• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,399 Views, 142 Comments

A Dragon's New Home - Mister E-Nonymous

Aaron and Smolder are back for more. This time, in a new house and they are gonna start at a new school. But the principal of the school wants all his students to focus only on tests and not other things. What will Aaron and Smolder do about it?

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Chapter 15: Day at the Beach

Chapter 15: Day at the Beach

It was morning in Hawaii. Aaron and Smolder, still in human form, were asleep on the couch with the bed folded out. Smolder was then awoken by a certain smell. She then got up and looked towards the kitchen and she saw Aaron's grandparents cooking. On the stove top, there were scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes being cooked on a skillet.

"Oh, good morning, Samantha," Aaron's Grandma said.

"Morning," Smolder said. She then yawned. "What's cookin'?"

"Having a nice breakfast composed of scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes," Aaron's grandpa said. Just then, Aaron started groaning.

"Is that breakfast I smell?" Aaron asked.

"That's right," Aaron's grandpa said.

Aaron then got up and headed towards the hall, saying, "I gotta use the bathroom."

"You're not the only one, dude," came Gallus's voice. Gallus was waiting outside the bathroom, his hands covering his crotch. Aaron went over to him and stood behind Gallus. "Your cousin has been in there for the past half-hour and I've been waiting out here for ten minutes."

"Hurry up, Reggie!" Aaron called out. "Gale and I gotta go!" Then the sound of water splashing came and the door opened, revealing Reggie, a towel wrapped around his hips, and him being soaked with soap suds in his hair.

"Do you mind?" Reggie asked. "I'm trying to enjoy a nice bath."

"It's been half an hour, and I gotta pee!" Gallus nearly shouted. Then Aaron's aunt Zoe came down the hall.

"Finish your bath now, Reginald," Zoe said. Reggie grumbled and went back towards the tub, closing the door.

"Reginald?" Gallus asked.

"That's his full first name," Aaron said. "A lot of names have shortened versions of the name. Like Pinkie's full name is Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"Oh, I get it," Gallus said. Then the sound of water being drained came in. Reggie then got out of the bathroom, then Gallus went in, heading for the toilet.

Smolder shook her head and said, "That Reggie sure sounds like a handful."

"You're telling me," Zoe said. "He's been wanting to get as much stuff as the other kids in New York. But there's not much we can do to keep up with the kids in the city of New York."

"Meh, I'm sure that one day, things'll turn around for you guys," Smolder said. Then the sound of a toilet flushing came. Smolder looked towards the bathroom door and saw it opening, seeing Aaron going into the bathroom.

"I'm surprised that you two actually made it onto Legends of the Hidden Temple," Zoe said. "That show had started back in the 1990s when Marissa, Ronnie and I were kids ourselves."

"Guess you can't go wrong with rebooting the classics," Smolder said.

"I know, right?" Zoe asked.

Then Marissa and Liam came from the Master Bedroom, heading towards the kitchen. Aaron, Gallus and Aaron's Uncle Jerry came back from the hall.

"That feels so much better," Gallus said.

"Alright, everyone," Marissa said. "We have a few days of staying here. We'll be leaving a couple days after Christmas Day, so we might as well do as much as we can."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Gallus asked, looking at Aaron and Smolder.

"There are so many things to do around here," Aaron said. "Surfing, snorkeling in Rainbow Reef, or we can just relax on the beach, sunbathing."

"Well, before we met you, the two of us, along with the others, did two of those things," Gallus said. "I'm not so sure that..." Gallus looked at the rest of the Blazer family. "...Samantha has done surfing."

"Oh, I surf," Smolder said. "Just not in the way you think."

"Like what?" Aaron's grandpa asked. "Is there a surf park in Orlando?"

"Yeah, sure, let's go with that," Smolder said. "So, let's eat."

Gallus noticed the eggs and said, "No eggs for me."

"You don't eat eggs?" Jerry asked.

"Gale and his girlfriend aren't really egg eaters," Aaron said. "Let's just say that eating eggs isn't really that swell for either of them."

"It's true," Smolder said. "Apparently, it's... a family condition."

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus went towards Rainbow Reef, wearing some snorkeling gear. They were going snorkeling in Rainbow Reef. Aaron had on a green pair of swim trunks, Gallus had blue swim trunks with some yellow, and Smolder had on a one piece swimsuit that was orange and red.

"I still can't believe that's how much this stuff is," Gallus said. He then blew into the hose connected to his life preserver.

"It's not so bad," Aaron said. "My Nintendo Switch is more expensive than this."

"How much?" Smolder asked.

"300 bucks," Aaron said.

"Wow," Gallus said. "300? Just for a small computer thing?"

"Those bits, they're pure gold, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, why?" Gallus asked.

"You'd be surprised how much pure gold and gems are in this world," Aaron said. "It depends on the size of each piece of gold or gem."

"It's true," Smolder said. "I traded in a few rubies that were only a couple kilograms each, I've gotten over thirty thousand dollars for them all. Marissa said that if we go to college, we'll get tuition and rent covered."

"What's a college?" Gallus asked.

"Oh, it's a school you go to after you graduate High School," Aaron said. "We've watched High School Musical 3, remember?"

"Oh, that's right," Gallus said. "Would you two go to college if you decided to?"

"Depends on what they have that's interesting," Smolder said. She then put her snorkel mask on and headed into the water. Aaron and Gallus did the same and followed her.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus saw so many fish in the reef. Gallus tried touching one, but it swam away from his finger. Gallus got a little angry, but Aaron put a hand on Gallus's right shoulder. They checked out the entire reef, seeing the different things from fish to coral, even some fake gold statues. Then the three of them swam upward, going over the water.

"Wow," Gallus said, removing the snorkel from his mouth. "So many amazing things in this reef. Silverstream would love it. She'd even make us sea creatures and we could explore the place."

"Bad idea," Aaron said. "I don't think that people would like to see a barracuda and a couple of sharks in this reef."

"That's a good point," Gallus said,

"Yeah, the people think we might eat them," Smolder said. "Especially the children." She then put her snorkel back on and went back under, Aaron and Gallus following.

They swam over towards a window that shows an area where people were looking in under the water. The people that were there waved to them. Smolder then noticed one little girl, watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic on her mom's cell phone. It wasn't just the show that caught Smolder's attention, but the episode. It was the episode, "What Lies Beneath". It was the episode where the Young 6 were being tested by the Tree of Harmony, tested to face their fears. Smolder then saw the two ponies talking to her in the episode. She then pulled Gallus away from the window, hoping that she got him away from seeing the episode in time. Aaron followed.

Later, the three of them went back above the water. Gallus then asked, "What was that all about?"

"S-sorry," Smolder said. "Let's just say that that little girl in that tunnel was watching something, and it's... embarrassing for me."

"Embarrassing?" Gallus asked. "What was it? Something that involved you in that..." Smolder then covered Gallus's mouth.

"Never bring that up," Smolder said, angrily. "Ever."

"Right," Gallus said, after his mouth got uncovered. "What about Aaron?"

"He's already seen it," Smolder said. "Before he even came to Equestria."

"Oh... that's right," Gallus said. "He's what the people call fans of the show. A brony." He then looked towards Aaron. "What about girls who are still fans of the show, even when they're older?"

"Pegasisters," Aaron answered.

Smolder and Gallus laughed. Smolder then said, "Some people are just wanting to make puns, aren't they?"

"They even make puns in the names of certain episodes," Aaron said.

"Like what?" Gallus asked.

"Oh, I can think of one," Smolder said. "He showed me certain episodes of the show. Like this one episode, 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls'. Sweetie Belle was a little upset that the ponies were more interested in the dresses than the actual play that the Crusaders performed in."

"Ouch," Gallus said. "Actually, I think Rarity was talking about that in one of her classes before Aaron came to Equestria. In fact, it was before we found out Cozy Glow was a psychotic, power hungry little filly."

"I still wonder what led her to villainy in the first place," Aaron said. "We never got an official backstory from her."

"Oh, yeah, that's true," Gallus said. "Perhaps I'll look into it when I get back to Equestria." He then rubbed his belly. "What time is it?"

"Hang on, let me check," Aaron said. He then went back under the water. He then looked into the window and saw some people looking in. They waved towards him. Aaron motioned a finger to his right wrist, asking for the time. One man pulled out his phone and the locked screen was faced towards Aaron, seeing the time. It was 12:06 pm. Aaron then went back up and swam towards Smolder and Gallus. "12:06."

"Lunch time," Smolder said. "C'mon." Aaron, Smolder and Gallus then started swimming towards the stairs of the reef.

Aaron, Smolder and Gallus returned to the villa where they were staying with the rest of the Blazer Family and Liam. They all saw the three of them walking in.

"Hey, there you are," Marissa said, holding her cell phone. "I was ordering pizza. Gale, would you want a meat lover's pizza with Aaron and Samantha?"

"Yeah, alright," Gallus said. "Order it."

"Okay," Marissa said. "And one large meat lover's pizza. Uh huh. Okay, thank you. We're at the Aulani resort. Ask the manager for the Blazer family for Pizza delivery. Okay. Thank you. See you then."

"By the way, Aaron," Gallus said, heading towards the bedroom where Marissa and Liam were staying. "Just in case someone tries to take your stuff, I've had to hide your laptop."

"Good call," Aaron said. Gallus came back with Aaron's laptop giving it to him.

"Where did you... hide that?" Reggie asked, getting agitated.

"I'll never tell," Gallus said with a smug look. He then headed for the bedroom he shared with Reggie. "I'm gonna go take a bath and wash this salt water off of me."

"Good call," Marissa said. "The pizzas will be here in about an hour, so take your time." Gallus then headed into the bathroom with a change of clothes.

"Oh, man," Reggie said. "I've gotta use the restroom, and the other two bathrooms are occupied." He then walked into the hall bathroom. "Sorry, Gale. But I really need to..." Reggie then got a look at Gallus, who was back in griffon form. Gallus looked at him surprised, which was also surprising to Reggie.

"Uh... meow?" Gallus asked, giving a nervous smile. Then Reggie started screaming, making Gallus scream as well. Then Aaron, Smolder, Marissa and Aaron's grandparents ran towards the bathroom, seeing Gallus and Reggie screaming at each other.

"What the heck?!" Aaron's grandpa asked. "What is that?!"

Aaron and Smolder sighed, saying, "This is gonna be a long explanation."

Author's Note:

Okay, so Aaron, Smolder and Gallus done some underwater exploration in Rainbow Reef at Aulani. But then, Gallus had exposed himself in his true form to the Blazer family. Which means Aaron, Smolder and Marissa have to tell them everything. Starting with Aaron being in Equestria.