• Published 14th Dec 2022
  • 4,857 Views, 447 Comments

Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 30 - An unexpected life.

Chapter 30 - An unexpected life.

Chrysalis was walking very attentively through a completely dark corridor full of smells and some strange sounds, she was looking for somepony in special and she knew he was inside, the queen walked carefully but nothing she did could prepare her for that place, suddenly she hit with one of her hooves a big and very heavy object making the queen scream in pain.

"AAAHHHHhhhhh, stupid pots!" Shouted the queen angrily kicking the object again with the same hoof and only causing it to hurt much more. "SPARK!." Shouted the queen.

"WHAT!." Shouted a voice back.

"For once in your life can you turn on the light in this place?." Asked the queen irritated as she rubbed her front paw.


"I don't know... to see?."

"And you think that would help me?." Replied the voice with a chuckle.

"Just turn on the light, will you?, I hit one of your pots again."

"Give me a second." A horn lit up at the end of the hallway and shone several crystals on the ceiling and walls. "Better?" A stallion approached the queen, he was light brown with a light blue mane and somewhat long tails and a Cutie Mark of a flower with multi-colored petals, he was none other than Clear Spark.

"Yes, thank you."

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"No, it just hurts a little but it will pass in a couple of hours." Replied the queen rubbing her hoof.

"Ok, give me a second." Said Clear Spark turning around and walking down the long hallway filled with pots and plants of all kinds.

The unicorn walked confidently dodging the pots on the floor and smelling everything in his path, suddenly he stopped and approached a plant to his side, he smelled it carefully and read a wooden sign written in braille that was next to the pot, knowing that it was the plant he needed, he used his magic to cut one of its long fat leaves before returning to Chrysalis, the plant as if by magic regenerated the cut leaf in seconds as if nothing had happened.

"Give me your hoof." Said the stallion to which the queen obeyed. "This should heal your pain." Clear Spark pulled out the inside of the leaf and smeared it over the queen's hoof. "Do you feel better?"

Chrysalis upon feeling the substance on her hoof stopped hurting instantly and looked as if she had never been hit. "This.... much better, what plant is that?." Asked the queen in surprise.

"It's a new variation of Aloe I'm working on, it can regenerate superficial wounds and take away the pain in seconds but I haven't been able to get it to germinate fertile seeds, and the only plant that exists so far is this one here."

"That's impressive, do you have any idea of the medical breakthrough you could make with a plant like that?".

"I know, that's why I'm trying to reproduce it and Zecora has helped me a lot in hybridization."

"That's why you go to the forest so often with Apple Bloom?, apparently, she's also interested in learning about reproduction." Commented the queen with a chuckle.

Clear Spark turned completely red and dropped the plant to the ground.

"I-I... we just... it's not what you think... we're just going in search of..."

"Easy baby, you're both adults and it's normal for you to want some privacy, what you do or don't do with your girlfriend is none of my business."

"Could we not talk about my private life?, and how did it go in the Crystal Empire?"

"Well, Flurry is very nervous about her new job as a princess, she doesn't have the same duties as the other princesses but she is learning little by little."

"Good to know, I was never interested in politics and stuff, this little place is all I need." Said Clear Spark referring to his greenhouse. "I think I can help more ponies here than on a throne."

"You know you can always participate in running some hive, and something interesting happened in town while I was gone?."

"Discord and Starlight found the hidden magic lake, luckily we were able to stop them before they finished their discussion of which of them would be the best at having a clone."

"Then I didn't miss much."

"Not really, although Apple Bloom wanted to know if you could go to dinner at the farm when you got back, she wants to discuss something mare to a mare with you."

"That's strange, did she tell you what it was about?".

"She didn't want to tell me, but I heard her very nervous when she asked me to let you know."

"Then I'll freshen up and go to the farm, thank you for the medicine." Said the queen retreating from the greenhouse.

"It was a pleasure to try it on you, if you have any unusual symptoms please let me know."

"Any unusual symptoms?, should I be concerned?."

"Only if you experience irritation, swelling, headaches, nausea, change in skin tone, or mane loss."

"Am I your guinea pig?" The queen asked intrigued.

"No, I tried it first with General Whiskers, but she didn't seem to mind." Clear Spark replied, referring to an obese, completely hairless cat sleeping peacefully on the table.

"At least she won't be shedding any more hair on the couch, see you later." the queen left the greenhouse and walked towards the house.

"Take care mom." Replied the unicorn closing the door after Chrysalis left.

About thirty minutes later Chrysalis walked in the direction of the Apple farm, the town was filled with many new faces since Chrysalis and Clear Spark moved here almost ten years ago, many changelings wanted to move to Ponyville and the queen thought there would be some problems because of the large number of changelings, but soon after the queen found out that most of them already had friends in town and some had mates, and they didn't want to have to travel so far to see them, Red Bug was one of the first to arrive.

When the queen arrived at the farm she saw AppleJack sorting some boxes and loading them onto a cart.

"Good afternoon Aj, can I help you with that?".

"Hi Chrissy, I'm almost done, and what brings you here?, I thought you were still at the crystal empire helping Flurry with her new job."

"She wanted some advice only and I didn't want to overstay my welcome, besides she has to learn from Cadance how to run the empire, but I came because Clear Spark told me that Apple Bloom invited me to dinner today and to talk about something important, you know what that might be?"

"Ohhhh... the talk." AppleJack said with a chuckle as he rearranged the last box. "We'd better get in the house, you'll want to sit down for this." AppleJack walked into the house accompanied by Chrysalis.

AppleJack opened the door for her and Chrysalis to enter. "Apple Bloom, I'm back, is Big Mac back?" The mare asked before closing the door.

"He said he would be back late and not to expect him for dinner, so it will just be the two of us." Answered a voice from the kitchen.

"We're going to need a third plate on the table because I'm having company."

"It's Rainbow again?, tell her next time she comes for dinner, she's going to have to cook it."

"It's not Rainbow Dash, it's Chrysalis."

"SHE'S HERE?" Apple Bloom shouted in surprise, throwing a bunch of stuff and making a clatter in the kitchen, AppleJack, and Chrysalis quickly approached.

"Sweet Celestia, are you okay?." AppleJack asked helping his sister up.

"Yeah, I just stumbled."

"It didn't sound like a simple stumble." Added the queen as she helped pick up and tidy things on the floor. "At least you didn't get burned." Apple Bloom was getting nervous with every word the queen said.

"Be careful sis, you know you can't push yourself too hard since-."

"APPLEJACK!" Shouted Apple Bloom looking at her big sister, making the queen a little nervous.

"Should I come back another day?" Asked the queen.

"I think...you'd better stay for dinner." AppleJack replied.

Dinner was very quiet and uncomfortable, AppleJack had finished eating and hadn't said anything, only her gaze flicking between the queen and her little sister, Chrysalis who was on one side of the table had almost finished eating, and Apple Bloom who was across from the queen hadn't touched a bite.

"I must say dinner was... interesting." Said the queen.

"And there's still the best part to come." Replied AppleJack with a grimace looking at her sister to which Apple Bloom just looked back at her angrily.

"Right, what did you want to discuss with me?". Asked the queen to the young mare.

"I...mmm...I..." Tried to say Apple Bloom who was very nervous.

"Apple Bloom." Said the queen. "I've known you since you were little and you've been dating my son for years, we're family, so I don't know why you're nervous." hearing the word family Apple Bloom turned completely red, something AppleJack didn't overlook.

"Ohhh... I like that word, family, it sounds so... familiar, because families get to know each other, they generate bonds of friendship, then they grow up and-."

"APPLEJACK!" Shouted Apple Bloom interrupting her older sister and her pun.

"Sorry sis." Replied AJ with a giggle. "I couldn't help it, besides you know you're going to have to say it sooner or later, and I recommend early."

"What do you want to tell me?" Asked the queen with intrigue.

"I want to... marry your son..." Said Apple Bloom very softly and full of embarrassment.

"What did you say?." Asked the queen approaching Apple Bloom.

"That I want to... marry your son..." Repeated the mare.

"Really Apple Bloom, I don't understand anything you say." Replied the queen.

"I LOVE YOUR SON AND I WANT TO MARRY HIM!". Ended up shouting Apple Bloom.

"YOU WHAT?" Shouted back the queen in surprise. "I-I'm fine with that but that's a subject you hav-."

"I'M PREGNANT!" Shouted Apple Bloom again interrupting the queen.

"YOU WHAT?." Chrysalis shouted again in surprise.

"AND I WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR HOUSE!" Shouted Apple Bloom a third time.

"YOU WHAT?." Repeatedly shouted the queen.

Both mares took a few shaky breaths as they calmed down.

"So what do you say... mother-in-law?" Apple Bloom asked scratching the back of her neck and looking to the side.

The queen took a deep breath until she relaxed, coughed a couple of times to clear her throat, settled back in her chair before resting her front paws on the table, and earnestly looked Apple Bloom straight in the eye.

"The first thing I'm going to do is...pass out." Was the last thing the queen said before collapsing to the side.

A few minutes later the queen woke up, she was lying on a couch and Apple Bloom was throwing wind at her with a fan, Chrysalis with a little work and the help of AppleJack was able to sit up on the couch.

"You're really heavy, you know that?." AppleJack said. "You gave us a lot of work to bring you to the couch."

"Thank your little sister." Replied the queen who held her hoof in a fan that Apple Bloom was waving vigorously. "You can stop now, thank you." Apple Bloom for her part only blushed.

"So..." Said the young mare impatiently waiting for the queen's answer.

"We'd better go to my house, we're going to need to build a new room if you're going to have a baby and I'm going to need AppleJack's help for that." Said the queen with a smile.

"Really?" Apple Bloom asked with a big smile.

"Really." Replied the queen.

"OHHHHHH, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Replied Apple Bloom hugging the queen very tightly.

"Apple... Bloom... mother-in-law... like... breathe." Said Chrysalis between gasps with what little air she had.

"Ohhh... sorry, I'm just so excited."

"I understand, and did you already tell Spark?."

"Emmm... no, other than my family you're the first to know."

"Well, you'd better tell him right now." Apple Bloom blushed again.

After a couple of minutes of walking, the three mares arrived at Chrysalis' house.

"Spark, I'm back!" Shouted the queen.

"AND HOW DID IT GO WITH APPLE BLOOM?" Replied a voice from the second floor.

"Very well indeed, but you'd better come downstairs, we need to talk."

"Are you going to tell me what she wanted?." Clear Spark asked as he descended the stairs one step at a time.

"She'll tell you herself." Replied the queen.

"She came with you?"

"She and AppleJack."

"And what did they all come for?" Asked the stallion as Apple Bloom came up to him and tapped him on the shoulder before kissing him on the cheek.

"Apple Bloom wants to tell you something important, and you'd better sit on the couch." AppleJack replied with a chuckle.

"And why on the couch?."

"Believe me you'll thank her later." Replied the queen with a smile.


Soon after it was known that the queen had won the trial and was free to walk around Equestria without the need to hide, the changelings of Ponyville also stopped hiding and could live without fear for the first time, now they were everywhere as well as in other cities in Equestria, some legal problems arose in labor issues, and marriages, but Princess Luna helped greatly in speeding up the laws to be recognized as citizens of Equestria.

The years showed Celestia that she was wrong about Chrysalis and the changelings, and after serving her sentence she also helped but in other ways, not holding the power of a princess she wanted to atone for her faults by helping in the integration of the changelings and being the first defender in cases of abuse, It was a surprising change considering that she was the one who did not trust the queen or her race from the beginning, but the former princess was happy with her new life, being away from power after a thousand years on the throne helped her to change her perspective of the world and she was able to connect on a more personal level with the ponies she loved so much.

But even over the years she couldn't get over the shame of distrusting Chrysalis and putting her son's life at risk, and to this day she hasn't been able to talk to the queen or Clear Spark, but Red Bug was helping her through it, and both the queen and the unicorn had told her more than once that there were no hard feelings.

Luna on her part reigned Equestria with the nobility and justice that characterized her, sometimes being implacable with minor crimes, but Twilight although she had the habit of losing control of her emotions, put the dose of compassion when it was necessary, or applying a hard hoof when Luna was not able to do it, each princess complemented the other and between them, they reigned Equestria with wisdom and prosperity.

The queen's life changed a lot in a very short time just like everypony else's where sometimes things that seem insignificant create a cascade of events that no one expected, much less Chrysalis, but she is happy where she was now, it was long and difficult road, where hundreds of good and bad things happened, but the queen would not change anything, she was happy with her unexpected son.

Author's Note:

That would be all for now, I thank everyone who read the story and also your comments, they helped me a lot to improve it and fix things when necessary, I could not have done this without your help.:twilightsmile:

I hope you liked reading it as much as I liked writing it, but don't think that everything ends like this, as it says at the beginning, it's the end but only for now.

I intend to start another story with Chrysalis and Clear Spark, after all, ten years is a long time and surely many things happened, Apple Bloom was the one who told Spark that she liked him, or was it the other way around?, what did Chrysalis do during all that time?. :trixieshiftleft:

Does anyone have an idea?

I would like to write it with you, and if anyone has an idea I would like you to put it in the comments or if you prefer you can send it by private message, I will try to respect the original idea as much as possible and always indicating the name of the person who proposed it.

see you soon.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:

Comments ( 23 )

Yay a happy ending! Apple Bloom and Clear Spark will make great parents just as Chrysalis will make a great mother in law and grandmother!

You made a great story and oh my! Queen Chrysalis is now a Grandmother. Also did Thorax made an appearance because I don't remember if he did?

He is Flurry's nanny, he is mentioned when Cheerilee goes to talk to Cadance, in chapter 20.

Well I would have a more in depth look at how Celestia came to see the truth and what she did to show she was sorry.

Maybe try looking more in-depth what happens with the Celestia problems.

Maybe a sequel with Clear Spark and Apple Bloom, and their child. It'd be a cool way of to pass the torch on, so to to speak.

What exactly caused for Apple Bloom and Clear Spark to fall in love, what was the reaction of the parents or siblings? There's so much that happened.

What happened to all the changelings, you mentioned abuses cases, a good idea could be to explore it, that's a major plot point that I would like covered.

Also eventually Celestia would have to confront and deal with her past sins.. she was told it was nothing and she is forgiven. What happens when she finally gets the bravery to confront and make up with the family.

Why not cover the wedding plans or how Apple Bloom adapts to living with Chrysalis and Clear Spark?

Also how would the house be built? That's another interesting idea. The topic of Apple Bloom slowly transitioning to a new home rather than her family's farm.

How does Chrysalis interact with Flurry Heart?

How did Clear Spark develop his plants?

I have tons more.. I just would need prompting. As that. As that allows my Brain to go into overdrive.

Hope these help xd

A happy ending to great story.
As any Idea you could have Chrysalis and clear spark visiting the hive. To see how much has changed. There will be some ponies who might be on Celestia's side because some might not except them as friends. Even they might take action against them.

The years showed Celestia that she was wrong about Chrysalis and the changelings, and after serving her sentence she also helped but in other ways, not holding the power of a princess she wanted to atone for her faults by helping in the integration of the changelings and being the first defender in cases of abuse, It was a surprising change considering that she was the one who did not trust the queen or her race from the beginning, but the former princess was happy with her new life, being away from power after a thousand years on the throne helped her to change her perspective of the world and she was able to connect on a more personal level with the ponies she loved so much.

But even over the years she couldn't get over the shame of distrusting Chrysalis and putting her son's life at risk, and to this day she hasn't been able to talk to the queen or Clear Spark, but Red Bug was helping her through it, and both the queen and the unicorn had told her more than once that there were no hard feelings.

Ha! I knew that you're totally wrong, Celestia. So, suck it!!!! :rainbowwild:

And "no hard feelings", really?

Well, I still haven't forgive that sun hypocrite, as of yet.

Not until you show us of Celestia's own regret, realizing her hypocritical stupidity, and her "redemption" in the eventual sequel.

Not just tell us rather abruptly in the end.

I plan on covering a lot of that honestly, there is a lot of chess pieces still in paly that have moves to be made ~Lily

My only complaint is how abrupt the ending feels. But as you said, you do intend to fill that time gap in the sequel. I assume that you will show Celestia going to therapy, and I personally like to think that her progress is similar to Chrysalis'. In fact, I think you should start the next story with her holding and talking to Mr. Cuddles. Back when Mr. Cuddles was first mentioned, I expected him to be a spider. I suppose I was close. I got the right number of legs anyway.

Obviously, you'll likely go into detail about Apple Bloom and Clear Spark. Personally, I like the idea that Clear Spark is the one who admits his feelings first. Apple Bloom seems like she'd be more likely, but I like the idea that maybe she was either too shy to admit to it, or didn't actually realize that what she felt was love. Clear Spart tends to be a bit dense when it comes to how Apple Bloom feels about him. However, he also realizes at some point that he has feeling for her. And I think that he'd be the type to be more open about those feelings. I also like the idea that maybe when he admits his feelings to her, she feints.

You plan for a sequel, but there should also be a 3rd story continuing from that Epilogue sequence. That story could be called "Chrysalis' Unexpected Grandchild". "Unexpected" still seems fitting because of Chrysalis' reaction to Apple Bloom being pregnant.

I don't really have many other ideas that haven't already been said. At least it will help after the next story starts and I can have something to work off of.


I have tons more.. I just would need prompting. As that. As that allows my Brain to go into overdrive.

Brainstorming is fun in my opinion.


Well, I still haven't forgive that sun hypocrite, as of yet.

Well, whether or not you forgive her is irrelevant. It's not you who needs to forgive her, it's Chrysalis and Clear Spark, since they were the ones affected by Celestia's actions.

Not until you show us of Celestia's own regret, realizing her hypocritical stupidity, and her "redemption" in the eventual sequel.

That's likely going to be covered in the sequel anyway.

A spider friend would be awesome!... and it reminds me of that old story where Celestia wakes up and is randomly a big spider... Spiderlestia... Loved it!
When... when did it get a sequel involving Chrysalis... uhhh...

You'd think the Queen of the Changelings would have been able to conclude romantic outcomes, especially since she alluded to it directly prior. More surprised she didn't respond with "finally!"
Should seek out a proofreader, the poor pony hooves that keep getting turned into paws!

Amazing story. Hope to see whats next. Maybe you can make a story about nightmare moon

This was a great story. You really need to work on your grammar and stop mixing up your gender pronouns, but otherwise, the writing was good. I look forward to what may yet come.

Ooh an Interlude between the last 2 chapters as a story of it's own sounds great. Thank you for giving us readers a satisfying and Just ending. As well as bringing an out of control Celestia to Justice.

wow, I really don't know how I missed that :rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for noticing, I fixed it. :twilightsmile:

Despite all the grammar issues. It was a good story.

Good story.

ok i rather enjoyed this story.
great writing.

I'm still convinced that in canon, Chrysalis was a better actor than what Twilight saw. Yes, the wedding likely allowed for some wiggle room. But the facade broke down in front of Twilight because Chrysalis probably didn't realize that Twilight had a personal relationship with Cadance, so she didn't know how to act. But during the scene where Twilight was spying on Shining Armor and the disguised Chrysalis, aside from being a bit demanding, she did a good job at acting like she cared when Shining got his headache in the way I'd expect Cadence would in that situation.


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