• Published 28th Mar 2022
  • 574 Views, 23 Comments

Equestrian Rim - Visharo

Two tectonic plates created a breach flooding Equestria with Kaiju. Creatures of all nations got together and created monsters of their own; Jaegers.

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Kaiju (Old Pony Dialect from Japony) Giant Beast
Jaeger (Old Pony Dialect from Germaney) Hunter

Eight years ago a rift in the Equestrian sea broke open. Giant monsters rose from the depths and attacked coastal villages and cities. The first one took the entire pony militia to take down, the Princesses even had to help. By the fourth Kaiju, ponykind started making monsters of their own.

Countries besides Equestria were being attacked as well, so everycreatures banded together including the ponies to create the Jaeger program. Giant mechs that used a neurological system where pilot and Jaeger can be one. The strain however was too much strain for a single pilot, so engineers implemented a two pilot system. Right and left hemisphere.

After the first Jaegers were built, we fought back with everything we had and we were winning! Jaeger pilots became heroes and Kaiju became toys and jokes. Then everything changed when the Kaiju attacked...again.


"Warning! Kaiju, category III. Rangers Braeburn and Macintosh, you are needed on deck. Warning! Kaiju..."

Big Macintosh rolled out of bed and smacked Braeburn over the head, "come on, we got to go!"

"Alright, alright. Ah'm gettin' up!" Braeburn Apple fell out of bed and landed with an oomph. He jumped u and dusted himself off and grinned. "Let's get ourselves a Kaiju!"

Macintosh trotted forwards first with a smirk on his face, his red coat rippling with toned muscles. Half of a green apple was shown on his flank. Braeburn followed his cousin while chuckling, a pale yellow coat didn't show as much muscle as Macintosh, but still enough. A full shiny apple was presented on his flank.

"Don't get cocky, cuz!" Braeburn teased, bumping into Macintosh.

"As if!" A hard shove toppled the poor pale yellow pony to the floor, sending his yellow mane all over the place.

"Oh ah'm gonna get ya for that!" Braeburn tackled Macintosh, sending him to the floor.

"Hey! You messed up mah mane!" Macintosh rubbed his orange mane.

"RANGERS! GET A MOVE ON!" A loud voice boomed through the intercom making the two cousins wince. They sped up their pace quite a lot.


The two earth ponies galloped towards their Jaeger; Minty Revenge. The hanger bay contained a four legged behemoth of metal and wires. The entire Jaeger was solid iron with no alloys. A megaspell reactor was implanted in the chest, glowing bright and spinning around to produce enough power for the Jaeger.

"Into the conn pod, rangers!" A loud booming voice echoed through the intercom. The two cousins flinched and charged into said conn pod. They stepped in their suits, dark green with red stripes around the joints. Macintosh on the right and Braeburn in the left. Then a machine got hooked up to their backs.

"Right hemisphere calibrated...left hemisphere calibrated. Neural bridge stable!" The robotic voice rang through the pilot's earpieces. Four helicopters grabbed the Jaeger and lifted it off the ground using extra strong steel wires and flew over to the Kaiju.

"Ok pilots, Kaiju category III. Nicknamed Spearhead as the most distinguishable feature on this Kaiju is the spear-like head." The booming informed the two pilots.


The helicopters released Minty in the ocean near the shore of Baltimare. They came down with a crash, sending waves all over the place.

"Checking radar..." Braeburn didn't even get to look at the results as the whole Jaeger got flipped upside down. Spearhead had gotten under Minty and lifted upwards. The two cousins grunted with exertion as they lifted upwards, while the Jaeger copied their movements.

"Let's get this buckin' bastard!" Macintosh yelled and rose up on his back legs with Braeburn copying his moves. Their mind in sync as they both roared and brought down their two front hooves down in a fearsome blow. The two metal hooves connected with Spearhead, causing it to stumble around.

"Load the shock cannon! Hurry!" Braeburn shouted, preparing for another attack.

Macintosh hit a switch with his left hoof and flicked a switch. "Shock cannon getting ready, 25 percent...30 percent..."

Spearhead shook himself out of it's daze and charged. It's speed caught the two pilots off guard and they shrieked in pain as the Kaiju's sharp head pierced through the chest. Because of the neural connection between the Jaeger, they felt the blow and all the other blows.

Braeburn and Macintosh raised their left hoof and smashed it downwards in an attempt to get rid of the pesky Kaiju while their right shock cannon is loading. "Ready."

"Take this, Kaiju!" Braeburn growled and they lifted their front left hoof which changed forms to a peculiar looking, hollow, pyramid. The blast hit the Kaiju backwards, shocked but looked relatively unhurt.

The pilots didn't even hesitate and galloped forwards. The jumped upwards to avoid another attack from Spearhead and landed on top of it. Before the Kaiju could do anything, the cousins brought down their right hoof down, cracking it against the Kaiju's skull then bringing the left hoof, still a shock cannon, and fired two more times. After the third shot, Spearhead roared and and lifted upwards with all it's strength. The Jaeger flew away, crashing in the sea.

Sparks flying everywhere in the conn pod, sweat pouring over the ponies brows, and water leaking in the small breaches that the computer was so fond of saying. Braeburn and Macintosh heaved upwards, getting the Jaeger to it's feet and charged again, but this time Spearhead was ready.

It dodged a badly timed strike and thrust upwards, using it's spear head it was named after to strike through the megaspell reactor. The agonizing screams of the pilots were deafening, then became silent as Spearhead lifted upwards, using it's head to slice through the metal sheets.

Braeburn reached out with a bloody hoof and touched a button before collapsing in exhaustion. The megaspell reactor flared brightly and blew outwards in a fire breath, baking the Kaiju alive. Before long, both Jaeger and Kaiju flopped downwards, sending tidal waves all around.


"Ma'am, we're getting flatlines. Braeburn and Macintosh are dead, but they managed to take down Spearhead with them." A grey pony said to the Moon Princess who looked quite grim.

"Tell their family and put their pictures on the hall of the fallen."

"Aye aye, Princess Luna."

Author's Note:

So, making Pacific Rim into a pony version is quite difficult, who knew. Eh, I'll figure it out somehow.

Kudos to Blu, Edgy Boi, and Ron for being my friends and just being great.