• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 13: The Fairy Forest

It is the middle of the day on Neverland, Tiger Lily, Spike, and Sparx were almost nearly to the Fairy Forest. But before they get their, Tiger Lily teaching Spike how to fight back when they uses sticks from the tree to train. She gave him every strike while he block her attack, but a baby dragon just failed in thirty seconds when he tripped. "You were supposed to move your legs while I moved forward." She said while getting a baby dragon up.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Spike Apologized when he blush in embarrassment. "This is my first time."

"And it would be your last if you don't concentrate, again." Tiger Lily said while both of them doing training again. She began to strike while Spike kept blocking her attack with all his strength. "Remember, once you are facing against your opponents, they can be bigger and stronger than you, but one more thing they also have is lack balance and weaknesses, then you've won." She gave him an advice.

"Wow, thanks for the advice." Spike said while still blocking her attack. "Back then, you've fought against those pirate like it was nothing. All except for Hook, I wasn't sure if he has a weakness."

"He does." Tiger Lily said when she stopped attacking him. "His greatest weakness is his fear of crocodile."

"Crocodile?" Spike asked in confusion until he remembered. "You mean the one that was on the Skull Rock?" He asked again and Tiger Lily nodded him with correction. "Why's he afraid of it?"

"It just say, when it was small, it ripped off Hook's hand and ate it." She answered.

"Ouch, that's gonna leave a mark." Spike said when he holding his wrist.

"Yes, the two of them have not relationship history." She said. "But that's enough training, right now we must move on." Spike nodded to her and they started to grab their stuff to continue to travel. They walking up hill to see the view, but very exhausted when they're almost at the top.

"Tiger Lily, how far is it to the Fairy Forest?" Spike asked while catching his breath head down.

"You should see it for yourself." Tiger Lily said when she stopped and looked in front. Spike move his head up and looked as she did. To his eyes, he sees a beautiful trees he's ever seen. They're made of pink leafs with glowing neon flowers on it and white branches. Spike's eyes and mouth widened with surprise, even Sparx make a same face as he did. "Welcome to the Fairy Forest."

"This is beautiful." Spike said when he admitted and Sparx nodded to him with agreement. "Fluttershy is gonna love this place when I tell her." They've continued to move downhill to the Fairy Forest. By the time they got their in time, everywhere was pretty but the problem is, it's very quiet, causing them to be confused. "I don't get, where are all the fairies?" He asked.

"I... don't know, but something is not right." Tiger Lily said with suspicions. But suddenly, the blue fog appears out of thin air and it smells kinda sweet, but it causing the others a bit dizzy and sleepy.

"What's.... happening." Spike barely said when he started yawning. "It... smells... so... gooooooood." He falls asleep when he collapses to the ground, especially Tiger Lily collapse and Sparx landed on Spike's face. When the fog is clearing out and three of them are sleep, there are couple of lights moving towards them with a sounds of flapping.

Tge eyes grew heavy when it opens, a version gets blurry to the eye, and the sound mumbles throw the ear. Spike is starting to wake up and yawning like he had good nap. "what happen?" Spike asked when he got up from the ground until he noticed Tiger Lily and Sparx were already woken up and surrounded by fairies. "Uh... Tiger Lily, are those-"

"Yes Spike, these are the fairies." Tiger Lily said when she cut off his words. Seeing all the fairies, they're glows are colorful like a rainbow and making shriek noise. They've taken their equipment and the shards.

Spike listening to those fairies and he can clearly understanding them. He looked to Tiger Lily and said. "I can hear them talking about us and they're not happy."

"You can understand them?" Tiger Lily asked and a baby dragon nodded. The fairies move out the way to let five elder fairies pass in towards the three of them. One elder fairy first to talking, but she can't understand what it said until she ask Spike. "What did it say?"

"He said, 'You dare entering our land and bringing our queen's greatest creation?' " Spike translated and the fairies showing them the two shards.

"Elder fairies, I am princess Tiger Lily, and they are my companions." Tiger Lily introduced to them and started telling the elder fairies the reason why they're here. "And the reason why were here, is because we want to obtain the third shard."

The elder fairy next to talk and Spike translated. "He said, 'obtaining the third shard, we refused to let you taken them, not after what Peter Pan have done.'"

"It wasn't what you think." Tiger Lily said. "Peter Pan had to destroy because the pirates is about use it for evil. He sacrificed himself to save Neverland."

The elder fairy next to talk and Spike translated. "He said, 'And yet, Neverland is now doomed thanks to him.'"

"Please, is there any way to trust us?" Tiger Lily asked.

The elder fairy next to talk when it shook his head and Spike translated. "He said, 'there's nothing we can trust you all, now begone and never come back.'"

"But we needed it to be restored and send this dragon back to his world." She try to convince them while she pointed at the baby dragon.

The elder fairy next to talk and Spike translated. "He said, 'it is not of our concern and the shards must remain safely with us, now leave.'"

By the time when the elder fairies and the rest of the fairies left along with a shards, the three of them have no choice but to do what he say while they leave the Fairy Forest. But there is one fairy on top of the tree without getting spotted, seeing them pass by. While they almost walked out of here, Spike asked. "Great, now what do we do?"

"I.. don't know, but we can't go back and take back the shards by force, there has to be a way for them to gain our trust, but how?" Tiger Lily said when she thinking and the two of them are also thinking with her.

"I got nothing, do you Sparx?" Spike asked to his dragonfly friend. Sparxwas thinking but he shook his head, meaning that he doesn't. But suddenly, Spike heard flapping sound and it's not from Sparx, it sounded like... a bell. Spike looked around until he looked up and spotted one fairy moving down. "Tiger Lily, look." He said to her when he pointed at it.

Tiger Lily looked up to see what the baby dragon saw, until she did and it is familiar to her. "Could it be?" Tiger Lily said when she look very closer, until she finally recognize this fairy really well with a smile. "Tinkerbell."

To Be Continued...