• Published 4th Nov 2022
  • 779 Views, 51 Comments

The Midnight’s Shining Star - Starlight Fan

With Twilight being rushed into ruling Equestria, she is now corrupt and Midnight Sparkle, and with Starlight giving herself over to her, they will find hope and love together.

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Check Ups and Secrets

Starlight groaned as she woke up, her head felt like it was hit by a ton of bricks. Probably understandable given how badly Chrysalis attacked her.

Soon she looked around the room she was in and realized she was in the medical room and on one of the beds, she noticed there was no one else in the room though and soon saw Discord lounging on a chair nearby.

“Oh good. You’re awake.” Discord smiled in relief, “Twilight told me to alert her when you awake, she sent me since I’m the only one who doesn’t really need sleep as much as you ponies.”

“Oh… are you gonna alert her now?” Starlight asked curiously.

“Well, I am alerting somepony over here but it isn’t Twilight.” Discord told the unicorn before he snapped his fingers and soon Spike was inside with a quill and scroll.

“Starlight! I’m so glad you’re okay.” Spike smiled brightly before dropping the writing tools in his hands to lightly embrace the mare.

“I’m glad to see you too Spike, but what’s going on?” Starlight asked curiously to both reptile type creatures, well part reptile in Discord’s case.

“Well, me and Spike came up with an ingenious plan for you to not feel so imprisoned and allow you to contact our friends back in Ponyville.” Discord smirked nonchalantly, “And it doesn’t involve breaking Twilight’s rules.”

“I’m listening.” Starlight raised an eyebrow.

“We figured we should let you write letters to Sunburst, Trixie, and the others but we can’t tell Twilight. I know it doesn’t really break the rules she gave you, but we can’t take any chances.” Spike explained to the unicorn.

“Are you sure about this guys? I’m probably gonna see the others again eventually, plus I don’t want to go against the deal I made with Twilight.” Starlight told the two creatures.

“Actually, you made that deal with Midnight, she’s not the true Twilight.” Discord smirked confidently which made Starlight put a hoof to her chin, “Besides, it’s just one harmless letter, Twilight will never have to know what you did.”

Starlight began to think it over more, it was just one letter, and besides, it wasn’t completely out of line for her to go against Twilight given how she’s been acting as Midnight.

“Fine, but just this letter for now.” Starlight said confidently, “Here’s what I want you to write.”

We then see Sunburst, Trixie, and the Mane 5 all gathered at the map table. The five Elements Of Harmony were staying at the castle since they felt it would be wise to stay together at this tough time.

“How do you all think Starlight and Spike are doing back with Twilight?” Fluttershy asked curiously.

“Spike visited me a few days ago so I feel it’s safe to assume he’s not in the same situation Starlight’s in.” Rarity told the pegasus.

“So Twilight’s just clingy. Good to know.” Trixie narrowed her eyes.

Suddenly a letter formed out of smoke and a letter appeared in front of Sunburst’s face, much to his shock and soon he smiled when he found who it was from.

“Girls! Starlight sent a letter!” Sunburst smiled enthusiastically, causing Trixie to immediately push him aside, “Let me see. Let me see.”

The other ponies had also crowded around the area Sunburst was sitting in as everyone began reading the letter.

Dear Friends

Spike and Discord both gave me the opportunity to write to you, so I decided to take it.

Anyway, Twilight hasn’t really been all that bad towards me. In fact she actually really likes having me around.

Helping her rule the kingdom isn’t that bad, I just have to make sure that she doesn’t do anything drastic which isn’t that much.

It was a bit hard getting used to the deal we made but Twilight weirdly was able to reassure me she cared enough about me, heck, she even offered to set me free, albeit it would be at the cost of the princesses’ magic but it’s nice to know she cares enough to want me happy.

I didn’t take the offer as I figured that making this deal work would be worth it eventually.

I will admit though, it wasn’t all that nice. Chrysalis just recently attacked me for her revenge. I’m just glad Twilight interfered before things could get worse.

I’ll probably need to recover a bit from that but Chrysalis is in Tartarus now so she shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Overall, I’ll be fine guys. Other than Chrysalis’ attack, nothing bad has happened with me and Twilight, and hey, I still have Spike; Discord, Gallus, and Tempest to keep me company, and Twilight did mention I could see you again, once she feels she can trust you.

Hope to see you soon, Starlight Glimmer

“What?! Chrysalis came back?!” Sunburst asked in shock.

“I did not see that coming.” Pinkie Pie admitted.

“Oh no no no no no.” Trixie shook her head furiously, “Starlight just tells us that she was attacked by Chrysalis and under Twilight or Midnight’s watch and we’re supposed to just accept that?! No way! We have to get Starlight back!”

“Trixie, I know it’s tough to hear this new information, but other than what Chrysalis did, Starlight seems to be safe.” Applejack said reassuringly.

“Yeah, but for how long?!” Rainbow Dash asked incredulously, “If anything, she’s clearly not safe, even with Twilight’s protection, she almost died!”

“I have to agree darlings, plus there are Diamond Dogs who could kidnap her, and potential Storm King followers escaping from prison to eliminate her to get to Twilight. Plus we have no idea if Twilight will actually be a safe presence for Starlight.” Rarity argued, although she was much more civil than Trixie and Rainbow Dash.

“We have to end Twilight’s tyranny and we have to do it now.” Trixie said with narrowed eyes.

“But what about turning Twilight back to normal?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Once Starlight is safe again, we can worry about that later.” Trixie said sternly.

“Okay, even if we were to try this plan, just how would we do it? We’re no match for Twilight alone.” Sunburst pointed out.

“I mean, it’s not like we can get Shining Armor and Cadence’s help or anything.” Pinkie Pie added.

“Yeah…” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before smiling brightly, “No wait, that’s exactly what we should do. Shining Armor and Cadence haven’t lost their magic like Celestia, Luna, Starlight, or Discord yet. We can use that to our advantage and get them on our side.”

“That could actually work.” Trixie said enthusiastically.

“Girls! Let’s think about this for a moment. Starlight did say we’d see her again eventually, at that point we can ease Twilight back into trusting us. If we go through with this, we could be causing a disaster.” Sunburst said in a panicked tone.

“Sorry Sunburst but the Great and Protective Trixie cannot risk another close call, I am not letting Starlight get hurt again. It’s either now or never!” Trixie said furiously.