• Published 28th Mar 2022
  • 576 Views, 23 Comments

Equestrian Rim - Visharo

Two tectonic plates created a breach flooding Equestria with Kaiju. Creatures of all nations got together and created monsters of their own; Jaegers.

  • ...

The Griffish Isles Shatterdome

Apple Bloom stared at the torrential rain that covered the entire island. Miserable griffons trudged or flew about as the train whizzed by.

"Just a couple of minutes, then we arrive." Ranger Pay Check called out.

"Almost there, girls." Sweetie Belle said. Her eyes droopy with sleepiness. "Then we can finally get a proper wash-up. Rarity'll have a fit if she sees me like this!"

"But she's not here, so why does it matter?" Scootaloo asked, looking equally tired.

"Is it so wrong to look my best?" Sweetie shot back.

"Y'all are fighting over nothing. Just tired nerves messin' with our minds. Best to not talk much." Apple Bloom mumbled. The other two murmured their assent. The CMC looked at each other, heavy bags under their eyes, as they slumped in their seats. Apple Bloom had no idea how long they sat like this, until Babs Seed tapped on the table, announcing the train ride was over.

The trio stumbled after Babs, trying very hard to keep their balance. Ranger Pay Check led the group while Ranger Pinkie Pie hopped behind them, giggling occasionally to whatever was happening inside her brain. The rain beat upon everypony there; it was so bad that even Peach Fuzz complained, but Apple Bloom was too tired to comment.

"Silly fillies! There is no need to be sad!" Pinkie suddenly popped in front of the group, spreading her forehooves wide as if preparing to give a hug. "The Shatterdome is right here!" And true to her word, a giant dome sat behind the pink pony. I could hear over the rain, her humming a little tune.

The young farmer's tiredness suddenly evaporated the moment she stepped hoof inside the Shatterdome. There were two finished Jaegers. A pegasus Jaeger looked to be a Mark III with its semi-sleek design. The griffon one was definitely a Mark II, its design more rugged in nature. There was another one, in the far back, but it looked to be still being worked on. Through her studies, Apple Bloom could make out various weapons and alloys. Her attention snapped back to the front when she accidentally bumped into Mellow Marsh. Pay looked like he was hugging a blackish griffon.

"Cadets, this is Marshall Gian. He will be showing us around and sometimes help with lessons." The griffon raised a claw, his beak curled into a smile. Something in that smile made Apple Bloom shiver. Behind her, she heard Pinkie giggle.

"Thank you Ranger Pay Check, if you'll follow me." The ten of us followed the griffon as he explained how their training program was going, stuff that nopony was particularly paying attention to. That changed however, when he stopped in front of the pegasus Jaeger. "This Jaeger is actually the only non-griffon Jaeger in griffon lands. It's name is Creamy Gorgonzola, its pilots are Wigmore and Somerset Brie. Both capable pegasi."

Creamy was an agile build, as is most pegasi Jaegers. Magic enhanced alloys lined everything, though Apple Bloom spotted some glittering crystals in a couple of spots. When she asked about it, Wind Sprint answered, "the crystals make a magical barrier, blocking some of the attacks. Its not that efficient though and most Jaegers don't bother with it."

"Huh, that's pretty neat. Say, how d'ya know that?"

"Qui...er, my dad, told me. He's such a nerd." And with that, the conversation ended.

"Over here we have Paid Debt, a funny name to be sure." We followed the Marshall over to the griffon Jaeger. "Piloted by Gael and Gage, its sharpened wings are quite formidable."

The design was more rugged and dirty. Pieces seemed to be missing and its paint job needed to be worked on, but Apple Bloom could tell how strong it was. In the background, the yellow mare could hear Gian saying that Griffish metal was incredibly durable; even more so then enchanted alloys from mainland Equestria.

"Alright Cadets, that's enough for now." Pay Check called out, getting our attention. "It's time to get to our bunks for a bit of shut eye."

"I call top bunk!" Pinkie gleefully bounced after the Ranger.

"Ya know, ah still can't believe Pinkie is a Ranger." Apple Bloom murmured, her gaze trained on the pink pony. "Ah'm pretty sure AJ would've told me if that were the case."

"But it's Pinkie we're talking about! You don't question it." Scootaloo shot back, Sweetie Belle nodding in agreement.

"But what if she's a changelin'?" The young farmer's voice dropped into a whisper.

"Now that would be unfortunate." Pinkie's fluffy mane popped into Apple Bloom's vision, causing her to scramble back. A yellow hoof clutching her chest as she heaved, gulping air like a fish.

"Pinkie! You scared her!" Sweetie Belle scolded, trotting up to her fallen friend and rubbed her back. Pinkie just grinned and continued to bounce away like nothing had happened. Scootaloo glared at the retreating mare and grumbled about something.

"Ah think ah'm alright. Thanks girls." Apple Bloom stood up, albeit a bit shaky. Once they made sure she could walk, the trio followed the rest of the group.


"ATTENTION!" Marshall Gian squawked out. His shrill voice resonating in every cadet as they scrambled to stand and firmly in their positions. The group was currently in a dojo of sorts, a wooden floor and various sparring weapons being held on racks. There were two more griffons in the corner, fighting with swords. "Today we will be practicing martial arts, hoofticuffs in your case. Every good Ranger knows how to defend themselves, even against a normal aggressor."

The eight cadets were put into four groups of two, with Gian, Pinkie, and Pay Check watching over them. Apple Bloom found herself paired against Candy Pop. The young pink mare glared at the young farmer, her legs bent and spread out, keeping her low and poised to spring at any moment. Apple Bloom decided on a martial art she learned from Zecora, the Fallen Ceaser style.

The Marshall struck his claw against a gong, announcing the various matches to start. Candy took no time and launched herself straight at Apple Bloom. Doing a little twist, the farmer was able to dodge the attack and before Candy could react, Apple Bloom slammed a forehoof down on the other mare's shoulders, rendering it useless. Candy let out a cry of pain as she flopped down on the metal floor, her frizzy orange purple mane spreading around her head like a halo.

"Wow! You did quite the doozy, AB! Poor Candy won't be able to walk for a while." Pinkie 'mournfully' said, her blue eyes sparkling with mirth. It unnerved Apple Bloom to her core and quickly whipped her head around to stay away from those creepy eyes. A pair of medics came in under Pay Check's request and put the seething Candy on a stretcher.

"Hrm, it seems that you no longer have a partner." Gian scratched his chin with a claw. "How about one of your Rangers takes Candy Pop's place."

Pinkie let out a squeal of delight, drawing some of the other cadets' attentions. "I would love to!"

"Oh um, no ah'm alright. Ah think that strike hurt mah hoof a tad." Apple Bloom winced; her lying skills really sucked.

"I think you're fine." Pay Check answered. "Pinkie can be your spare partner."

Apple Bloom gulped nervously as she struck up the Fallen Ceaser stance again. In front of her, the party pony grinned and started to hop a bit. The gong was struck again and thunder crackled outside. Unlike Candy, Pinkie did not rush forwards and instead kept on bouncing on the spot, her manic grin still plastered on her face. Apple Bloom, uncomfortably irritated by her behavior, decided to end it as quickly as possible. Taking deliberate steps forwards, Apple Bloom inched ever so closer, Pinkie watching and still not doing anything.

Warily, Apple Bloom raised a hoof and struck as fast as possible, before her hoof could connect; Pinkie was gone in an instant. With newfound instincts, the farmer ducked and rolled out of the way, right before the floor of where she just was, split in half. Pinkie stood upright, a backhoof stuck in the floor. She looked up with a sheepish smile. Teachings from Ranger Pay Check allowed Apple Bloom to take this chance and deliver a powerful kick to Pinkie's midsection. The force sent the pink pony reeling; her stuck hoof got wrenched out, splinters and blood sprayed everywhere. By now, everycreature in the room was watching with mute fascination.

Before Apple Bloom could feel any remorse, Pinkie rocketed forwards, her bloodied hoof making prints on the wooden floor. In a blink of an eye, the young farmer found herself in the air and her gut reeling in pain from the huge uppercut Pinkie dealt out. The fascination quickly turned into horror, as everycreature realized that this match was getting too serious. Apple Bloom crashed back to the floor, her muzzle split open and warm blood started pooling around her. Ranger Pay Check tried to stop the pink mare, but found himself on the other side of the dojo with broken ribs.

"What's wrong, little filly?" Pinkie's voice somehow turned echoey and her mane deflated into long straight pink strands. "Cat got your tongue?" She threw her head back and cackled loudly, making the other cadets wince in fear.

Apple Bloom gathered all the courage she possessed and heaved herself upwards and tried to get back into the Fallen Ceaser stance. Pinkie, no, Pinkamena stopped laughing and glared at the filly who dared. She got up real close to Apple Bloom's face, and grinned widely, her teeth somehow stained with blood. Apple Bloom didn't move. She could not. How could she? The only thing she could do was close her eyes and hope the end would be swift, but a guttural roar made her peek.

"NO ONE TOUCHES MAH COUSIN!" Babs Seed barreled straight towards Pinkamena; no doubt the thought of Apple Bloom dying snapped her out of her stupor. The reckless charge confused the pink mare enough for Babs to buck her, Apple-style. The moment she fell to the ground, Babs whaled on her, again and again, yelling and sobbing the entire time.

When Apple Bloom finally came back to reality, Babs was sitting in a corner sobbing while Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle patted her back. The rest of the cadets were huddled together and Ranger Pay Check was nowhere to be found. Marshall Gian had a very beat up, bloodied Pinkamena wrestled in a corner. When Apple Bloom's gaze wandered to the pink mare's, she just grinned a bloody one and winked. "You're gonna need me later, trust me." A whisper made it into Apple Bloom's ear, sounding suspiciously like the pink monster walking out of the room. Before she could dwell on it longer, she felt a hoof on her shoulder. She whipped around and almost smacked Scootaloo in the muzzle.

"Come on, Babs needs us. We can worry about Pinkie later." Apple Bloom let herself be dragged to where her cousin lay in a puddle of tears. Together they wrapped themselves in one big hug and let out all the stress and sorrows out. It was safe to say, they were at it for an hour.

Author's Note:

Ya know, its funny. I keep on thinking, New Years is upon us! But then I realize there's two months left. Hallow's Eve, the Giving of Thanks, and the Birth of Christ must happen first, then the First Light of the Year shall grace us.
(No offense to those who don't believe in this, just having a bit of fun.)

Fallen Ceaser. A zebra martial arts, introduced in Fallout: Equestria by kkat.

Kudos to everybody reading, to kkat for reason mentioned, and to Blu because he is awesome. Also happy Applejack Day!