• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 8,563 Views, 451 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk II: The Shining Path - Mister E-Nonymous

Dusk Shine has been having a good life in Equestria ever since he inhabited his new body. Dusk is now having a lot of fun, and his new mom, Twilight, has officially become Equestria's newest Princess. Hopefully, things might not be crazy. YEAH RIGHT!

  • ...

Chapter 8: The Newest Member of Equestria

Chapter 8: The Newest Member of Equestria

Days have passed ever since the incident with the Tree of Harmony. And with the new filly from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, had popped up, things have been interesting. Nyx had told the Mane 6, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Spike and Dusk about everything she's been through.

Twilight was a little surprised by Nyx's story. In that Equestria, Nyx was founded by Twilight, taken to her library, got an outfit by Rarity, enchanted glasses to disguise Nyx's eyes, went to school, enjoyed it, became best friends with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, went in a play as Nightmare Moon, found out where she came from, and later, got turned into the real Nightmare Moon by the cult. But later, Nyx decided to be who she wanted to be and not what the cult wanted her to be.

But not everypony was okay with Nyx after the events of what she did as Nightmare Moon. Apparently, in that Equestria, Granny Smith still blamed her for locking up Apple Bloom and her friends, when it was them who snuck into the castle that was specifically built for Nightmare Moon. And that Twilight let Nyx keep her old toy, Smarty Pants. And the rest of Twilight's family wasn't too fond on having her take care of Nyx. But, they decided to role with it. But Shining Armor was the most concerned out of the entire family, because he thought that Twilight was taking care of Nyx because she was under mind control.

"That seems a little harsh, don'tcha think?" Twilight asked.

"Indeed," said Nyx. She then yawned. Twilight looked towards the window.

"I guess it is getting late, isn't it?" Twilight asked. "Head upstairs, and we'll head straight to bed."

Dusk and Nyx nodded. So they headed upstairs. Nyx had her head down. Dusk then asked, "Are you okay?"

"I... I really need to get back to my Equestria," said Nyx. "My Twilight is probably worried sick about me. She took care of me... reads stories to me... lets me go to school. What am I going to do?"

"I'm sure there's a way to get you back to your world," said Dusk. "Hopefully."

"But, there's another reason why I wanna get back home," said Nyx.

"And what's that?" Dusk asked as they were passing one window on the second floor. Then a tomato splattered on the window. Dusk looked out the window to see protesting ponies throwing fruits, and some holding up torches. They were shouting things at or about Nyx.

"Get out of here, Nightmare Moon!"

"Go to Tartarus and never come back!"

"You shouldn't have come here!"

"Why didn't the princesses just send her to the moon?!"

Nyx sighed and said, "That's why. Ponies of this Equestria only see me as Nightmare Moon. And I don't want to go down that path." She sighed again. "I hope that the princesses find me a way home."

"That's enough!" came Twilight's voice from outside. Dusk and Nyx looked outside to see Twilight heading towards the protesters. "That little filly isn't evil! The other Princesses have already made a royal announcement that no harm should come to the filly currently known as Nyx! If you have a problem with that, then go speak with Princess Celestia herself."

The ponies then left the area, still upset that Nyx was there, but they see her only as Nightmare Moon. Nyx was a little upset that she was in an alternate Equestria. Spike saw the two looking out the window.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Spike asked.

"Yeah," said Nyx. "I'm... I'm just..." Spike patted her shoulder.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," said Spike. "I'm sure that we'll get you home." He then started gagging. Nyx then ducked right before Spike burped, having a letter come out of his emerald flames, hitting Dusk in the face.

"Really?" Dusk asked.

"Sorry," said Spike and Nyx in unison. Nyx then used her magic to pick up the letter, and give it to Spike.

"Thanks," said Spike. He then unrolled the letter and started reading it. "Huh. Guess it's for you, Nyx." He then cleared his throat and started reading. "'Dear Nyx, the good news is we found the Equestria where you came from. The bad news is that... there is no way to send you back. With the help of Discord, he was able to find out that during the chaos of the Plundervines, magic was getting messed up. Including the Tree of Harmony. While the Twilight of the Equestria you were in was placing the Elements of Harmony on the Tree of Harmony, you seemed to be chased by those vines as well. But when you made contact with the Tree of Harmony as the last Element was being put on, your body and memories had been copied, and through random dimension, making you come to our dimension, making you stuck here in our Equestria. I'm sorry, Nyx. But, I'm afraid you're stuck here, and have to start your life over again. Signed, Princess Celestia.'"

Nyx got upset when she heard that she was never going to go back to her Equestria. Spike and Dusk felt sorry for Nyx, and came in for a hug, which she took in. Twilight came in and saw Nyx upset.

"What happened?" Twilight asked. Spike handed Twilight the letter, and she read it. "Oh. I'm so sorry, Nyx." Nyx ran up to Twilight, and cried into her chest. Twilight rubbed the back of Nyx's head and said, "It's okay. You might not be able to go back to your Equestria, but that doesn't mean you won't make a new home here."

"I'm stuck here... and nopony home will notice..." Nyx said, still crying. Twilight picked her up and carried her to her room.

"Why don't you come sleep with me in my bed?" Twilight asked. "Would that make you feel better?" Nyx nodded while her head was against Twilight's chest. Twilight then carried Nyx to her room, Spike followed. Dusk then went into his room. He was worried about Nyx. He climbed into his bed, and went to sleep. Hoping that Nyx would be alright the next day.

Dusk went over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. He was talking with Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo while Twilight and Nyx were waiting outside.

"Are ya serious?!" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya sayin' ya want us to be friends with that filly?"

"She's best friends with you in the Equestria she came from," said Dusk. "I just thought that you could be friends with her so she wouldn't be less home sick."

"I don't know, Dusk," Sweetie Belle said, unsure. "You do realize that she looks like..."

"Listen," said Dusk. "Nyx really needs some friends. She really needs some familiar faces that are friendly to her to make her feel at home. Please."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo huddled in without Dusk. They were whispering something. They then turned around.

"Alright, Dusk," said Apple Bloom. "We'll give it a shot. As long as she doesn't try anythin' funny. Bring her in."

Dusk nodded and headed towards the door. He opened the door and called out, "Alright, Nyx. Come on in." Nyx stepped up the ramp and walked into the clubhouse. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were unsure of Nyx, but they're willing to give her a chance.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked up to Nyx. Nyx got a little nervous, even bit her lip.

Apple Bloom asked, "Since ya are from a different Equestria, Ah assume ya know who we are." Nyx nodded in response. "So, how did ya meet us in the Equestria you came from?"

"When we met, I had to wear a disguise," said Nyx. "Twilight had Rarity make me a vest to hide my wings, and Twilight gave me some enchanted glasses to make my eyes look normal. You came up to defend me from Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon picking on me, just because I was so curious about the world around me. Even asking questions before recess."

"I take it they didn't like you before you revealed yourself?" Scootaloo asked.

"No," said Nyx. "They picked on me. They called me a nerd... a creep... a crybaby... even a blank flank."

"Wait, you didn't have your Cutie Mark when... our other selves met you?" Sweetie Belle asked. "But how could..." Sweetie Belle looked at Nyx's Cutie Mark. It wasn't at all like Luna's Cutie Mark. "I thought your Cutie Mark would be a lot like Princess Luna's Cutie Mark."

"No," said Nyx. "Let's just say that ruling Equestria wasn't really my talent. It's protecting my friends and family."

"Oh, so that's why your Cutie Mark's a shield!" said Scootaloo. "But, how did you get the name Nyx?"

"In my Equestria, I was found by Twilight with no memories of who I was or who I was supposed to be," said Nyx. "She gave me the name Nyx after a character in her favorite book..."

"Nyx of the Night?!" Twilight asked, coming in. "Oh, that actually makes sense. Since the main character of the book has a black coat."

"Anyway, Apple Bloom came in and pushed Diamond Tiara over to stop picking on me," Nyx continued. "Silver Spoon threatened to tell Cheerilee about Apple Bloom pushing Diamond Tiara, but Apple Bloom defended that she would tell Cheerilee that the two bullies were picking on me, with Twist as a witness."

Scootaloo laughed, saying, "Oh ho... They... they got them there, didn't they?"

"We actually had a lot of fun," said Nyx. "Even if we hadn't gotten our Cutie Marks. What matters was having fun."

"Guess it was kinda hard for ya when ya had ta leave the group," said Apple Bloom with a sad voice.

"Actually, I was still in," said Nyx. "Just because I got my Cutie Mark doesn't mean I can't help my friends get theirs."

"That's... actually not a bad idea," said Twilight. "Your friendship doesn't end just because you have a Cutie Mark. You can still be friends whether or not you have your Cutie Marks."

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked at each other and smiled. They nodded and Apple Bloom said, "Alright. Nyx, since ya are stayin' in our Equestria, we'd be happy ta have ya as an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader."

Nyx smiled proudly and said, "Well, I guess since there's no way back to my Equestria, I might as well have fun with friends." Then the Crusaders came in for a group hug with Nyx.

"We'll help ya out if ya are in any trouble," said Apple Bloom. "Especially if ya start school here."

"She is... going to come to school, isn't she?" asked Dusk to Twilight.

"Well, I might as well get her registered," said Twilight. "I doubt that most of the ponies in class will take it nicely, but she does have to go to school."

Nyx smiled and nodded. She was glad that she started off in this Equestria by starting a friendship with familiar faces.

Later that night, Twilight was putting the finishing touches on the new bed that she got Nyx. And to make a bigger surprise for Nyx, she decided to put her old doll, Smarty Pants, into the new bed. She was told by Nyx that the Twilight she grew up with gave Smarty Pants to Nyx due to how much she loved that doll, and who gave it to her.

Dusk and Nyx were getting to know each other. Nyx was fascinated by Dusk's previous life. She thought that humans were just a myth. Guess the Twilight she grew up with didn't tell her about the mirror. They were talking while they were having a dinner composed of Celery Soup and Daffodil sandwiches. And Spike made those before he knew they were Nyx's favorite meal.

After Nyx finished, she went up to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Twilight walked up to Dusk and asked, "How do you feel about Nyx staying with us?"

"It's going to be a big change for all of us," said Dusk. "But, in the Equestria she's from, she's your daughter. Does that... kinda make her... my sister?"

"I... guess it does," Twilight said. "But before we make it official, we might as well ask her when she's comfortable being here."

Spike came up to them and said, "Well, I'm not too sure that I would want to be Nyx's brother. I say I'd make a better uncle."

"Didn't Nyx mention that it was the Twilight of that world that hatched that Spike's egg?" Dusk asked. That made Twilight laugh.

"He's right..." Twilight said, still laughing. "He's right. I was the one who hatched you, Spike. So that does make me your mother as well."

"Aw, c'mon!" said Spike. He then left the kitchen, saying, "I'm going to bed."

"Good idea," said Twilight. She then yawned. "It... is getting late. How about we turn in for the night?" Dusk nodded and the two of them headed upstairs. Dusk went into his bed, and thought what he was going to do with Nyx. Meanwhile, Twilight walked into the room she and Spike share, and in the new bed, she saw Nyx, sleeping in the bed she was given, and she was hugging the Smarty Pants doll. Twilight smiled, and then tucked in Nyx. She then headed towards her bed and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

So, Nyx is stuck here. But at least she won't get it down. She might as well make the best of it. Hopefully, she and Dusk might get along. Even if it takes a while for her to accept her new home, which is currently an alternate Equestria from where she came from.