• Published 7th Mar 2021
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MLP FiM x Fairy Tail: Wizards in Equestria - SonnL

An entity of light summons the Fairy Tail guild to Equestria to assist the Council of Friendship in a war against an ancient evil force.

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Chapter 6 (2/3): Battle Against the Pawns

Battle against Tirek

A magical orb formed between Tirek’s horns and he fired a beam at his enemies. Starlight repelled the beam with her own magic blast. Rainbow Dash proceeded to assault Tirek with a strong wind current.

Tirek crossed his arms and shielded his face from the wind current. Rainbow flew towards the centaur at super-fast speed and kicked the side of his head. Tirek then repeatedly tried to punch Rainbow Dash.

“Ha Ha! You’re too slow!” Rainbow mocked as she was dodging Tirek’s fists.

Tirek continued throwing his punches, trying to get a hit on Rainbow only to keep missing, much to his frustration. As his anger towards the ponies welled up inside of him, his body’s size increased by a few feet.

“Fly! My pretties!” Fluttershy summoned a flock of ethereal crows to attack Tirek.

“What are these?!” As the crows pecked and clawed at him, he flailed his arms around like he was swatting away flies.

“Fluttershy, can’t you just summon a huge army of those mystical creatures to attack him with?” Applejack asked.

“Summoning these creatures use up my stamina. The larger the creature or the more I summon at the same time, the more energy I uses. If I’m not careful with the usage of my powers, I can end up completely exhausted.” Fluttershy explained.

As Tirek was fending off the ethereal crows, Rarity and Starlight pelted him with diamond-shaped projectiles and magic beams, respectively.

“PARTY CANNON BLAST!” Pinkie fired her party cannon and Tirek was struck by a colorful, glittering explosion.

The centaur then levitated many large rocks and launched them towards the ponies. Applejack used her power and the rocks stopped in midair.

“Hate to break it to you, but I now have the ability to manipulate earth!” Applejack then launched the rocks back at Tirek with triple the speed and force, knocking him down.

Tirek’s frustration towards the ponies grew as he got back on his hooves and his size increased again.

“Um, girls… it looks like Tirek is… getter bigger.” Fluttershy nervously said.

“It seems the more he’s angry, the larger he becomes.” Starlight deduced.

“But is there a limit to how big he can get?” Rarity asked.

With a blood-curdling yell, Tirek stomped his two front hooves on the ground and unleashed a tremor that knocked the ponies off balance, except for Rainbow Dash since she was flying. Tirek quickly fired a large blast at Rarity. The attack hit its mark and injured her. He then attacked Fluttershy next, but her hairpins glowed blue and a bright blue barrier formed to block the attack. The centaur was about to fire another blast, but Rainbow interrupted him with powerful gusts of wind. Fluttershy flew to the downed Rarity to help her. The pegasus’ hairpins glowed pink and Rarity was covered in a pink light. After a few seconds, she was as good as new.

As Rainbow Dash zoomed around Tirek and evaded his arm swings, she landed multiple strikes on him with her hooves. As he seethed with rage, he became larger once again. From his mouth, Tirek let out an ultrasonic, super-loud roar that stunned Rainbow. He finally landed a hit as he slammed the rainbow-maned pegasus back with incredible strength, injuring her wing and sent her tumbling on the ground. As Rainbow groaned in pain, Fluttershy flew to her.

“You need to be careful!” Fluttershy then covered Rainbow Dash in a pink light and she was fully healed in no time.

So the shy one has healing powers?! Then I need to eliminate her first!” Tirek thought as he prepared to fire a powerful magic blast at Fluttershy.

Applejack grabbed one of Tirek’s horns with her lasso and pulled it, causing him to misfire. Rarity struck his head with a large baseball bat construct, giving him a headache. Starlight followed up by hitting his face with a super-charged magic blast.

“Aaaah! My eyes!” Tirek cried.

“PARTY PIE ATTACK!” Pinkie hurled a sparkly pie at Tirek and covered his face in a glittering explosion.

“PARTY CAKE BARRAGE!” Pinkie then bombarded the centaur by throwing sparkly explosive cakes at him in rapid speed.

“Why are you naming your attacks?” Starlight asked Pinkie with an annoyed look.

“The Fairy Tail wizards do that all the time, so I want to try it too!” Pinkie answered with a cheerful smile as she continued with her attack.

“ENOUGH!!!!!” Tirek let out another ultrasonic roar.

The ponies covered their ears to protect their eardrums. A magic orb formed between Tirek’s horns and he was enlarging it as much as he can before unleashing it. Rainbow struck Tirek’s horns with lightning while he was still channeling magic in them. This resulted in an explosion, destroying both of his horns in the process.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MY HORNS!!!!” Tirek shrieked.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow began laughing.

Tirek’s growled as his anger went up, and so did his size.

“He’s still getting bigger?!” Pinkie screeched.

Tirek formed magic spheres in his hands and released a barrage of magic blasts. Starlight, Fluttershy, and Rarity defended themselves with barriers. Applejack protected herself with a stone wall. Rainbow and Pinkie dodged the blasts by moving around at high speed.

The centaur was then interrupted when he was bombarded by magic cards that exploded on impact.

“Who did that?!” Tirek bellowed as he turned his attention towards his attacker.

The ponies also saw that a Fairy Tail wizard has entered the fray, Cana Alberona.

“Mind if I join in?” Cana spoke.

“What a peculiar creature. You’re not from around here, are you?” Tirek said to the newcomer.

“You’re right. I’m not from this world, but I have heard about you. You tried to take over Equestria before, but if you’re here for another shot, then I’m afraid you’re out of luck.”

Wendy vs Cozy Glow

As she fought Wendy, Cozy Glow attacked with icy wind blasts.

“SKY DRAGON WING ATTACK!” Wendy generated whirlwinds of air from her arms and used them to repel her opponent’s attacks.

The wizard and the pegasus engaged in a back and forth clash as they used their magical abilities against each other.

“SKY DRAGON TALON!” Wendy generated large winds from her foot while swinging her leg down on the pegasus.

Cozy Glow dodged by flying to the side and pushed Wendy back with icy wind currents. The pegasus continued with her assault by unleashing icy whirlwinds. Wendy dodged them as she once again charged towards Cozy Glow.

“SKY DRAGON CRUSHING FANG!” With her attacking hand cloaked in a whirlwind, Wendy attempted to strike Cozy Glow with her fingertips, with the attack leaving behind a trail of wind.

Cozy Glow flew backwards before Wendy’s attack connected and struck back by generating a massive, spiraling current of icy wind that launched Wendy away from her.

“You… are starting to get on my nerves!!!!” Cozy Glow exclaimed with an infuriated expression.

Having lost patience, Cozy Glow completely engulfed Cloudsdale in a massive blizzard. Powerful cold winds were breaking apart and blowing away many buildings.

With Cloudsdale on the brink of destruction, Wendy decided to use more of her power. Strong gusts of wind surrounded her as her eyes and hair turned pink. Wendy has entered Dragon Force.

“Oh what now?” Cozy Glow wondered about the change in Wendy’s appearance.

Wendy flew towards Cozy Glow at breakneck speed and before the pegasus could react, the wizard punched her in the face and sent her flying back over several buildings. The wizard did not stop there as she zigzagged towards Cozy Glow at blinding speed. Wendy moved so fast that Cozy Glow could not counter in time, and so Wendy landed another punch.

The pegasus was then sent flying in the direction of the Cloudeseum. Once Cozy Glow was over it, Wendy struck her with an axe kick, sending the pegasus crashing into the cloud colosseum. Deeply enraged, Cozy Glow retaliated by attacking with an icy twister.

“SHATTERING LIGHT: SKY DRILL!” Wendy formed a fast wind barrier around herself and then unleashed a large powerful twister-like blast that completely overpowered and engulfed her enemy.

Cozy Glow was launched far away from Cloudsdale and she crashed into the land below. The impact created a large crater on the ground and she was knocked out cold. With her incapacitated, the blizzard destroying the cloud city has stopped. Wendy flew down to Cozy Glow’s location just in time to see her disintegrate.

“Carla, how are the Cloudsdale citizens?” Wendy asked her partner as they communicated with each other with their Aura bracelets.

They’re all safe, Wendy.” Carla answered.

“That’s good to hear.”

Battle against Chrysalis

As Chrysalis battled Loke, she fired magic bolts from her horn. Loke dodged the bolts and rushed towards Chrysalis, preparing to deliver another light-imbued punch.

The changeling conjured a barrier to block Loke’s attack, but she was still pushed back. Loke continued throwing punches and as she was being pushed back, her barrier was cracking. When her barrier finally broke apart, Chrysalis stopped Loke with telekinesis and then flung him far away.

“Now where did Thorax run off to?” Chrysalis prepared to hunt down the changeling in question.

“REGULUS LUCY KICK!” After leading Thorax, his brother, and his subjects to safety, Lucy (in Star Dress: Leo Form) returned to the battle and kicked Chrysalis in the face with a light-imbued foot.

Chrysalis tumbled on the ground but quickly recovered.

“You! Where did you take Thorax!?” Chrysalis demanded.

She then assaulted Lucy by rapidly firing magic bolts at her. The Celestial wizard evaded the bolts and grabbed her weapon, an extending whip known as Fleuve d'étoiles. With this weapon, Lucy struck Chrysalis’ horn. As Chrysalis winced from this strike, Lucy wrapped her whip around the changeling’s neck and hurled her into some rubble. Chrysalis retaliated by releasing a magical shockwave that launched Lucy back.

While Lucy was on the ground, Chrysalis jumped on her and began wrapping her in a cocoon. Lucy quickly switched her Star Dress to Cancer form and used her twin blades to cut herself free and struck Chrysalis with multiple slashes, causing the changeling to cry out in pain.

Chrysalis then flew high into the air and rained down magic bolts on the Celestial wizard, who used her blades to deflect the bolts. Chrysalis increased the intensity of her attack by firing more magic bolts at increasing speed, and Lucy was beginning to struggle as some of the bolts grazed her.

Loke flew back and sent Chrysalis crashing back to the ground with a powerful punch.

“I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO STRANGE CREATURES GETTING IN MY WAY!!!!” Infuriated, Chrysalis attempted to impale Loke with her horn, but the Celestial spirit caught the horn with both of his hands and kicked her back. Chrysalis then fired a continuous magic beam, and Loke blocked it with his light-imbued arms.

While Loke kept Chrysalis distracted, Lucy summoned Gemini, who then took on the form of Lucy. The Celestial wizard and spirit joined hands as they chanted an incantation together.

“Oh stars far and wide that embody the heavens. By thy radiance, reveal thy form to me. I implore you oh Tetrabiblos, ruler of the stars. Let your unrestrained rage flow. With the 88 heavenly bodies. Shining! URANO METRIA!”

“W-what is this?!” Chrysalis’ eyes widened as the 88 constellations of the sky appeared as spheres and bestowed their power upon the caster. The changeling then screamed as Lucy and Gemini released the energy gathered in a tremendous attack against her.

After taking a powerful attack, Chrysalis was incapacitated and rendered unconscious. With that, her fate is sealed and her body disintegrated.

“It’s unfortunate. Starlight gave you a chance. You never have to be Equestria’s enemy, but you decided to seek revenge instead. I can’t say for certain if you deserved to be imprisoned in stone, but what I do know is that you made your choice and you reap what you sow. It’s such a pity that your decision to reject Starlight’s kindness ultimately led you to this. You were exploited by the Order of Scarlet Night, and then you died due to the curse placed on you by the dark unicorns. No salvation. Not even your bones remain. I’m sorry, but innocent lives were already lost in this war and we had to stop you.” Lucy solemnly said as she pondered why Chrysalis was so adamant about rejecting peace with the ponies.

Gray and Juvia vs Daybreaker

“ICE-MAKE: FREEZE LANCER!” Gray attacked Daybreaker by launching powerful ice lances.

The alicorn vaporized the ice lances with a fire shield. She then surrounded her whole body with intense flames and flew towards Gray and Juvia at incredible speed. The two wizards jumped out of the way to avoid incineration. Daybreaker turned around and charged towards the wizards again.

“WATER NEBULA!” Juvia pushed the alicorn back with two rotating waves of water and sent her reeling on the snow-covered ground.

“ICE-MAKE: KNUCKLE!” Gray created several ice fists that struck Daybreaker from below.

“WATER LOCK!” Juvia followed up by engulfing Daybreaker in a large sphere of water.

Gray then froze the water sphere and the alicorn with it. Daybreaker freed herself by heating up her body and melting the ice. Upon breaking free from her ice prison, she released a large wave of flames towards the wizards, but Gray blocked it with a wall of ice.

Completely irritated, Daybreaker conjured a giant sphere of fire and shot it into the sky. The sphere then exploded and fire rained down on Yakyakistan. Juvia conjured a water barrier to protect herself and Gray. The rain of fire lasted for a few seconds, but it inflicted severe devastation to the yak kingdom. Many of the buildings had been set ablaze.

“If we don’t end this battle soon, this entire kingdom will be burned down!” Juvia exclaimed.

“And how do you plan to defeat me? Are you going to use a rainbow?” Daybreaker asked sarcastically.

“We may not use rainbows, but we’ll show you the power of our bond!” Gray retorted.

Daybreaker charged her horn for a powerful attack while Gray and Juvia joined their hands together to combine their magic for a Unison Raid. Daybreaker’s horn shot out a wide fire beam, and the two wizards unleashed a combined magical blast of ice and water. The wizards’ attack pushed back Daybreaker’s and it soon engulfed the alicorn. Daybreaker screeched as her whole body was completely extinguished.

With the threat neutralized, Gray and Juvia proceeded to put out all the flames.

“You know, I just thought of something funny. If Natsu was the one who fought Daybreaker, he would probably come up with a silly idea of trying to eat her.” Gray jokingly said.

The two then giggled at the thought.

Twilight vs Nightmare Moon

Twilight and Nightmare Moon glared at each other while standing on the roof of a building. The latter made the first move by firing a beam at Twilight, who dodged by jumping to the side. Twilight took flight and Nightmare Moon flew after her. As she pursued Twilight, Nightmare Moon fired more beams, which Twilight managed to dodge.

“What’s the matter, Twilight Sparkle? Are you so helpless without your friends with you?” The evil alicorn snarked.

Her next beam almost hit Twilight, but she avoided it by teleporting. With Twilight out of her line of sight, Nightmare Moon looked around trying to find her.

“Where are you!?” Nightmare Moon shouted.

She was then struck by a large magic blast from above, sending her crashing into the ground. Twilight fired another blast, but Nightmare Moon quickly got up on her hooves and generated a shield to deflect the attack. The evil alicorn then summoned the Shadowbolts to assist her.

“GET HER!” Nightmare Moon ordered her minions.

The three dark pegasi took off like a rocket and flew towards Twilight. The princess of Equestria fired beams at her foes, but the Shadowbolts evaded them with their aerial maneuvers. Twilight generated a shield around herself when the Shadowbolts got close to her and began striking with their hooves.

With Twilight distracted, Nightmare Moon fired a bigger blast at her and shattered her shield, allowing the Shadowbolts to land multiple hits on her. Twilight was then hit by another magic blast, which sent her flying through a building. She crashed through the walls and fell to the ground, but thanks to her armor, Twilight did not feel much pain. However, the Shadowbolts did not let up on their assault.

Twilight’s horn lit up and she unleashed a large magical shockwave that disintegrated the three dark pegasi. With Nightmare Moon’s minions dealt with, Twilight looked up to see the evil alicorn hovering in the air staring her down. The two opposing alicorns then charged their horns, preparing to unleash a powerful attack.

At the same time, Twilight and Nightmare Moon shot fully powered beams at each other. Their attacks clashed and entered a power struggle.

Twilight! You have the power! USE IT!” Aura encouraged.

“Give up, Twilight Sparkle! You cannot defeat me!” Nightmare Moon growled as she remained focused on overpowering her opponent.

“Yes… I… CAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!!” Twilight roared.

The ruler of Equestria summoned every ounce of determination she could muster and her body was engulfed in a radiant aura. Her horn released a beam of intense light that easily pushed back Nightmare Moon’s beam and quickly reached the evil alicorn.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!” Nightmare Moon cried as the light burned her away.

With her opponent defeated, a bright vortex opened above Twilight and pulled her in. She soon returned to the castle garden of her Canterlot.

“I… I won… I actually did it!” Twilight started relishing in her victory.

Yes, yes you did. Well done Twilight.” Aura congratulated her.

“Aura… is it really possible for me to defeat an upper general?”

Yes, Twilight. As I said earlier, you have the power.

Thanks to the destruction of Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, Celestia and Luna’s magical essences have been released and they made their way back to their owners.

At Silver Shoals, Celestia and Luna could feel their magic returning as their horns glow.

“Sister! Our magic has returned!” Luna shot up with excitement.

Battle against Tirek cont.

Cana has joined the battle against Tirek. She assailed the centaur with magic cards that released bolts of lightning. Rainbow and Starlight also attacked with a lightning storm and rapid-firing magic bolts. Tirek crossed his arms and defended himself with a barrier.

Fluttershy summoned a group of ethereal serpents that popped out of the ground beneath Tirek and bit his legs, causing him to wince. While he was busy shaking them off and stomping on them, Pinkie initiated a surprise attack.

“PARTY CANNON RAPID FIRE!” With her party cannon, Pinkie bombarded Tirek with colorful rapid-firing cannon blasts.

Applejack then launched a giant boulder at the centaur, causing him to reel on the ground, but he quickly recovered. Applejack caught his neck with her lasso and tried to pull him down, but Tirek grabbed the lasso and flung the earth pony. Rarity pierced Tirek’s right front leg with a harpoon construct, causing him to cry out in pain.

“Ponies, I know a spell that should be powerful enough to take this guy down! But we’ll have a better chance if you can keep him still for just a few minutes!” Cana told her allies.

Applejack manipulated the earth to pull Tirek’s legs into the ground. Starlight then restrained his arms by wrapping magical chains around him, and Rarity used a cloth construct to cover his mouth.

“Cana! Now would be the time to use that spell of yours!” Starlight urged.

A glowing emblem then appeared on Cana’s right arm. “Assemble! O river of light that’s guided by fairies! Shine your light so that I may vanquish the fangs of wickedness!” As she chanted this incantation, she was enveloped in a pillar of bright light. “FAIRY GLITTER!”

Tirek’s eyes widened as he was swallowed by the light that Cana unleashed. When the light died down after a short time, Cana and the ponies saw the centaur lying on the ground. They then took an opportunity to catch their breath.

“That. Was. AWESOOOOOOOOOOME!” Rainbow shouted excitedly at the top of her lungs.

“I would never have guessed that one who loves drinking alcohol would possess this kind of power.” Starlight was awestruck.

However, before they started celebrating, they heard groans coming from Tirek and their eyes widened with shock once they saw him slowly rising back up. While Cana’s Fairy Glitter did considerable damage, it wasn’t enough to put Tirek down.

“You little pest! That really hurt!” Tirek snarled and his size further increased.

“Oh come on! What does it take to beat him?!” Rainbow exclaimed.


Tirek’s anger reached a boiling point, and a field of destructive energy surrounded his body. The energy field was slowly expanding and the ground beneath him was decaying. Cana and the ponies tried stopping him with ranged attacks, but the energy field neutralized anything thrown at him. Tirek raised both of his front hooves, preparing to stomp.

“Everyone, brace yourselves.” Starlight said nervously, expecting a powerful attack to come their way.

Tirek then stomped, but aside from cracking the ground beneath him, nothing else happened. There was no devastating attack heading towards Tirek’s enemies, much to everyone’s confusion. Also, the energy field surrounding Tirek had dissipated.

“Wha-what happened?” Tirek wondered.

“Guess I’ve arrived at the right time.” A man’s voice said.

Everyone’s attention then turned to the new arrival.

“DAD?!!!” Cana exclaimed.

“It’s Gildarts!!!” The six ponies said in unison.

“Hey sweetie! We haven’t been talking much lately! How have you been?” Gildarts cheerfully greeted his daughter.

“We’re in the middle of a serious battle right now!” Cana replied with an annoyed expression. “And why are you here!?”

“Now Cana, don’t be rude. You should be happy that your father came here to help.” Rarity lightly scolded her.

“It doesn’t matter how many of you there are, I’ll crush you all!” Tirek bellowed.

“Come on big guy! Do your worst!” Gildarts taunted.

Tirek snorted angrily and charged at Gildarts with a fist imbued with destructive energy. Gildarts imbued his fist with his Crush magic as he prepared to take Tirek head-on. The two clashed their fists, with the impact creating a massive shockwave and shattering the ground beneath them.

Tirek then attacked with his other fist, but Gildarts dodged it and punched him back. After sliding back many feet, the centaur retaliated by attacking the wizard with a barrage of magic blasts. Gildarts used his Crush magic to nullify the attacks. Tirek was interrupted when he was struck by Cana’s magic cards.

“Don’t think you’re getting all the fun, old man! We’ve been fighting this guy before you showed up!” Cana shouted.

“Uh, you came here after us.” Fluttershy told Cana.

Tirek unleashed one more ultrasonic roar, and once again, everyone except Tirek had to cover their ears.

“AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! MY EARS!!!” Cana yelled.

“I don’t know how much more I can take!” Rarity screamed.

The roar did not last long as Tirek suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. He held his chest tightly as he was coughing out blood.

“He doesn’t look so good.” Pinkie remarked.

“Looks like his power is taking a toll on his body! He does have a limit!” Starlight surmised.

“So if he keeps fighting, he’ll drop eventually!” Rainbow chimed in.

“No… I’m not going to lose… NOT AGAIN!” Tirek hoarsely spoke as he was gasping for air.

His mind was in a frenzy. Fighting through the pain, he raised both of his hands over his head, generated a gigantic magic sphere, and erratically fired magic blasts in all directions. Starlight and Rarity shielded everyone with barriers.

To distract Tirek, Fluttershy summoned a massive flock of ethereal falcons, as many as she could with her remaining stamina. The falcons swarmed over Tirek, causing him to shift the focus of his attacks to them. With Tirek distracted, Gildarts rushed towards the centaur for one last attack.

“PURIFYING TRUTH: ABSOLUTE HEAVEN!” Gildarts imbued his left prosthetic arm with his Crush magic to deliver a powerful strike.

Tirek screamed as he was engulfed in a massive explosion. This attack resulted in a huge cloud of heavy smoke at the spot where Tirek stood.

Cana and the ponies watched the smoke carefully. As it was clearing away, they can see Tirek’s silhouette and he appeared to be still standing.

“Seriously?! It’s not over yet?!” Rainbow screeched while pulling her mane.

However, when the smoke completely cleared up, they could see Tirek’s eyes without any light in them, his mouth open, and his body unresponsive. The purple veins also stopped glowing. He had lost consciousness while standing.

“Okay! It’s over now!” Pinkie said chirpily.

With his body reaching its limit and all the damage he sustained during the battle, Tirek could not continue. This marked his defeat, and with his defeat, the disintegration curse activated. The six ponies, Cana, and Gildarts watched as Tirek’s body slowly crumbled away into dust.

“I guess he’s gone… for good this time.” Starlight commented.

“I know he was our enemy, but… it’s sad that his life had to end this way.” Fluttershy said sorrowfully.

“Better him than the ones we love.” Applejack did not show any sympathy for Tirek.

“With how the war has been going, I’ll take any good news. I sure am not going to miss him.” Rainbow Dash also did not feel any sadness for their foe.

“Cana, I’ve been thinking. The food at Canterlot is great. Maybe, after the war ends, we and the whole guild can all celebrate…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Gildarts suddenly started coughing. Blood was dripping out of his mouth and he quickly collapsed.


Once Cana and the ponies turned their attention to him, they gasped in horror to see Gildarts lying motionless on the ground with a dark red dagger stabbed into his back and Dread Lord standing right next to him. Dread Lord stared for a brief moment before vanishing.

“DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!” Cana shrieked as she and the ponies rushed to Gildarts.

“Dad! Stay with me! Please don’t die!” Cana cried out as she knelt on the ground beside her father.


Gildarts Clive, the ace of Fairy Tail, has been dealt a crippling blow. Fluttershy already tried using her healing ability, but it had no effect. Right after hearing about this terrible incident, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Carla arrived at the Canterlot castle infirmary, where they found Gildarts lying on a bed and Cana sitting on a chair beside him. Gildarts is alive, but he is in a coma. The dagger that stabbed him contained a powerful deadly curse. It was a miracle that he survived.

“The doctors have no idea if he’ll ever wake up.” Cana said sadly to her guildmates.

“Wendy, can you help him?” Carla asked.

Wendy then tried using her healing magic, but Gildarts unfortunately did not regain consciousness.

“I’m sorry. I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do.” Wendy was disheartened.

“This… can’t be… not Gildarts.” Lucy stammered with a distraught expression.

“To think… something like this… could happen to him.” Happy uttered in disbelief.

“Chances are… we may have to battle Scarlet Night without him.” Erza said sorrowfully.

“Grrrrrrrrrr. I am so mad right now! The one who did this needs to pay!” Natsu spoke with intense anger.

“You’re not the only one angry here.” Gray told Natsu.

“Guys, I’ll be staying here with him. Until he wakes up, I’m going to be at his side.” Cana told her guildmates.

Natsu’s group later left the infirmary.

Gildarts, I promise you. If I ever meet the one who put you in a coma, I’ll incinerate him.” Natsu swore to himself.

Scarlet Night’s Fortress

“Dread Lord, I commend you for eliminating Fairy Tail’s strongest wizard.” Sapphire Butterfly praised.

“I loathed employing such a dishonorable sneak attack, but I couldn’t pass up on an opportunity to remove him from the equation. An enemy of his caliber could pose a huge problem for us in the upcoming battle.”

“By the way, all the pawns have been eliminated.” Sapphire Butterfly informed.

“No matter. Nothing of value is lost.” Dread Lord said callously concerning the demise of the pawns.

“But what about Celestia and Luna’s magical essences? I went through the trouble of collecting them and now they’re back with their owners.” Sapphire pouted.

“Not to worry. I have something else in mind. SHADOW MAYHEM!!!”

Responding to Dread Lord’s call, Shadow Mayhem then appeared out of the shadows.

“Yes, Dread Lord?”

“It’s that time, the time that you have been waiting for.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes, Shadow Mayhem. You’re about to get your wish. You’re going to take away the happiness of the one you hate.”

The defeat of the five pawns was considered inconsequential to Dread Lord. But for Fairy Tail, their fighting force has weakened with their strongest member being put out of commission. Little do the wizards and the Council of Friendship know, a pivotal battle is on the horizon and it’s going to be their fiercest fight yet.

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