• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 820 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

  • ...

The Curse

Discord and Zephyr decided to take a break from breaking apart the ceiling, Zephyr was using one of the sledgehammers to hit small pebbles while his sister explained mummification to Discord.

"So lemme get this straight," Discord asked with slight discomfort. These guys rip out your organs and cram them into jars?

"They also cut out your heart," Fluttershy said with an ever-present smile. "And to get at your brain, they stuck a sharp, red hot poker up your nose, scramble your gray matter, and ripped it all out through your nostrils?

"OWCH!" Discord gasped out as he rubbed his nose. "That's really got to hurt."

"It's called mummification," Fluttershy said Matter-of-factly. "You're dead when they do this"

"Still..." Zephyr said launching a pebble down one of the passageways. "It sounds quite Painful"

"Yeah," the black-haired man agreed. "Something like that would probably bring you back to life."

Discord and Zephyr share a laugh as Fluttershy pouted at their lack of interest. "You two are worse than a couple of schoolboys."

"Come on Flutter Butter we're only having a little fun" Zephyr swung the hammer only to lose his grip causing it to fly behind him and hit the ceiling

Without warning a huge chunk of the roof suddenly gives out, Discord grabs Fluttershy and jerked her clear. Zephyr dives for the far wall as a massive stone sarcophagus crashes to the ground in front of Discord and Fluttershy, once the dust settles all three couldn't help but stare in awe at what had appeared before them.

"Sweet Celestia" Fluttershy whispered as she approached the stone coffin. "It's a sarcophagus" the pink-haired woman looked up and saw what looked like the base of the Anubis statue. "Buried at the base of...Anubis"

"That means something, Flutters?"

"It means this person was either someone of great importance" Fluttershy then looked to Discord. "Or he did something very naughty"

Fluttershy uses a brush from her tools to clear the dirt off the top of the sarcophagus, which revealed several ominous hieroglyphs that made Fluttershy tense up.

"Well, Fluttershy?..." Zephyr asked as he impatiently strums his fingers across the lid. "Who was our dear departed friend?

Fluttershy stares at the hieroglyph, confused and concerned. 'The Nameless Monster who walks Among the Unspoken'

"Spooky," Discord said blowing more of the dirt off the sarcophagus revealing star shaped groove that had a scarab image inside. "And that looks like some kind of lock"

"Whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out," Zephyr said

"No kiddin'," Discord said tapping the lock. "And without the key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing,"

"A key?.... That's it!" Fluttershy exclaimed as she moved away from the sarcophagus and began to rummage through her brother's bag. "That's what he was talking about!"

"Who was talking about what now?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow

"The man on the barge, The one with the hook," Fluttershy said approaching the sarcophagus with the box in hand. "He was looking for a key."

Positioning her fingers like before, the box opens up as Fluttershy now took notice of the similarities between the box and the sarcophagus.

"Hey, that's mine!" Zephyr says trying to take back the box

Fluttershy slaps his hand before placing the box into the lock. "It was never a puzzle, it was actually a key"

Fluttershy was about to turn the key when all three heard the Warden's screams echoing through the labyrinth, Discord draws his guns as all three of them turn and take off running. Zephyr rapidly stops in his tracks before turning to the sarcophagus and taking the key from the lock.

"AHHH!! AAAAAHH!!!" Rover came screaming down the corridor, past the group as if he was running from something all while his eyes were closed and without warning he ran head first into the wall at full speed.

"What was that about?" Zephyr said as Discord rushed over to check for a pulse.

"....he's dead."

At their camp, Fluttershy and Zephyr were talking while Discord finished burying the Warden.

"He didn't deserve to die here" Discord muttered to himself as he headed back to camp.

"Do either of you know how he died?" Fluttershy asked the two. "A collision like that should have knocked him out not killed him."

"Did you ever see what and how he ate" Zephyr laughed as he tried to push away the fact someone just died

"Well, we weren't the only ones who lost someone," Discord said picking up his shotgun before loading in the shells. "Seems the Equestrians had a little mishap of their own today, three of their diggers were killed."

"How?" Fluttershy asked

"Salt acid," Discord said to the Pink-haired woman. "Pressurized salt acid, it was some sort of ancient booby-trap."

"Maybe this place really is cursed," Zephyr said throwing a stone into the fire

A heavy gust of wind blows through the camp, and the campfire flickers as Discord and Zephyr Breeze share a nervous look.

"Oh for goodness sake!" Fluttershy shouted at her brother and Discord

"What you don't believe in curses, huh?" Discord said poking at the fire with a stick

"No, I don't," Fluttershy said with certainty. "I believe if I can see it and I can touch it, then it's real. That's what I believe" Fluttershy then looked to the gunman. "And what do you believe in, Discord"

"I believe in being prepared," Discord said cocks his weapon

"Let's see what are old friend the Warden believed in," Zephyr said rummaging through the warden's satchel


"AHH!!" Fluttershy yelped while Discord grabbed his pistol.


"Huh it's a broken bottle." Zephyr said as they all gave a sigh of relief while he pulled out the bottle.

"I'll be! Real vintage and twelve years old! He may have been a smelly fellow but he had good taste." He said with a smile before removing the cork to take a quick swig.

Discord turned his head in the direction of the gunfire coming from the Equestrian's camp, the black-haired man jumps up and throws the Shotgun at Fluttershy.

"Take that and stay here!" Discord said running in the direction of the other camp

"Wait for me," Fluttershy said as she gets up and runs after him.

"Flutters! Excuse me!" Zephyr shouted as he dashed after her. "But didn't the man just say Stay here!"

At the Equestrian's camp, hordes of horsebound Medjai storm the camp. Many of the diggers and help were killed by either the Medjai's rifles or swords, Blueblood starts to run for cover as he calls for help.

"Dumbbell!" Blueblood screamed. "Wake up and start shooting!!"

Within moments, the entire camp was turned into a battleground as the raiders attacked from all sides with both expedition crews firing in all directions, Fluttershy was lucky enough to get a shot off but was knocked to the ground by the recoil of her gun while Zephyr posted himself behind a fallen pillar and began picking off any raider that got near him while taking a few swigs of wine.

His fun was interrupted when Bitty rushed in out of nowhere to take a few gulps before he heard the sound of hoofsteps charging towards them.

"YALLLAAAAAAH!!!" A female voice shouted as Bitty sputtered his drink and left Zephyr to be chased down.


Discord runs up on top of some rocks before leaping out and tackling the woman off her horse, The two slam to the ground as the woman raises her sword. Discord spins up onto one knee and fires his pistol which blows the scimitar out of Zecora's hand, the gunman was about to shoot again when a horse rides up between them. Discord shoots the rider before pointing at the female Medjai, unfortunately, another scimitar swoops down and knocks the gun from his hands. The second swing almost took Discord's head off, and the black-haired man backed away causing the blade to miss him by an inch, Disarmed, Discord dives and rolled before he pulls out a stick of dynamite from his belt. The gunman shoves the fuse into a fire causing it to burst into flames, Discord faces the mohawked woman, The two of them lock eyes as the fuse continues to burn down.

"ENOUGH!!" Zecora shouted as every ceased their fighting. "We'll shed no more blood," The Medjai said sheathing her sword. "But you must leave this place! leave this place or die!" the Female Medjai jumped onto the horse of one of her deceased comrades before riding off. "You have one day!"

Zecora rode off the ruins before the remaining Mumia Riders raced after her, a good minute passes as the last of them vanish into the night. Discord turned his attention to the burning fuse before ripping it out. Stuffing the dynamite in his belt, Discord moved to help Fluttershy back to her feet.

"Are you okay?" Discord asked checking for any injuries.

"I...I'm fine"

"See that PROVES it! old Seti's fortune's gotta be under this sand!" Dumbbell said as they rode off.

"For them to guard it like this, you know there's gotta be treasure here." Scores added but Discord seemed unconvinced.

"No these are a desert people. They value water not gold."

"You know...I was uh thinking that tonight we um...combine forces." Hoops said with half his face covered in shaving cream.

Once everything calms down, everyone turns in for the night. Currently, Fluttershy and Discord were sharing the wine, both were standing in front of the fire with their arms up.

"Alright now ball up your fist and drive it home" Discord encouraged by tapping the palm of his hand. "And mean it"

"Drive it home and mean it!" Fluttershy slurred as she punched Discord's hand before tripping and fell into his arms

Both started laughing as they sat down next to the fire. "Alright time for another drink" Discord laughed in a joking manner

"Unlike you mister Discord, I know...when to say no." Fluttershy said before taking another swig.

"I can see that," Discord said looking at the beauty in front of him. "But Unlike your brother, Miss, you I don't get."

"I know," Fluttershy said taking another drink. "You're wondering, what's a place like me doing in a girl like this?"

"Something like that."

"Southern Equestria is in my blood," Fluttershy said as she placed the bottle back in her brother's arms. "My father was a famous explorer, he loved it so much that he married a Southern Equestrian. My mother! Who was quite an adventurer herself"

"Okay, I get your father, I get your mother and I get your brother," Discord motioned to the sleeping blonde before turning back to Fluttershy. "but what are you doing here?"

"Ohh listen here!" Fluttershy said while wobbly standing up.

"I may not be a...scholar, an explorer, a treasure hunter or a GUNFIGHTER mister Discord but I am PROUD of what I am!"

"And what would that be?" Discord said with an amused smirk.

"I....Am a Librarian!"

Fluttershy plops back to the ground as she leans in, very close to discords face, and looks him in the eyes,

"I'm going to kiss you, Mister," Fluttershy said to the gunman

"Just Call me Discord" the man smiled

Fluttershy gives him a goofy smile as she leans forward, unfortunately, her eyes slowly close as her head hits the man's shoulder.

"Goodnight, my dear" Discord said sarcastically as he laid her down

The net day, the explorers resumed their work with Blueblood and his crew returning to the statue of Anubis to find a chest concealed by a cloth but before they could open it they were stopped when Blueblood noticed the hieroglyphics on the cover.

"There is a curse upon this chest." He said in astonishment but Dumbbell and his crew were unamused.

"Curse my ass." Hoops said.

"Yeah, who cares?" Scores said but was given a finger wag by Blueblood.

"Have a care my boy, in these hallowed grounds it's as strong today as it was then."

"Alright, alright. What's it say?"

The Professor slowly and carefully reads the inscription. "Death will come on swift wings to whomever opens this chest".

A Gust of wind blows through the chamber causing the torches to flicker violently, fear strikes the remaining Diggers as they suddenly turn tail and run off screaming.

The Equestrians look at each other with very nervous expressions on their face.

"We shouldn't be here," Golden Bit said as he looked around with his gun in his hand

"It says...." Blueblood swallowed as he continued to translate the inscription. "There is one, the undead, which if brought back to life, is bound by sacred law to consummate this curse.

"Yeah, well, let's just make sure we don't bring anybody back from the dead then, huh?" Score said causing his friends to let out a small chuckle

"He will kill all who open this chest," the professor becoming more nervous. "...and assimilate their organs and fluids, And in so doing he will regenerate. And no longer be the undead, but a plague upon this earth."

Hearing this Golden Bit starts to back away from the chest and towards the exit.

"Ah hell, let's open it anyways," Dumbbell said as he and Score start to pry the chest open

"Be-Beware" Bitty muttered causing everyone to look at him. "The Curse..." Golden Bit then turned and ran out of the room screaming. "Beware of the curse!!!"

"Stupid superstitious bastard." Score said as the Equestrians get back to work on the chest

it took a little bit of elbow grease, but the lid of the chest came off. However a black vapor blasts out covering everyone in the room.

Just below the statue, Fluttershy was excited after they finally found a way to open the sarcophagus and propped it up with Zephyr struggling to turn the lock.

"Ooh I've been dreaming about this since I was a little girl!"

"You dream about dead guys?" Discord asked while Zephyr kept turning the key.

"Look, even sacred spells were chiseled on! now this man was not only condemned in this life but in the next."

"Wow, tough break."

"Yes, I'm all tears!" Zephyr grunted before finally hearing the lock click.

"let's see who's inside shall we?"

After some effort the two finally managed to pry the lid off when white vapors suddenly blinded them and the corpse of Sombra suddenly sprang out as if to attack.

"AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" They all screamed while jumping back.

"Oh gods, I HATE it when these things do that!" Fluttershy said when Discord noticed their mummy seemed a little odd.

"Is he supposed to look like that?" He asked after getting a second look at the corpse.

"No I've never seen a mummy like this he looks still...still..."

"Juicy." They all said in unison.

"Yes.... this man is more than three thousand years old and yet he looks likes he's still..." Fluttershy said giving the corpse a once-over. "..decomposing."

"And look at this," Discord said moving away from the corpse and toward the lid

Fluttershy follows the gunman and gasps in surprise as she sees fingernail scratches and dried blood all over the inside.

"What do you make of this, Flutters?"

"Sweet Celestia!!" Fluttershy gasped out as she traced her hand along the inside of the coffin. "These marks were made with...." Fluttershy used her nails to trace the marks. "Fingernails..."

"Oh my god, This man was buried alive," Fluttershy said as she noticed something else in the coffin. "He..he left a message..." The pink-haired woman leaned in closer as she translated hieratics. "It says: 'Death is only the beginning.'"

Zephyr shivers as Discord looks around. "Where's my gun?"

"What are you going to do? Shoot him?" Zephyr asked with a hint of Sarcasm

"If he decides to wake up, hell yes!"

All three couldn't help but stare at the corpse with unease.

The vapor is settled revealing the Equestrians were checking every inch of their bodies, all four of them let out a sigh of relief when they saw nothing happened to them.

"Thank god," Hoops said pushing his glasses up. "I thought it was another Salt Acid trap"

The Professor slowly steps up before reaching inside and lifting a heavy burlap bag, Everyone's eyes widen in excitement as he sticks his hand into the bag and
slowly pulls out a large black book with a scarab insignia

"Oh my god, it does exist!" the professor said removing the book from the chest. "The Black Book of the Dead"

"A book?! We didn't come out here for some damn book!" Score shouted in anger. "Where's the treasure?"

"This...my good gentlemen Is treasure," Blueblood said in awe as he looked over the sealed book

"Well, I wouldn't trade you jackshit for that," Dumbbell said kicking the chest

The kick caused the front of the chest to break open, unfolding to reveal a secret compartment. Inside, are five jewel-encrusted jars however one of the jars was broken. all four knelt down to look inside and all four shared a similar smile.

"You wanted treasure gentlemen," the professor said taking one of the jars. "then take your treasure"

Back at the campsite, Fluttershy was heading toward the area where her brother and Discord were at. On her way She found Blueblood trying to pry open the Book of the Dead. the professor spotted her and immediately stopped his struggle.

"What do you want?" Blueblood asked with irritation.

"I believe you need a key to open that," Fluttershy said moving on as the professor let out a groan.

Sitting in front of a fire were Discord, Golden Bit, and Zephyr, the other Equestrians sat down across from them as they flaunted their treasure.

"Say Discord, whaddya think these babies fetch back home?" Dumbbell gloated as he waved his jeweled jar in the black-haired man's face

"Meanwhile We hear you gentlemen found yourselves a nice gooey mummy," Hoops said running his fingers over the jewels. "Congratulations."

"Ya know if ya dry him out, you can sell him for firewood." Score laughed as he set his jar at his feet

The Equestrians continued to laugh as Fluttershy walked up.

"Look what I found!" Fluttershy called out as Discord turned to Golden Bit.

"You're in her seat," Discord said sternly which caused his 'Friend' to chuckle a bit. "Now Bitty"

"Scarab skeletons, flesh eaters. I found them inside our friends coffin." Fluttershy then began showing them the fossilized insects as she explained their biology.

"They can stay alive for years feasting off the flesh of a corpse but unfortunately for our friend, he was still alive when they started eating him."

"So somebody threw this in with our guy and they slowly ate him alive?" Discord asked in disbelief.

"VERY slowly."

"Whew, not exactly a popular fellow was he?" Zephyr said while throwing another wood on the fire.

"No, probably got a little too frisky with the Pharaoh's daughter." Discord joked.

"Well according to my findings, our friend suffered the Hom-Dai," Fluttershy stated as she continued to fiddle with the skeletons. "It was the worst of all ancient Egyptian curses, one reserved for only the most evil blasphemers." the woman spoke with a more serious tone as she continued to talk about the curse. "In all of my research, I've never read of this curse actually having been performed."

"That bad huh?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes, they never used it because they feared it so," Fluttershy said as she explain what she knew of this particular curse. "It's written, that if a victim of the Hom-Dai should ever arise, he would bring with him the ten plagues of Southern Equestria."

the woman ended her explanation with a foreboding glare

Once everyone was fast asleep, Fluttershy started moving through the camp until she spotted the Equestrian professor. His jeweled canopic jar was snug under one arm, the Book Of The Dead laying loose under the other. Fluttershy stares at the Book as she nervously bites her lip, the pink-haired woman sneaks over and carefully pries it out of the Equestrian's arm before quickly tip-toeing away.

Moving back to their side of camp, Fluttershy passes Discord who was sleeping soundly with a shotgun firmly in his hands. Despite his eyes closed, Discord knew exactly what the woman was doing.

"That's called stealing, you know?" Discord said opening his eyes

"Well according to you and my brother," Fluttershy said as she fished the key out of her brother's pocket. "I'm not stealing, I'm borrowing"

"I thought the Book of Amun-Ra was made out of gold?" Discord asked as he knelt down next to the woman.

"It is made out of gold" Fluttershy confirmed as she started to unlock the key. "This isn't the Book Amun-Ra, I believe this the Book of the Dead"

"The Book of the Dead?" Discord asked as Fluttershy placed the key in the lock. "And you sure you outta be playing around with that?"

It's just a book," the pink-haired woman brushed off Discord's comment as she unlocked the book. "No harm ever came from a book."

Fluttershy flips open the book and immediately a gust of wind blows nearly extinguishing the fire.

Fluttershy and Discord share a nervous look. "That happens a lot around here"

Fluttershy shrugs and starts reading. "Amun-Ra. Amun-Dei."

"Translation, please?"

"it talks about the Night and Day," Fluttershy said as she continued to read the ancient writings out loud. "Sooaihatorp, Itsyatbiya, Imasotp, Picesuay Yatoay, Yatoay, Yatoay"

Even though she was nowhere near the temple, her echoing voice sang within the temple walls.





The rotten course suddenly jolts up and lets out a bone-chilling scream