• Published 7th Mar 2021
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MLP FiM x Fairy Tail: Wizards in Equestria - SonnL

An entity of light summons the Fairy Tail guild to Equestria to assist the Council of Friendship in a war against an ancient evil force.

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Extra: Contact with Discord

Author's Note:

Unless stated otherwise, assume all Extras take place before Chapter 3.

Ponyville. Day.

Fluttershy was doing one of her usual daily activities, which is feeding the animals in the Animal Sanctuary and around her cottage. The pegasus was singing blissfully as she was giving the food.

Angel Bunny suddenly ran up to Fluttershy, and he appeared to have something urgent to say.

“What is it, Angel?” Fluttershy asked.

Angel answered that there is someone waiting for her in the cottage.

“There’s someone in the cottage. Who could it be?” Fluttershy wondered.

Angel then said that she needed to see for herself and urged her to hurry.

Fluttershy went back to her cottage. Once she went inside, she was surprised to see a familiar face as she dropped her basket of food. The one Fluttershy is seeing is none other than the draconequus, Discord.

“Hello Fluttershy.” Discord greeted.

“Discord… is that really you?” Fluttershy couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Yes, Fluttershy… it’s me.”

“Discord!” Fluttershy flew towards Discord, wanting to give him a hug.

However, as she tried to embrace him, she went through him like he wasn’t actually there.


“I’m sorry Fluttershy. What you’re seeing is just a projection. My real body is still imprisoned in the chaos dimension. Aside from creating this projection, I can’t do anything else in this world. I can’t even move a pebble.”

“Oh, I see. But how have you been?”

“Well… being stuck in my own home isn’t fun at all. Luckily, I can still see what’s going on in this world and watching the Fairy Tail wizards in action has been entertaining. And in case you’re wondering, I cannot see where Scarlet Night’s fortress is, unfortunately. And I cannot spy on the dark unicorns.”

Discord’s face then turned red with anger.

“Those accursed dark unicorns! If I could use my magic here, I would send them all to another dimension where I’ll force them to endure never-ending chaos for all eternity! Just who do they think they are?! Causing chaos in Equestria is my job!” Discord growled as he grinded his teeth.

“Discord, anything I can do to help?” Fluttershy gently asked.

Discord’s angry expression quickly turned into a happy one.

“My dear Fluttershy. Speaking to you is comforting enough for me.”

“Discord, I want to introduce you to our new friends.”

“Those wizards from another world? How about later today? I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”

“Okay, I have some errands I need to finish. I’ll see you again soon.”

After Fluttershy left the cottage, Discord rubbed his hands together while letting out a devious smile, thinking about having some fun with the wizards.

In the Castle of Friendship, Lucy was taking a nice warm shower.

As she was humming, Discord’s head suddenly popped out of the wall right in front of her face.


Lucy screamed as she ran out of the shower while covering herself with a towel. Discord snickered before going somewhere else.

In Juvia’s room, Juvia was hugging and cuddling her Gray plushie, pretending it to be the real Gray. Discord’s face then appeared over the plushie’s face.


Juvia shrieked as she threw the plushie on reflex. The plushie hit the wall and fell to the floor. Juvia then examined the plushie but saw that its face is normal.

“Was I imagining things?” Juvia asked herself.

In the castle’s library, Levy was sitting on a chair, reading a book.

When she turned to the next page, Discord’s head popped out of it. Levy was extremely startled that she fell back and tumbled on the floor. As she got back up, she could hear laughter echoing through the library.

“Who’s there?!” Levy said.

The laughter then faded away.

“What… was that?”

At a gym in Ponyville, Gajeel and Panther Lily (in his battle form) were there, working out. Gajeel was lifting a barbell while Panther Lily was lifting a dumbbell.

Discord performed a jump scare by suddenly appearing in front of Panther Lily while making a scary face.

“Aah!” Panther Lily yelped as he dropped his dumbbell. Unfortunately for him, he dropped the dumbbell on his foot, causing him to cry out in pain.

While searching for his next victim, Discord found Natsu and Happy fishing at the river.

“We haven’t caught a single fish yet.” Happy groaned.

“I’m getting bored. I feel like going back out there to fight monsters.” Natsu said.

Discord then emerged out of the river, causing Natsu and Happy to jump up in surprise.

“What is that?!” Happy shouted.

“Is it a monster?! Hold on! The barrier is supposed to keep monsters out!” Natsu exclaimed.

Discord taunted Natsu by sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry, and this riled Natsu up.

“Okay, I’m kicking your butt now!” Natsu fired up his fist, jumped towards Discord, and attempted to punch him.

Instead of hitting the draconequus, Natsu went through him.

“His attack didn’t even touch that thing!” Happy’s eyes widened.

As Natsu’s mind was processing this, he fell into the river. Discord cackled loudly before disappearing.

At the bowling alley, Jet and Droy were competing against Nab and Vijeeter in bowling.

It was Droy’s turn and he was aiming to strike down all the bowling pins. As he prepared to release his bowling ball, Discord did the same jump scare to him like he did to Panther Lily. This caused Droy to fall back and drop his bowling ball and it rolled down on the gutter.

“Droy, are you okay?!” Jet asked.

“Did you see that thing?! It just appeared out of nowhere and messed up our game!” Droy responded.

While sneaking around Ponyville looking for another wizard to prank, Discord spotted Wendy and Carla entering the Carousel Boutique.

Inside the Carousel Boutique, Wendy and Carla found Rarity lying on her fainting couch with her face buried in a pillow.

“Rarity, what’s wrong?” Wendy asked.

Rarity then removed the pillow from her face.

“It’s Gray! He did it again! No matter what shirt I made for him, he always takes it off without any warning!” Rarity bellowed.

“Sorry to hear that. It’s just Gray’s weird habit. Nothing we can do about it.” Wendy said with sympathy.

“No point in getting dramatic over it. It would just give you a headache.” Carla added.

“Anyway, I came to check on the new dress.” Wendy explained her reason for visiting the boutique.

Rarity immediately got off her couch with a smile.

“Ah! Your new dress is ready! Right this way darling!” Rarity said cheerfully.

Rarity then gave Wendy her new dress. The young wizard then went to a dressing room to try it on. Suddenly, Wendy let out a high pitched scream, which startled Rarity.

“Wendy, what’s wrong?!” Rarity wondered what could have frightened her.

“I saw something creepy!” Wendy answered.

Rarity then looked around but found nothing out of the ordinary.


After finishing with her errands, Fluttershy returned to her cottage and found Discord there, unaware of what he had been up to.

“Hello Discord. I just finished my chores. So are you ready to meet Fairy Tail?”

“As a matter of fact, I am. Shall we go to the Fairy Tail guild hall together?”

At the guild hall, the wizards were talking about something bizarre.

“Listen everyone, I saw something weird today! It just appeared for one moment and then vanished!” One wizard said.

“Now that you mentioned it, I also saw something strange today! It appeared to be a mishmash of different creatures into one!” Another wizard said.

“Does this thing happen to have something like a deer antler, a goat horn, one long fang, a goat beard, and bushy eyebrows?” Warren asked.

“Yeah! I remember the creature having something like those!” A wizard answered.

Fluttershy and Discord then arrived at the guild hall.

“Hello everyone, I have a friend that I want to introduce to you all. Meet Discord.” Fluttershy introduced the draconequus.

Discord waved his right hand with an innocent smile.

“Aaah! It’s that strange creature I saw!” Droy shouted as he pointed his finger at Discord.

“Natsu and I saw that thing too!” Happy said as well.

“Discord, what did you do?” Fluttershy asked the spirit of chaos with narrowed eyes.

“Oh… I was just… having a bit of fun.” Discord answered sheepishly.

“You intruded on my shower you pervert!” Lucy shouted.

“You made me hurt my foot you monster!” Panther Lily yelled at the draconequus.

“And you ruined our bowling game!” Droy added.

“Come on, no use crying over spilled milk.” Discord replied with a shrug. “Never mind that. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Discord, the spirit of chaos.”

“Wait a minute. I heard you were imprisoned in the chaos dimension.” Laki pointed out.

“Truthfully, I still am. You’re only seeing a projection I created. And before anyone asks, I cannot do anything else in this world so I won’t be able to assist you in the war against the Order of Scarlet Night. Believe me, I would love to give those dark unicorns a taste of my chaos magic if I could.”

Natsu then walked up to Discord.

“Hey Discord, I heard you’re powerful. So after you’re freed, I’ll challenge you to a battle, and I’m going to beat you.” Natsu challenged Discord.

“Good luck with that.” Discord responded with an amused smile as he patted Natsu on the head, though he can’t really touch him.

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