• Published 7th Mar 2023
  • 824 Views, 27 Comments

The Mummy - Lady Umbra

From the makers of Kung-Fu Equestria 1, 2, & 3. brings you Lady Umbra's newest Movie Adaptation. Join Fluttershy, Zephry Breeze and Discord as they fight the undead and protect the world

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Hamunaptra -The City of the Dead

With the boat now lost, the explorers only option was to head to a nearby village to acquire some mounts and new equipment and clothes for Fluttershy. The warden was caught trying to peep and was immediately chased out by the ladies who were constantly slapping and shaming him before he finally got the message.

Zephyr on the other hand was busy arguing with the local camel merchant with Discord rolling his eyes as he tried to haggle for a better price.

"I only want four! Four not the whole bloody herd!" Zephyr argued with the merchant as he looked to Discord for help.

"Zephyr can you belie-"

"Will you just pay the man?!?" Discord shouted as Zephyr reluctantly handed over all his bits.

"Oh for Celestia's sake! I can't believe the price on these flea bags..."

"You know we probably could have gotten them for free," Discord says taking two on the camels. "All we had to do was give 'em your sister."

"Yes, awfully tempting, wasn't it?" Zephyr chuckled

"Awfully," Discord said before spotting Fluttershy in a gorgeous, tightly fitted, Bedouin dress. "Then again..."

Half a day passed as Discord, Fluttershy, Zephyr, and the warden rode camelback through the endless, sunbaked desert. Discord took lead with Fluttershy following behind, her older brother behind her, and the warden -who was sloppily eating a massive turkey leg- rode in the rear.

"It'll take a few days" Discord called out to the others. "But sooner or later we'll reach the city"

"But why couldn't we find a horse?" Zephyr asked complaining about his current mode of transportation. "Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit. Disgusting."

"Agreed," Warden Rover said savagely attacking his turkey leg. the large man sucks at his
gums then spit out some gristle.

"Yeah...The camels the disgusting ones" Discord said quietly

Meanwhile, Fluttershy is having the time of her life on top of her camel. "Well, I think they're cute," Fluttershy said petting the top of the camel's head

Night falls as the moon shines down on four lone camel riders trekking across the vast wasteland, Zephyr is sound asleep, his head bobbing to the rhythm of his camel's steps. On the camel next to him, the Warden snores loud enough to wake the slumbering man. Irritated from having been woke up, Zephyr lifts his riding crop and smacks the Warden in the chest

"OI! No more goat soup!..." Warden Rover shouted as he hastily woke up

Up in front of them, Fluttershy slowly starts to slide off her saddle as her head lands on Discord's shoulder. Discord reaches over and stops her before gently pushing her back up onto her saddle, never waking her. For a long moment, his eyes watch the pink-haired woman. his gaze then shifted as he looks up at a distant ridge --

Like the last time he was in this area, he saw a cluster of cloaked riders watching his every move.

"He's returned" one Medjai turned to their leader. "I told you we should have killed him"

"If they discover either him or the book," Zecora said gripping the hilt of her Scimitar. "Then we take action"

Days later Discod and company had a reunion with the Equestrian Expedition, the Equestrians were accompanied by two dozen local diggers. Golden Bit rode in front of the group on a camel while the rest rode on the rescued horses.

"Good morning, my friend!" Golden Bit said to Discord

Camel rider barely acknowledges Golden Bit, both parties come to a stop a hundred feet apart. Discord turns and stares out across the endless horizon, his old friend Golden Bit does likewise. The Americans look at both of them puzzled.

"Well, what the hell we doin'?" the Dark haired equestrian asked the two with slight irritation

"Patience, Score, patience." Golden Bit said irritating the man further

"First one to the city, Chaos!" Dumbbell shouted with a wide grin. "Five hundred Silver Bits!" Dumbell then looked to their guide. "Hundred of them are yours if you help us win our bet"

"My pleasure" Golden Bit chuckled as he saw Discord's ride. "Nice Camel Discord"

"Whatever you say," Discord said as he and Bitty just stare out at the flat nothingness.

Fluttershy and Zephyr share a look as the sun starts to rise in the distance, breaking the flat horizon.

"Get ready," Discord said gripping the reigns

"For what?" Fluttershy asked in confusion

"We're about to be shown the way," Discord said pointing at the horizon

The sun began to move across the sky and as if by sandy winds of the Desert, the Lost City of the Dead was revealed.

"Can you believe it?" Dumbbell said in pure shock

"Hamunaptra" Score smiled at the sight of the lost city

"Sigh Here we go again" Discord sighed as the city and all its glory became fully visible

Withing seconds the race began as both parties speeded their mounts towards the city with Bitty and Discord in the lead followed by Zephyr and Fluttershy following behind. Trying to tip the odds in his favor, Bitty began whacking Discord with his riding crop several times before the old soldier finally had enough and grabbed him by the collar.

"Bye Bye Bitty!" Discord said before pulling him off his mount and sent him tumbling into the dirt.

"Serves you right!" Fluttershy said as she rode by.

Discord laughs as he and Fluttershy leave the others behind, both share a look as they race across the desert. Never before in her entire life has Fluttershy ever felt so alive, the Pink haired beauty lets out a laugh As Discord grins. Golden Bit stumbles to his feet, then quickly scurries out of the way as Zephyr and all the other riders stampede past

"Go Flutters Go!" Zephyr cheered his little sister as she raced ahead of Discord

Evelyn beats O'Connell to the stone ramp as she and her camel come to a stop, the woman smiles as she pets the camel's head. Discord stops next to Fluttershy with a big grin on his face.

"You sure this is your first time riding a camel?" Discord asked coyly

Before Fluttershy could answer the Equestrians rode up and looked disappointed at the races outcome, Discord turns to them and gave them a big, shit-eating grin.

"You boys owe me five hundred bits."

Under the guidance of the Egyptologist, the Diggers were busy hauling rock and dirt out of the Temple doorway. Two of the three Equestrians stood by the blue-haired Egyptologist, meanwhile the Chocolate brown-haired equestrian was looking around the piles of tools and luggage

"Hey, Hoops whatcha doing?" Score shouted to his friend

"I can't find my tools," Hoops shouted back pushing up his glasses

"Well they're around here somewhere," Score said with a shrug of his shoulders

"Hey Blueblood" Dumbbell called out, gaining the Egyptologist attention

Blueblood follows Dumbbell's gaze, the Professor scoffs as he sees Discord, Fluttershy, Zephyr Breeze, and the Warden working next to a narrow crevice, which weaves its way through the ruins.

"Do they know something we don't?"

"I Highly doubt it," Blueblood said with a grin. "They are led by a woman," Blueblood said taking a drink from his canteen. "What could a woman know about all this"

Across the ruins, Discord was fastening the rope around a pillar. With each go around, Discord made it a personal mission to whack the warden with the rope for payback for trying to kill him.

"That thing gives me the creeps," Zephyr said looking at the Dog-like statue as he cleaned a large mirror

"Be nice," Discord called out to the brother as he remembered how the raiders reacted to the statue. "That thing saved my life."

"That's the statue of Anubis: the God of Death," Fluttershy said with excitement in her voice. "It's said that the legs go deep underground" Fluttershy continued as she marveled at the ancient stone. "According to Celestial Scholars, That's where we'll find a secret compartment containing the fabled book of Amun-Ra."

As they prepared to enter the chasm, Discord approached Fluttershy but seemed a bit nervous while her brother was polishing what looked to be like some kind of mirror.

"Zephyr you're meant to catch the sun with that." She said to make sure her brother got the job done right.

"So uh...what's with these mirrors?" Discord asked while placing his hands at his side.

"Ancient mirrors, it's an ancient Egyptian trick you'll see." She smiled when she noticed him fidgeting behind his back.

"Oh uh I have a little gift from our Equestrian friends, a little something to help with your um..." He stammered while making it look like he was using a hammer and chisel before walking past the warden.

"What're you looking at?" He snapped while Rover simply backed off as Discord secured the rope around his waist.

"Hey! Look for bugs, I hate bugs..."

One by One the company of four rappelled down into the ruins, Fluttershy looked around in the dark with pure joy which was evident by her voice.

"You guys realize we are inside a room that hasn't been touched in over three-thousand years"

"Blimey" Zephyr said waving his hand around his nose. "It reeks in here"

Zephyr soon realized that it wasn't the room that smell, the moment the warden came down the smell got stronger.

"Oh.." Zephyr said calmly before looking at the wardens. "Don't worry about the bugs old boy"

'They'll be more afraid of your smell'

"It's dark in here" the warden barked. "How are we going to find the treasure!"

"Be patient you old dog" Fluttershy said dusting off an ancient mirror before tilting it upward to catch the light of the surface. "And then there was light"

In a instant, the sun's reflection beamed off the other mirrors and brought light to the entire room, suffice it to say Discord was mildly impressed.

"That is a neat trick," Discord said pulling off a torch from the wall

The black-haired man pulled out a light and ignited the torch, Zephyr and Rover came over a second later to light their own torches from Discords. All three Men looked at the woman who had stars in her eyes as she looked around.

"Sweet Celestia," Fluttershy gasped yanking her brother's torch from his hand "It's a preparation room."

"Preparation for what?" Discord asked

"For entering the afterlife," Fluttershy said that sounded like she was telling a horror story on Nightmare Night

Immediately Discord draws one of his guns, however a chuckle pulls his attention

"Mummies, my good friend," Zephyr said with a know-it-all grin "this is where they made the mummies."

Discord looked at Zephyr with a look of surprise.

"What?" Zephyr shouted at the gunman. "My Sister isn't the only smart one"

"Guys this way" Fluttershy motioned as she heads down a narrow passageway.

All four had to slightly crouch as they make their way through a narrow, cobweb-infested passageway, then out of nowhere they hear something and freeze. It sounds like somebody is clawing inside the walls, They all start to look around frantically but to no avail. The strange sound getting louder and louder. And then it stops.

"What was that?" Zephyr asked

"It sounds like..." Discord smiled as he thought about the sound. "Bugs"

"What?" Warden Rover asked panic in his voice

"He said it sounds like Bugs" Fluttershy repeated causing the Warden to look around frantically.

"What do you mean by bugs, I hate Bugs!"

The group of four continued their journey through the dimly lit tunnels with Discord in the lead till finally they reached their destination which was the base of Anubis's statue.

"The legs of Anubis. The secret compartment should be hidden somewhere inside here." Fluttershy said with nervous excitement as she approached the statue.

Suddenly there was the sound of scraping rock followed vy the sound of moaning that made the group of four jump and the men of the party draw and ready their firearms.

The moans became louder and turned into muttering voices that were coming from the other side of the statue.

The four sat there mentally preparing themselves before they moved out of their cover guns at the ready only to come face to face with the Equestrian Expadition who had their own firearms aimed at the group but once everyone recognized the other they let out a sigh of relief.

"You scared the bejesus out of us Discord." Dumbell said as he and his colleagues lowered their guns.

"Likewise." Discord said as he lowered his guns along with Zephyr and Rover.

"Hey, that's my tool kit." Hoops said as he noticed the tool bag Fluttershy was carrying and stepped forward to reclaim it.

"No, I don't think so." Discord said as he raised his guns at Hoops causing everyone to aim their own guns at the opposing party.

"Okay. Perhaps I was mistaken." Hoops said as stepped back causing everyone to lower their guns.

"Well have a nice day, gentleman. We have a lot of work to be getting along with." Fluttershy said politely.

"Push off! This is our dig site." Blueblood spat.

"We got here first." Fluttershy countered while glaring at the Egyptoligist.

Once again both parties raised their guns at the rival expedition.

"This here is our statue, friend." Score stated with gritted teeth.

"I don't see your name written on it, pal." Discord counted.

"Yes, well, there is only four of you and fifteen of me. Your odds are not so great, Discord." Bitty said but Discord responded by aiming one of his revolvers at Bitty and pulling back on the hammer.

"I've had worse." Discord stated.

"Yeah, me, too." Zephyr said trying to sound tough but Discord just looked him transmitting a silent message that said 'shut up' which Zephyr understood by nodding.

"Oh, for goodness' sake, let's be nice, children." Fluttershy said stepping forward to resolve the situation without bloodshed by prompting everyone to lower their guns. "If we're going to play together, we must learn to share. There are other places to dig."

Listening and looking at Fluttershy Discord got the silent message and smiled and nodded to the Equestrian group before holstering his guns.

Deeper into the temple, Discord, and Zephyr were using sledgehammers to hammer away the stone of the ceiling.

"According to my calculations," Fluttershy said pacing behind the men. "We should be right under the statue"

"IF your calculations are right," Zephyr said with a hint of sarcasm

"Once those filthy Equestrians go to sleep," Fluttershy said before turning to Discord. "No offense."

"None taken."

"We'll come up right between his legs," Fluttershy said before she realized what she had said which caused her to blush and laughed. "Oh my."

"We'll sneak up and steal that golden book right out from under them," Zephyr said hammering away at the stone with newfound vigor.

"And you're sure you can find the secret compartment?" Discord asked the pink-haired woman

"Positive, if their moronic Egyptologist hasn't already found it."

Zephyr lowered his hammer when he looked around and took notice of someone in their group missing

"Hey," Zephyr said earning the attention of his sister and the Gunman. "Have either of you seen where our smelly little friend went?"

With a torch in hand, Warden Rover exploded the passageways of the ruins until he stops at something that catches his eye. The Warden stares at a mural engraved on the wall, the mural showed a man screaming with numerous dots covering his body. Embedded into it the mural was dozens of black amethyst scarabs, they glittered as they resembled images of the sacred beetles. Awestruck, the Warden stabs his torch into the sand before he pulls out a pocket knife and pries away at one of the precious bugs.

"That's more like it" Rover grinned as he pulled off one of the jewels and placed it into his satchel. "These will fetch a fair price back home"

in a gloating manner, the warden mimicked the mural and let out an ululating shout.

While the warden was collecting his strange treasure, Blueblood and his team immediately got to work on trying to pry open the statue as Hoops picked up a crowbar.

"Let's get us some treasure!"

"CAREFUL!!" The egyptologist said, stopping him immediately.

"Seti was no fool. I think we should let the diggers open it yes?"

"Whatever you say," Hoops says with irritation as he tossed the bar to one of the diggers. "You are the brains after all"

The Diggers make no move to open the compartment, for a good couple of minutes pass before Score lets out a groan and pulls out his gun. Three Diggers hesitantly step forward with crowbars and stick them into the seams of the statue. The other Diggers back away scared shitless.

With Blueblood urging them on, the explorers could see the compartment starting to wedge free.

"This is it boys!" Score said while rubbing his hands in anticipation.

"Harder!" Blueblood said after seeing their workers were struggling to pull it loose.

"I can smell the money already." Dumbbell grinned while fiddling with his guns.

"Harder!!" Blueblood shouted again before seeing the compartment was almost opened.



A white vapor floods out of the compartment covering all three diggers, the diggers scream in horror and agony as their flesh melts off their body. All in the room scream and back away as the unfortunate diggers stagger back revealing their horrid fate, by the time they hit the ground all that was left was half-eaten skeletons.

Score looked to Hoops. "You want to open it now?" he said with sarcasm

"I..Think I'll let the professor handle it"

Fluttershy's group was about to have their own misfortune as Rover kept plucking the jeweled scarabs from the wall.

"Oh Allah." he said to himself as one fell out of his bag and a living scarab suddenly popped out from the jewel. As the fiendish insect sniffed the air, its buggy eyes suddenly fell on Rover and it immediately went to work on chewing through his boot and into his foot as the warden suddenly felt it crawling up his leg.

The Warden's eyes fly open as he feels something crawling under his skin, Rover starts to scream as he drops his knife and frantically starts clawing away at his pant leg,

"GET OUT!" Warden Rover screamed as his hands traveled higher and higher on his leg. "GET OUT!!"

The large man felt the pain travel to his upper body which caused him to rip open his shirt revealing a large, hideous lump, burrowing under his skin. It burrowed its way up his fat belly and across his hairy chest, The Warden frantically claws and scratches at it in hopes of stopping it. The lump burrowed up to his neck which earned a blood-curdling scream from the warden, and to Rover's absolute horror, the scarab burrowed into his head.