• Published 4th Nov 2022
  • 779 Views, 51 Comments

The Midnight’s Shining Star - Starlight Fan

With Twilight being rushed into ruling Equestria, she is now corrupt and Midnight Sparkle, and with Starlight giving herself over to her, they will find hope and love together.

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Twilight had currently called down Spike, Tempest, and Gallus to a meeting. Other than Starlight, she trusted these three the most in her life.

“Allies, I require assistance about the Starlight issue.” Twilight said sternly.

“What issue? Starlight’s done nothing wrong.” Gallus asked with a weirded out look.

“Oh trust me. I know that.” Twilight rolled her eyes but still looked annoyed, “I’m talking about her emotionless attitude. She’s doing just fine with everything but she’s so bland and dried up when it comes to getting a reaction out of her.”

“To be fair Twilight. You just took her away from pretty much almost every friend she’s ever made and you practically made her your prisoner.” Spike said with a nervous frown.

Twilight scoffed at the accusation, “She is not my ‘prisoner’ Spike. If she was, she’d be in the dungeons of Canterlot.”

“Well, I don’t know what you’d call this arrangement you have with Starlight but I must agree, you did just take her away from the friends she made over the years.” Tempest admitted stoically.

Twilight rolled her eyes, “She’ll get over them eventually. It’s not like she was ever that close with my old friends.”

Spike and Gallus just shared a look of shock at Twilight’s words, how could she say that?

“Even if you believe that. You should probably ease her into this whole thing.” Tempest told the dark alicorn, “You still want Starlight to like you correct?”

“More than anything.” Twilight admitted, showing a bit more emotion than usual as she sheepishly frowns.

“Then talk with her, my only advice is that you must control your temper.” Tempest told Twilight sternly.

Twilight nodded at that, she knew that Starlight would be afraid of her if she showed too much anger, she knew that had to be kept to a minimum.

“Alright then.” Twilight sighed calmly before speaking in a stern voice but less so than usual, “I assume Starlight’s in her room.”

“Yes your highness. She’s in there as we speak.” Tempest nodded firmly.

“Excellent.” Twilight said before walking off without a word said before Discord walked in with a bored frown and in a maid’s outfit.

“Is she finally gone?” Discord asked boredly.

“Discord? What are you doing here?!” Gallus said in shock.

“He’s working here so Twilight is less likely to go after Fluttershy in Ponyville.” Spike explained to the two guards.

“Wait, if you’re here, can’t you just use your magic and end this madness?” Gallus asked curiously.

“Can’t.” Discord said simply before tapping on the collar he had on his neck, “Twilight had me restrained before the Gala even began. My magic’s totally limited.”

“Well there goes that idea.” Tempest sighed sadly.

“Anyway, I’m getting so annoyed with Twilight.” Discord began ranting, “She’s so demanding lately and more snappish than she used to be. At least when she was still herself she could enjoy herself.”

“Oh please. I doubt any of us are happy with what’s happening to Twilight.” Gallus scoffed before frowning sadly, “I honestly can’t be too mad though. Celestia technically did cause this.”

“Can we stop playing the blame game? Regardless, we all need to pitch in and make sure both Twilight and Starlight don’t fall to their own pits of despair.” Spike said sternly to which Tempest smirked at, “That is something we can all agree on.”

We then see Starlight silently weeping on her bed, even though there were some great accommodations, she still felt like a prisoner.

She wasn’t sure if she’d ever see Trixie, Sunburst, Maud, or anypony she cared for again. She felt like she was just a prize for Twilight to win and that made her feel so weak.

The only good thing about this is that Spike and Gallus were around.

Soon the door opened and Starlight was surprised to see Twilight.

“Oh. Hey Twilight.” Starlight said as she wiped her tears quickly.

“Starlight? Were you crying?” Twilight asked, showing concern, an emotion that Starlight did not expect to see.

“I’ll admit, I sort of was.” Starlight found herself admitting much to Twilight’s shock.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight asked comfortingly.

Starlight sighed sadly before beginning to vent, “I just feel it all happened so fast. Your turn to the darkness, the deal we made. It’s just been an emotional whiplash.”

Twilight gave Starlight a sympathetic glance before sighing, “Look. I’ll admit that this likely hasn’t been easy for you but I swear, I still really care about you and… I hate to see you suffer. If you want to back out of this deal, I won’t capture the princesses’ again, but I’ll disable their magic, that way they stay free and I get my justice.”

Starlight began to think about it, while it would be a golden opportunity to see her friends again, it would be at the cost of the princesses’ magic, and besides, if she helped Twilight rule, maybe it could lead to Twilight finding herself again.

Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad, especially since Twilight seemed to be showing her good side more and more.

“No. We made a deal, and I won’t go back on it and… maybe this will help Equestria.” Starlight said firmly.

Twilight smiled a bit, she was glad to still have Starlight in her corner.

“Good. Glad we see things the same way.” Twilight said smugly before walking off before Starlight decided to ask something, “Twilight? When you were talking to Celestia and Luna, you mentioned that you knew I’d come back to your corner. Do you just see me as some prize or something?”

Twilight looked at Starlight with a reassuring smile, “Trust me Starlight, you’re not some prize to me. You just… mean a lot to me is all.” She admitted sheepishly before walking off.

Starlight smiled at this information, even though Twilight was now in a darker state, she had faith that Twilight was telling the truth.