• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 8,512 Views, 495 Comments

Misplaced Wings - FIygon

A young child mage gets blasted by two very powerful mages. Mysteriously waking up as an alicorn kirin colt with bizarre blue fire and alicorn magic. Unsurprisingly, controlling his emotions and new powers is a tough ask.

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1 - Denial//Confusion

“Get back boy!”

The shouting was distant, my mind raced solely with the one goal in my mind. The voice tempting me dared not misguide me from my path as I fell near his body. I could still do something!

I had to save him.

I had to help.

“Get your whelp off this battlefield before he-”

His words were cut off with a sharp sound of sparks bouncing off his shield with a fizzle. His attention refocused on the figure before him. “A little distracted, are we?” The other figure taunted with sarcasm. A sharp growl from the man was met with another blast of sparks, and he was back to his fight.

I tried my hardest; I used all of my energy. All of it. Every single last drop of it, and yet not a single breath was given back to his body. My vision was dark, my breath heaved with despair and anger. My body itself was ragged and spent.

I hauled him as best as I could over my back. The crushing weight offset by the adrenaline, if I could just get one extra moment of peace, I could-

“Look out!”

I yelled out as my eyes shot open. My breathing was quick. And my vision slowly but surely came back from the blurred mess they started as. It was odd to finally be able to see again. Everything was almost peaceful?

I raised my head a bit more, a bit more weighty than I remembered, but I wrote it off as a headache. It was green, I was in a forest. I could hear the birds chirp loudly from their perches, and the locusts buzzed in the distance. I tried to remember the last time I experienced a moment like this, but it never came to me. Where had the war gone? Was I actually okay after it all happened?

I winced at the memory. Then my eyes shot open with horror. “Master!” I yelled hesitantly, looking all around me.

I was only met with the calming forest sounds, and now my mind was flooded with confusion. I had to find him, it was my only choice unless...

I sighed, ‘I need to make sure I’m not injured first,’ I thought in resignation.

The thought made me release a short huff of a laugh, ‘Not that it would matter if I was injured,’ my smile slowly drifted into a frown.

Looking down at my body was a shock. I had short orange fur covering my whole body. My legs and back were covered with a natural yellow colored plate-like material. And then, almost as a mockery, a bit of my long blue hair fell into my vision. Oh yeah, did I leave out the weirdest part? I was a godsdamned horse. My eyes widened as I suddenly felt like I had made a major mistake in thinking of that word. Almost like I was mentally reprimanded for cursing.

“Alright,” I sighed to myself, “don’t freak out.” My voice was different, I didn’t let that thought fester too much.

“Maybe you just got hit by a polymorph spell, and a teleport spell at the same time,” I told myself slowly, testing my new voice along with it. “The worst that could happen didnt! You didn’t die; good job. Go me!”

The sarcastic cheering to myself felt off putting, when I wasn’t even my regular self anymore. I slowly forced my new body into a sitting position. I wasn’t quite a horse, as I had said earlier. I was more of a pony, one that I’d seen at festivals and fairs for children to ride on. You know, the ones that usually get treated terribly and can’t even stop walking in circles and-

‘Stop. Get a grip,’ I rubbed my new found hoof on the side of my head soothingly, ‘you’re a pastel colored pony, in the middle of a forest, with possibly many predators around.’

I held my hoof out, and tried to channel my magic as I had done hundreds-- no, thousands of times before. To my absolute disdain, I couldn’t conjure a single thing. I hissed angrily as I stomped my hoof back down into the dirt. ‘Well, no use sitting around and whining about it.’

I slowly worked my back legs into supporting me, along with my front. I was not accustomed to walking on all fours, but it wasn’t the first time I had been polymorphed. Regardless if it was against my will… I would stumble here and there, but overall, I picked up on the quadruped walking rather easily in this new body. Obviously I couldn’t run from predators easily, but I had to think positively if I ever wanted out of this situation.

I looked up at the sky, it was midday, so I had plenty of time to scout around and find my bearings. A village maybe? With any luck there would be a sorcerer in town to fix this form. ‘Let’s see,’ I gazed around, ‘trees, trees, and more trees.’

My eyes suddenly widened, ‘And even a bush!’ I thought sarcastically as my real emotion-- annoyance-- returned.

I continued to walk on into the forest, giving the bush a petty little kick on my way, which almost caused me to trip. I heard squeaking and turned to see a bunny ranting at me angrily with a paw raised. That was unnatural. Maybe this forest was magically infused? That could help narrow down just where in the world I was.

I passed by an idle stream and stopped to look at myself better. As I had suspected, I was an abomination. I had a long mane of blue fur that went from my head down to around my neck. My eyes were comically oversized, but thankfully they were still cyan. And the two most staggering things I noticed, I had a very blunt little red horn on my head. I also had a set of red wings on my back. I turned my head to look at my leathery wings, which looked almost like bat or dragon-like wings. I turned and squinted angrily at my reflection before slashing at the water with my hoof.

‘It’s fine, you’ll go back to normal. And then Master will find you and-’ A sudden rush of fear at returning hit me. But I quelled it before it could surface farther.

I noticed as I walked deeper, that this direction was much darker. I had found a path in this forest, but it only led deeper and deeper. The trees around looked more jagged and scary, the chirping of birds had been replaced by the sound of owls and crickets. Something in me was telling me to be as quiet as possible, to hide or turn back. I figured it was instinct from being turned into a prey animal.

I wouldn’t let my fear get to me, though. I held my head high and walked like I owned that forest. My bravery lasted all of five seconds when a loud hooting erupted from the tree above. Causing me to jump backwards and yelp. Afterwards, I awkwardly laughed at myself. I had read enough books to know that predators preferred to hunt at night, and would leave plenty of magical scent marking spots. So as long as I didn’t see one, I should be fine! My weariness was only exacerbated by the wolf-like tracks that I occasionally saw. Usually they were only crossing the path, not taking it.

The path was odd, it took me past some old castle ruins. Something about the “two sisters”, whatever that was. I’d never heard of a faction like that, it must have been very old. I also crossed this extremely shoddy rope bridge; I almost kissed the ground once I reached the other side.

My short time as a pony-dragon thing has taught me one thing so far: the pain of walking on four legs. Half the time I tripped, I would end up in some sort of pretzel-like formation on the ground. I never thought I’d respect horses more for all that galloping they do anyway. I’d make sure to take extra care of Benny when I get back. Even if Master disapproves.

‘Master,’ I couldn’t help the shudder that washed through my body. What would he think about me being gone? What would he do? I stopped in my tracks as my mind froze, he’d be livid. He explicitly told me not to, but I did it anyway. I would not be getting away with it this time, I was screwed.

Fear wormed its way into my mind, regardless of what I'd done to suppress it. Not fear for the increasingly dark and depressing forest I was in, oh no. The horrifying realization of just what I’d done before waking up, I could hear his words already. I could practically feel the incoming lashings, and-

‘What in the world is that?’ My gaze flickered in between the foliage. The bushes in the trees ahead almost seemed to move. The trees themselves were moving it almost seemed. I could sense a growing feeling of dread engulfing me, as I made another startling realization. It was dead quiet in the forest. Not a single bug was daring to make a sound right now. I knew that meant predator, my mind was practically screaming the fact.

And here I was, bright orange, standing in the middle of a pathway, practically begging to get eaten. The shrubbery moved together almost like the forest was alive. I backed away but the movement only followed, and it wasn’t long before I heard the first growl. I caught a glimpse of a wolf-like face through the bush, made of wood and leaves.

I didn’t wait, I ran.

You don’t have to tell me twice. You see a tree in the shape of a predator, one that looks nearly ten times bigger than you? You run.

But then again, why had I gotten snuck up on by the predators? I didn’t see their magic scent anywhere. And a wolf made of bark and leaves? Either those wolves had learned an advanced form of camouflage magic, or they were elementally infused. Neither are good signs.

Of course, I was foolish for thinking running would help very much. Not even a moment later did the howls follow, shortly accompanied by rushed steps from behind me. And they were gaining much faster than I was comfortable with. I was going to have to either lose them or fight back, neither were promising options.

With the steps fast approaching, I made a split second decision to do something very stupid. When the path veered to my right, I kept running straight, into the treeline. I was on their turf now, but at least I’d have more opportunities to lose them. Based on the steps and the continuous howling I garnered, there was only one behind me right now. With more definitely on the way if I drag this out too long.

It snapped at my tail from right behind me, causing reality to settle in. I dove under a tree root, but the plant beast only jumped right over it. I tried weaving in and out of the trees, my heart racing and adrenaline pushing me onward. The wolf, as expected, wasn’t thrown off by any of this.

I spotted a cliff up ahead and cursed myself in my head. The stupidity was about to increase, but it was necessary. I stopped before the cliff and turned around to face the wolf. I stood my ground as it approached fast, my heart in my throat. It lunged for me just as I lunged for it. By some miracle stroke of luck, my small pony body had managed to jump higher than his lunge was aimed.

My back hooves collided with the thing’s head, and I pushed off of it with a grunt. The thing careened underneath me, skidding a few feet as it hit the ground. It yelped as it tumbled over the edge. I heard the sound of branches and wood splintering on the rocks while tumbling down. I cringed at the sound and looked over the edge to admire my handiwork.

Just as I thought, they were elementally infused wolves. The thing had actually been made of wood and leaves. Just as I was about to take off running from the ones gaining on me, the thing’s broken wooden limbs twitched. I watched as the beast pulled its grotesquely broken branches back together and formed the wolf once again. It smiled up at me with its razor-sharp maw.

That was enough for me, time to keep running.

‘They can practically revive themselves? Is this a normal forest? This is some madman’s creation!’

I tried hiding underneath a tree, in a small burrow. The wolves that had been following me did catch up, and they were not fooled by my hiding spot. They snapped and snarled at the entrance of the burrow as my back scraped against the walls of the burrow. The thing’s saliva was practically flooding the burrow as well, these things were ravenous. I had practically boxed myself in by trying to hide. Of course they could smell my scent.

‘This is the end,’ I thought bitterly, ‘I’m doomed.’

They were digging now, the distance between me and their snapping jaws growing smaller and smaller. I closed my eyes and waited silently, I held out my hand one last time to try. I focused all I had, but I could feel it wasn’t there. My magic was gone; I couldn’t conjure even a water droplet if I tried. I now knew I had no way of defending myself. Of course, a pony doesn’t have leylines with which to cast magic. Stupid me again.

I closed my eyes, making a silent prayer to whatever god was out there, to take care of my soul.

I didn’t get long, my eyes shot open with pain as one of my back legs was finally snapped by their jaws. I was yanked out of the burrow with aggression, and they licked their lips in success. Letting out a long howl to indicate that their prey had been caught.

I could feel the blood; my leg grew hot as the liquid poured out of it. I tried to hold back my pain and fear, but as I looked up at the wolf, my face fell further into despair.

I was dead.

I… I didn’t want to die yet.

It wasn’t fair!

I felt my body grow hotter, enough to make me wonder how. The wolves were looking at me with growing confusion. Yet still, my body got hotter, and my blood boiled. One of the wolves leaned down to take another bite of me, but he quickly recoiled back with a yelp. His maw was blackened and smoking.

I glared upward, “Kill me already, mutt!”

The wolf backed away from me too. Leaving me to my pain, that was a cruel end. Letting me bleed out? These things had no boundaries of evilness. My body felt like a furnace, it felt like I was in a hot spring with no water.

I flipped myself onto my stomach and tried to stand. I was met with the sight of flaming blue hooves. I screamed and recoiled, then I quickly tried to blow it out. But that didn’t help; it only made the flames bigger. I looked back at my body; my entire being was engulfed in blue flames. My body was blackened, and my scales had turned blue. The flames coming off me danced in a brilliant display of white and blue.

I screamed.

Of course the wolves were scared of me, I had quite literally spontaneously combusted. Even the most proficient fire mages didn’t dare do something so dangerous.

I quickly stood to my feet, the grass around me igniting with similar blue flames. My back left leg wasn’t working, which was not a surprise, but adrenaline was keeping me here. As I stood, my tail grazed the tree at my back, causing it to light up in flames like a bonfire.

I had to put myself out now. I didn’t know why it wasn’t hurting, but I wasn’t going to take this chance to get away from the wolves lightly.

As I turned and began limping towards the last source of water I remember seeing, the wolves yelped and ran in the opposite direction. Each and every bush and tree I got even slightly near was immediately combusting, and of course, that fire itself was also spreading nearby. Slowly, the world around me was becoming engulfed in azure flames. What kind of curse did someone cast on me?

I did the closest thing to a run you can do without a back leg. I could feel my blood still pouring out, but it was likely immediately burning in the flames. I saw creatures all around me run from their burrows and fly from their trees. All were escaping in absolute terror, all because of me. I was a cursed being, torching their home to the ground, and I felt horrible about it.

Not just horrible, awful. I was no better than him, and somehow that made the feeling all the worse. This was all some cruel fated joke, right?

My eyes became filled with smoke, and I could barely see. I coughed multiple times, but still, the ash in the air suffocated me. I went as far as possible, before my vision began to blacken, and my muzzle hit the dirt. I blinked my eyes free from ash, getting a few breaths of air in since I was so close to the ground. I was going to die in flames, the thought was so ironic, but somehow I always knew it would happen to me of all people.

Tears escaped my eyes and immediately evaporated. But they cleared my eyes enough to see the water stream up ahead, and my eyes widened. With newfound determination, I struggled to my feet one last time.

I limped, each step felt like an eternity had passed, and each movement made my body scream in protest. I had to get there, had to put myself out.

I knew I finally reached the river when I heard a loud sizzling sound. What followed was probably the most amount of pain I’d ever felt, and I screamed once again. I fell straight into the river, my entire body sizzling. The pain was everywhere, but my flames were going out. This was good!

I tried to fight through the excruciating pain, but I couldn’t. With my last ounce of strength, I pushed the rest of my body into the water, and blacked out from the sudden pain. The last thing I saw was the azure flames of the forest rising high into the sky, and the moon suddenly being lifted like magic into the brilliant sea of stars.

Twilight Sparkle was no stranger to weird happenings in the Everfree Forest. In fact, she expected them, more often than not. And with enough study, assumed she would be able to predict them. As always though, the magic in the forest liked to throw curveballs from time to time.

Having about a dozen ponies, and your own guards knocking on your door and telling you the forest was on fire?

That was new.

Without panicking the purple alicorn did what she always did first. Step back and analyze, get a clearer picture of the whole situation. But when she exited her castle, she realized very quickly that she didn’t have time for that.

Deep into the Everfree, around the castle of the sisters, was a wall of flame. The blue flames reached so far above the treeline that she could swear they were scorching the clouds above. The wall spanned a large area, and by the second it continued to grow.

Curiously, this fire did not have smoke. Instead, the fire almost seemed to be leaking magical energy. She could see the wisps of it as they trailed off and died from the top.

But she was getting ahead of herself.

Ponies were concerned. Mostly because this meant the arrival of some new evil or big bad. Ponyville residents always wondered why they were the epicenter of every evil plan, but the good thing about that was clear.

It meant they were trained.

Already Twilight could see the weather team, dozens of ponies, pushing as many rain clouds in the direction of the flame wall as they could.

Gazing a bit further, near the edge of the forest, she could see her friend Fluttershy helping animals that were injured, whilst also making sure her things were packed in case it got a little too close. Her cottage was indeed flammable.

She saw her friend Applejack herding the many people out of other ponies ways. Making sure that it would go smoothly. All the while Pinkie tried to cheer everyone up with her usual antics, ones that didn’t include cake. Surprisingly.

Rarity, she was probably making stylish hazard masks for people to wear or something.

“Twi, what’s going on?” A small purple dragon said from behind her, rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

“I’m not sure, Spike. But it looks like it could get bad out here; stay inside, okay?” She asked her friend with a reassuring smile.

He shrugged, and yawned, “If ya say so,” then he turned and headed back for his bed.

“Twilight!” The alicorn looked upward to the source of the sound, her friend Rainbow Dash calling down to her with worry. “Any idea what’s going on?”

Twilight spread her wings, and with only a moment was up near her friend. She looked unsettled, which didn’t happen often. “I was hoping you could tell me,” Twilight said, “I’m not exactly filled in myself.”

They both looked over at the fire again. It was so large and untamed that the fire was making waves and folding over itself. It looked almost like it's own beast, roaring in the distance. It lit the sky and half of the town with a ghostly blue. "Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what in the hay that is," Rainbow started, "it's no sweat. We'll figure something out." Twilight nodded idly at her friend, still lost in thought.

“Hey! Twilight, Rainbow!” She felt she would hear her own name many more times before this night was over.

She looked downward to the voice of Applejack, to see all four of her other friends waiting for them in a group below. The two descended from up above, and they all looked at each other. “Well,” Applejack began worriedly, “what’da we do?” She sighed, “Ahm not too keen on that fire gettin’ close to the orchard.”

Rarity hummed, “And soot and ash is absolutely terrible for your mane.”

Twilight sighed, “You were honestly doing well. Rainbow Dash will help with the extinguishing efforts.” She was met with a quick salute as Rainbow shot off with a streak of color.

“Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie. You three keep people calm.” They all nodded, yet stayed to listen.

“Fluttershy, take care of the animals.” She said with a small smile.

“U-Um… T-Twilight. What are you going to do?” Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Twilight nodded and spread her wings, “Find the source of the fire.”

Pinkie gasped, “You can’t just go in there all willy nilly, you silly filly! What if you get like- super duper hurt?”

“Ahm with her sugarcube. Ain’t tha’ a bit dangerous? Even for you.” Applejack agreed.

Twilight smiled at her friend's concern. “I will return for you guys if I can’t handle it alone. I won’t do anything too dangerous.”

Fluttershy squeaked, “U-Uhm I…” everpony looked at her, and she retreated into her mane, “I-I can come with you, Twilight. If that’s okay!”

She could feel that they were going to question her, so she quickly explained herself. “I need to make sure there aren’t any more creatures in there that need help,” she said with more confidence, “a-and if there is, I need to rescue them.”

They all thought for a moment and silently nodded. Twilight turned to her friends, “Alright, you’ve all got your jobs, let’s get to it!” Then Twilight and Fluttershy took to the sky.

The wall of flame was spreading by the second, and unfortunately, getting stronger. They could feel the intense heat from it before they got anywhere close, so much that Twilight had to put a barrier around them both just to keep the heat away. The weather ponies were raining down water from high above the flame, but the heat was far too intense. The fire almost seemed to eat up the water and use it to grow in strength each second.

“Oh no no no,” Fluttershy said sadly, “What do we do?”

Twilight thought for a moment. When she was this close, it was abundantly clear she wasn’t wrong about earlier. This wasn’t just a wildfire, it was made by somepony. The signature of the flame was made by magic, a disturbingly large amount of magic. This was both a good and bad thing. “It’s magical fire,” Twilight thought aloud, “very strong magic fire. Whoever made it could be dangerous.” She looked over at her friend with worry.

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, “How do we put out a magic fire?”

“The only way to counter it,” Twilight started, as she closed her eyes and her horn glowed with purple energy, “is by suppressing the magic flow with one’s own magic.”

Fluttershy eeped, “B-But what if they have stronger magic?” She knew it was foolish to ask, with the alicorn of pure magic right next to her. But her worry outweighed that thought.

Twilight was already too focused on her task, as she reached out with her magic. Slowly the top of the flames became engulfed in a purple aura, which quickly spread across the entirety of the inferno. Slowly but surely, Twilight began to suppress it, shrinking the fire by forcing it back with her own.

She was concentrating so hard, and Fluttershy could see that it was actually draining on her. But slowly but surely the azure wall was diminishing, bit by bit. In the wake of trees that had been scorched in the flame, all that was left was dust and ash. The fire had practically incinerated any shred of forest in the area.

Twilight was focusing extra hard now, as the area grew smaller, than smaller. Until finally, the last column of flame wisped out with a fizzle. Fluttershy swears she almost saw it roar in protest before being snuffed out.

With that over, Twilight opened her eyes with a gasp of breath, her eyes widened and fearful. “W-What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked as she put a hoof on her.

She was gasping for breath, and she looked up at her friend worriedly. “That can’t be good.”

“W-What is it-”

“The fire,” Twilight gasped between shaky breaths, “It took almost all my magic to put it out. The only way it had that much magic would be if they were either-” she gulped, “as strong. Or even stronger than an alicorn.”

That made Fluttershy’s eyes widened, but she slowly looked down at the now dark view of the forest. “If you must, get the others,” Fluttershy started, letting go of her friend, “I’m going to look for animals who need my help.”

Twilight shook her head, and followed her friend to the ground. Twilight rambled, "It's just--I can't believe it! I've never seen fire created by magic, at least none that strong!"

Their hooves sank into the ash, it was like a layer of freshly fallen snow. The destruction around them was devastating, and their legs made long streaks in the ash as they walked. “Hello?!” Twilight called out.

“We’re here to help!” Fluttershy said in her loudest voice.

A gray fog seemed to hang over the entire area, making the destruction seem all the more duller. They soon heard rushing water, and Fluttershy picked up her pace, “Some animals look for water in a fire. It’s the safest spot.” She explained to her friend.

When they got to the stream, they didn’t see any animals. They did however see the water mixed with blood, a disturbing amount of blood. Their eyes trailed upstream, and Twilight could barely keep up with Fluttershy’s running. “H-Hey! Be careful Fluttershy!” She reprimanded.

That was when their sight finally fell upon the culprit. An orange kirin foal with a blue mane, and strikingly, he was an alicorn as well. Fluttershy rushed over to his side, pulling him out of the water. “Hey wait! He might be dangerous!” Twilight warned.

“Twilight, some kind of bandage, hurry please!” Fluttershy commanded. The colt was young, small enough to be held comfortably in her arms.

In only a second Twilight brought a set of medical wraps out with a poof. And handed them to her friend wearily. Fluttershy was cradling the small colt to her body, and wrapping the wound with urgency and impressive amounts of care. “Oh no, he has lost so much blood,” Fluttershy said with tears in her vision, “quick, we need to get to the hospital!”

Twilight was unsure, but still helped Fluttershy hoist the colt onto her back. Once they were sure enough he wouldn’t fall, they lifted off into the sky again, heading for Ponyville.

Twilight looked backwards at the destruction laid waste to the everfree, then she glanced at the alicorn kirin colt. That was going to be a tough thing to explain to the public, and she needed help on it. She had to tell Celestia.

If this colt’s nirik form was that powerful?

He could be a threat to all of Equestria.

Author's Note:

Hey! Thanks for reading. Updates will be weekly, for the most part. I like to stay a couple of chapters ahead writing wise.

I've wanted to write a fanfic for MLP for a long time, I just never knew what to do. Especially since I've never actually watched the show. Well, more then a few episodes. I've read plenty of fanfics though, so I feel I've finally got a good enough grasp on the world.

I read, All Smoke, No Mirrors and was enlightened that Kirin existed. Then I watched the episode about them, and I knew I'd finally found what to write! I think the kirin are so interesting, and I'm surprised there aren't more stories about them. So thanks Jinzou for the inspiration.

I'm not sure how this will be received, if you have criticism of the way I write characters, or I guess my writing in general- I'm always open to it. I'm honestly a bit terrified. I've seen some stories get absolutely dumpstered on here before for not being high quality enough, LOL. But I'll hold my head high regardless.

Before anyone asks, the world MC is from is not Harry Potter, if you were wondering. He's from a world of my own making.

Well, see you next time