• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 5: Escape

In the night, inside the ship were two pirate dogs dragging Spike to the cell and toss him inside. Spike got up quickly and run towards the cell door, but he's too late because it's lock. He place his hand to the bars and shake to break.

"Don't waste yer strength lizard." One pirate dog said. "Because ye about to walk the plank, nice knowing ye lizard." They walked out the door.

As soon as they left, Spike looked around to find a way to getting out. Until he saw a glowing jar hanging on the ceiling, it appears to be Sparx. Spike is happy to see his friend again.

"Sparx it's you, are you alright?" Spike said, A dragonfly nodded to him. "Don't worry little buddy, I'll find a way to get out of here, but I need to think." He walked side to side to think of their escape. Sadly, he got nothing when he stop and look down in shame. Suddenly, he heard something behind him. He turn around a little faster and said. "Wh-who's there?"

He walked down slowly and saw a figure in the shadow. "Don't take another step, creature." A female voice said in warning. He can finally see a figure clearly, revealing a figure was a earth pony, a light brown color body, straight down black mane with white and red feather, and a tiger cutie mark on her flank. "I won't ask you again."

Spike was happily surprised to see a pony here, not only in Equestria. "Wow, a pony here? This is incredible." He said while approaching to her. however, she grabbed, slam him to the floor and pinned him down. "Ow... that's smarts." He said in pain.

"What are you, creature?" She threatened to Spike.

"I-i'm a dragon." He answered.

She moved her head down and said. "There's no such thing, creature."

"But I'm telling the truth, I really am a dragon." He said. A mare looked into his eye to know he's telling the truth. But now, it tells her he's not lying. She let go of him and sit back to the wall. Spike on the other hand, was thinking to sit next to her, but not to closely because he believes she'll slam him again.

"I'm Spike, by the way." He introduce himself to her, but she doesn't want to respond back him. "So, um... how did you end up here?" She still doesn't respond to him. Spike is starting to give up talking to her and look back to the cell.

She look back to him, feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry little one, it just... I've never seen a creature like you on Neverland." She said.

"Apology accepted." He said. "It's because I'm not from this world, I'm from another called Equestria. Until I touched that... that never... star thingy."

The mare's eyes widened for what she heard from Spike tell her. "Wait... did you say Neverstar crystal?" She said, spike nodded her question. "Did you awaken the first one?" He nodded again. "At last, there's hope after all."

"Really, what do you mean?" Spike said in confusion.

"I have no time for explanation, I must leave now and speak to my father." She said.

"Can we come with you?" He said, when he walk towards her.

"I'm sorry, I cannot little one." She said when she look back to him and then turned front.

"But I want to go home to my family, please." She begged to her.

On that moment on, she again feels bad for him have no choice but to take them with her. "*sigh* Alright I'll take you both with me, but you will listen what I said." She said. "Now listen, I have a plan."

**In The Morning**

*clang, clang, clang* "RISE AND SHINE LIZARD!" One pirate dog shouted, causing Spike, Sparx, and a mare to wake up startled. "Today's the day for ye to walk the plank." He open the cell door and grab Spike's arm to pull out.

"No, no please." Spike begged the pirate dog while hitting him on the belly. "Don't throw me over board, I have so much life to live, please I beg of you."

A pirate dog push Spike down to the floor and said. "Quit yer whining lizard, only me captain can decide, now be quiet." He grab Spike's head and headed out.

"Gosh I hope the plan works." Spike whisper to himself while a pirate dog opens the door and slam it.

Outside the ship, captain Hook ordered his pirate dogs prepare the plank, until Mr. Smee approaches the captain and said. "Um excuse me captain, may I have a word with you."

"Yes yes, what is it Smee." Captain Hook said when he start to get annoyed. "You better not waste my time."

"Y-yes of course captain, It just that what I heard you said this little dragon is the key to find other shards, right?" Mr. Smee said.

"Your point?" Captain Hook said when he turned and glaring at him.

"M-my point is, maybe he could be still useful a-and give a second chance." He said.

Captain Hook picked up Mr. Smee with his bare hook with anger. "You dare you telling this, he made his choice, just like that... flying brat before, so never ask me again, understand?" Captain Hook said. Mr. Smee nodded nervously to agree with him. "Good, now go."

"Aye aye captain." Mr. Smee said in sad moment.

**Couple Minutes Later**

The door is open, a pirate dog come out with Spike been hold and then place him down. "Alright, keep moving." Pirate dog said while shoving him. Spike being forced to move towards the plank, he starting to get scared to take a step on it, but the pirate dogs keeps poking him with their swords.

Spike looked down to the water, it was pretty far FAR down causing him to get terrified by how high it is.

Captain Hook appears in front and began his speech to his fellow maties. "Today, this little dragon has disagree my offers, but now, he shall be send to death by the plank, may the afterlife have mercy on his soul." He turned around to look at Spike. "So tell me... Spike, do you have any last words?"

For that moment, Spike saw something glowing moving in the sky, it was Sparx swoops down without getting caught. And on the other side to the right, behind the strapped barrels was a mare giving a signal to him.

"Yes, I have one... NOW!" Spike shouted.

Sparx swoops down quicker in front of all pirate dogs and uses his flash to blind all of them. They stepped back to recover their vision until they sees a mare unstrap the barrels, causing to roll down and knock every pirate dogs down.

Spike, Sparx, and a mare regroup to each other. "I can't believe your plan worked, awesome." Spike said.

"Thank you, now we must abandon the ship." She said in focus. But first, I need to retrieve the Neverstar shard, I'll be right back."

"Wait, what are we gonna do?" Spike said.

"Keep them busy." She said when a mare ran to the door and going inside.

"Well Sparx, I guess we can give it a shot, right?" Spike said.

Sparx said. *sqeaking* as in, 'okay let's do this.'

The pirate dogs start to get up by the floor while moving the barrels aways. They're starting to get very angry when they spotted Spike and Sparx, they draw their sword. "Attack!" One pirate dog shouted.

They began to charge towards them, until Spike used his green fire breath to block them before their attacks.


At the captain's office, a mare burst out the door and start looking for the Neverstar shard. But suddenly, the door shut when she turned around and see captain Hook stand there with a sinister look on his face. "Looking for this, my dear?" He said while showing her a shard at his hand. "If you want to take it, then fight for it."

She looks around quickly and saw a sword hang on the wall to pick it up with her hoof. "The Neverstars does not belong to you, they belong to each other and the Neverland Hook." She said when she pointed a sword at him.

" I disagree." He said, he drew his sword out. They began their swords fight while they clinging each other multiple times. A mare keeps blocking and dodging his attacks. "I must admit, I underestimated you. But it is a pity your flying boyfriend couldn't live to see."

She let out her anger towards him when Hook mentioned someone who she most cared for. A mare keeps swinging with all her rage. But the captain was easily dodged her moves. Until then, he grab her sword with his hook and took it away from her and toss it to the floor. "Sparing your life was a greatest mistake I've ever made, but no more. Now, you will die, just like him." He said when he pointed his sword at her.


Outside the ship, Spike out ran the pirate dogs, trying not to get grabbed or be killed. It is a good thing for Spike, because the pirate dogs are to stupid to get him. Spike stopped his tracks when he sees a cannon, he move it to aim on them and launch a cannon ball, they jumped out the ship really quickly landed on water pretty far and painfully to land. It was pretty funny to Spike when he chuckle.

Sparx swoops down to the big pirate dog's face. The big one was really angry when a dragonfly make a fool of him. The big one grab a frying pan on the table and swing to hit Sparx. But instead, he accidentally hit all of his maties multiple times because Sparx keeps dodging him really fast. Finally, Sparx landed on top of his head and another accidentally hit himself in the head and collapse to the floor. Sparx fly toward to Spike to join him.

"I think that's the last of them, Sparx." Spike said. "But what are we gonna do now?" They started to think very quickly as they can. Until Sparx pointed out a steering wheel. "Good idea buddy, let's go." They head to the steering wheel on top.

Unfortunately, one pirate dog jumped in and grab Spike by the head and covered his mouth to stop his fire breath. Spike recognized that dog's smoked face.

"Got ye now little lizard, this time ye ain't gonna use yer fire at me face." He said closely to Spike face. However, Spike lift up and pulled out his two fingers and poked his eyes. "ARGH, me eyes!" He dropped Spike. Next, goes around him and breathe fire a little bit on pirate dog's tail. A pirate dog smell something burning and feel something hot. Until he look around and see his tail is on fire. He make dog whimper sound and jumped out of the ship.

"That was a close one Sparx. Now, where were we." He said to his little buddy. He grab a steering wheel and looked where to stop the ship. However, he spotted a rocks. "Sparx, I can stop this ship to those rocks." He spin the wheel to the right really fast.

Back at the captain's office, captain Hook raised his sword and said. "Now, prepare to-." His words cut off when he collapse because the ship is moving. A mare sees the captain drop the Neverstar shard to the floor. It's the best chance for her to take and get out of here. He look at here holding a shard. "No!" He shouted.

She made her way outside and spotted Spike and Sparx in the middle. They ran turn her and spike said. "We need to get out of here before this ship crash to the rocks." She nodded and looked everywhere to get out.

However, a mare saw a canoe boat, a perfect chance for them to escape. "There's a canoe, let go." She said. They ran towards the canoe boat as fast as they can. They hop on board while a mare stand on top. "Hold on to it." Spike is holding on the seat and Sparx also holding on to Spike's shoulder. A mare cut the rope with her sword and the canoe boat falling down with them. They screamed while they fell and landed on water barely survived without wrecked the boat.

Captain Hook burst out the door. looking for them, but all he sees is his maties wounded and the ship is now closer to the rocks. "NOOOO!!!." He shouted. The ship now crashed to the rocks, causing the ship break in two pieces and everything flying out.

The three of them standing on the canoe boat, watching the ship wrecked apart while they stroke to Neverland.

"Well, I guess they won't bother us anymore, right?" Spike said.

"No." A mare answered. "Because no matter how many times they lose, they'll be coming back, always."

"Oh." He said

The two of them were quiet for a moment, Until she look back to him, feeling thankful and then she spoke up. "Thank you... Spike... for saving my life."

"I did?" He said in confusion, she nodded. "I mean of course I did, that's why I'm Spike the brave and glorious.

Sparx said. *Squeaking* as in, 'Hey, don't forget about me.'

"Yes, you're hero too Sparx." Spike said. He look back to her. "So, what now."

"Now we must go to my tribe." She said.

"Okay." He said. "But before we go, I need to know your name."

"*sigh* Alright." She said. "My name is Tiger Lily, daughter of the chief, and princess of the tribe." They're almost ahead to the beach to begin their journey.


***Equestria, Everfree Forest 1am***

The mane six and Starlight still following the glowing scale while they calling out his name. It only took them an hour for them to walk through the trees and bushes. Rarity try to get that dirt out of her hoofs when she feel disgusted. Pinkie Pie popped out her head the trees and bushes. Fluttershy talk to the animals to know have they seen a small purple dragon, but they didn't. And Rainbow Dash fly up to look somewhere.

"How much further could he be Twilight, we've been searching for hours." Rainbow Dash complained.

"She's right darling." Rarity said in exhausted. "Could we at least a break?"

Twilight looked to her friends tired, so it would be okay to agree with Rarity. "You're right, let's take five minutes and then we continue."

They all sat down to the ground while they pulling out their snacks. Except for Applejack and Starlight who's not tired and decided to look around. "Y'all can take a rest now, Starlight and I can look around." Applejack said. They nodded until those two left.

"I hope they'll found him already." Twilight said in sadness.

"We hope so too dear." Rarity said while her hoof around Twilight's shoulder. "But worry not, we know Spike is a smart dragon like you taught him."

"Yeah, she's right Twi." Rainbow Dash said. "I mean, what could possibly go wrong?"

"*gasp* Rainbow Dash, don't jinx it!" Pinkie Pie popped out behind her. "Do you know what happened when somepony jinx it?"

"W-what happened?" Fluttershy said softly but nervously, causing her body to shake.

"TWILIGHT, GIRLS!" A call out came from Starlight. They got up and rushed to find Applejack and Starlight. Finally, they found them.

"What is it, did you two found Spike?" Twilight said in worry.

"Afraid not Twi, but we found this." Applejack said. She turned revealing Spike's shredded backpack. Twilight and the others gasp because they know who this backpack belongs to.

"W-what happened here? Fluttershy barely said.

"It would seem he's been attacked by Timberwolves." Starlight said when she knowing the footprints. The others were shocked for what Starlight told.

"Y-you think he's." Rarity said spoke, almost letting out her tears from her eyes.

"Ah don't think so partner, there's more of his footprints." Applejack said, showing more of his footprints that's in front of them. "He's must've escape from them."

"And besides, the scale is still moving." Starlight said. The others sigh with relieve, knowing he's still okay.

"Phew, that's a relieve." Rarity said wiping out tears in her eyes.

Rainbow Dash fly towards and turned to the others and said. "Are we just gonna stand there, or are we gonna keep moving on." She said bluntly.

"She's right, let's keep moving now y'all." Applejack agreed.

The mane six and Starlight now continued to search for their lost friend. Twilight walk slowly behind them, looking down at Spike's backpack while she's holding it. "Hang in their Spike, we're coming for you." She said. She walked faster to join the others for their search.

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Thank you guys for reading, I'm still continuing writing down more story for this. Today's a special day because April 13th is my birthday and I hope you'll enjoy your Easter day on last Sunday and have a nice spring break, peace.