?”

Luna looked back at the clock and locked and loaded her paintball gun. She could feel anxiety well up in her chest but it was mixed with also a devious excitement. Never before had she planned something like this against her sister. She had never thought of doing such things but now that she was actually going through with this, she felt almost powerful. The possibility of finally beating Tia at her own game was almost exhilarating.

12:00 A.M.

It was time. With nothing left to do and only the veil of darkness to now protect them, Luna began to walk to her door where Vinyl waited and said what possibly could be her final words.

“Commence Operation: Celestia.”


The hallway was dark and only the light of Luna’s crescent moon poured in through the grand windows that went down the hallway. Luna and Vinyl both had their backs against the marble wall and quietly scooted across it, careful not to make a sound and alert any of Celestia’s guards that patrolled it.

“Luna,” Vinyl whispered, “Where the hay is your sister’s room? We been scooting across this same wall for the past five minutes now.”

“Just around this corner,” Luna replied quietly and continued onwards until they came to a corner.

“Watch my back,” Luna whispered.

“I got ya,” Vinyl whispered and readied her paintball gun. Luna peeked over to the corner and saw four stallions decorated in golden armor, talking among themselves.

“What do you see?” Vinyl said in her hushed tone as she played with her gun a little bit.

“I’m seeing four guards, all standing in front of her door but they’re just talking.”

“Well let’s take them out real quick and get the goods.”

Luna looked back at Vinyl.

“We can’t use the guns on them Vinyl. If we do, Celestia will find out and will have our goods. We only use these in case we’re caught.”

Vinyl sighed, obviously displeased that she wouldn’t be able to use her lovely tool.

“Then how do we get them away from the door?”

Luna smiled devilishly.

“I have an idea. Just stay here and make sure no guards come up behind us.”

Vinyl simply nodded and kept her paintball gun at the ready in case any did. Luna peaked back over to the corner and saw the same stallions still talking, one of them even laughing a bit. She had to get closer to them if she was going to pull off her little plan.

Luna took a deep breath and combat rolled to the opposite side wall and quickly pressed her back against it and peeked back over to see if the guards noticed her. They were all still talking, seemingly oblivious that an alicorn and one of her gamer friends were stalking them.

Okay...let’s get these guys to chill out a bit.

Luna put her hoof over her belt and pressed the small button. A little compartment opened and two small blue balls (No sexual joke intended) popped out of it and into her hoof. Both balls had a metallic shine to them and a small button on the side of them. She peeked back over the corner and as before, the four stallions were still talking, now laughing among themselves.

Good...good...keep laughing you guys because soon you’ll be sleeping like foals.

“Vinyl,” Luna whispered across to her.

Vinyl Scratch quickly turned around and lowered her non-fatal but pretty damn painful weapon.

“Yeah? What’s up?”

Luna rolled one of the metallic balls to Vinyl across the marble floor and the white mare carefully picked it up and studied it.

“What the hay is this?” she whispered across to Luna.

“It’s a sleeping bomb. You see the little button on the side of it?”

Vinyl turned the ball in her hooves until she found a small button on it. She nodded, confirming she had it in her sight.

“We’re going to roll these out to that small group of guards in front of us and put these guys out. They’ll fall asleep and then we’ll drag them into Tia’s room but we have to be quick. It only lasts for a good fifteen minutes,” Luna said hastily, trying to still keep her eyes on the group of stallions.

“Where the hay you get this shit Luna?”

“Being a princess has it’s perks.”

“Hey!” Both mares went dead silent,” Did you guys hear something?” one of the stallions said, making both mares freeze in place.

“Calm down Saber, you’re just hearing shit again. No pony comes out in the hall this late, especially on Sunday. Chill out,” another stallion said.

“No guys, I thought I heard something coming from over there. Like some ponies were whispering or something.”

Luna didn’t dare look over the corner to see if the group was making their way over to them. She simply held her small bomb in her hoof and her paintball gun on the other. She was prepared to go Rambo on them if she needed to.

“I think Saber is just afraid of the dark.” The other stallions broke out in small laughter hearing such a simple joke.

“I’m not afraid of the dark! I’m afraid of her popping out of the dark somewhere and licking my flank again!”

Both Luna and Vinyl looked at each other from across the hallway with confusion, wondering what the hay this stallion was talking about.

“Dear Celestia, you’re still on that Saber? I’m sure Princess Celestia doesn't go around licking her guards flanks. That’s a bit pervy and in case you haven't met her, she’s pretty far from that.”

“I’ll tell you one thing guys,” another guard began, “I would do more than lick her flank.”

The small group began to laugh again.

“Screw you guys. Just wait until she has you trapped in bindings in her bed and we will see who’s laughing then.”

My gosh Tia...what the hell have you been doing?

“Okay, how about this Saber? We will all go over and have a look see alright? Will that make you feel better?” a stallion chuckled.

“Fine! Just...just I want to make sure it’s not her stalking me or something again.”

Vinyl and Luna kept their backs pinned to the wall, sweat now running down both of their foreheads and heard the sound of hoof steps coming towards them. Luna knew that this was now a do or die moment and it was time to do. She looked over to Vinyl and Vinyl looked over to her. They both nodded their heads and knew what they had to do.

The sound of hoof steps came even closer and without anymore hesitation, Luna shouted.

“Do it! Let that bitch go!”

In unison, both mares pressed the small button and rolled the metallic balls across the floor to the oncoming group of guards.

“What the hay?!” several of them shouted but it was too late. Both bombs exploded into a plume of purple smoke, engulfing the small group of guards who now coughed and hacked.

Luna and Vinyl watched as one by one, each guard fell to the floor with a hard thud and fell asleep like a small foal. The two mares waited until the smoke began to dissipate.

“Holy crap Luna, that was freakin’ awesome,” Vinyl praised as she stared at the group of sleeping stallions.

Luna didn’t have time to admire the scene. They were running against time and she needed to move fast.

“C’mon Vinyl,” the alicorn said as she quickly made her way to the group of stallions, “Open the door for me so I can get these guys in there.”

Vinyl Scratch obeyed and carefully opened Celestia’s door and gave entrance to the dimly lighted, empty chamber. Luna lifted all four stallions from the ground with her magic, inhaling and exhaling as she concentrated on the four bodies.

She slowly walked into the room with the four guards levitating in the air, careful not to bonk their heads on the walls or anything. They may have knocked them out but she didn’t want to hurt them...that would be just awful of her. The DJ closed the door quietly behind them and Luna gently laid the four stallions on her sisters bed. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with her forearm from such concentration but she didn’t lose focus of the mission.

Both mares had now finally made it into Celestia’s chambers. The only source of light in this humble den of sin was the gentle flame from the fireplace. The room smelled of something floral and Luna noticed a thing of incense burning on one Tia’s nightstands.

She already prepared for tonight. We have to hurry.

“Wooooah, Celestia got some real shit here. Wish I had a room like this,” Vinyl admired in awe.

“We don’t have time to check out my sister’s room Vinyl. We have to find that folder and whatever dirt we can get on my sister,” Luna said flatly.

Vinyl took off her dark hood and put her paintball gun on her back.

“Well what does the folder look like?” Vinyl asked.

Luna went over to Celestia’s desk that was placed in the back of her room, covered in quills and parchment with several bottles of ink. She thought it was probably the best pace to start if anywhere.

“It’s a manilla folder. You know, like cream colored? And it has a title on it with bold letters saying ‘Sexy Times.’”

Vinyl began to chuckle.

“Sexy times? Really?”

Luna turned with almost a look of annoyance. She was in no mood for games right now.

“Vinyl please. We don’t have much time. Just find it okay? Look near her dressers and stuff while I look over here.”

“Okay, okay, jeez. Somepony’s getting her mane in a bunch,” Vinyl mumbled as she began to search.

Luna simply ignored Vinyl's last comment and began shuffling through the parchment. Her eyes scanned the pile of old letters, requests, and some that even looked like notifications of magazine subscriptions but nothing that really stood out or a manilla folder.

C’mon Tia...there has to be something that I can pin on you. You’re good but not that good.

Her horn lit up and summoned her phone to check the time and see how they were doing.

12:18 A.M.

We still got a bit of time...

Luna opened the drawers of the desk and began to rummage through them. One drawer was filled with magazines with covers of mares and stallions in questionable positions along with some bottles of lube that she didn’t even want to know what they were for. She moved on to the second drawer and found nothing but bottles of ink and new quills. There was nothing that would have anything incriminating against her sister.

“Have you found anything yet Vinyl?” Luna asked as she continued searching the desk, hoping that Vinyl was having better luck.

“Well...” Vinyl paused as she began to snicker, causing Luna to turn around in curiosity, “I certainly found something.” The DJ pointed toward Celestia’s wardrobe dresser with her hoof, bringing Luna’s gaze towards it and her mouth dropped and her cheeks lit up a nice bright red.

Sweet mother of...

Usually a wardrobe was filled with clothes right? Apparently her sister had it for a different purpose. In the wardrobe were about ten different shelves that held a plethora of ‘toys’ in it. They were different shapes, sizes, colors. Some had labels on them reading ‘Griffon’ or ‘Changeling’ on them while others had recognizable names like ‘The Big Mac’ and ‘Spike’s Pride.’

“Your sister’s a straight freak!” Vinyl laughed as she took one and jiggled it around in her hoof.

“Vinyl! Put that back! Who knows where that’s been!” Luna said as she made a gagging noise.

“Oh I know where it’s been,” Vinyl said with a sly smirk as she put one of the toys back.

“Did you find anything else but that?”

“Well, I found some banana peels and a whole bunch of incense sticks but no folder. Oh, and there was some book but it didn’t look important so I kinda just threw that on the floor.”

Luna raised her brow.

“A book? What book?”

Vinyl’s horn lit up with magic and a small book with a leather binding and brown cover floated in front of her. Luna had never seen this book before in her sister’s library nor did it even look like one even from the Canterlot library. The cover seemed old and had gold carvings on it but yet held no title on it.

“I never seen this before. Have you looked in it?” she asked her DJ friend as she studied it.

“Nah, I don’t read books all that much. The thing didn’t even have a wicked title so I didn’t look inside it.”

Never judge a book by it’s cover Vinyl.

Luna opened the book to a random page and began to read it’s contents, wondering what this book was about and why Celestia had it in her possession. And so she began:

Entry 24

I miss him.

Everytime I see him in stone out there in the garden it makes me want to yell sometimes. I tried speaking to him today though I know he won’t answer back. I told him that he bucked up by going all crazy with his chaos and stuff and that he could have had me instead but noooooo, Discord had to have his precious chaos. What about my precious ass? What pony could deny such an amazing plot like mine??? I know he’s not a pony and but still???? Either way, at least I learned that when he’s in stone he can’t deny me. Ohhhh the things I did to his statue...Luna probably would have passed out if she saw how hard I was grinding him.

Speaking of Luna, I been noticing that she’s really growing up. I mean like reaaaalllly growing up. Not saying her ass will be as good looking as mine but it has potential.

Anyways, let me tell you what I did to my sweet Discord-

Luna stopped there, not wanting to read what the rest had in store. As bad as this was, it was also so very good. Princess Luna had found a diary, a journal of some sort that Celestia seemed to write in. If anything had any embarrassing story to tell, it would be this. She flipped to another random page and began to read once again, wondering what secrets this book held.

Entry 67

I think that will be the last time some stallion calls my ass fat! I rutted that pony so damn hard that he couldn’t even see straight. ;)

But on a serious note, I had Twilight come over and stay the night with me again. Yeah, I know I said I wouldn’t this week but I couldn’t resist! She’s such a beautiful mare...that plot...that flank...the way her she swishes her hips! I have had many mare’s in my time and all them had their own sexy thing going on but there’s something about Twilight that just makes me all hot and bothered down in the nether.

But I also noticed something different. Whenever I have her over and she’s sleeping beside me, I can’t help but just admire her. I have this urge to just touch her and rut the living flippin rainbows out of her but I can’t. Something inside me holds me back from doing that...and that’s not normal at all for me. I see more than just a mare that I want to buck the living brains out of but a mare that I actually think about being with...

Holy hay.....

Am I in love?

Luna eyes were wide and her very mind couldn't comprehend what she was reading. Her sister, the one she had believed for so long that was never capable of actually wanting to be with somepony, thought that she may be in love...with her student???

This...this is perfect!

“Anything good in there?” Vinyl asked.

It was more than good. This was pure gold for Luna. Even if they didn’t find the folder with all those pictures now, it wouldn’t matter. She had written proof from Celestia herself that she actually may be in love with her own student! Luna could only fathom what other secrets this wonderful book held that she could use against her but that would have to wait. They were still on a time schedule here.

“I think we have all we need Vinyl. Let’s hurry up and clean up before Tia gets back and get the hay on out of here,” Luna said with a satisfied smile. She was finally going to get some payback.

The two mares quickly began to clean up and put everything back in their respective places and put the room back the way it was. Luna summoned her phone once again and checked it, wondering how much time they had left before they had to make their escape.

12:24 A.M.

Perfect. We’re ahead of schedule.

“We’re making good time Vinyl. Let’s just get these guards out of here and--Vinyl?”

[Activating Music Sequence:Chaos Theosis]

Luna saw that Vinyl was holding her head and her eyes were drooping as she stood next to the now closed wardrobe that held the collection of toys. The dark alicorn went over to her, wondering what was wrong with her.

“Vinyl? Are you alright?”

Vinyl shook her head and mumbled, “I feel...sleepy...really tired...”


“Are you becoming ill? If you are, I can get you to a doctor and see what’s going...going...woah.”

Luna felt her head become fuzzy and warm and found herself having trouble finishing her sentence.

“I...I feel dizzy,” Luna said quietly to herself as she watched Vinyl slump to the ground. She felt her heart began to race inside her chest and a panic beginning to rise, not knowing what was happening to them.

“Vinyl...Vinyl...you have to get up,” Luna muttered as she now put her hoof to her head and felt the world around her spinning.

“Nah...sleep...I need to sleep.”

What’s going...going on?

“Well, well, well. It seems my dear sister and my favorite DJ have come to my chambers looking for some dirt on me,” a voice said from behind Luna, making the mare’s blood turn ice cold.

She turned around and saw Celestia leaning against the door with a wide smile on her face.

“T..Tia...” Luna tried to say but it was becoming more and more difficult, “What...what going on?”

Celestia shut her chamber door behind her and gave a sinister and sultry glare, like some type of ravenous animal about to pounce on her prey.

“I don’t know Lulu. You tell me? You're the one snooping in my room. Did you want to borrow one of my toys or something?”

The room around her began to swirl and even the powerful alicorn of the night now slumped against the wall and plopped down on her rump. She looked over to Vinyl who was now knocked out and snoring on the floor.

She did something to us....she knew we were coming.

But what?

Luna looked around the room and suddenly realized what was causing this weird feeling as her eyes locked on the culprit.

“The...incense...you...something in it...make us...sleep,” Luna muttered, now slowly drifting off.

Celestia walked over to the now slumped alicorn and brought her face close to Luna’s with an almost disturbing grin. Luna could see in Celestia’s eyes a raging lust in them and in that moment, she knew what was coming...her sister’s sexy antics were finally going to catch her.

“I don’t even know what’s in that stuff little sister. Twilight’s the one who made that for me to help me sleep at night.”

The world was turning black and Luna’s head became heavy.

“What...what are you...going to do...Tia?”

Celestia smiled from cheek to cheek and whispered into Luna’s ear.

“I’m finally going to get what I want my dear little sister...”

Luna looked one last time into her sister’s eyes and knew one thing. Celestia was going to have her way with her and with Vinyl. For so long she had dodged her sister and avoided a situation like this but it seemed that it finally was happening. Princess Luna succumbed to the grasp of sleep and closed her eyes and heard one last thing before her mind went off to her own dreams.

“I finally have you.”

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(A/N. Is your body ready? And no I DON'T WRITE RAPE.)