• Published 4th Nov 2022
  • 775 Views, 51 Comments

The Midnight’s Shining Star - Starlight Fan

With Twilight being rushed into ruling Equestria, she is now corrupt and Midnight Sparkle, and with Starlight giving herself over to her, they will find hope and love together.

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At The Gala, Darkness Is Revealed

Starlight wasn’t exactly having a tough time running the School Of Friendship as much as Twilight was with ruling Equestria. Starlight figured that taking care of a school really was different from ruling a country.

She felt utmost sympathy for Twilight, she couldn’t imagine being ripped away from her friends like Twilight sort of was and being forced into a role she wasn’t really sure she could handle.

Starlight tried to tell Twilight’s friends about how Twilight was feeling but they were too busy with their own jobs and partially the school to fully listen. They did send their condolences but Starlight could tell it wasn’t fully helping.

Starlight knew she had to talk to Celestia and Luna when they made their appearance at the Gala, Starlight could not let this continue. Twilight didn’t think they’d change their minds but Starlight figured if they knew how much she was suffering, they’d interfere.

Currently she was getting her cyan gown ready for the Grand Galloping Gala in her room in the castle, it was a formal event after all and she needed to be at her best. Which is also why she curled her mane a bit more to make it look proper.

She then saw Trixie enter, wearing a sparkly red dress and asking, “Starlight. I have to ask, does this dress make me look noticeable, at least to the extent of being noticed enough to not overshadow Twilight? Though I wouldn’t be opposed to it either.” She rolled her eyes with a smirk.

Starlight rolled her eyes with a smirk, classic Trixie.

“It looks fine Trix.” Starlight said with a playful smirk before sighing with a smile, “It’ll be nice to see Twilight and the others again. Twilight’s had it rough lately.”

“Yes. She’s on the top of Equestria and now at the level of Celestia. How awful.” Trixie said with a sarcastic grin.

“Not funny Trixie, she’s felt really isolated since ruling Equestria. She hardly sees anypony except Spike and me when I can contact her.” Starlight glared at her friend, not fiercely but stern enough to make a point.

“Okay.” Trixie sighed, “I’ll lay off. That does sound upsetting.”

“Exactly. So I’m going to talk to Celestia and Luna about Twilight taking their place. Hopefully they’ll listen when they realize how rough Twilight has it. I know they will, I’ve met them. They are very understanding.” Starlight told her best friend.

“Well considering we’re still roaming free along with Discord, I can see that.” Trixie shrugged with a smile.

“Yeah…” Starlight trailed off, “But Twilight doesn’t seem to think that. It may just be me, but she sounds like she’s starting to resent them.”

“Hmmm, that doesn’t sound very Twilight.” Trixie hummed in thought.

Starlight did have to admit, that did sound pretty silly. Twilight resenting the princesses? It doesn’t sound like her.

“You’re probably right.” Starlight admitted sheepishly, “Maybe I’m just being silly. She’s probably just frustrated.”

“See. That sounds more plausible.” Trixie nodded with a smile, “Come on, Sunburst can’t wait forever.”

Starlight looks down at the cyan gown she’s wearing and smiles, “Yeah. It is time to go anyway.”

We then see that Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst, who was in a black tux heading towards the train station in Ponyville where Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity were waiting.

“Phew. You’re still here. Glad we didn’t miss the train.” Starlight smiled in relief.

“Yeah. Sunburst was going to panic if we missed it.” Trixie smirked condescendingly at her co-worker.

“I was not going to panic!” Sunburst gasped indignantly.

“You were breathing through your nostrils heavily and sweating bullets.” Trixie rolled her eyes making Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie giggle.

“Ugh. So I was a little stressed.” Sunburst rolled his eyes, “It’s not the end of the world.”

“You know Starlight could easily teleport you all to the train on her own right?” Applejack said jokingly.

“That’s what I said but Sunburst thought it was impolite at this time.” Starlight said with a teasing smirk sent the stallion’s way.

“Yeah… that’s probably for the best.” Rarity admits sheepishly.

“Ooh. This is gonna be so much fun!” Pinkie Pie began hopping excitedly, “I’m so excited to see Twilight again! It’s been quite a while since we last saw her!”

“Indeed. It will definitely be quite pleasant to talk with her again.” Rarity smiles, gleeful about seeing her as well.

“I feel it’s great that this is happening. It’ll show Twilight that she still has us.” Fluttershy smiles softly.

Starlight smiled at this interaction, she was glad they were so excited to see Twilight. Maybe with their presence, Twilight would at last, start to feel better.

Meanwhile Twilight had been snickering to herself as she began to head for the Gala hall, she was extra giddy to be doing this Grand Galloping Gala, for she would soon show how she would no longer be pushed around. Celestia and Luna being there would be the cherry on top.

Twilight soon kept on a confident smile and made it to the hall where her top two guards Gallus and Tempest, and her Royal Advisor Spike were waiting. Tempest and Gallus needed jobs for their own purposes so she gave them the positions. They were qualified after all.

“Alright guys. Here’s how this is going to go. Tempest will greet the guests from the entrance, and Spike will formally greet the guests himself. Gallus, you just take care of things from in here.” Twilight instructed the three.

“Sounds straightforward to me.” Tempest said neutrally.

“I’m cool with it.” Gallus smiled dismissively.

“Uh… are we sure about this?” Spike asked curiously and cautiously, “I’m pretty sure the guests want to be greeted by the princess herself. It’s how Celestia does it.”

“Yeah well I’m the leader of Equestria now.” Twilight said bitterly, “And this is how things work now.”

One look at Spike, Tempest, and Gallus’ shocked looks made Twilight realize she needed to change tactics, “Sorry. Just didn’t like being compared to Celestia.” She smiled nervously, “Look, I have an announcement to make at the Gala tonight. It’ll be important so I want to prepare for it.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Spike rubbed the back of his head with a raised eyebrow.

“Good. Glad we agree.” Twilight smiled brightly, “Now if you’ll excuse me. I have to prepare for the big night.”

“You guys get the feeling Twilight’s been acting weird lately?” Gallus asked with a questioning look.

“Oh good. I’m not the only one who noticed.” Spike smiled sheepishly.

“It’s probably pre-Gala jitters. She already seems to have it rough with being the new ruler and all.” Tempest suggests to her associates.

“Yeah. She has had it rough since she took over for Celestia.” Spike admitted sadly.

“From what Headmare Starlight said, she doesn’t really get to see her friends anymore.” Gallus said sympathetically, “That has to be rough.”

“We’ll discuss the matter further after the Gala, but for now we should prepare.” Tempest told the two males who nodded in agreement, they couldn’t argue with that logic.

We then see Starlight enter the Gala with the rest of the group, she couldn’t wait to see where Twilight was. It’d be nice to see her and reunite given how life gets in the way.

Meanwhile, Twilight herself was on top of the half circle chandeliers, spying on the guests in the room, especially her friends. She made sure that no one could see her with a cloaking spell of course.

“Look at them. They’re all so happy. After everything that I did for this Gala.” Twilight exclaimed angrily before taking a deep breath, “Patience Twilight. Your justice will come soon.”

Twilight soon looked over to see Starlight in her eyesight, and smiled fondly, she always did look adorable at times, but it was also nice to see her in that dress. It looked even more cute.

Twilight soon shook those thoughts out, what was going on? She only saw Starlight as a friend. Why was she thinking this?

However Twilight did continue to give Starlight a smile, whatever happened next, she knew she couldn’t let anything bad happen to Starlight.

Twilight soon teleported away from the chandelier and back to the party in her turquoise dress, away from enough ponies to make sure the teleportation wasn’t noticed.

She then walked over to where Starlight, Trixie, Sunburst, and the Mane 5 were.

“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie embraced the purple alicorn in a hug, which Twilight struggled to breath from due to her tight grip.

“Pinkie… can’t breathe…” Twilight wheezed which Pinkie’s eyes widened at as she sheepishly let Twilight go.

“Thank you.” Twilight rubs the back of her neck as she sighs with a smile.

“It’s really nice to see you all again.” Twilight smiled a bit fondly, for all their negative qualities, maybe seeing her friends again would be worth it.

“Are you kidding? We’d never miss the chance to see you Twilight.” Rainbow Dash smirked with her forearms crossed.

“Indeed. When we heard the Gala was happening, we certainly had to show up.” Rarity smiled.

Twilight rolled her eyes a bit, but kept her smile. Secretly she wasn’t sure if Rainbow Dash or Rarity were telling the truth. They never seemed to visit her anymore, only Starlight did at rare times she could but otherwise, she got squat from her friends other than a few letters.

She sighed though, it was nice to see her friends again. Maybe she was overreacting and maybe she should call off her plan.

Soon Celestia and Luna walked over to Twilight and her eye twitched a bit, they were the reason she was in this position. They were the reason she couldn’t live her own life anymore.

It was all their fault.

“Twilight. It is certainly a pleasure to see you again.” Luna smiled fondly at the new ruler.

“Indeed. I am very proud to see that Equestria is still safe in your hooves.” Celestia nodded at Luna’s statement.

Twilight had to admit, she was certainly glad to hear that from the princesses, maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. Maybe…

No, she still wasn’t sure yet.

“So… how’s retirement going?” Twilight asked curiously.

“Oh. It’s been simply wonderful.” Luna smiled, “It’s so good to be able to live carefree.”

Celestia nodded at Luna’s words, “Indeed. I most certainly enjoy it as well.”

Twilight’s eye twitched as she forced a smile at the princesses, “I see. That’s… nice.” She forced out politely.

Oh sure, they get to relax for the rest of their lives despite not being nearly too old to be retired, while she has to take charge of an entire country alone. Even when being Princess Of Friendship, she was at least able to share some responsibilities with the princesses but now she has ALL the responsibility.

How nice indeed, Twilight thought bitterly.

“Twilight. Is something wrong?” Celestia asked curiously.

“Nope.” Twilight quickly smiled, “Just remembering I have to make an announcement soon. I’ll see you all in a minute.”

She then teleported away before anybody could say anything. Starlight looked on in sympathy, it was clear Twilight was phoning in that statement.

She knew she needed to talk with the sisters and her friends now.

“Celestia, Luna, I think we should talk. This actually concerns all of you. You see, Twilight’s not fully happy with being the leader of Equestria.” Starlight began speaking.

“What do you mean Starlight Glimmer?” Luna asked curiously.

“Well…” Starlight began to speak before a microphone went off and Twilight was seen standing on the podium, “Can I have everypony’s attention please?”

Starlight and everyone else turned to Twilight, what was going on?

“Is everyone enjoying the Gala?” Twilight asked with a smile, which confused Starlight but everyone else in the Gala seemed to be cheering.

“Oh good.” Twilight’s smile grew more into a smirk and her eyes narrowed a bit, “Because it will serve as a reminder that the reign of Celestia and Luna is over.”

“Well that is an odd way of putting it but yeah.” Pinkie Pie shrugged with a smile as everyone just looked confused, including Starlight.

“Oh. I must have been unclear. The way Celestia and Luna used to rule Equestria is now ancient history. Things are going to change around Equestria.” Twilight smirked a bit more maliciously and soon a cage dropped on top of Celestia, trapping her but it missed Luna as she dodged the cage in time.

“Twilight Sparkle! What is the meaning of this?!” Luna asks in complete shock.

“Oh. I’m not Twilight anymore.” Twilight smirked sinisterly before her coat began to grow a darker purple, her wings began to turn black, and soon her eyes turned blue and purple mist came out of the corners.

“I am now Midnight Sparkle!” Twilight laughed evilly as she then aimed a blast at Luna who did not expect this, so she ended up being zapped and fell back a little, but soon she got up and began to blast Twilight. She didn’t want to but she had to stop her for the sake of getting through to her in a calmer state.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were currently trying to free Celestia from her cage as Twilight and Luna kept trying to blast each other. The other ponies had been running away from the madness with Gallus leading them out as we speak.

“Can’t you use magic to escape?” Fluttershy asked fearfully.

“I can’t.” Celestia tried using her horn, only to fail, “Twilight must have used pieces of Chrysalis’ throne.”

Starlight tried using her magic on the bars but it had no effect.

“I have to stop her.” Starlight said hastily before using her magic to levitate to the beam war which Twilight and Luna were having.

“Twilight!” Starlight cried out as she levitated towards her friend.

“Starlight! I’m in the middle of my revenge!” Twilight said angrily as she kept aiming her blasts at Luna who still dodged.

“But Twilight, why are you doing this?! I understand your upset but you can’t do this! Don’t be like how I was!” Starlight begged to her closest friend, however Twilight didn’t budge.

“My destiny was controlled for too long! It’s payback time!” Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“What are you talking ab-“ Starlight began before a blast was heard, Twilight got out of the way in time but the laser ended up hitting Starlight’s chest and she ended up falling to the floor of the castle.

“Starlight!” Luna and Twilight cried out in horror.

Twilight soon turned to Luna with narrowed eyes, she had just hurt the only pony who had stayed near her in her time of need and now she was hurt because of her.

“You will pay for that!” Twilight said, full of rage before blasting Luna, who was too shocked and full of guilt to react and soon she fell to the floor, and was unconscious.

“Luna!” Celestia said in horror before Twilight rolled her eyes, “Relax. Despite this new me, I’m not a killer. Your sister will live.”

“So when it’s Starlight, it’s injustice but when it’s Luna, you don’t care?” Rarity asked curiously.

“I had to restrain Luna for the next part of my change to Equestria.” Twilight said coldly, “Going by force was the only way to do it. Plus after controlling my future, I figured I should get some sort of revenge. Starlight did nothing wrong in this so there’s that.”

“Look Twilight. I don’t know what’s gotten into you but we are not leaving without a fight.” Rainbow Dash said sternly.

“Do you really think you can defeat me?” Twilight asked with a smirk, “I just took down an alicorn but hey, since we’ve been friends for so long, I’ll be lenient. You can either leave now or suffer the consequences.”

The five friends looked at each other with uncertainty, they didn’t know what to do but as far as they were concerned. Twilight had them in a rut.

“I think we should go.” Sunburst advised the others, “We’re clearly no match for her.”

“Besides, somepony needs to take care of Starlight and I don’t trust Midnight or whatever her new name is.” Trixie said angrily as she glared at Twilight who glared back, how dare that showboat think she’d hurt Starlight.

“Alright then Twi. We surrender.” Applejack said sadly.

“Good.” Twilight smirked, “Now get out. Celestia and Luna are stuck here but you all can go.”

The Mane 5, Trixie, and Sunburst soon left the castle, Rainbow Dash carrying Starlight as they did so. Twilight snuck a concerned glance the unicorn’s way, she hoped Starlight was okay. After all, it was kind of her fault for not getting Starlight away from the danger in time.

Regardless, Twilight had all she needed, both the Royal Sisters were vulnerable and she had now successfully taken over Equestria on her own terms.

She knew she would have to get Starlight back into her hooves somehow, she was the only pony she wanted near her at this point but she knew it had to be willingly.

Twilight was a patient mare though, she’d wait for the time when Starlight would come back to her.

Either way, tonight was a good night.