• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 8,563 Views, 451 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path - Mister E-Nonymous

Dusk Shine has been having a good life in Equestria ever since he inhabited his new body. Dusk is now having a lot of fun, and his new mom, Twilight, has officially become Equestria's newest Princess. Hopefully, things might not be crazy. YEAH RIGHT!

  • ...

Chapter 9: Returning to School

Chapter 9: Returning to School

It's been a week since Nyx had been friends with the Crusaders. Most ponies weren't too sure of Nyx. Ponies tried to protect Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo from Nyx. Good thing the Crusaders said that Nyx was with them. Ponies were shocked to see that one pony that they fear a lot is acting like a little filly. Which she was.

Twilight was busy trying to understand what that box was that came from the Tree of Harmony. She had already registered Nyx into the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Twilight had her parents take Dusk and Nyx to school because she and Spike went to the Castle of the Two Sisters to find any more clues about the box. Velvet and Night Light weren't too sure about Twilight taking care of a filly that looks a lot like Nightmare Moon. But they weren't expecting that Nyx was acting like any normal filly would.

Twilight had already gotten Nyx some school supplies. Nyx knew the way to the schoolhouse, so she and Dusk headed off to school. Dusk and Nyx arrived at the school. Cheerilee saw Dusk and Nyx coming up towards them.

"Hello, Dusk," said Cheerilee. She then looked at Nyx. "You must be Nyx. Twilight has told me a lot about you. Is it true that you love learning new things?"

Nyx nodded and said, "I really enjoy it. I have been learning a lot ever since I was founded by my Twilight in the other Equestria."

"Well, that makes sense," said Cheerilee. "Alright, Dusk, you go take your seat. Nyx, you come up with me to the front of the class." The two of them nodded and headed in. Dusk went to his seat while Nyx stood in the front of the class. Most of the students were unsure of Nyx being in their class. But Diamond Tiara was giving Nyx a nasty glare.

"Good morning, class," Cheerilee said to her students.

"Good morning, Miss Cheerilee," said all of the students.

"Okay, students, we have a new student," said Cheerilee. "Her name is Nyx. I know, to you, she looks like Nightmare Moon, but she isn't like her at all. So, treat her with kindness, not hatred."

"Yes, Miss Cheerilee," said most of the students, which include Dusk, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Twist. Some students were unsure about Nyx. But Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, they weren't too fond of having to be in the same school as Nightmare Moon.

"Okay, Nyx," Cheerilee said to Nyx. "Go on and pick yourself an open desk." Nyx nodded, and headed over to an open desk. She chose the open desk right next to Apple Bloom, and in front of Dusk. Then Cheerilee started the lesson.

The school bell rang, meaning all of the students could go out for recess. But the bell kept ringing... for five minutes. All of the students looked up at the bell tower of the school house and saw Pinkie Pie, banging her head on the inside of the bell.

"What is Pinkie Pie doing up there?" asked Dusk.

"I heard from Twilight that Pinkie was in charge of ringing the school bell," said Nyx. "She's doing it way too much."

Cheerilee came outside to look up at the bell tower to see Pinkie banging her head on the inside of the bell. She then called out, "Pinkie Pie! I believe you've done enough ringing!"

"Aww!" said Pinkie. "But I was just getting used to it!" She then slid down the side of the building like it was a fireman's pole.

"I still don't know how she does that," Dusk said to Nyx.

"In my Equestria, we just let it happen," said Nyx. "It's Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie."

"Wow," said Cheerilee. "Your Equestria isn't that too far off from ours."

"Yeah," said Nyx. "I'm gonna go play with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo." She then ran off to meet with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Dusk smiled as Nyx went to play with the Crusaders. Cheerilee looked over at Dusk and said, "I'm surprised at this. The two of you are starting to bond, aren't you?"

"According to Nyx, she was adopted by her Twilight in her Equestria," said Dusk. "It's almost like we were meant to be siblings."

"I'm sure that you'll get a lot used to her when she's here," said Cheerilee.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Dusk. He and Cheerilee then heard Nyx shout out a little. They looked over towards Nyx and saw her pinned to the wall by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Look at what we have here, Silver Spoon," said Diamond Tiara. "It's the great Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen," said Silver Spoon. "I can't believe we were once afraid of you."

"At least it would be more easy to banish you to the moon where you belong," said Diamond Tiara.

Nyx got angry and said, "I am not evil! I won't go down the path of darkness!"

"Oh, yes you will eventually," said Diamond Tiara. "It all says on your..." Diamond Tiara stopped when she got a good look at Nyx's Cutie Mark. "Wait a minute, that's not your Cutie Mark. I thought it was supposed to be a blotch of purple with a light blue crescent moon."

"That mark was based on Princess Luna's mark," said Nyx. "This one, I earned... and my talent is... protecting my friends and family."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were confused by Nyx's statement. Diamond Tiara then said, "Just because you're a filly now, and you might have a different Cutie Mark, it doesn't mean you'll be any different then who you are meant to be."

Nyx furrowed her brows, but then she was blocked by Dusk and the Crusaders. Dusk then asked, "What the heck are you doing?"

"Why are you even defending this monster?!" Diamond snapped. "She's a monster. You should know this."

"Princess Luna and Discord already looked into this filly's mind," said Dusk. "She is not evil. You don't treat ponies like that because they're different." That comment from Dusk made Nyx smile because somepony was sticking up for her. "Everypony is different, and nopony is perfect. Not even you."

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon gasped, and then Diamond Tiara said, "I am perfect! I was raised to be perfect!"

"That's what you believe," said Dusk. "Let's go." Then he, Nyx and the Crusaders walked away from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Diamond Tiara then shouted, "Hey! Get back here! We're not finished here!"

Cheerilee then came in behind Diamond Tiara and said, "Oh, I think you are." Diamond Tiara looked behind her and saw Cheerilee. Cheerilee pointed at the building, saying, "Inside. Now. You are staying after school. Both of you." That got Silver Spoon's attention. Both of them sighed and went into the schoolhouse.

Dusk and Nyx arrived back at the Golden Oaks Library. They headed towards the table in the center of the room, and started working on their homework. Nyx was struggling to get her books out of her saddlebags. Dusk noticed it.

"Nyx? Are you okay?" Dusk asked.

"Yeah," said Nyx. "Why do you ask?"

"I thought alicorns were stronger with magic than unicorns," said Dusk. "How are you struggling?"

"Oh," said Nyx. "Remember when I said that when I was Nightmare Moon, I wanted to be a filly again? Princess Luna was the one who turned me back into a filly. But... it also costed me... most... of my magic. Now, I'm at the same magical power as Sweetie Belle."

"Wow," said Velvet, walking into the room. "Are you sure that's what you wanted?"

"It was the only way for me to stay with Twilight," said Nyx. "To me, she's the best mom in the world. Even though I always called her Twilight. I wasn't ready to call her mom yet."

"Just like when I married into Night Light's family," said Velvet. "Night Light's mother wanted me to call her mom because she saw me like a real daughter. Not just a daughter-in-law."

Nyx nodded and said, "You... actually told me that when showing me the family photo album."

"And I guess you even saw me and Night Light moving into that one house when I was pregnant with Shining Armor?" asked Velvet.

"Yes," said Nyx. "But, I was really weirded out by your silly mane cut."

That made Velvet laugh and asked, "I guess the other me said that a lot of mare were wearing their manes in a bouffant back then?" Nyx nodded. "Well, I guess that makes sense. Now, you two work on your homework. I'll get started on dinner."

Nyx leaned towards Dusk and said, "I thought Twilight's parents lived in Canterlot."

"They did," Dusk said. "Since I came, they moved down here to Ponyville in case somepony needed to watch me while Mom was out."

Nyx thought about it, nodded and said, "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. The Velvet and Night Light of my Equestria stayed in Canterlot."

"Yeah," said Dusk. "I had a hard time adjusting to my new life here. I was once a human."

"I know," said Nyx. "Twilight told me." She then thought about something and asked, "Were you really abused badly by your old aunt and cousin?"

"Yeah," said Dusk. "They made me clean everything. Even during meals. Most days, when I was finished cleaning, my cousin already ate my plate of food, and he said to me exactly, 'You weren't eating it.'"

"That's... that's horrible," Nyx said. "He knew that was your food, and it was saved for you. Why would anything so cruel do that?"

"He was raised that way," said Dusk. "I'm just lucky to know that my parents sued Aunt Bonnie. She got sent to the state prison and my cousin Devon got sent to a boarding school for bad kids."

Nyx turned and said, "Wish I could see Diamond Tiara be sent there."

The door then opened, and in came Twilight and Spike. Twilight called out, "We're home!" Dusk and Nyx went from the table and went over towards Twilight.

"Hey, Mom," Dusk said.

"Pinkie told me what you did for Nyx today," said Twilight. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom," said Dusk. He then noticed the book that Spike was holding. "What's that?"

"It's a journal that me and my friends are going to start writing our own personal lessons in," said Twilight. "Things will be a little different from now on. Now that we are alicorns, and we have a filly living with us, things are going to be interesting."

"I'm sure of it, Twilight," said Velvet as she was walking in with some snacks for Dusk and Nyx.

"Thanks for watching them, Mom," Twilight said.

"It was no problem, Twilight," said Velvet. She then looked at Nyx, smiled, and then looked back to Twilight. "I wasn't too sure on Nyx, but she is a sweet filly."

"I know," said Twilight. "But, I'm sure that Nyx would be alright here. Hopefully, she'll want to feel like a part of this family."

"Since I won't be able to go back to my own..." said Nyx, drooping her head.

Twilight walked over towards Nyx and said, "I know you're homesick, Nyx... But there are a lot of things that you can do here. We would be honored to have you be a part of our family."

Nyx smiled at Twilight, ran up to her, and hugged her. Nyx said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Nyx," said Twilight. "Plus, we can basically have a matching number of boys and girls in the family." That made Nyx laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so," said Nyx. "Who knows what will happen next?"

Twilight nodded. She then checked on the homework the kids were doing. She smiled and said, "I'll have a letter written to Princess Celestia. I'm sure that the Princess will understand."

"I do, Twilight," came the voice of Princess Celestia. She came into the library and said, "I was wondering when you would make it official, Twilight."

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight said.

"I've brought the official papers for you to sign for having Nyx under your care," said Princess Celestia. "Although, a lot of the nobles of Canterlot are unhappy of Nyx being a full citizen of Equestria. Some want her sent to the moon, some want her locked in Tartarus, and I heard only one threat for Nyx to immediate death."

"What?!" Nyx shouted in fear.

"It's okay, Nyx," Princess Celestia said, turning towards the filly. "I had made it perfectly clear that you shall not be punished for crimes you have not commit. You are just a filly. And it is wrong to harm a little filly."

"She's right, Nyx," said Twilight. "Nopony is going to do something so severe to you. I can promise you that."

Nyx smiled with tears in the corners of her eyes, and nuzzled Twilight's chest. Princess Celestia used her magic to bring a clipboard towards Twilight. Twilight then used her magic to write on the paper, which was an adoption form.

"Thank you, Twilight," said Princess Celestia. "I'm sure that Nyx and Dusk will enjoy each other as brother and sister."

Nyx looked over at Dusk and smiled. She walked over towards Dusk and said, "Guess I'm lucky to have another brother."

"Since you were the sister of Spike in the other Equestria, right?" Dusk asked.

"I still say I'd make a better uncle!" Spike's voice said from upstairs.

"When did he go upstairs?" asked Dusk. That question made both of them shrug their shoulders. Dusk then said, "I've actually always wanted a sister."

"Guess we got we wanted," said Nyx. Then both of their stomachs growled. They laughed and headed towards the table to eat their snacks. Twilight smiled. She then sighed.

"I guess from now on, things will be a lot more interesting," Twilight thought. She saw Princess Celestia leave to head on home to Canterlot in her royal chariot. "And I won't let anything bad happen to them."

Author's Note:

Voting Time!

Since Nyx is officially a member of Twilight's family in this Equestria, things have been changing. But when she, Dusk and the Crusaders were in the Crystal Empire after the flag waving competition, the five of them got ponynapped by a cult of ponies who were angry at Nyx for the actions of Nightmare Moon, and dropped them off somewhere from someplace. Who do you want to save them from where?

Choice 1:

Daring Do from the Forbidden Jungle

Choice 2:

Smolder from the Dragon Lands

Choice 3:

Yona from Yakyakistan

Only one choice. Most one chosen by the votes will be helping.