• Published 14th Dec 2022
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Chrysalis' unexpected child - coto616

After she failed attack at the wedding, the queen finds a foal in the forest with a repulsive background.

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Chapter 8 - A Fresh Start and Hard Choices.

Chapter 8 - A Fresh Start and Hard Choices.

It had been more than a year since Chrysalis had found the little unicorn and the emotional crisis it caused her, now she was in a very good state, she only went to the doctor once a month to check her mood and lower her use of medication if necessary.

Even though she sometimes missed the little unicorn, she understood that what happened to her was a maternal love for a helpless being and she could not be influenced by memory or strange feelings, she knew it and had accepted it, now that little being was slowly transforming it into a memory.

The measures that the queen had taken to increase the happiness of the hive had worked better than she thought since unknowingly the changelings could generate a little love when they were happy and the others could feed on that love, and that made their raids in search of food by capturing ponies in cocoons less necessary, lowering the number.

Even though the queen missed her old way of life, they had found an alternative source of food, not as effective as abducting ponies, and seeing the numbers on a large scale she realized that even though they had a large food reserve, it was slowly dropping and she had to go back to abducting new victims if she didn't want to have a food crisis in the future.

She discussed it with her generals, including General Mustache, and most of them agreed about the possible food crisis and that they should increase the raids on villages in search of food, this was not going to please her minions but she was the queen and she knew what was best for her changelings, besides it was not their job to question her decisions.

She knew that if she forced her entire race to return to their old way of life it would cause a devastating drop in morale, causing a very low production in love harvesting, and if she left the new way of life, it would cause an inevitable food crisis down the road, so she had to find a way to balance the two lifestyles.

With a little work, she was able to find a way to maintain the new lifestyle without giving up foraging for food. The changelings were going to have a weekly quota of love gathering for the hive and when they finished they would have the rest of the week off, that way the changelings would stay in shape, trained, and would try their best to complete their weekly quota if they wanted to do their favorite activities the rest of the days, this way they would keep the numbers green and the morale of the hives high, all the changelings would have to complete a quota and she to set an example, was not going to be an exception.

The first raid would be made by the queen with a group of her best soldiers and she wanted to make her example the best possible, she saw many options and the only one she found valid was the very capital of Equestria, Canterlot, the place where it all began and it would be the best place to start again, she could not enter the city and capture any pony she saw, that would be stupid, it was very likely that she would capture without realizing it someone important and would activate again the alarms of Equestria if someone noble disappeared, so she had to change her objectives.

The best place for the job was the poorest area of Canterlot, a place at the edge of the city with some houses built in a very bad way, on the edge of overcrowding, it was the place where the criminals lived, the poorest and the unwanted of the city, the queen knew the power of the monarchy and the nobility of Equestria, and knew that they would not move a hoof to look for that kind of ponies, for a noble pony they had a very low level of morals.

In a couple of days, she had everything ready to leave, the raid should not be long, it would take her twenty minutes in the worst case to enter and leave the city, they would only capture twelve ponies, one per changeling, including her, she had already studied the map of the area, where to enter, where to go and where to leave if there were problems, she had everything ready and perfectly planned, they would leave at dawn to reach Canterlot during the afternoon and rest a little until nightfall.

The queen was in the forest about fifty meters from Canterlot, she reviewed the map and her plan of attack one last time before starting and when there were no doubts she began the attack, one of the changelings silently placed himself on the wall indicating to the others when they could enter and one by one they entered the city under the cover of night, one group transformed into unicorns to look for the victims and trap them in cocoons while the other group would take them out of the city to hide them in the forest, simple and effective.

The plan worked perfectly, the changelings walked through the streets looking through the windows of the houses looking for lonely sleeping ponies to capture them, everything was going very well and they already had about ten ponies when the queen began the search for the next one.

Walking through the streets it was hard to believe the contrast of lives in a city as impressive as Canterlot, while some lived in opulence, others lived in absolute filth, stinking streets full of garbage everywhere you looked, small houses made by hoof with materials they could find, many were made of cardboard with tarps tied to form roofs and sheets hung where there should be doors, abandoned and broken liquor bottles everywhere, the makeshift streets if they didn't have a drunk pony on a corner, had a bunch of rats eating a mound of garbage, occasionally a stallion could be seen offering services without explaining what they were but listening to the moans coming from the alleys it was easy to imagine, Chrysalis could just walk in her real form and possibly no pony would care.

Without further thought the queen approached one of the supposedly unlit houses and moved the curtain to the side to enter and capture her next victim, she waited a moment in the darkness attentively to see if there was anyone inside, but hearing no sound she turned on her horn to look around.

The place was a dump, there was a pile of dirty dishes on a table next to a huge jar of water with a very bad smell, on the side a pot with oatmeal still warm on what seemed to be a makeshift kitchen, some buckets with water and some candles stacked in a corner, it was asking too much that these houses had drinking water or lighting, The queen raised one of her hooves when she felt something touching her and when she lowered her head she saw that it was a rat that passed very close to her and was heading towards a sack of oats where other rats were trying to open it with their teeth, on a table you could see some books, many blank pages, and some feathers, the whole place was very humid, cold and bathed by the incessant moans of love coming from one of the houses on the side where the wall of plastic and cardboard did not serve at all to isolate it.

The queen in her curiosity approached the table and checked it quickly, she found it curious that the books were completely blank and had protruding dots where the letters should be, perhaps a new code to write spells thought the queen before dropping the book, when she moved the sheets marked in the same way she found among everything something that she could read, a parchment, she took it in her hoof and lit her horn more to see its content better.


To whom it may concern

It has cost me a lot to make this decision but I think it is the best for everyone, I am sorry for the situation you are in now, but I can't stand it anymore, I never wanted this and much less do it alone, I never wanted to have a child, I never wanted to be a mother, I never wanted to be awake night after night taking care of something I didn't ask for, maybe if I remembered who the father is I would have tried, but I don't want to be the mother of a foal like this anymore, I am not going to take care alone forever of something that can't take care of itself, I was told that being a mother was the best thing in life and that his illness would unite us more, but it is a lie, I have spent many nights crying and thinking what have I done to suffer this, I want to travel and see the world, go out to parties and have fun with mares and stallions every night as I have always done, but this thing won't let me do it, this thing led me to live where I am now, it is his fault that I am like this, it is his fault that I can't live the life I deserve, I don't want to be a mother and I never did, so take care of this foal, or abandon it in an orphanage like the other hundreds of unwanted ones, frankly the decision is yours and I don't care in the least what you think about doing, I don't want to do it because I don't want to have to fill out papers and forms in a filthy orphanage, good luck.


The queen left the note without giving it much importance and went back to check the table in case there was something else that caught her attention when she heard someone coughing at the back of the house, Chrysalis raised her head and slowly approached a curtain that divided the front of the house with the room, she put her ear closer and she could hear someone mumbling on the other side, it was the sound of her next victim.

On the other side of the curtain, there was someone awake, not like the other victims she found sleeping, there was someone who could see her from the front, someone she could terrify before attacking him and putting him to sleep inside a cocoon, it was a sensation she missed and wanted to enjoy it as much as possible.

Chrysalis lowered the glow of her horn and she could feel the adrenaline going up her spine when she slowly opened the curtain and entered the room, the place was dark but she could distinguish someone on a bed, the queen approached slowly, only her silhouette could be distinguished with the low glow of her horn when she stood in front of the figure that was muttering something, she formed a sinister grimace on her face and turned on her horn slowly so that her victim could see himself face to face with the queen of the changelings, but she did not imagine who was the victim in front of her.

On a bed made of boxes and sheets was a small equine figure of brown color, somewhat dirty, mane and tail of unwashed light blue colors, somewhat thin and still without Cutie Mark, the colt murmured something while with his hoof touched the points in the book in front of him, He didn't need to turn on his horn to see what he was reading, his eyes wouldn't let him anyway, the colt coughed from time to time, in front of the queen was his new innocent victim, in front of the queen was Clear Spark.

Chrysalis did not expect this, she was over him, she knew it, she was sure of that, but in front of her was the foal that changed her lifestyle forever, the foal she knew and loved, the foal that when she left him with his mother only left an emptiness in her heart, the foal that almost destroyed her life, she knew that if she did nothing she would fall back into that dungeon of anguish and pain, she knew that if she fell again she would not be able to get out.

The queen knew what she had to do, she knew she only had one way out, many would say she didn't have to do it, others might say it was a bad idea, and others would comment that it would have been better to leave him in the house, some would say it was necessary, but she knew what she had to do, she knew she couldn't do anything else.

Without thinking twice or saying a word the queen lit her horn and launched a magical lightning bolt hitting the little colt in the chest knocking him out before wrapping him in a cocoon and taking him to the hive.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if the story took a direction you didn't expect, this part of the story was necessary to give context to what is going to happen in the future.
but now the drama begins. :pinkiegasp:

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