• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 21 - The lawyer and the custody.

Chapter 21 - The lawyer and the custody.

Celestia commanding the sun could wake up very early and she used that to her advantage, in the early hours of the morning she walked towards the dungeon and especially towards Chrysalis' cell hitting hard the bars with the intention of waking up the queen, achieving it easily.

Chrysalis jumped up and turned her head to see a very angry Celestia on the other side of her bars, she stretched her limbs and walked towards the solar regent.

"What did you do?" Celestia asked.

"I don't know what you mean." Replied the queen.

"What did you tell Twilight and Cadance, how did you convince them to drop their charges against you?"

"And you think I flew out of here to talk to them and back before you knew it?, I'm in prison Celestia, there's not much I can do from here."

"At least my sister wasn't stupid enough to fall for your games like those two were."

"You mean Twilight and Cadance, maybe they do have compassion inside their hearts unlike you."

"Unfortunately wisdom is not a trait the two of them have yet to acquire but stupidity is a trait they all share, even you."

"I know, my stupid ideas brought me to this place and if I had the chance to go back to the past I would do everything the same way, that stupidity brought me the best of my life and I'm sorry you still don't see it."

Celestia hit the bars with such intensity that she bent some of them and broke the stones where they were embedded, her fury was very easy to feel.

"No matter what you do, I don't care what you tell me, I will never let you out, you destroyed thousands of lives in the past and I will do my best to make sure you rot in a prison in their names."

With that Celestia retreated from the dungeon using her magic to whip and almost break the wooden door again.

"That mare really hates you." Commented the unicorn in the cell next to Chrysalis.

"I've indeed done bad things in the past but Celestia can't think somepony like me can change and only seeks to destroy me, and why did they lock you up?".

"When someone tells you not to break a Pinkie Promise, you better listen to them."

The rest of the week passed without much action for Chrysalis in her little cell and the expected Saturday to talk to her friends had arrived, but they were coming with someone else.

"Hello girls it's nice to see you again." The queen greeted.

"Hello Chrysalis, we have good news for you." Red Bug replied.

"I think I know what this is about, Celestia came in a rage to reproach me for Twilight and Cadance's change of heart, I don't know how you did it but I appreciate your help."

"A little reality and perspective works miracles, but tell us how did it go with Luna?".

"She changed her mind about me and she's sure I've reformed, but she's not going to drop the charges against me."

"And why not, you said she was in your favor and it would be easy to convince her."

"She has a high standard of justice and doesn't show favoritism to anyone, she treats everyone equally including herself, and unless somepony acted directly against the laws, she's not going to help me get out of here."

"So what are we going to do?"

"I have a solution." Said the last figure who had been left chatting with the pony in the next cell.

He was indisputably a changeling, with a brown suit, a tie, a briefcase at his side, and a look of little patience.

"A changeling?, but how could you think of entering this place without a disguise, you know that if they discover you the first thing they will think is that I am trying to escape?."

The changeling was unmoved by the queen's abruptness.

"Indeed I am a changeling, my name is Pistil, a lawyer coming from the hive near the crystal empire, with a doctorate in the laws of Equestria and the changeling hives, certified in law by Equestria, The Crystal Empire, Yakyakistan, The Dragon Lands, and next year I start my studies in Saddle Arabia, I doubt very much that there is anyone who knows as much law as I do."

"But why aren't you in disguise?."

"Law 1877-b of the criminal code of Equestria, in section number eight, paragraph three, says and I quote `Somepony convicted of any crime has the right to be defended by a representative of the law certified by Equestria or any nation recognized by Equestria, and no reprisal shall be taken because of his origin, sex or race, the convicted may be defended by a such representative of the law if he or she so desires`, you wish me to represent you before the law?" Finished asking the changeling.

"Emmm... ok?" Said the queen somewhat unsure.

"I need you to be clear in your words in order to represent you, do you wish me to represent you in front of the law?".

"Yes, I do." Replied the queen confidently.

"Good, then what we must do is change your course of action, waiting for the princesses to drop the charges against you and then fighting for custody of Clear Spark has very little chance of success and could take years before the court ruling is in your favor, we must take another approach, you must start the custody suit immediately."

"But how would that help?" Cheerilee asked.

"The queen already has the favor of two princesses and has shown a remarkable and sustained change over time in addition to the remarkable way she cares for Clear Spark, if we want to have a real chance, we must attack directly on Clear Spark's custody and involve all the press media possible, the world must know that you did all this for Clear Spark's welfare, we must make her a fighter, show a mare committed to change, a mare that changed her past for the love of a little one and still wants to fight for him, we must make her the heroine of this story."

"And you think it will work?" Red Bug asked.

"The world loves heroes, and if we show her as a mare who changed her past for the love of her little one and was imprisoned for it, the press will go crazy and they will come like wave after wave to hear her story, the story of Chrysalis, the mare who fights for the love of a foal and was imprisoned for it."

"I would buy the book of that story." Commented the stallion in the next cell.

"The media pressure will have an effect on Princess Celestia and Luna, and to calm the waters they'll have to at least give her parole and surveillance."

"Sounds great." Red Bug commented.

"I find it a good idea too, what do you say Chrysalis?." Replied Cheerilee.

"I can't do that."

"But why not?"

"Because that will expose Clear Spark in front of everyone, and I don't want to imagine how that will affect his life."

"I know what you mean, but you know he'll know the truth at some point."

"I know, but it's one thing for him to know the truth and it's another for the world to know, and I don't plan to expose my little boy to a life where everyone knows that his mother doesn't love him, I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that."

The four figures were silent for a moment thinking about other options when the lawyer said something.

"Then we can take another approach, we can ask for custody of Clear Spark, under the promise of probation on behalf of one of the princesses or someone recommended by one of the princesses."

"What do you mean by that?" Asked the queen.

"There is the case where Celestia asked for the help of a group of Ponyville mares to reform the former criminal Discord, achieving it successfully and releasing him under the custody of Fluttershy, taking that precedent and if we manage to get custody of Clear Spark, along with the queen's current reformed history it will be simple for one of the princesses who dropped the charges to release her under custody."

"That's a plan I can work with." Replied the queen.

"Excellent, then tomorrow morning I will be making the petition regarding Clear Spark's custody, we will need everything you have, medical records, photographs, testimonials from friends and family, everything you have to prove that Chrysalis is a competent mare to hand over Clear Spark's guardianship to you."

"I have everything you need at my house, and if anything is missing it is surely at Chrysalis' house, I also have a scroll written by Petal Dance where she says she would abandon her child, do you think that will help?." Cheerilee said.

"Yes, that's very good, I know a graphologist and a calligrapher and if we can certify that that parchment was written by the foal's current mother getting custody of Clear Spark will be very simple."

"Then we should go to my house in Ponyville, I'll show you what I have and we can help you get the rest."

"I'm coming with you." Red Bug said.

"We'll see you next week, please take care of yourself." Said Cheerilee hugging the queen.

"I hope you guys have good luck."

"I'll be back in about two or three days to take your side of the story and present it in physical form at the trial, but I need you to remember everything and use clear language."

"Don't worry."

"Then we'll be on our way."

The group left the dungeon with new ideas and hopes, they had not achieved their original goal but this new approach gave them new hope and they had a feeling that this was going to work.

"Did that mare really abandon her son?" The stallion asked.

"Twice to be true." Replied the queen.

"Wow... and I thought my mother was bad, and why don't you escape from prison?, for someone like you it would be easy to do it" Asked the stallion.

"Because if I escape I'm going to have to live in hiding for years and I would only be able to see Clear Spark from the shadows, I want to be the one to put him to bed at night and wake him up in the morning."

"I hope you get lucky and have a happy ending."

"Thank you."

Now Chrysalis just had to hope that her new lawyer could put together a favorable case.

Pistil for his part had gotten a lot of information and favorable evidence for the queen, he only had to get a power of attorney where Petal Dance ceded custody of Clear Spark, and from what he had been told about the mare it would not cost him to get her, she only had to sign some documents that Pistil carried with him, the changeling searched for the mare all day in the residences and the areas she frequented, ending up finding her in a passing hotel in the wealthiest area of Canterlot.

The changeling had disguised himself as a unicorn so as not to bother the ponies when he entered the hotel and went to the room where Petal Dance was staying, knocked on the door and waited patiently until a stallion opened the door.

"Good evening, my name is Pistil and I am looking for a mare named Petal Dance."

"She's busy with a friend, you'll have to talk to her another day." Replied the stallion.

"It will only take a minute, I need her to sign some papers."

"Hmmm... ok, but make it quick." The stallion entered the room and seconds later Petal Dance appeared sweaty and disheveled.

"Hi, I'm sorry but I'm busy right now with some friends but..." The mare looked Pistil up and down a couple of times with clear ideas. "... If you want you can join us, the bed is big enough for someone else."

"No thanks, I have a beautiful wife waiting for me at home." Pistil replied.

"You can invite her, the more the better."

"I'd rather not, I only came because I need if you can sign some papers."

"Papers about what?" The mare asked with intrigue.

"About Clear Spark and his custody."

"Am I in trouble because I didn't report him missing?" Asked the mare somewhat concerned.

"Not at all, I'm a lawyer and my client is taking care of the little one and she wants to have legal guardianship over Clear Spark and I was hoping you would agree."

"Of course, where do I sign?" Said the mare cheerfully.

"Are you sure you don't want to keep custody of Clear Spark?".

"Look, I was kind of busy at the moment and I'd like to get this over with quickly so I can get back to what I was doing, do you want me to sign your papers or not." Said the mare annoyed.

"Then sign these three papers on the line." Said Pistil showing the adoption and legal transfer papers to the mare.

"Ready, are you sure you don't want to stay, I know you will have fun." Petal dance said in a lusty tone.

"No thanks, I have work to-."

Petal Dance closed the door in the lawyer's face without giving any importance to what he had to say, Pistil for his part kept the documents knowing that now releasing Chrysalis would be a simple procedure in front of the judge, and left the hotel thinking how a mare could be so cold towards her own son.

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