• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,389 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 14: Winter Break Begins

Chapter 14: Winter Break Begins

At Summer Valley Middle School, all the kids were watching "A Christmas Carol" with Jim Carrey as Scrooge, and the Ghosts of Christmas. It was almost time for school to end for winter break. Aaron, Smolder and the rest of the class were getting ready to run out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang. As soon as the clock read 1:15 pm, the bell rang, and Aaron and Smolder started running towards the door with their school bags.

"Alright, you two!" Mr. O'Connell called out. "Enjoy your holidays in Hawaii! As for the rest of you, enjoy time with your families!"

Aaron and Smolder were the first ones out of the school. Liam was in front of the school in his police car, waiting for the two to come out. They got into the car.

"So, how was school?" Liam asked.

"Pretty good," Smolder said. "I still can't believe it doesn't snow here."

"It actually snows in certain parts of this country," Aaron said. "But this place is not one of them."

"He's right, Smolder," Liam said.

"You should've seen Christmas in Chicago," Aaron said. "Snow was up to the second story of each building. There were also snow tunnels there that was hard to navigate."

"At least you and your aunt weren't from Alaska," Liam said. He then pulled out and they headed towards the house where Aaron and Smolder were living.

Aaron and Gallus were packing their bags. Gallus was in human form.

"Why am I packing some clothes?" Gallus asked.

"People might not take too well seeing a couple dragons and a griffon vacationing in Hawaii," Aaron said. "So, you might have to stay in human form when we're staying in Hawaii."

"Meh, whatever," Gallus said.

"By the way, about your medallion," Aaron said. "Does that thing deactivate the magic disguising you?"

"Actually, no," Gallus said. "Princess Twilight explained to me that whenever I take this thing off in disguise, the magic doesn't drop. I can only become my true self in it until I have it on and tap it."

"Okay," Aaron said. "So, you ready to have a nice vacation?"

"Meh, anything's better than spending the holidays alone," Gallus said.

"Hurry up, boys!" Marissa called out. "The transport's almost here."

"That's our cue," Aaron said, packing up his Nintendo Switch and Laptop into a backpack. Along with the charging plugs. Then the two grabbed the bags of clothes they had and headed downstairs.

As they were coming downstairs, Smolder was coming out of her apartment with a suitcase packed with clothes she had. She then said, "I still can't believe we're spending this holiday in a really tropical place. Hopefully it'll be relaxing like it was when the six of us went to Seaquestria."

"You went to Seaquestria?" Aaron asked.

"After losing a wager to Silverstream," Gallus said.

"Wait, 'Weekend Wager' happened?" Aaron asked. "Was that before Twilight becoming High Princess?"

"Yup," Smolder said. "How'd you know?"

"That was a fan comic," Aaron said. "You were wanting to show Spike all things dragon during Spring Break, but then Silverstream invited you to go with you and your friends to Seaquestria. You turned her down, and she made a wager that if she could enjoy herself in the Dragon Lands over the weekend, you'd have to spend Spring Break in Seaquestria. You lost, and you spent Spring Break as a Tiger Shark, Sandbar a Seapony, Gallus a Barracuda, Ocellus a Seal, Yona a Walrus and Spike back as a puffer fish."

"Wow, down to the Puffer Fish," Gallus said.

"Wow, some people in this world are devoted friends," Smolder said.

Gallus snickered and said, "Well, Aaron was here for a couple fan comics while he was in Equestria. Like when Sandbar had music from this world on his Crystal Powered Music Player. Which explained why he was so interested in Yona so much." Then he and Aaron started laughing.

"What songs?" Liam asked.

"Fat Bottom Girls by Queen was one of them," Aaron said. That made Liam laugh.

"Sounds even funnier when someone from this world was there in person," Liam said.

"Oh, it was," Aaron said. Just then, a car honking came.

"That's the transport," Marissa said. "Let's go." Then they all headed out of the house. Marissa and Smolder locked the front doors leading to each part of the house. Then they headed to the car.

Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Marissa and Liam arrived at the airport. They were in line for the security check. Marissa then handed them all the tickets. Gallus checked his ticket and saw his name.

"Gale Griffon? Who is that?" Gallus asked.

"Your cover name," Aaron said. "Gallus isn't exactly a common name here on Earth." Gallus thought about it and nodded.

"I getcha," Gallus said. "You got cover names for the others?"

"Ocellus: Olivia Lust. Silverstream: Sylvia Stream. Yona: Yvonne Yak. Sandbar, Sandy Bars," Aaron said. "Had some help with some friends at our school who came up with cover names."

"Good to know," Gallus said. Eventually, they made it to the security check out. They all pulled their tech out of their bags and took off their phones. Then they all took off their shoes. Gallus was about to go through, but then one guard said something.

"Sir, can you take off that necklace?" the security guard asked. Gallus then sighed. He took of the medallion and put it into the bin he had his stuff in. Then he went through the metal detector. The rest of them made it to the other side, where they were putting their stuff back in their bags.

"So, how does this place work?" Gallus asked.

"There's an air ship that takes us through the air to our destination," Aaron said. "Then we get out, get into another car, and head to the hotel."

"My ears wouldn't stop ringing for ten minutes after we got off the plane," Smolder said. She then pulled out something. "So you might have to wear these on the plane." She pulled out a bag full of ear plugs. "One in each ear."

"Good to know," Gallus said.

"Alright, kids," Marissa said. "Our flight leaves in an hour, so let's get a quick bite before we get on the plane." Then they all headed for one restaurant for some pizza. They ate their pizza slices by the gate where their plane was going to be. Gallus was enjoying the slice of pizza he had.

"Wow," Gallus said. "I don't mean to be mean to Equestria, but this pizza is actually better than the ones back home."

"Too bad I didn't come to Equestria when I was still living in Chicago," Aaron said. "They make amazing Pizza."

"That's true," Marissa said. "Anyway, when we're on the plane, you three better stick together. Stay in the same row."

"You got it, Aunt Marissa," Aaron said. "After all, I'm now half-Equestrian because I can transform into a dragon."

"Gate A7, Flight to Honolulu, now boarding," came the voice of a woman over the speakers.

"That's us," Liam said. "Let's get going."

They eventually got onto the plane and put their bags into the overhead compartments. Gallus then asked, "Why do people put their bags in these compartments over our seats?"

"To have extra room for them," Aaron said, about to sit in the middle seat, with Smolder at the window seat.

"Guess that's why the train cars have them back in Equestria," Smolder said.

"Yeah," Aaron said. "Well, at least everyone has something to do over the holidays. Heck, I barely saw Dang today."

"You called?!" came Dang's voice. Dang was in the seat in front of Aaron. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus screamed.

"Dang?" Aaron asked. "How did you get here so fast?"

"I'm actually going to Hawaii for vacation as well," Dang said. "Better than spending it with my brothers back in Vietnam."

"So you're just taking your time going on vacation?" Smolder asked.

"Yes," Dang responded. "Hope you have fun this Christmas." He then turned around and sat back in his seat."

"Wow," Gallus said. "That guy is unpredictable."

"He's also really fast," Smolder said. "Just saying his name makes him appear from anywhere. Just last week, someone said the word dang, and he appeared wearing a tuxedo."

"I came from a wedding in Los Angeles," Dang said.

"That was on the West Coast of this country," Aaron said. "We're at the East Coast."

"Wow," Gallus said. "How does he do that. Super Speed or teleportation."

"I think it could be both," Smolder said. "Because he said one time that he appeared in space without a rocket."

"Wow," Gallus said. "This guy's more unpredictable than Pinkie Pie." Smolder then handed Gallus a pair of earplugs.

"Plug them in your ears right before we start moving," Smolder said. Gallus nodded.

It was dark as the plane was flying over the Pacific Ocean. Aaron, Smolder and Gallus were all sleeping with a blanket put over them by a stewardess. Then a beam of sunlight started beaming over Smolder's face, making her open her eyes. She looked out the window to see that the plane was over one of the Hawaiian Islands. She then patted Aaron's shoulder, waking him up.

"Whoa," Aaron said. He then patted Gallus's shoulder. "Wake up, buddy. We're over Hawaii."

"Huh?" Gallus asked. He then leaned towards the window to see one of the Hawaiian Islands. "Whoa. It looks more tropical than it does in the movies you showed me."

"Good thing we slept on the plane," Aaron said. He then yawned. "Otherwise we'd have to deal with jetlag."

"Learned that when we first went to Vegas," Smolder said. "What's the time difference between Hawaii and Florida?"

"Six hour difference," Aaron said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "Guess time zones are a thing."

Eventually, the plane landed at the airport. They got off the plane, and headed for the baggage claim. When they got there, they were surprised by the rest of Aaron's family.

"There they are," came the voice of Aaron's Grandpa. The group looked over and saw the Blazer family with their bags.

"Hey, everyone," Aaron said. "How's it going?"

"I still can't believe you won a trip to this place, Aaron," Aaron's Aunt Zoe said. "We watched that episode of Legends of the Hidden Temple online before we started packing for this trip."

"Aaron was awesome in that episode," Gallus said. "By the way, I'm Gale. I'm a friend of these two." He then wrapped his arms around Aaron and Smolder's shoulders.

"He's a good friend, but doesn't really have a home back where he came from," Aaron said. "So, we invited him to spend the holidays with us."

"Pfft, typical," Reggie said. Gallus raised an eyebrow at that comment from Aaron's cousin.

"Let me guess, that's your cousin Reggie?" Gallus asked.

"Yup," Aaron said. "He's always wanting to take my stuff."

"I'll keep my eye out for him," Gallus said.

"Alright, everyone," Marissa said. "We've got our bags. Now let's get to the transport, and head for the resort." Then they headed out the door, and there was a transport bus outside, the driver holding a sign that said, "Blazer Family + 3".

"Guess you've prepared for all of us," Smolder said.

"Of course," Marissa said.

"By the way, Samantha," Aaron's Uncle Jerry said. "I've been wondering. Why aren't you with your family?"

"Oh, uh..." Smolder said, sweating a little. "My... family couldn't make it. They were... held up."

"I've had a talk with them, and they said they could let Samantha spend the holidays with us. After all, she also won this trip with Aaron as well."

"Oh, that's right," Zoe said. "Well, I'm glad you won't be spending Christmas alone." Then they got all their bags onto the bus, and they sat in any open seat they could. Then the bus started moving towards Aulani Resort.

The family made it to the Villa they were going to be staying in. They were all astonished by how big the room was.

"Wow," Marissa said. "This room is bigger than I thought."

"It's like the hotel room before we moved into that bigger house," Smolder said.

"Alright, everyone," Gallus said. "I think we should let Aaron and Sm..." He then cleared his throat. "Aaron and Samantha choose where to sleep since they won the prize."

"That's a good idea, Gale," Aaron's grandpa said. "Aaron, Samantha, go ahead and choose."

Aaron and Smolder headed down each direction, looking at each room that was there. Aaron went left and Smolder went right. Smolder opened the door at the end and saw the Master Bedroom.

"The master bedroom is here," Smolder said.

Aaron opened up the two bedroom doors at the other end. Aaron then called out, "Two bedrooms with four queen size beds. You know what? Samantha and I should share the couch."

"Oh, Aaron, you don't have to do that," Marissa said. "It's your prize."

"No, no," Aaron said. "We got the first choice, so we're fine with sharing the couch."

"Yeah, we've done it before," Smolder said.

"Alright, then," Marissa said. "Liam, how about you and I share the Master Bedroom?"

"Okay," Liam said as he and Marissa headed for the Master Bedroom.

"Reggie," Aaron's uncle Jerry said. "You'll be sleeping in the same room as Gale."

"What?!" Gallus and Reggie asked in unison.

"Are you serious?" Reggie said. "I don't wanna share a room with this bum."

"Hey, who are you calling a bum?" Gallus asked, poking Reggie's chest. "I'm getting a better life now, and it's thanks to your cousin, Aaron." Marissa then came between the two.

"That's enough, you two," Marissa said. "In the spirit of the season, can you two get along?" The two boys snorted. They shook hands, even though they weren't going to enjoy it. "Good. Now, how about we all enjoy a nice family outing? Perhaps, even see the new Black Panther movie?"

"Wakanda Forever!" Aaron, Smolder and Gallus said in unison before laughing.

"Yeah, I watched those Marvel Movies," Gallus said. "They look so awesome!"

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Marissa said. "Let's go." Then they all headed out of the room, leaving their bags in the rooms where they were going to be sleeping.

Later that night, Gallus was in a bed, sleeping comfortably. Then the sound of the door silently opening woke him up. He turned his entire body with his eyes closed. But they weren't completely closed. Gallus could see Reggie sneaking out of the room. Gallus then quietly got up and headed for the door, seeing Reggie sneaking towards the living room area. He was going after Aaron's laptop.

Gallus's face cringed. He then grabbed Reggie's shoulder, shocking him, and turning around. Gallus shook his head and said, "I've been there. Taking stuff that's not yours. Although, I had it worse because I don't have what you have. A family."

"So you were rock bottom?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah," Gallus said. "But having great friends made my life better. I'm sure you'll have great friends, too."

"Not if you're the poorest kid in New York," Reggie said. "All the other kids in my school have fancy technology, or all the best games. Me, I barely get anything."

"I'm sure that one day, that'll all turn around," Gallus said. "Just... don't worry about it."

"Why do you even hang out with Aaron?" Reggie asked. "He's not so great."

"You're wrong about that," Gallus said. "Aaron is a good friend, athletic, and smart. He even helped me get into a relationship with... Sylvia. I just needed a bit of a push, I guess." He then chuckled. "He and I are best friends because we help each other out." He then checked the time. "C'mon. It's way past our bedtime." He then pulled Reggie back into the room. Reggie was thinking about what Gallus said as he was pulled into the room they were sharing.

Aaron was silently awoken by their conversation. He smiled at what Gallus was telling Reggie. He then turned in the bed from the couch to see Smolder, who was still in human form, and was still asleep. Aaron then went back to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well, they started off being enemies. But will Gallus and Reggie be able to enjoy the holiday in Hawaii? This might be an interesting Christmas Break.