• Published 28th Mar 2022
  • 571 Views, 23 Comments

Equestrian Rim - Visharo

Two tectonic plates created a breach flooding Equestria with Kaiju. Creatures of all nations got together and created monsters of their own; Jaegers.

  • ...


Applejack stood in front of the doorway that led to the science lab of the Shatterdome. She had just checked up on Apple Bloom and was pleased to see that she and the other Cadets were doing well. The farmer was particularly pleased to hear that her sister was getting much better sim scores then a few weeks ago.

The orange mare was now supervising Pinkamena the Butcher carefully dissecting the secondary Kaiju brain. In the corner, two nervous scientists who go by Dr. Newt and Dr. Lineage were watching the pink pony work in fear. Applejack could agree and might've been trembling in horror, but she's seen too much.

"Alright Pinkamena, when do ya think ya'll be done?" Applejack asked as she trotted over, covering her muzzle with a hoof. The stench was unbearable, not to mention all the sizzling blue Kaiju blood all over the floor.

The pink pony giggled, her mane flat as a wet noodles, and did a flourish with her butcher knives, which she was somehow holding with her hooves. "Don't you worry none AJ! I've done this plenty of times, it should be done in a jiffy!" Pinkamena then proceeded to throw the Kaiju head upwards and she darted underneath. Before Applejack had a chance of blinking, the pink pony was crushed.

"Pinkamena!" Applejack hopped over the blue blood and attempted to buck the carcass over. "Celestia dammit, ya weren't s'posed to do that."

After the second buck, the whole head exploded, spraying the entire room and it's occupants with Kaiju gore. Applejack just simply wiped off the flesh and she could hear Lineage heaving in the corner. In place of the head, a blue and pink pony stood triumphantly with a secondary Kaiju brain.

"Told you to worry none!" Pinkamena shook herself like a dog, spraying all the blood everywhere, making everything it touched sizzling at worrying levels. She then leaped, did a flip in midair, and landed on an operating table, all the while carrying a huge secondary brain. "I'll just leave this present here and leave you to it!" With that, she cartwheeled out with a sadistic grin.

"That filly goin' to be the death of us all." Applejack tipped her stetson before whipping to the two scientists. "Ya two! Ya said ya'll could drift with this here brain, so do it. Ain't got all day."

Lineage and Newt scampered up with various degrees of enthusiasm, and started prodding the organ. It took a glare from an impatient farmer for the two to finally get out the drift tech and initiate the thing. Applejack sighed, tipped her hat in front of her eyes and leaned back to doze.

She barely closed her eyes and Applejack was soon back up on her hooves. The two scientists were shaking uncontrollably, blood seeping out of their various holes. The orange ranger wasted no time and immediately hit the off button. The ponies collapsed in a heap, soft sobs could be heard from both.

"Oi, y'all can't quite on me now. Ah need ya'll, Equestria needs y'all! So move yer bodies and get explainin'!"


"Marshall Gian, Marshall Pay Check, y'all need to hear this." Applejack stormed command with utter disregard for security or privacy. Behind her came the stumbling scientists, who clutched their heads and whined pitifully, occasionally they would twitch erratically.

"Ranger Applejack, you dare interrupt an important meeting to show us two worthless ponies who look like they need to be in a ward! I would have you fired for insubordination!" Gian, the griffon, stood up, his eyes alight with anger.

"Now listen here feathers, these two scientists did the impossible and drifted with a Kaiju." The two marshalls opened their mouths but the orange mare interrupted them. "Yes, they did. The information these two learned are mighty important so I suggest you shut yer traps and get to listenin'. Y'all settled? Good."

The ranger strutted to the whiteboard and grabbed a marker. She then drew a tube that got larger at the ends and shrank in the middle. "This here is the Kaiju tunnel on both sides of Equestria in the middle of the two seas, right? We know this, it is simple facts. Now we also know that we've tried to blow up the damned portal with little success. These two blubbering fools of ponies managed to find ourselves the jackpot of apple pickings of information. The Kaiju are allowed access because of their genetics. So what we need to do is strap a huge bomb to a dead Kaiju and throw it back down the tunnel. Two times, each for each portal. Any questions?"

"So you are saying that you got all this from those frothing lunatics?" Gian pointed with a claw and the two scientists were indeed frothing. Applejack pressed the button for medical before answering.

"Marshall Pay Check. Ya know me. We've fought together on many occasions. Ya knew mah brother and cousin, ya knew mah parents, and ya definitely know me. When have ah ever lied?"

"Never." The pony stood up and nodded. "So let's get those bombs built! We'll need the strongest mages and weapons designers in all of the Allied Lands. Marshall Gian, you think you can get it to work?"

"You're believing this one pony? Over her word? She has no proof, no evidence!" The griffon rose up as well, his claws and beak shone in the light letting everyone know how dangerous a griffon could be.

"Marshall, this pony's word means more to me, more to the Princesses, then anyone else's. Applejack cannot lie and that is fact. If she says this is what needs to be done, then Celestia help me, it will be done. Now are you with me or not?" Pay Check extended a hoof and after a few terrifying moments, the griffon accepted it.

"Fine, pony. We'll see how this will end." Gian agreed reluctantly.

"Now, wait a couple apple buckin' minutes. Ah never said ah was done." Applejack said before anycreature could go off. "In a week, the Precursors, the baddies we've been fightin' all along, is sending an army like no other. From what Lineage said, we'll be facin' 'round 20 Kaiju on each side of Equestria. Ah suggest calling all Shatterdomes to warn em."

The entire room was quiet for many minutes. Then Marshall Pay Check breathed a weary sigh. "All right Applejack, we'll call the cavalry." He muttered something about banishment and the moon.

Marshall Gian stayed behind and turned to face the orange Ranger. "Pony, if everything you have said is true, then let us meet on the battlefield as brother and sister. The day of reckoning is nearly upon us and rivalries have no place amongs creaturekind's last stand. So, sister, will you accept our bond?" The griffon marshall extended a claw. Applejack didn't hesitate for a second and grasped, sealing the deal.

"Till the glorious battle!" Gian saluted with a wing before flying off.

"Till then."

Author's Note:


Sorry about the short chapter, but there wasn't anything else that needed to be said. Another chapter will be out soon and we are also nearing the one year anniversary of this story! Kinda crazy.

Kudos to those who have stayed and read, you are amazing. Thank you.