• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 8,560 Views, 495 Comments

Misplaced Wings - FIygon

A young child mage gets blasted by two very powerful mages. Mysteriously waking up as an alicorn kirin colt with bizarre blue fire and alicorn magic. Unsurprisingly, controlling his emotions and new powers is a tough ask.

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2 - Zero//Safety

My head felt like a volcanic explosion had gone off inside.

I shot up to thoughts of fire and ash, a forest burning, my own disaster in creation. I frantically looked down at my body, remembering my injury.

I sighed in relief, my body was back. I saw my human hands, feet, and the old working clothes I wore. Everything was back to normal, and I was back to normal.

I stood up, walking on two feet was so much more comfortable. Years of practice or something like that. My head swiveled around to gaze at the beautiful field I was in, the grass that reached my waist. The sun was out brightly, butterflies and birds gently observing their land. I took in a long breath as I closed my eyes. ‘I’m home!’ I thought.

The breath I took in was not fresh air. I revolted in disgust and almost felt vomit roll up my throat. The distinct smell of death filled my lungs, and it was not a small bit.

I opened my eyes again, but before me spread a field that felt familiar, yet far away. That field. Many bodies laid in the dirt, hundreds.

I walked forward a bit, the worst part was that I started to recognize their clothes. I started to recognize the flags they had paraded into battle, only to bring with them as they collapsed into the dirt. I recognized their faces.

I ran over and slid to the side of the first one I recognized. Frantically holding my hands out over her body, I tried to channel my magic. At first, it started as a thin layer of water that enveloped my hands, but as I lowered it to her body, it grew into its own pool.

Her body was freezing cold-- colder than the water I had conjured. No matter how much I pressed it into her body, it did nothing. “Wake up!” I shouted, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

I tried as hard as possible, flowing as much of my mana into the spell as I could. I formed a bubble around her, and tendrils wrapped around her wounds. They glowed with a bright energy, and dissipated just as fast. It didn’t do a single thing, and I was wrought with horror. “This is my fault,” I said in disbelief as I backed away from the body, “I’m sorry… I’m sorry!”

I buried my head in my legs as I curled up on the ground, tears streaming down my face, “I didn’t mean to! He made me do it! I’m so sorry!” My breath shuddered and my hands shook, “Please, say you forgive me, say something!”

I heard rustling in the grass behind me, too caught up in my own despair. A voice of confusion gently spoke, “I’m afraid they’ve all moved on, young one. They shall not speak again.”

I blinked away my tears, slowly turning and looking up at the one who spoke. A blue yet very tall pony, with a mane that flowed with the beauty of stars. In an instant, the field evaporated away, and was instead replaced with the comfort of a house, with a roaring fireplace. Looking into the fire made my spine shudder.

“I’m sorry about your friends,” she told me sincerely. She was mystifying to look at, with my head only reaching her barrel. Her mane constantly flowed like water, and her eyes shone brightly, even in the cozy room.

“Who- What are you?” I asked curiously.

She hummed and tilted her head, giving me a short and gentle smile. “If I can be honest with you, little one, I intended to ask you the same thing,” She said with a small laugh.

The room began slowly falling around into the void, pieces cracking and disappearing into the blackness. The pony hummed, “You are waking, I bid thee farewell,” she said with a short bow.

Before my eyes even opened, I felt the aching pain that washed through my body. My leg especially felt like it had been through a grindstone. I groaned slightly as I regretfully opened my eyes.

The first thing I noticed was the intense amount of white. The walls were white, the bed I was in was white. The machines hooked into me had many numbers and graphs I did not understand.

I was still a pony,

and I was stuck.

No, literally, they had strapped me to the bed.

I tried to quell the rising panic in my body, as I couldn’t move my limbs, which were strapped to the bed. It wasn’t too tight, but plenty to keep me from moving. My leg was wrapped quite tightly in bandages, which made me wonder what was going on.

Surely if the local town found me somehow, they’d have called their local sorcerer to break my polymorph? Unless this really was a curse, then it’d be much harder to remove. I didn’t have much choice now but to stare at the ceiling and wait, someone would explain things to me soon enough.

As if the universe answered my call, I heard the door open. I lowered my head eagerly and looked over to my visitor, and my breath stopped. It was a dark red pony with brown hair, she had pink eyes and a white hat which held a red cross. On her flank was a weird image, it was a pink heart, with a white cross in the middle. She widened her eyes at me, then a gentle smile crossed her features, “Hello, dear, how are you feeling?”

I yelped, and struggled in my bindings. Why was there another pony creature? Where the hell am I?

The pony rushed over, “Calm down,” she tried to say soothingly, “please.”

I recoiled away from her, even as she began to slowly undo the bindings on my limbs. “Get away from me!” I yelled, “What do you want?!”

She sighed, undoing the binds on my leg, “Well, preferably for you to calm down. If not, maybe a coffee after that,” she cracked a small smile at herself.

The thing that was terrifying me was that she was so large. She was at least four times my size, from my view, she was a giant pony. Her words did strike me, and I did stop panicking and struggling. If they really intended to harm me, I’d probably be better off not screaming. This was clearly some sort of nurse. If I really was in some pony society, anyway.

“That’s better,” she muttered as she undid my last bind, “are you hungry, dear?”

“Why am I here?” I asked quietly, avoiding looking at the oversized horse.

She sighed again, and gently placed a hoof on mine, but I recoiled away. “You’re in a hospital, little one, my name is Nurse Lovelight.” At my confused reaction, she hummed.

She seemed to be searching for the correct words, “What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Fire,” I said with fear edging my voice and my breath getting shaky, “so much fire. Blue flames, ash, I couldn’t breathe, and-”

I felt her put an arm around my neck, “Shh,” she comforted, “you’re alright now.”

I was stunned. Completely shocked by this gesture, why was she… hugging me? I turned my head to meet her face again, she looked worried and hopeful at the same time. My head began hurting, and I raised a hoof to rub it.

The nurse pulled back, “Oh, I was just coming to give you medicine, It should get some of that pain squared away.” She began replacing the bag that was hooked into my leg.

“Did I get hurt?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

She glanced at my leg and grimaced, then met my eyes, “Yes, you did get hurt. But it was all in the leg, and…”

“And… what?” I urged curiously.

She seemed to decide something for herself, and she shook her head at me. “And you should be able to recover completely.”

I had no doubt she was hiding something from me, but of course, who was I to accuse? Than my thoughts wandered to the bindings strewn on the ground. “Why was I stuck?” I asked as I rubbed my right fetlock nervously.

“The bindings?” She sighed, “You were crying and screaming-- also kicking-- while you were out. We did it for your own safety.”

“Oh,” suddenly the floor seemed like the most interesting thing in the room, “I’m sorry for the trouble, then.”

She frowned, and I could tell that she was upset by that reply. In my peripheral vision, I saw her raise her hoof, and I flinched. But gentler than I thought was possible, she placed her hoof on mine again, “You’re not in trouble,” she reassured me, “what’s your name, little one?”

I wanted to laugh at the question. What was my name? I guess some things never change between humans and ponies. I instead, countered with my own question, “Can you undo this polymorph spell? I don’t much like being a pony.”

Her eyes widened, and she made eye contact. “What do you mean? Are you alright?”

I nodded, “I’ve just been waiting for someone to get rid of this form. Do you have a local sorcerer, or maybe like a town wizard, or even-”

Lovelight reached her other hoof up, and curiously, I felt her grip both my hooves at the same time. How was she doing that with hooves? She interrupted me, “Honey, slow down. You’re not making any sense. I asked you about your name.”

I shook my head, I was trying to understand what benefits she had by directing me away from the topic. “I don’t- What game are you playing? I get if you like the pony form, but I’d rather speak to someone normally,” I said, growing slightly annoyed.

The nurse looked dumbfounded at me, and grabbed a nearby clipboard. She scanned the file quickly, then looked up at me. “Have you ever seen a pony before me, dear?”

I shook my head, “Huh? Why would I?”

Her eyes widened, and she quickly scribbled something into the paper on the clipboard. “And you don’t remember your name, I’m assuming? Is that why you dodged the question twice?”

I shifted uncomfortably from the interrogation, “Maybe I just don’t want to tell you,” I crossed my hooves rather childishly.

“This is serious,” she slowly placed her hooves on my shoulders and looked at me worriedly, “If you have memory loss that’s okay dear, that’s why we’re here. It’s to help you,” suddenly she pulled me towards her chest in a hug. Suddenly my vision became enveloped in nothing but her dark red fur. I waited in uncomfortable silence for the gesture to end. My body was small, so much smaller then this other pony. I couldn't tell if the nervous feeling in my chest was fear, or something else.

After she retracted, I tilted my head, “Why did you hug me?”

Lovelight smiled, “Because you seem scared. And the love in my name isn’t just a word,” she giggled. Her face fell when she realized I was still lost in confusion.

“I don’t understand, why would you want to hug me?” I looked down at my hooves, I was fidgeting nervously.

She frowned at me, I must’ve upset her again. I didn't want to upset them, they were my only way of figuring out what was going on. And so far, were being extremely nice. I felt my ears lower against my head, and I tried to appear smaller, “I’m sorry, please don’t be angry at me.”

Lovelight’s eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly, “I’m not angry," she said in near disbelief, “just worried.”

She reached her hoof out again, and I flinched away. She sighed and retracted it, “You’re safe here, I’m not going to hurt you.”

She stood up, gathering the clipboard and a few other things. “Are you hungry?”

My stomach sounds would betray me at any moment, so I slowly nodded. “Yes.”

“I’ll return shortly with something. Please rest for now.” She made her way for the exit.

I thought for a moment, then decided there was no harm in it. “You can call me Zero, for now. That’s not my name though.” I told her wearily.

She raised a brow, but chose not to question me, “If that’s what you want, Zero,” she replied before leaving.

It felt weird getting called that by a pony. It was just something I got so accustomed to being called, it almost began to feel like my actual name. Nobody actually used my real name anyway, I didn’t even use it. Always referring to myself as "Zero" because of him. Why was I doing it with these people? They didn’t know who I was, but I still chose to use that name. I could’ve said something stupid and made up a name, but I didn’t.

What if everyone was adamant about being in a pony polymorph form? Or maybe I had been banished somewhere that only had pony curses.

For now I just have to play the part, I’m just an injured pony-dragon thing. If this town wouldn’t help me with my curse, I’d just have to wait until it healed. Then I could leave and go back to where everything made sense. I didn’t deserve the affection that Lovelight showed me, if she knew who I was, what I’d done, it didn’t matter.

She wouldn’t find out.

I held my hoof out, trying to see if my forest incident was a fluke or not. It wasn't. My mana was apparently gone completely, and I couldn’t conjure my water magic anymore. The only thing I was worth was gone, so what did that make me?

Well, I know what it made me, a walking demon. That fire was my fault; surely they saw the aftermath if they saved me? Why didn’t they hate me? It made no sense.

Beforehand, if I ever had a problem, I knew I’d be okay. I was physically weak, but my mana reserves were so high that it didn’t matter. I didn’t know any offensive spells, I prided myself on my defense and healing magic. And so did my master-- well, ‘pride’ is an overstatement.

Why am I acting like I wasn’t just as much of a problem beforehand? I was a walking monstrosity. Regardless, anybody who saw me just saw a weak errand boy for the Knightguard of the realm. They didn’t understand what I’d done.

Maybe I don’t want to go back. Maybe I can just hide in this society of ponies forever, and pretend like I’m not evil. Pretend that everything is- and always has been, alright.

But I used my water magic to heal, I used it to save people. At least, that was the lie I told myself to stay sane. Maybe having uncontrollable fire suited me better, it let everyone know right away that I was a mistake to be around.

Nurse Lovelight returned with a tray of food, a sandwich with flowers, and an apple. Surely she knew what ponies liked to eat, so it would be fine. Even if I was hesitant to put it in my mouth. “Are you having trouble gripping things, Zero?” There that accursed name was again.

I thought she had left the room. I was smashing the sandwich between my two hooves, trying to lift it to my face, and looking at her made me wonder as she gazed worriedly. “I-I’m doing fine. Thanks.”

Her worried look didn’t fade, and she brought the clipboard out and scribbled something else down. What was she recording? How bad am I at being a pony?

“Zero,” she started carefully, “do you know how to use your horn? Or your grip?”

I was growing annoyed by the interruption of my meal, just to ask odd questions that made no sense to me. “I don’t, can I be alone for now, please?”

She nodded, scribbling yet again. Then she smiled at me, “Thank you for answering my question. I promise little one, we'll help you as best we can,” she said before taking her leave. How much weirder can the people around here get?

Lovelight rushed away from the colt’s room. Down the medical hallways of the hospital, which were quite calm in the early hours of the day. When she reached the front desk she stopped with a small sigh. The head nurse was sitting looking through files idly. “I found out more, Redheart.”

Nurse Redheart was a white pony with pink hair, and a cross for a cutiemark. She perked her ears up, then lifted her head. “Oh? Anything useful?” She asked eagerly.

Redheart noticed her friend’s grimace, and sighed. Lovelight shook her head, “It’s looking more grim by the second.”

Redheart raised a brow, “More grim than wanting to be called ‘zero’?”

Lovelight almost seemed to shudder, “He doesn’t know how to use his horns, or grip things yet.”

Redheart dropped the pen she was holding with wide eyes. And she began to search for his file immediately to update it. “Lovelight,” she asked her friend absentmindedly, “can you get someone to contact Princess Twilight?”

“Of course!” Lovelight said just as urgently, “What should I say?”

Redheart hummed, “Well, someone has been abusing an alicorn. That’s pretty urgent news, I’d assume.”

“Right away.” Lovelight said before scampering off to find a messenger.

Twilight was in her library, pouring over her books frantically. Scribbling notes together, and with multiple stacks of books that reached higher than her. It was a wonder she could gain any information from the dozen or so opened books. Each displayed various facts and anecdotes about the kirin race. Twilight groaned and slammed another book shut, “Not a single thing about an alicorn kirin,” she mumbled angrily to herself.

“Hey, Twilight?”

She didn’t turn to regard her young dragon companion, and might’ve forgotten to acknowledge his entrance in the process.


Twilight tossed another book to the side, “Yes Spike?”

“Princess Celestia replied,” he said absentmindedly as he held up a scroll.

He didn’t even notice her moving as he pulled himself off the floor in a daze. Twilight practically ripped the scroll open.

“My Dear Twilight,

This is quite an odd and surprising happenstance. And I would love to help you solve this mystery myself, but I am currently away on business. However I assure you once I am done here, my first stop will be with you in Ponyville. If you find anything else out about our young alicorn colt-- especially his origins-- I urge you to send me an update immediately.

And please, keep yourself level headed. Your first letter mentioned he was "a potential threat to all of Equestria". Do you not think that is a bit offhoofed? My only advice to you on this matter, is that you show him the kindness that you’d wish upon yourself. Get to know him more, and I hope that he opens up to you. I entrust this colt's safety to you, and I have full faith in your abilities.

Best regards, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight scoffed at the notion of her being too busy, she knew Celestia was gone to a designer cake festival in Maretropolis. Even if she was meeting with the mayor in terms of ‘business’. How could she possibly leave her with the responsibility of an unstable alicorn all by herself? Regardless that she may have overreacted at first, she had no idea how to deal with a potential time bomb. She looked down at the page with disdain. Then she realized there was writing under her hooves.

“P.S. - If you ever come to Maretropolis, I highly recommend the salted butterscotch caramel cake!”

Twilight felt her eye twitch angrily, then she tossed the letter to the ground with a groan. Spike picked it up and raised his eyebrow at her, “What’s got you so stressed, Twilight?” He eyed the piles of books annoyedly, knowing he’d have to sort them later.

She lowered her head onto her desk, “The fire last night was an alicorn colt. Nopony knows where he came from, why he's an alicorn, why he burned down the forest, or even who he is!”

Twilight brought her head up and began flipping through pages like a maniac, “And there’s not a single thing about it in these books! You’d think as a princess I’d have access to the knowledge that a kirin alicorn exists, but I don’t!”

Spike hummed, then shrugged after a moment of thought, “Then why don’t you ask him yourself?” Spike grimaced, “Is he..?” Then he made a cutting gesture on his throat.

“No. What? No!” Twilight said as she shook her head vigorously, “He’s alive. I don’t know what to expect! I wanted to read up on him first.”

Spike shuddered, “Okay, you have got to stop doing that. It’s creepy.”

“It is not!”

“Twilight, the last time you studied somebody so hard before meeting them was a disaster! You brought up things from their past that even they had forgotten about. It was pretty creepy.”

Twilight huffed and began pacing in front of her desk, “No, but this is different! If I say the wrong things, he might combust again and set Ponyville on fire. My magic hasn’t recovered since last night, it would be a disaster!”

“It’s a colt,” Spike deadpanned, “and you're acting like he’s the second coming of Discord.”

“It’s--” Twilight growled, “forget it.”

Spike sighed, "Why are you so scared of him?"

"I'm not scared," she rested her head in her hoof with closed eyes, "I'm just thinking pessimistically, I can't help it." Spike only raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

A knock came at their door, and Spike left the room to answer it. Meanwhile, Twilight returned to taking notes steadily, and forming conversation ideas in her head. Including things to avoid talking about- Things Kirins usually like-

“Twilight!” Spike called out loudly.

Twilight’s hair stood on end as she jumped, turning with an angry glare. “What!?”

He smirked, “The hospital is requesting you meet with the colt.”

Author's Note:

Hey-lo! Thanks for reading. And thanks for all the likes and comments on the first chapter.

Also, I've noticed most writers on this site seem to output chapters in the 1.5k - 2k range. Is that mostly preferred here? My chapters always feel more complete when I do about 3.5k+, but if it's not as well liked when it's longer I could try reducing the word count.

Anyways, see ya in the next one.