• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 824 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

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Author's Note:

Hello my friends, I have come to you this day with a collaboration story. Myself and Ghost Writer are working together on this and I'm going to be honest I'm going to enjoy writing this

I forgot to mention that all characters are human not anthro or Pony just human

The sands of Southern Equestria blew across the winds as the Sun began to dip behind the three Great Pyramids, a massive gust of wind blew past the Pyramids as time around them rewound revealing a prosperous city. In the city, the great Sphinx was nearing completion as the citizens worked tirelessly, Galloping down the streets in his regal chariot was the ruler of this once great city.

"Thebes...The City of the Living, The Crown Jewel of Pharaoh Solarious the First

On a horse-driven chariot, a man that could be described as a living god rode down the streets toward his palace. His loyal bodyguards, the Medjai, bowed to him as he rode past.

"Home of Sombra; the Pharaoh's High Priest and keeper of the Dead"

Looking down on the city from one of the palace balconies was a dark-skinned man, the bald man watched the pharaoh return with his piercing red eyes, the man wore black robes with a piece of gold jewelry around his neck and on the back of his robe.

"Birthplace of Chrysalis; The Pharaoh's mistress. No man was allowed to touch"

A gorgeous, olive-skinned goddess enters the outer foyer. The beauty's clothing was scarcely consisting of shall which barely covered her lower body. her entire naked body had been painted in the manner most appealing to the Pharaoh. She was a stunning sight to behold.

She made her way through the ornate statuary before passing several golden statues, a large number of them turning their heads before heading to the doors. Several more hideous, bald men stand nearby, They're the priests of Osiris, the Priests under Sombra's command. Their eyes watch their Pharaoh's mistress vanish through the bedroom curtains before barring the doors.

But for their Love they were willing to risk Life itself

Chrysalis embraces Sombra, and they kiss passionately, feverishly. Sombra's hands roam over her perfect body, smearing the paint.

As Sombra's Priests finish closing the entrance to the room, the doors suddenly burst open. The Pharaoh angrily strides in and looks at the Priests who immediately bowed before their lord.

"What are you doing here?" the Pharaoh asked before looking towards the curtains with an angered Expression

The Priests backed away, scared of their Pharaoh. Their Lord's arrival was unexpected, The Pharaoh strides for the curtains before throwing them back. Chrysalis stood alone next to a feline statue, She gives the Pharaoh a sexy smile as she pet the top of the statue. However, the Pharaoh only sees the smeared body paint.

"WHO HAS TOUCHED YOU?!" The Pharaoh asked as he points his finger at his Mistress's shoulder.

Chrysalis looked visibly shocked but calmed when she looked behind the Pharaoh. From behind him, Pharoah Solarius' sword is ripped out of its scabbard. The Pharaoh spins around and finds his Priest, and even looks shocked as gripped the weapon with both hands

"Sombra?..." Solarius said confused and shocked by the man before him. "My priest."

Behind him, Chrysalis raised a dagger before plunging it into the Pharaoh's back.

Pharaoh Solarius lets out a pain-filled scream before Sombra raises Pharaoh's sword, Sombra's Priests hastily slammed the doors shut and bolt them tight. Through the curtains, the priests watch as the shadows of Chrysalis and Sombra stabbed away at Pharaoh. Suddenly, the doors are rammed from the other side.


Sombra and Chrysalis turned and looked towards the door with dread.


The doors are rammed again as the two lovers share desperate looks.


"The Pharaoh's bodyguards!" Sombra shouted in fear for both himself and his love

"You must go." Chrysalis pleaded for her love. "Please my love save yourself."

"I will not" Sombra replied choosing to be with his love "Only you can resurrect me," Chrysalis said to the Keeper of the Dead

"I won't leave you!" Sombra shouted at Chrysalis only for his priests to take hold of him and try to get him out of the room. "No! Stop! Get Off Me!"

Sombra tries to break free, but Chrysalis rips the Pharaoh's sword out of his hand and pushes him toward the balcony.

"You shall live again my love," Sombra said as he continued to struggle. "I Will resurrect you!"

Sombra's face fills with despair as the doors explode open, men in black with tattoos all over their bodies stride in, armed to the teeth. The Medjai: the Pharaohs Bodyguards, sworn to protect the Pharaoh even at the cost of their lives. The Priests hustle Sombra out onto the dark balcony just as the Medjai rips through the curtains.

Chrysalis glared at the Medjai as she pointed at Pharaoh and hissed. "My body is no longer his temple!" She Plunged the sword into her own heart.

Out on the balcony, Sombra's mouth opens into a horrible silent scream as he watches his beloved kill herself.

"For murdering Pharaoh, Chrysalis' body was to be cursed. And it was Sombra, the High Priest, whose duty it was to curse it."

begrudgingly Sombra lead the procession across the dunes, Chrysalis' mummy was carried by the slaves of the nation. They put her down in the sand next to an unmarked grave alongside five jeweled encrusted jars.

"Her body was mummified, her vital organs removed, and placed in sacred canopic jars."

Sombra, filled with dread, reads from the Book of Amun-Ra. A large book made entirely out of pure gold, It is also known as the Book of the Living. The Book of The Living contained sacred incantations that would send the evil dead on a journey into the dark underworld.

A strange light suddenly flashes across the faces of the slaves and the Southern Equestrian soldiers, suddenly, everyone's fear-filled eyes all rise as they watch Chrysalis' body start to rise. Then with no warning, there was one last huge flash, accompanied by a blast of wind, and it was over. Chrysalis' body now lies still on the ground.

Sombra's Priests place her body into a stone sarcophagus before sealing it, while slaves lowered it into a hole and bury it with sand. Sombra then signals to the Soldiers, who throw their spears at the slaves, Killing them.

With a nod of the High Priest's head, his priests drew knives and proceeded to attack the now unarmed Soldiers, hacking at them in the flickering darkness as Sombra and the Medjai solemnly watches so that no unholy person should ever know the exact location of the burial site.

The Medjai walk off across the sand and then, one by one, the Priests stop their frenzied stabbing and stare off at the vanishing Medjai. As the last of the Pharaohs Bodyguards disappear over a distant dune, Sombra nods, and the Priests leap onto Chrysalis' grave and begin digging it back up with their hands.

With the sarcophagus free from the sands it was loaded into the back of Sombra's chariot, the High Priest and his followers race out into the moonlit desert. Sombra knew very well there was no way to bring his love back from the dead...Except one.

The Book Of The Dead, which was never to be opened, never to be read, for it contained the incantations that could bring a dead body back to life a most unholy thing. The chariots arrive at a place known only to a certain few, Sombra and his priests race up the stone ramp and in through the city gates.

"They raced through the desert taking Chrysalis' corpse to Hamunaptra: The City of the Dead. The Ancient Burial Site for the sons of Pharaohs and the hidden resting place for the wealth of Southern Equestria"

The Book Sombra sought was hidden here at Hamunaptra, inside the statue of Anubis so that no such sacrilege might ever disgrace Southern Equestria. Sombra pulled the ornate chest out of a secret compartment inside the giant statue of Anubis, the red-eyed man open the chest and lifts out the Book of the Dead.

"But for his love of Chrysalis, He was willing to defy the gods."

Big hairy rats scurry through the mausoleums and over the headstones of this very large, scary, underground crypt. Sombra and his priests descended into the most sacred place with Chrysalis in tow, the bald priests made quick work by setting Chrysalis before their High Priest.

A detritus moat surrounds the cemetery, a muck made out of filthy water and human remains. Skulls bob in the goop. The Priests gathered in a circle. Their hooded, lifeless eyes seem dead to this world. Their bald heads rock back and forth as they chant, a quiet eerie HUM.

In the middle of the circle is a strange, twisted altar. Sombra walked up to his beloved and began to unwrap Chrysalis' gorgeous, lifeless body and placed her five sacred canopic jars around her.

As Sombra begins to read from The Book of The Dead, a large swirling hole starts to open in the detritus bog. Several Priests look over at it, frightened, then quickly look back down and resume chanting. A strange mist wafts up out of the swirling hole and over to the jars, it passes through them and into Chrysalis' body. One of the jars shuddered, and the heart inside begins to beat. The ritual to bring his beloved back to him was reaching a crescendo. Sombra's beloved Chrysalis suddenly opened her eyes and took a deep inhale.

"The soul of Chrysalis had come back from the Land of the Dead! Now all that was needed, was to return her organs to their rightful place within her body."

Sombra lifted a sacrificial knife above Chrysalis' breast and was about to plunge it down, and much to the High Priest's horror that's when the Medjai Burst in and stormed through the startled Priests. The head Medjai smashed the jar that held the beating heart. The mist instantly leaves Chrysalis' body and implodes back into the swirling hole.

"But the Pharaohs Bodyguards had followed Sombra and stopped him before the ritual could be completed"

Sombra's beloved closed her eyes and once again joined the land of the Dead, the High Priest let out a rage-filled scream as he lost his love for the second time. The Medjai grab him and his Priests, and the Pharaohs Bodyguards took them away to face their sins.

"His Priests were condemned to be mummified alive"

In a large chamber, the Medjai held down the priests as they were stripped of their tongues and organs before being wrapped and buried.

"As for Sombra, he was condemned to endure the Hom-Dai, the worst of all ancient curses. One so horrible, it had never before been bestowed."

Sombra was placed on his knees while the Medjai held his tongue out, where a priest sliced it off with a knife. While screaming, he was wrapped in cloth, just as his followers had been. But for him, it would only get worse.

Once he was fully wrapped, Sombra was placed in a sarcophagus that had all the blessings of the dead removed. Once inside, a priest wearing the sacred head of Anubis walked over, carrying a pot that emitted chitters from within. The priest dumped the content of the jar, which were Scarab beetles that swarmed all around Sombra, getting him to scream again.

He was sealed inside one sarcophagus before being entombed into another, both sealed with a key.

"He was to remain sealed inside his sarcophagus, be undead for all of eternity." The sarcophagus was then buried beneath the statue of Anubis. "The Madjai would never allow him to be released, for he would arise a walking disease, a plague upon mankind, an unholy flesh-eater with the strength of ages, power over the sands, and the glory of invincibility."