• Published 7th Mar 2021
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MLP FiM x Fairy Tail: Wizards in Equestria - SonnL

An entity of light summons the Fairy Tail guild to Equestria to assist the Council of Friendship in a war against an ancient evil force.

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Chapter 8 pt 6: Battle in the Enemy Stronghold V

Inside a corridor, Alzack and Bisca were running for their lives from the pursuing magma monster.

The monster was relentless, continuously throwing magma globs at the couple, who either dodge or shoot the magma globs with their firearms.

“GUNS MAGIC: SUNLIGHT SHOT!” Alzack fired a bullet that created a large flash of light.

The two wizards gained some distance when the monster was briefly blinded by the flash, but the creature soon resumed its pursuit.

“That thing just doesn’t give up!” Bisca yelled.

The monster’s body released streams of lava, which Alzack and Bisca barely evaded.

Elsewhere, Juvia is pursued by the jellyfish monster. While trying to get away, the water wizard kept dodging her foe’s electrified tentacles and electric spheres.

“You’re not getting me! I will be with Gray again no matter what!” Juvia bellowed.

While fleeing, Juvia turned around a corner and saw the Connell couple and their pursuer heading in her direction.

“Alzack! Bisca!” Juvia called out to them.

“Juvia!” Alzack responded. “Thank goodness you’re here! We need help dealing with this monster behind us!”

The couple then noticed the jellyfish monster chasing after Juvia.

“I’ll help you, but can you take care of this one for me!? This monster is impervious to my magic!” Juvia asked her guildmates to fight the jellyfish monster.

In the following moment, the water wizard and the Connell couple switched opponents.

“OMNIDIRECTIONAL FORMATION!” Alzack surrounded the jellyfish monster with floating revolvers and shot at it from every direction. The bullets were able to pierce through the monster’s water barrier, and the monster flinched as it took some damage and its tentacles were shot off.

Bisca followed up by firing a barrage of bullets with her dual machine guns. The monster wailed as its body was riddled with holes.

While facing Juvia, the magma monster released a wide stream of lava from its mouth.

“WATER NEBULA!” Juvia created two columns of water that rotated around each other and formed a helix.

The two attacks entered a power struggle, but with her determination to reunite with Gray, Juvia managed to overpower the monster. It screamed as its body was being hardened by Juvia’s water magic.

After the magma monster’s body was completely hardened, Bisca fired a bullet storm, chipping away the monster’s body and exposing the core, which is a glowing orange orb. Since the monster’s entire body hardened, the core became stationary. Bisca then destroyed the core and the monster disintegrated into a pile of ashes.

“Glad that’s over with.” Bisca said with great relief.

“But our objectives in this fortress have not been achieved yet.” Alzack replied.

The Connell couple then saw Juvia running off, still fixated on finding Gray.

“Juvia, wait! We need to stick together!” Bisca shouted as she and her husband followed after the water wizard.

After they were separated from Twilight, the Mane 6 battled against the remaining lower general, Thunder Blast.

Starlight fired magic beams, Applejack utilized geokinesis to launch rocks, and Rarity unleashed a volley of magical arrows. The Lower 1 effortlessly dodged their attacks by moving around like streaks of lightning.

“SPARKLY SWEET STORM!” Pinkie rapidly threw sparkly explosive sweets of various kinds at the dark unicorn, but he easily dodged them as well.

“Come on, try harder. I’m not even breaking a sweat.” Thunder Blast mocked.

Rainbow Dash then tried attacking the general with a storm of lightning bolts, only for them to be absorbed by an electric force field surrounding him.

“Bad idea.” Thunder Blast smiled right before firing a large beam of lightning at the rainbow-maned pegasus, and she narrowly dodged the beam.

Fluttershy summoned an ethereal cheetah and it chased after the dark unicorn. Even though the ethereal creature moves faster than an ordinary cheetah, it still could not keep up with Thunder Blast as he was moving at the speed of lightning.

Meanwhile, the other ponies continued attacking the Red Moon General. Starlight fired a barrage of magic beams, Rarity launched more arrows, Applejack tried erupting stone spikes from the floor, Rainbow tried using blasts of gust, and Pinkie continued throwing sparkly explosive sweets. Fluttershy summoned some ethereal falcons to help.

Despite their efforts to land a hit on him, Thunder Blast kept evading all of their attacks.

“He’s too fast! What do we do?!” Rarity squealed.

“My turn.” The Lower 1 fired some electric-infused magical blasts at the ethereal cheetah and falcons, dissipating them instantly.

He then fired a magical lightning bolt at Applejack. She raised a stone wall to defend herself. However, the bolt shifted direction and went around the wall. The earth pony’s eyes widened in surprise as the bolt struck her.

Fluttershy immediately began flying towards Applejack to help her, but Thunder Blast suddenly appeared in front of the pegasus.

“I don’t think so.” The general knocked her back with an electric-imbued punch, sending her reeling on the floor.

Rainbow then flew towards Thunder Blast, intending to tackle him at breakneck speed, only to be repelled by an electric magical barrier conjured by the dark unicorn. He proceeded to fire a multitude of lightning bolts at the Mane 6.

“Be careful! These bolts can change directions!” Starlight said to her friends.

The Mane 6 were quickly put on the defensive as they tried to evade and defend themselves from the bolts. The bolts constantly shift directions with no predictable pattern, making them difficult to avoid.

Thinking quickly, Starlight teleported her friends to her and conjured a dome-shaped magical barrier. The Mane 6 braced themselves as the barrier was taking the barrage of lightning bolts.

“As I suspected, you mares are too weak. Your victory over Nightmare Art was just dumb luck.” Thunder Blast snidely commented.

The dark unicorn then fired a massive beam of lightning that tore through Starlight’s barrier and blew away the Mane 6. Fluttershy attempted to use her healing light, but she was struck by a lightning bolt, which also damaged her hairpins.

Thunder Blast zigzagged around at lightning-fast speed, repeatedly punching and kicking the Mane 6 with his electrified hooves.

After a few minutes of pummeling, each of the Mane 6 could barely stand.

“Okay, I’ve toyed with you six long enough. Let’s end this with a bang.”

Thunder Blast then released an enormous pulse of lighting that spread throughout the chamber in an instant. Starlight blacked out after she was struck by the wave.

While unconscious, Starlight dreamt of a world without war. In this dream, she was living a blissful life with her friends in Ponyville. However, this dream soon turned into a nightmare when dark unicorns and a horde of monsters arrived and attacked the town. Starlight watched in horror as the dark unicorns and monsters destroy everything in their path, including her friends. A dark unicorn suddenly appeared in front of her and attacked her with a magic blast.

Starlight gasped as her eyes opened, having woken up back into reality. After coughing a few times, she then grunted as she struggled to stand back up, but due to the injuries she sustained, she collapsed to the floor again.

“I see you’re still alive.” Thunder Blast uttered while looking down on Starlight.

Starlight’s eyes immediately widened with fear as the Lower 1 stood right in front of her.

“You’re one lucky pony.” The dark unicorn continued. “But I think it’s time for your luck to run out. Face it, compared to us, all the foes you encountered before were just third-rate amateurs who were too incompetent to take over Equestria. We had built a massive army, one that would make the Storm King’s forces look puny in comparison. And then some beings from another world just had to make things more difficult for us. They sure did a huge number on us. Because of them, we lost many of our brethren. If it wasn’t for Fairy Tail, you wouldn’t have survived this war for this long. But this time, they’re not going to save you.”

Starlight attempted to fire a magic beam, only for the general to zap her before she could use her magic.

“It’s pointless. You couldn’t land a single hit on me since the fight started, and you’ll never be able to, not in your condition.” Thunder Blast said while Starlight groaned in pain. “Take a look at your friends. Fluttershy and Rarity are out cold. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are writhing on the floor in pain. Both of Rainbow’s wings are injured, so she won’t be flying.”

Starlight looked around and saw how bleak the situation was. It was as Thunder Blast said concerning Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. She also noticed Pinkie lying motionless on the floor.

“As for poor Pinkie Pie, she has no pulse so she’s dead now.” The Lower 1 grinned.

Starlight was completely stunned to hear what he said about Pinkie.

“I bet you’re feeling it now Starlight, the feeling of crushing defeat. You and your friends are done for. Don’t feel bad about it. A dark unicorn of my rank besting lesser ponies of this era is the undisputed outcome anyway.” Thunder Blast continued smiling.

“No… Pinkie… She can’t be gone! She just can’t!” Starlight whimpered.

“I’m afraid you can’t deny reality. But not to worry, you will be joining her shortly. Just don’t struggle and it’ll all be over soon. If you’re thinking of escaping by teleporting, don’t bother, because I placed a barrier around this chamber that will prevent you from leaving this battle. I told you that you and your friends are not going to walk away from this confrontation with your lives, and I’m going to stay true to my word. So Starlight, do you have any last words to share?” Thunder Blast spoke as his horn lit up in an electrical aura.

Seeing no way to turn the battle around, all Starlight could do was glare at the general in defiance. As she prepared for the end, the unexpected happened.

A sparkly cupcake was thrown and it splattered on the Lower 1’s face.

“Huh?” Thunder Blast showed a confused expression.

As his mind was processing this, his face was completely engulfed in a colorful glittering explosion. The explosion damaged his horn and severely injured both of his eyes, rendering him blind.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! MY EYES!!!! MY EYES!!!!” Thunder Blast cried in excruciating pain as he clutched his face.

Starlight turned her attention to the one who threw the cupcake, and she was surprised and happy to see Pinkie alive and standing.

“Ha Ha! I GOT YOU!” Pinkie shouted out with a proud smile.

Hearing Pinkie’s voice completely took the general by surprise.

“Pinkie Pie! You’re alive?! But how can this be?! I checked for your pulse! I was certain you died!” Thunder Blast loudly bellowed in disbelief.

Instead of answering, Pinkie stuck her tongue out as she aimed her party bazooka.

“SURPRISE ATTACK!” Pinkie fired her bazooka. Thunder Blast was hit by a colorful explosion and was sent rolling on the floor.

Once the dark unicorn stopped rolling, he quickly got back on his hooves and he was deeply livid that Pinkie managed to harm him.

“Don’t get cocky! I’ll kill you if it’s the last thing I do!” The Lower 1 roared at Pinkie while firing lightning bolts at her.

With Thunder Blast’s attention on Pinkie, Starlight started channeling her magic, preparing for a charged-up attack.

Pinkie evaded the bolts while taunting the Lower 1 by blowing raspberries at him. Despite her injuries, Pinkie could still move just fine. Because of his blindness, less control of his magic due to his damaged horn, and loss of focus due to pain and anguish, Thunder Blast kept missing his target as Pinkie was hopping towards him at incredible speed. Pinkie pulled a party bat out of her mane and swung it at the general, bashing him and knocking the wind out of him. While he was stunned from the blow, Pinkie continuously whacked him with the bat, like hitting a piñata. Pinkie soon swung her bat upwards with enough force to launch the dark unicorn all the way up to the ceiling. As he was falling, she leapt up to him and then hit him with a downward strike, sending him crashing back down to the floor with the impact leaving behind a huge dent.

“This can’t be happening! Not to me! Not at the hooves of an inferior pony!” The Lower 1 wailed as he struggled to stand.

Using wind to propel herself, Rainbow Dash rocketed towards the dark unicorn. With one of her front hooves, she slugged his head with a considerable amount of force, knocking him back down.

“Well it’s time for you to be taken down a peg!” Rainbow roared as she then latched onto him and repeatedly punched his face using all the strength she could muster.

Thunder Blast attempted to unleash an electric shockwave to blast Rainbow away, but the moment his horn glowed, she stopped him by striking his throat, causing him to choke. Rainbow continued punching, but the general eventually kicked her off him.

Applejack suddenly wrapped her lasso around Thunder Blast’s neck. The lasso then tightened, causing him to struggle breathing.

Once she finished charging her horn, Starlight unleashed a powerful magic blast. The general was then violently sent flying into a wall. The blast did not kill him, but he was left limping after falling to the floor. Applejack then sealed the deal by dropping a boulder on him, crushing his body except for his head and forelegs.

“BRUTALITY!” Pinkie shouted out with sass.

Beaten and broken, the Lower 1 groaned in agony.

I can’t move my body. Have I really lost? Am I going to die? Like this?! Ridiculous! Absolutely absurd! I didn’t even kill a single one of these pathetic mares! How could it end like this?! I had them beat! They were hopelessly outmatched! So why did I end up in this sorry state?! Curse that Pinkie Pie! This is all her fault! This all went south because I was outwitted by her! I should have fried her brain just to be absolutely sure! Damn it! Damn it all! If I could have a do-over, I swear I’ll make her suffer a thousand deaths for this!“ In his final moments, Thunder Blast anguished over the fact that ponies he considered to be beneath him were the ones who gave him the taste of bitter defeat. He soon disintegrated and the last of the lower generals is no more.

“Yeeeeeaaaaaaaaah! The Lower 1 has been beaten!” Pinkie let out a huge cheer.

“Pinkie, we need to tend to our friends.” Starlight said.

“Ow! My wings hurt!” Rainbow cringed.

“And my body’s aching all over.” Applejack moaned.

Starlight went to Rarity and Fluttershy and woke them up.

“Is it over?” Rarity asked after regaining consciousness.

“Is everypony alright?” Fluttershy said softly.

“Yes, the fight with Thunder Blast is over and we’re all okay.” Starlight answered.

“We just pulled off another major win! First, we beat the weakest Red Moon General and now, we took down the strongest lower general!” Pinkie exclaimed excitedly.

Starlight then used her magic to repair Fluttershy’s hairpins, and she healed everypony with her pink light.

“Much better.” Rainbow said as she flapped her wings.

“So Pinkie, how did you fake your death?” Starlight wondered.

“Oh, I just stopped my pulse, giving myself the appearance of death.” Pinkie explained casually.

“You know, I’m not going to question it. I’m just glad we made it through another tough battle.” Starlight went on.

“Yeah, guess we didn’t need some deus ex machina power-up after all.” Pinkie remarked.

Starlight then hugged Pinkie tightly. “Pinkie, don’t scare me like that again. For a moment, I thought we lost you.”

“Come on, I already said we got this special kind of armor that keeps us from dying.”

Rather than asking Pinkie to clarify about this “armor”, the six ponies got into a group hug.

“I’m so happy we’re all still alive!” Fluttershy was crying uncontrollably with tears of joy.

After ten seconds...

“I hate to break up this moment, but... we have another problem. We need to find Twilight. If she’s facing an upper general as we speak, she’ll need our help.” Applejack commented.

Rainbow then sighed. “No rest for the weary I guess.”

“No rest until this whole battle ends. I’m definitely looking forward to some beauty sleep when this is all over.” Rarity said.

With Thunder Blast’s defeat, the lower generals have been wiped out. Now, only the upper members stand between the forces of light and Scarlet Night.

Author's Note:

Here’s what the upper generals thought after the defeat of the lower members. 
Dread Lord: Master will not be pleased. 
Sapphire Butterfly: this is rather unfortunate. 
Roaring Blaze: guess the Red Moon Generals are better off with just the upper ranks. 
Blade Dancer: Nightmare Art and Thunder Blast were a complete disgrace for losing to the Council of Friendship. 
Shadow Mayhem: (no comment) 

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