• Published 11th Feb 2023
  • 1,159 Views, 80 Comments

The Tales Of Spike - Neverland - Spyro_Story

This is a story of a little purple dragon who's in the another world called Neverland.

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Chapter 18: Battle Of Neverland part 2

**Equestria, Everfree Forest**

The mane six and Starlight made their way back to the spot where Spike's disappearance. They've circled up each other for the moment they will use the elements to transport them to Neverland to find their baby dragon friend. "Alright, are you girls ready?" Twilight asked to her friends.

"Ah am ready as a apple falling out the tree, partner." Applejack nodded.

"As do I." Rarity nodded.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie Pie nodded while she jumped.

" you betcha." Rainbow Dash nodded.

"I'm ready." Fluttershy nodded with a soft words.

"Okay, here we go." Twilight said. A purple alicorn closed her eyes and focused on her magic on the element of magic. By the time the elements of Harmony began to glow together, they shoots out its beam at the Neverstar in the night sky. The mane six and Starlight are amazed to see it's working when the beam hit the Neverstar. The Neverstar began to glow more bright until the beam is finished. The glowed Neverstar went out... to nothing happens, causing these ponies to get shocked and confusion.

Starlight Glimmer stepped in next to Twilight and asked. "Uh Twilight... does this supposed to happen?"

"N-no, it wasn't." Twilight answered to her pupil with such confusion. "I don't understand... the elements should've worked." A purple alicorn sat down on the ground, feeling disappointed at herself while Starlight placed her hoof around her. The others walked towards Twilight and giving her a comforts to cheer her up. "I'm sorry Spike, I try." Twilight said while looking up at the Neverstar.



The battle rages on between the Tribe and the Pirate Dogs, clashing to one another on each ships their on. Captain Hook have his advantage to flee from the battle with the Neverstar at his position while Spike and Tiger Lily were kept fighting the pirate dogs. "He's getting away with the Neverstar." Spike said while he keeps fighting.

"We need to get it back from him, but there are too many pirates block our path." Tiger Lily said.

They managed to defeated a few pirate dogs, but more of them keeps on coming and blocked their way to get to Captain Hook. Suddenly, the lost colts came to aid for their help. "You both go get Hook, We'll hold these pirates." Fox said to Spike and Tiger Lily.

"We will, thank you boys." Tiger Lily thankfully to the lost colts when they nodded to her. She now turns to the baby dragon. "Let us go Spike." Now, both Spike, Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx are on their way to find Captain Hook and stop him while going to the back of this huge ship.

They all made it up to the stairs at the back of the huge ship, but there is no sign of Hook anywhere when they got their, until now he appears behind. He drew out his sword slowly and taking his battle at them. "If you all going to take the Neverstar, you are to have to fight me for it." Captain Hook said while Spike and Tiger Lily drew out their weapons.

"And we will." Tiger Lily said when the baby dragon nodded to agreeing with her.

"That's right, because we're gonna stop you once and for all." Spike said.

"Oh... I'm going to enjoy this." Captain Hook said with a sinister smiling face.

They now began to charge towards to Captain Hook and then strike with their weapons, but Captain Hook just immediately just block their attack like it was nothing when he pushed them back. Both of them clanging their weapons multiple times to keep it up. It was really difficult for the mare and the baby dragon to beat Hook with all their might. To Hook, it is pretty easy for him when he is mocking them and seriously make his strike of attack. Tinkerbell and Sparx swoops in rushed to attack on the pirate captain, but Hook just smacked them away pretty hard with his hand. Spike gasp for Tinkerbell and Sparx gets hurt, until he looked back at Hook with an angry. The baby dragon releases his green fire ball to blasted to Hook, but the pirate captain just dodged it. "Is this the best you can do Spike?" Captain Hook asked.

Tiger Lily jumped from behind Hook for a sneak attack, but the pirate captain knew she is right behind him when he grabbed her by the hoof and tossed her out of the huge ship. "TIGER LILY!!!" Spike shouted when he reached out to her. Luckily, Tiger Lily landed on the other ship from the bottom unharmed.

"I am alright Spike, just stop Hook." Tiger Lily shouted to the baby dragon up their.

Spike nodded to her as a promise, although he's a bit nervous because he is only one left who can face Hook alone. But right now, he needs to be brave to accept he will stop the pirate captain and take the Neverstar. "Now it's just you... and me Spike." Captain Hook said while approaching to the baby dragon.

"You're gonna pay for hurting my friends." Spike said with an aggressive tone while taking his stand.

"Atta boy." Captain Hook said with an evil smile while taking his battle stands.

Spike starts to run towards the captain until he flies and then go for the strike with a scream. But the baby dragon stopped his flying because Captain Hook pointed at him with a sword. It is Captain Hook's turn to make his move by clanging weapons each other, causing Spike to move back. It is getting much harder for Spike because he is small to face the final boss, but Spike had a trick on his sleeve. He unleashes his green fire breath at his face, but he misses by burning Hook's hat.

Captain Hook quickly removed his hat and tossed it away while it burns itself, until he now started to feel like he had enough of this. The pirate captain swipe Spike's chest, causing the baby dragon to feel pain. And then, he kicked the baby dragon hard to the ground. Captain Hook is about to end life when lifted his sword and swipes down, but Spike block his attack while holding back up with all strength. "For the first time we've met, I had offered you my deal of opportunity, but you have spat in my face." Captain Hook said while holding the baby dragon down with his sword, but now he will use his hook to finish him. "Any last words, Spike?"

The baby is ready to say his final words, but until he was caught attention when he see the Neverstar in the night... started to glow and then, it shoots out the beam from the elements of Harmony. "Look, behind you." Spike warned.

"Hah, how fool do you think I... huh?" Captain Hook asked until his question is cut off and noticed the sound of the beam coming from the night sky. He turned around quickly and saw the beam's head towards his position because it's target is the second Neverstar on his neck.

The tribe and the pirate dogs has stopped their fighting and witnessed the beam was shoots out by the Neverstar, even Tiger Lily witnessed. Until for this moment on... the beam of the elements hits the second Neverstar. Causing Captain Hook to scream in panic by its incredible power. The string that hold the second Neverstar burned away and the second Neverstar lifted by itself while spinning really fast, and then... it shoots up to the night sky until everywhere goes light flashes and blows everyone hard.

The flash of light faded and the sparkling dusts falling down the night sky while everyone is getting back up to stands. Spike getting up on his feet and rushed towards his small flying friends, making sure if they're alright. "Hey... are you two alright?" He asked Tinkerbell and Sparx until the two of them nodded, meaning that they are okay. He then notice the sound of struggling figure, it turned out to be Captain Hook is holding to it with his bare hook in order not to fall.

Spike walk slowly towards to the pirate captain to keep his distance. Captain Hook sees the baby dragon is approach and barely said to him. "Please... help me Spike... don't let me fall to my... doom, be a good dragon." Spike knew to himself that he's not the bad guy who let everypony die. So, he decided to help Hook by grabbing his right hand. by the time when Spike pulled him, Hook makes smirk face by tricking the baby dragon when he raises his hook to end his life.

"SPIKE LOOK OUT!" Tiger Lily shouted when she rushed towards them. Spike gasp when he sees Hook is going to kill him. However, when Hook almost swipes at the baby dragon, He let go of his hand and letting him fall to the sea for his doom.

Captain Hook falling down from the sky, preparing to be landed on water. He knew he would survived the fall to the water, but unexpectedly... the crocodile pops out of the water and opened wide to eat him.

"Oh, shiver me timber..." Captain Hook said his last words, until...


The crocodile finally got what it wanted, burping out his hook and let it drown to the bottom while it swims away.

Up to the sky where the huge ship is, Spike just witnessed the demise of Captain Hook got eaten by the crocodile while Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx were approach next to him. "Hook he... he didn't have to..." Spike barely said, but couldn't have to say anything.

"It's okay Spike... it's over." Tiger Lily said while giving the baby dragon a hug to comfort, along with Tinkerbell and Sparx. The sun rises up to the horizon in the morning, battle of Neverland... is over, Captain Hook... is no more.

Meanwhile, the seven ships were moved back down to the seas. The natives have defeated the few remaining the pirate dogs that they are now imprisoned in the ships, except for Mr. Smee because he quit being a pirate to be a lackey for them. By the time when they all done, everyone is out of the ships and back to the land where the beach is.

The everypony were gathered around each other and the chief said to his tribe in native language. "My ponies, this battle is over, all thank to this brave young dragon named Spike the dragon." Tribe and the lost colts cheered for the baby dragon. "Because of his bravery and selflessness, he had defeated Hook and his followers who threatening Neverland and finally reunited the Neverstars among the stars."

Chief Screaming Eagle turns to Spike and said. "Thank you Spike the dragon for saving Neverland from evil. With your heroism, we are forever grateful in your debt."

"Actually your chiefness, I didn't do this alone." Spike said honest words. "Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx were the ones who also saved Neverland."

The chief nodded to agreeing to the baby dragon when he is telling the truth and looking at his daughter and two flying with such proud face. Although, the chief noticed that Spike's face is frown, because the second Neverstar is among the stars, his best chance to return to Equestria is gone.

But suddenly, two Neverstars is started to glow together when everypony eyes widened. Two sparkling dusts appeared out of them and comes down when its twisted altogether, causing everyone to gasp by its attention on the beach. By the time when it joins them, the sparkling light appearing the figure from the white light. The figure turn out to be... The Fairy Queen herself. Tall as princess Celestia, eyes like the cosmos, wings shapes like butterfly but shines as rainbows, and beautiful like the sun shines in the morning.

"The Fairy Queen." Chief Screaming Eagle said in native language when everyone and him immediately bow to her appearance, the baby dragon also bow to her when she is in front of him.

"No young dragon, it is I who be bow to you." The Fairy Queen said with such beautiful voice while she lower her head. "because of you, the Neverstar is now a hole to reunited with another and Neverland is restored peace, how can I ever repay you child?"

"I... I just wanted to go home, to Equestria with everypony I know and love." Spike said.

"and I shall." The Fairy Queen nodded to him until she sees Tiger Lily walking up next to Spike.

"Fairy Queen, long ago, my friend Peter Pan have sacrificed himself to save Neverland, do you somehow have the power to bring him back?" Tiger Lily said along with Tinkerbell.

"I do know of Peter Pan very well. But sadly, it is beyond my power to bring those you have known. I am truly sorry." The Fairy Queen said with regrets when she sees a mare makes a sad face, so does the lost colts. "But do not weep, his spirit will forever live on each every one of you. He will always be with you."

Tiger Lily completely understand a words coming from her. But she is right, Peter Pan's spirit will live on.

"Now young dragon, before I send you to your world, you must say your goodbye. " The Fairy Queen said.

The baby dragon forgot to do when he nodded to her. Spike ran to Tiger Lily, Tinkerbell, and Sparx and said to them. "Well, this is it... again. It has been amazing time we have, thank you guys."

"No, I'm the one who should be thanking you, for make me feel like myself again. I will never forget you, my friend." Tiger Lily said until she gave him a hug, and then he hugged back.

Sparx feeling a bit sad to see him leave, but he come up with one idea when swoop towards The Fairy Queen and whispered to her. "Is this what you wish for?" She asked to him until the dragonfly nodded. "very well then."

"Sparx?" Spike said in confusion while the dragonfly flies around him.

"your little friend wishes to go with you to your world." The Fairy Queen said.

"Really, are you sure Sparx?" Spike asked and the dragonfly nodded to him, meaning that he is sure. Spike smiled at him and said. "Alright buddy." Spike and Sparx are now preparing to leave Neverland to be send back to Equestria when they are standing in front of The Fairy Queen. "We're ready."

The Fairy Queen nodded to him, until... she turns herself into sparkling dusts and flows around the baby dragon and dragonfly. This is the moment when everypony, even Tiger Lily can see the last of them while floating up to the air and then... they shoots up fast straight up to the second Neverstar. While they flying up straight, Spike looked down to see last of Neverland, and then he closed his eyes with a smile when the light flashes as they gets closer to it.


To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

On the next chapter will be a finale of it. I do hope y'all enjoy your time reading it. Thank you 😃.