• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,389 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 3: First Week at the Worst School in Florida

Chapter 3: First Week at the Worst School in Florida

Aaron and Smolder were waiting on a bench for their ride. Aaron was working on his homework and Smolder was sitting on the bench, her arms crossed.

"This school sucks more than when Twilight wanted the School of Friendship to follow the rules of the EEA when it first opened," Smolder said.

"It was just the first day," Aaron said. "Sure, the food's not so good, but we can always report it to the President. He can get us in touch with the Secretary of Education and they'll send someone here to check it out."

"I don't know if they'll come immediately," Smolder said. "I heard that things like this would take time until something conclusive."

"Where did you hear that?" Aaron asked.

"I overheard it from that cop that's dating your aunt," Smolder said. "Speaking of which, here he comes in his police car." The two saw the police car coming up to the curb.

"Alright, you two," Liam said. "Aaron, your aunt asked me to pick you two up. Get in." Aaron and Smolder headed for the car after Aaron put his stuff into his backpack. Aaron and Smolder then got into the car and they drove off. "Alright, kids. Your aunt Marissa isn't going to be home until dinner, so I'm watching you until she gets home."

"You're not gonna be like those boyfriends of a single parent and be like sending the kids to military schools for bad kids, are you?" Smolder asked.

"No," Liam said. "Besides, I'm not gonna be a bad adult like in those movies. Or your birth father. Yes, your aunt told me about how you ended up with her. I still can't believe your father never wanted you."

"I understood it," Aaron said. "I still can't believe my dad wanted me gone." He then sighed. "I just hope I don't end up like him."

"I can assure that nothing bad is going to happen," Liam said.

Aaron and Smolder were in Smolder's apartment, working on their homework. Both of them were in dragon form. Smolder was getting angry about the messed up day from the worst day of school. Smolder then blew smoke from her nose.

"Whoa, Smolder," Aaron said. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry," Smolder said. "I'm just really upset at these rules that are in this book." She pulled the rule book from her backpack and opened it to a page. "Check this out. 'Rule 44: Any art work on school property is considered vandalism and all art supplies must be confiscated and destroyed'."

"What?!" Aaron said, taking the rule book. He then read what else was on that rule. "'If it's art supplies or any art on a computer, it'll all be taken away and thrown into a...' bucket of acid. Wait a minute." Aaron then changed back into his human form and headed outside. There, he saw Liam washing his police car in the driveway connected to Smolder's apartment. "Hey, Liam."

"Yes?" Liam asked.

"I'm reading these rules from my school," Aaron said. "And these rules seem to be a little... unfair."

"Let me see them," Liam said. Aaron then gave Liam the rule book. Liam checked out the rule book's rules. "Huh. Some of these rules are really unfair. In fact, I believe some of them are illegal."

"So, are you gonna check it out?" Aaron said.

"I might as well," Liam said. "I'll find out what's going on down there. I'll see what dirt I can find on him."

Friday afternoon, after school, Liam was getting out of the car, and walked up to Aaron.

"Well, I found no dirt on him," Liam said. "And everyone who saw me come out of his office all ran away in fear. And I don't understand why."

"Because you came out of the office without pants on," Aaron said. Liam looked down and saw that he's only in his police uniform top, belt and holster, shoes, and boxers. He then yelped and got back in his car.

"I'm just gonna... head back to the school and pick up my pants," Liam said. He then started his car and drove out of the driveway. Aaron then went into the house and there was Ocellus helping Smolder with her homework.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "All of this homework is too much. Even for the first week of school."

"I know, right?" Smolder asked. "It's really hard jamming so much knowledge into one head." She then pinched her snout, like she was getting a migraine. "I need a break."

"Whoa, Smolder," Aaron said. "You and Ocellus need to be careful when Liam's around. He almost came in."

"Guess we need to be more careful when your aunt's boyfriend comes over," Smolder said. "I heard his car leave. Why?"

"Apparently, he left the school without his pants," Aaron said. Smolder and Ocellus laughed.

"Seriously?" Ocellus asked. "How did that happen?"

"I have no idea," Aaron said. "Hopefully, one day, everything in this school of ours will go back to how it was before."

"I hope so," Smolder said. "Because these rules... stink."

"I agree with Smolder," Ocellus said, taking the rule book in her hooves. "These rules are almost like when we first attended the School of Friendship before Neighsay shut it down."

"Well, it was those bylaws of the EEA that Twilight was trying to follow that the school got shut down in the first place," Aaron said. "I'm gonna work on my homework."

Then Aaron started heading upstairs into his room. He got his books and started working on his homework.

Later that night, Aaron was asleep in his bed. But as he was asleep in his bed, the door was quietly opening. A figure in a cloak walked into Aaron's room and grabbed the rule book of Aaron and Smolder's school.

The figure snuck out of the house and headed out into the city, heading towards Aaron and Smolder's school. The figure then arrived there and it started reading the rule book.

The figure looked around the place and saw a window leading to the basement. The figure opened it and saw Dang sleeping on a cot in the basement, just under the window. The figure then jumped over Dang and headed for the door.

The figure then went into the principal's office and checked out the computer. The figure turned it on and saw that it needed a password to get in. The figure saw that the password was on a Post-It note on the screen saying that the password was PASSWORD. The cloaked figure scoffed and typed in the password. The figure then saw something. It was all the funding from the school and seeing the true reason why the funding was so low.

It was the afternoon of that Saturday. Marissa took Aaron and Smolder to a miniature golf course. Aaron was taking his turn on the fifteenth hole. Both him and Smolder were in human form. Aaron then took his shot and the golf ball headed for the hole, but the ball went off the rim of the hole.

"It's okay, Aaron," Marissa said. "So you've missed your par on that hole. It'll still get you a -1 on the card."

"Which is embarrassing since Smolder has gotten all hole-in-ones since we started," Aaron said. Smolder smirked like she did when she burnt Gallus's textbook.

"How did you get all holes-in-ones in this game?" Marissa asked, looking at Smolder.

"We had a similar game like this in the Dragon Lands," Smolder said. "Well, you've got to finish up." Aaron then groaned and headed for his ball. He then took the shot and got the Bogey.

"This was not my best," Aaron said. "I should stick to basketball."

"Oh, speaking of which, I've ordered a basketball hoop and backboard, and I have to go pick it up," Marissa said. "Your uncle Jerry might want to help set it up."

"Hopefully I can at least be 0 or in the negatives when I reach the final hole," Aaron said. Just then, his phone started ringing. He pulled out his phone and saw it was Liam Daniels. "Why is Liam calling me?" He then answered it. "Hello?"

"Aaron, you and Samantha better come down to your school," Liam said through the phone. "Something has come up revealing the real reason why the school funding is down."

Later, the three of them drove up to the school, seeing that the entire school was covered in graffiti, had posters all over the outside walls saying that the Principal was a liar, and the windows had purple slime covering the inside.

"What happened here?" Smolder asked.

Liam walked up to the three holding something in his hand. He then said, "You're about to find out." Just then, a Lamborghini pulled up and parked next to Marissa's car.

"What happened to my school?!" Principal O'Reilly asked angrily. He then looked down at Aaron and Smolder. "Did you two do this?!" He motioned a hand towards all the vandalism. "You two are expelled."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! This wasn't us," Aaron said.

"Yeah, we don't stoop that low unless it's a good cause," Smolder said. "And this wasn't our doing."

"Oh, don't you dare lie to me," Principal O'Reilly said. "You two have been nothing but trouble since you came here."

"Oh, really?" Liam asked. "I don't really think it was these two. But whoever did... left this on the door." He revealed a piece of paper showing something. "It seems to be most of the school funding being transferred... to your bank account."

"That would explain the Lamborghini," Aaron said.

"You've been embezzling from the school for years ever since you became principal here," Liam said. "You've also cut the funding from all of the extra curriculars and the sports and spent all the money just to pay for a mansion for you to live in." He then turned Principal O'Reilly around and started putting the handcuffs on the principal's wrists. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

"You can't do this to me!" Principal O'Reilly said. "All that money is mine to do with! Let me go!" Liam was pulling him towards the police car. Smolder ran over to the back door of the police car and opened it up. Principal O'Reilly was then shoved into the car. "This isn't over. Vice Principal Nettles will get me out." He then looked towards his right and saw Vice Principal Nettles in the back seat with him.

"I told you this was a bad idea," Vice Principal Nettles said.

"Oh, shut up," Principal O'Reilly said.

At home, Aaron and Smolder were watching the local news. Both were in Dragon form.

"It seems that the principal and vice principal of a middle school, Summer Valley Middle School, have both been arrested for embezzling. And the school board will be hiring a new principal to replace Principal Sherman O'Reilly, and for a week, the school will be closed."

Just then, the TV was shut off. Aaron and Smolder looked and saw Marissa holding the remote. Marissa then said, "Alright, you two. Bed time."

"Well, at least we won't be going to school on Monday," Aaron said.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "I can't believe that the Principal was behind the school funding being low. Dang." Just then, there was a knocking at the door. Aaron and Smolder quickly changed into their human forms as Marissa walked towards the front door. She opened it, and on the other side of the door was Dang.

"You called?!" Dang asked.

"Who are you?" Marissa asked.

"Aunt Marissa, that's Dang," Aaron said. "He's a really... gifted janitor."

"I wouldn't call it a gift," Dang said. He then appeared on the couch, laying on it. "I learned this trick from my master in Vietnam." Aaron, Smolder and Marissa screamed at Dang being on the couch in an instant. "Although, I wonder why everyone screams when I do that trick."

"Maybe when you say your own name, you'll understand," Smolder said.

"Why would I do that?" Dang asked. "I'd be insulted, but dang..."

"I called?" Dang's voice came from the kitchen area, making Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Dang, who was still on the couch, scream. The Dang in the kitchen was cleaning the kitchen counter and smiling.

"Okay, I see your point," Dang said. "Well, I'll see you a week after Monday."

"Alright," Marissa said, walking towards the door. "You should head on..." She turned around before opening the door to look at Dang, but he was gone. "How does he do that?"

"I swear, he's almost like Pinkie Pie," Smolder said. Just then, Dang returned.

"I almost forgot," Dang said, making Aaron, Smolder and Marissa scream again. "After Principal O'Reilly and Vice Principal Nettles were arrested, I started cleaning the school. And I found this." He then showed them a long, blue feather with a yellow tip. "Strange. I've seen a lot of strange birds in Vietnam, but I've never seen a bird with this color. But, since you two have been good at the school, I thought you two should have it. Well, I gotta go." He then vanished.

Aaron then inspected the feather. He and Smolder then looked at each other and said in unison, "Gallus."

"Well, he was a good friend to you two," Marissa said.

"Yes, I was," came Gallus's voice. The three of them looked towards the stairs and saw Gallus, in Griffon form, coming down. "I wanted to surprise you guys with a visit and breakfast, but..." He then yawned. "I've been up... all night... messing up the school, and exposing the Principal and Vice Principal for embezzling from the school."

"You sly griffon," Aaron said, changing back into his dragon form. He flew over to Gallus, got the griffon in a head lock, and noogied Gallus's head. "You've actually just saved our school."

"But that doesn't change anything yet," Marissa said. "All the money was still stolen. It'll be a matter of time before the school gets up and running to its original state."

"She's right about that," Gallus said. "I bet even Princess Twilight will agree." He then yawned.

"We'll think about it some other time," Marissa said. "Right now, you three, bed. Gallus, you don't mind sleeping on the couch, do you?"

"Meh, it's just one night," Gallus said, heading for the couch. "Any soft thing is better than where I was living in Griffonstone. I bet I can..." He then passed out on the couch, snoring.

"Wow, he was really tired," Aaron said. Then Aaron started going upstairs. Smolder then went to her apartment and changed into her dragon form before closing the door. Marissa then turned off the lights downstairs, and then followed Aaron upstairs, heading to her bedroom.

Author's Note:


To help get the school funding back, Aaron and Smolder had asked the Harlem Globetrotters, who were in town, to help with a charity basketball game. They were going to do a couple of exhibition matches, but the Washington Generals had all come down with something. So, they asked Aaron and Smolder to get some of their friends to help out. In a basketball game that had Aaron, Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream and Ocellus going in a five-on-five against the Harlem Globetrotters. But, the four Equestrians had no idea how to play basketball. Who would you want teaching the four how to play basketball?

Option 1:

Bulldog Mack

Option 2:

Spider Sharpless

Option 3:

Jet Rivers

Remember, one vote per comment. Only one choice. The one Globetrotter with the most votes will be teaching the group to play Basketball.