• Published 4th Apr 2023
  • 8,511 Views, 495 Comments

Misplaced Wings - FIygon

A young child mage gets blasted by two very powerful mages. Mysteriously waking up as an alicorn kirin colt with bizarre blue fire and alicorn magic. Unsurprisingly, controlling his emotions and new powers is a tough ask.

  • ...

10 - The//Fall

The hustle and bustle of midday Ponyvile was quite the spectacle. My previous ventures must've been during the dull moments of the day. I was happy for once that I was riding on Fluttershy’s back, as I feel I would’ve been trampled otherwise.

Fluttershy was very good at keeping me on her back; whether it was instinct or experience, I didn’t know. She had her wings slightly folded upwards, so that I couldn’t roll off her back. And she walked impressively carefully.

We turned down a less populated street, and Fluttershy gave a sigh of relief. "Are you okay, Mellow?"

I hummed, "Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?"

She continued onward, "I didn’t know if you’d be okay with crowds. I’m sorry, I didn’t expect it to be so busy."

I giggled and hugged the back of her neck. "I felt just fine, especially with you with me."

I could tell she was blushing as she started acting shy, but it wasn’t long before something else happened. Some light blue pony with a rainbow mane swooped down from up high, making Fluttershy jump with a small squeak.

"Hey Flutters," she said, still flying right above the ground.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy said exasperatedly, "Why do you always have to scare me?"

"It’s not on purpose!" She replied with crossed arms. Her eyes drifted up to me, and she raised an eyebrow. "What’s another kirin doing here in Ponyville?"

Fluttershy sighed, "Rainbow Dash, this is Mellow Spark. He’s… part of a cultural exchange with the kirins."

Rainbow Dash shrugged, "That’s cool, I guess; I’ve seen a few living around here, honestly. I just wanted to snoop."

Fluttershy smiled, "He’s never had any sort of sweets before; I’m taking him to Sugarcube Corner. Do you want to come?"

Rainbow Dash groaned and put a hoof to her forehead, "I wish! I’m stuck on weather duty today, farmers are complaining about the lack of rain!"

"You can control the weather?" I asked in awe.

Rainbow Dash smirked and spread her wings outward in a showy way. "Yep! The best of us pegasus can make whatever weather we want!"

"That’s so cool!" I said slowly, "Can I control the weather too?"

I felt Fluttershy tense up under me, and Rainbow looked at me with squinted eyes and said, "I’m sorry, bud, I think you’re more suited for magic. But who knows, maybe you’ll be a powerful enough magic user someday to make your own storms!"

Oh, right. She doesn't know I have wings, and she isn’t supposed to know.

"Anyways, I’m off. You guys have an extra cupcake for me! Also, sick cloak, kid." Rainbow said before rocketing off, leaving a trail of rainbows.

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. I felt guilty for making her worry, so I lowered myself onto her back. "I’m sorry, Fluttershy."

She slowly brought me off her back and placed me in front of herself. When she raised her hoof, I don’t know why, but I immediately recoiled towards the floor and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes quickly afterwards, realizing that Fluttershy would obviously never hurt me.

When I opened my eyes, she was already bringing me towards her chest, "Oh, sweetie, I’d never hurt you. You did nothing wrong, Mellow." She said, rubbing small circles on my back.

"I-I know." I said shakily, "It's a force of habit, s-sorry."

She nuzzled me again, "You don’t have to apologize; everything’s alright."

After a few moments, she slowly picked me up and put me on her back again. I hummed, "It was a stupid question anyway; I almost caused a bunch of trouble for you."

She shook her head, "N-No, you’re okay!" She turned and nuzzled my face one last time, "It’s a good question. I wonder if a kirin with wings can control clouds too."

I giggled, "I could make… like a cloud house!"

Fluttershy laughed and continued walking. "You know, we actually have those! Rainbow lives in one. And there’s a whole city called Cloudsdale in the clouds."

"Wow!" I expressed with wonder. A cloud city? That sounded like a fairytale! "Miss Fluttershy, I want to go there!"

"Maybe someday," she replied.

"This is crazy, this has to be a nightmare." Twilight said hastily, pacing back and forth in her library.

She looked down at the letter she’d just read for the hundredth time, hoping, begging for her to have missed the part where it’s all a prank.

Dear Princess Twilight,

Terribly sorry for such an urgent message. But as the closest acting authority to the issue, it had to be done. The two princesses have gone missing. Their train did not arrive at their nearest station on schedule. And upon investigating the track the princesses were taking, we can only deduce that the entire train has completely vanished, along with all of its passengers. At best, we can keep the press off this for a few days, but soon questions will be asked. I request your aid in locating the missing ponies. This is a potentially dire situation; if both princesses aren’t found, there will be mass panic.

Sincerely, Mayor Mare.

Twilight scanned it again, and again, and again. Yet the words didn’t change; the request for help was still there.

Other than the initial panic, the most pressing problem was that Twilight had no clue why. There was no explanation for the disappearance; there was no trace of their whereabouts.

The second problem was that she was stuck in Ponyville. She already had a stressful enough matter to take care of. The random kirin alicorn.

The more she thought about it, the more she didn’t understand. The princesses disappear right as a new alicorn shows up? It was too confusing and perfect. She briefly thought about whether Mellow was being truthful about who he was; maybe he knew something that-

No, she cut out that line of thought.

The more she paced, the more her nerves rose, until Spike brought her out of it. "Twilight, the more you pace, the less we know about what’s going on."

She stopped and nodded at him, "You’re right; I need to contact everyone else. And then we can investigate."

"But they don’t know about Mellow." Spike said with raised brows. "And Fluttershy is taking care of him right now."

Twilight wanted to yell in anger; for a moment, she wished the kirin hadn’t shown up at all. But she took a deep breath, realizing this wouldn’t help anybody.

"How does a train just disappear?" Twilight ranted as she began pacing again.

"Discord?" Spike asked with a shrug.

Twilight shook her head, "It isn’t him. He’d make a show out of it if he had."

Starlight walked into the library at that moment, "Figured anything out?"

Twilight slowly shook her head as Starlight put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Well," she began slowly, "should we contact Princess Cadence?"

Twilight sighed, "I did yesterday about Mellow and haven’t heard back yet. I guess… it couldn’t hurt. She may already know."

Starlight shrugged, "It’s worth a shot. Especially if you haven’t heard back. If she’s missing, then something is definitely up."

Twilight nodded, turning to Spike, who already had a paper ready.

I recognized where I was, mostly because of the intensely familiar scent of sweet things I could never even dream of. And not long after, the sight of the colorful building came into view. Fluttershy stopped just short of walking in and addressed me quietly: "Mellow, there’s a mare in here named Pinkie Pie. She’s very energetic and extremely unpredictable, but I promise she’s very nice."

"It’s okay," I said with confidence. "I’ve met eccentric people before."

Fluttershy hummed worriedly, "It’s almost a bit more than… eccentric."

I rubbed against the back of her head, "I’ll be okay."

She sighed, "If you say so, just tell me if it’s too much."

I nodded, even out of her view, and we took steps into the bakery.

I was immediately assaulted with smells, and I had to manually make sure my mouth was closed so I wouldn’t drool at them. Everywhere I looked, there was something I wanted to try; it all just looked so tasty.

We approached the counter, and Fluttershy called out, "Hello, Pinkie."

I tilted my head curiously, as I didn’t see anybody. But nearly instantly, the pink pony shot up from behind the counter with a loud, "Howdy-do Fluttershy!"

I yelped and fell backwards on Fluttershy’s back. Which caused her to instantly pick me up in a panic, "O-Oh, Mellow!"

I held my hoof up, "My heart… was not ready…" I said between heavy breaths.

In Fluttershy’s panic, Pinkie Pie put her front hooves on the counter to look over and gasped. "Oh my gosh! Is that a brand new, super awesome kirin friend?" she said in excitement.

After reassuring Fluttershy that I was alright for the hundredth time, she turned to meet Pinkie’s curious gaze. "Yes, uhm… This is Mellow Spark. He’s part of a cultural exchange with the kirins, so he’ll be staying for a couple of days."

Pinkie giggled to herself, "That’s good enough for me."

"Pinkie, no surprise party." Fluttershy said with a stern gaze.

"Aww… You ruined the surprise part! Why not?" Pinkie said as her mane seemed to droop a little.

"Well," Fluttershy said, growing nervous again.

I spoke up for her: "I hate surprises."

"Whaaat?! Why?" Pinkie said this in complete disbelief.

I wasn’t actually lying. I did hate surprises almost entirely. But that was due to most ‘surprises’ I’ve endured, being a new and more intense type of ‘training’. I’d grown to expect that when someone wanted to surprise me, they wanted to hurt me.

I shrugged at her question, however. "They make me pass out."

Fluttershy looked down at me in worry, but I kept a stoic facade. Once again, I wasn’t technically lying. I’d always pass out whenever my master had a new ‘surprise’ for me. And wake up in the mud hours later, inches from death, in a pool of my own blood.

A cold shudder went down my spine, and I felt myself shrink. For a moment, I caught a wisp of flame on my hoof.

All of it evaporated with Fluttershy’s touch. The feeling of her hoof on my mane was enough to make me feel like crying. But I held it in for the moment; now wasn’t the time to have a breakdown.

Fluttershy picked me up and placed me on her back, and I quickly nestled my face in the back of her neck. "Sorry, Pinkie, he’s really nervous around new people as well. I just don’t think it’s a good idea."

Pinkie hummed, "Okay, I understand. What about just a regular party?"


"What about just a party of people he knows?"

Fluttershy hesitated for a moment, and let out a sad response, "He just got here, Pinkie. He doesn’t have many friends." She tried to say it quietly, but I still heard it.

Pinkie sounded much sadder than before. "Okay… What can I get for you, Fluttershy?" I noticed a few ponies get in line behind Fluttershy. They giggled at my display of shyness; I only gave them a small wave.

"He’s never had sweets of any kind before." Fluttershy started, "What would you recommend?"

"NEVER HAD SWEETS BEFORE?!" Pinkie said, practically shaking the building. She quickly left her spot at the counter, zipping around so fast I couldn’t keep track of her. Finally, she got back with a tray of what had to be two dozen different sweets. All cut into sizable portions for the both of us.

"Try these, all of these!" She practically commanded.

Fluttershy stuttered nervously, "O-Oh, thank you. How much do I owe you?"

"Nothing! Just tell me what Mellow thinks! I can’t wait to see his face!" She replied.

Fluttershy smiled, "Well, thank you, Pinkie. I’ll be sure to do that."

Fluttershy picked up the tray in her mouth before walking precariously over to a booth seat by the window. I hopped off her back and onto the seat as she settled in next to me. I had to admit that I was feeling a bit impatient as I stared at all the treats in front of me. My eyes lit up like stars in wonder.

Fluttershy giggled, "Try whatever you like. But eat slowly! And don’t eat too much. You’ll feel sick later. Okay?"

"Okay!" I chirped happily as I picked up something called a cupcake.

I took my first bite carefully, and I almost felt like my mouth exploded due to the sugary sweetness of it. It wasn’t just sweet; it tasted like something else that I’d never tasted in my life. I heard a giggle, and then the sound of a flash and a machine.

I turned my head to see Fluttershy giggling into her hooves, with Pinkie holding some device. After a few seconds, the device spit out a piece of paper with me on it: "A perfect picture!" Pinkie announced, placing it on the table.

I leaned over; there were bits of the cupcake all over my face, and the expression of me taking my first bite. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit along with Fluttershy. Pinkie quickly disappeared into the bakery again, and Fluttershy held a napkin to my face and cleaned it off.

After that, I tried everything on the table. Muffins, donuts, truffles, cookies—by the end, I felt like I was a completely new person. And to be honest, I might as well have been. Because as soon as we finished, I couldn’t help but move my legs in a jittery fashion, and I had a hard time keeping still.

Fluttershy briefly left to leave our tray on the counter before coming back to me, "Ready to go, Mellow?"

"Sure, where to next?" I asked as I hopped between two hooves.

She smiled, "It looks like you need to lose some energy. Wanna go to the park?"

I hopped off the seat and ran a circle around her, "Yeah! What’s a park?"

She began walking for the door, and I eagerly followed, "Oh, you’ll see."

The park was fun. It had slides, swings, and other questionably safe things to play on. I loved it—or at least, my hyperactive body loved it. There were other foals around the playground, but most seemed to be lost in their own world. I knew I couldn’t even try to make friends, so I kept to myself as well. Fluttershy was sitting on a bench nearby, but she seemed caught up in a conversation with some other mare.

After playing for a while, I began to feel a little bit sick. I think I actually ended up eating too much of those sweets, at least for my first time ever eating them. And playing around wasn’t helping my stomach. I scanned the area around me for a bathroom and noticed a large building with signs indicating males and females.

I began walking towards it and looked back at Fluttershy. I should’ve probably told her, but she was having such a nice conversation, it seemed. I could do this on my own; it would be fine.

After finding the bathroom and thankfully not losing my stomach, but taking care of other business. I walked out of the building feeling much better, but before I could make my way back to the playground, two ponies stepped into my path. I fell back onto my rump with a squeak, and I rubbed my head as I looked up at them. "S-Sorry." I muttered.

They both had wide smiles and friendly faces. One was a smaller violet unicorn with an icy blue mane and a light blue cloak on her back; she seemed younger than most mares I’ve met. The other was a much larger brown stallion pegasus with silver hair and a black cloak. He had a scar over his mouth, but otherwise he had a friendly smile. "Oh, no worries, young one." The stallion said.

I stood up and nodded, attempting to walk past them, but the stallion blocked my path a bit. "You’re awfully young to be out by yourself. Is your momma nearby?"

I looked up with a bit of curiosity. I guess it was odd that I’d gone off by myself. "Um, I’m here with someone. They’re just sitting over there by the park." I said quietly.

The violet mare spoke cheerily, "I like your cloak! It looks cool."

I smiled slightly, "Thanks, I like yours too."

"We don’t see many kirin around here," the stallion began. "I find your nirik forms absolutely fascinating. Would you mind showing me?"

"N-No!" I said quickly, backing up a few steps, "I-I mean, I can’t control it yet."

I almost caught a hint of annoyance crossing his face as he let off a laugh. "Oh, don’t you worry, a foal’s nirik form is super easy to suppress."

"Is it now?" I asked with a small, fake smile. I was now looking over to Fluttershy to see if she had noticed my absence. I didn’t know why, but I felt myself growing a bit uneasy.

The mare stepped forward a bit, "It’s just that we really wanted to see it. I know a place where you won’t burn anything in nirik form. Want to come see it with us?"

I huffed and stepped a few more paces back; something in me was screaming at me, and I really didn’t like the feeling. "I-I think I need to go now."

I began walking away with my eyes locked on them. The stallion seemed angry as he took a step forward, but the mare held him back. Soon they disappeared behind a building again. What was that all about?

I looked down at my hooves and saw that I was leaving scorched footsteps in the grass. I took a few deep breaths, but it wasn’t helping, and tears started brimming in my eyes. Something deep inside me was telling me I was unsafe, and I couldn’t calm it down either. "Fluttershy!" I called when I got close enough.

"Oh, Mellow. Are you having fun?" When she saw me, she immediately became worried.

I was crying as I held my hooves up, which were simmering with blue flames on the end. "I-I can’t… I can’t stop it."

She nodded and looked around nervously. Some of the mares in the area looked at us like they’d seen a ghost, some pulling their children away from me and closer to themselves. Fluttershy’s first instinct was to pick me up, but she quickly realized the problem with that.

The fire was still crawling up my arm, especially with everyone’s eyes on me, looking at me like I was going to hurt them. Fluttershy was frozen; she didn’t know what to do either.

I remembered flashes of my fire in the forest. Except it wasn’t the forest; it was Ponyville and all of its residents on fire. Which made me remember my home and my parents. All of the panic of the situation got to me, and I ran.

I left Fluttershy and ran towards the only person who could handle my destructive power. I ran towards the crystal tree, even as the flames continued to threaten to overtake my body. Everyone shot worried or scared glances at me as I ran through town. I nearly tripped a few times, and dodging the various ponies was also hard.

Eventually I ran up the golden steps and burst through the doorway. "Twilight!" I called out.

Almost immediately, I heard a poof, and Twilight appeared right in front of me. "M-Mellow? What happened?"

My fire was now up to my chest, as I hysterically dropped to the floor and cried. "Please, please, turn it off! I can’t make it go away!"

"Okay! Okay." She said quickly, "First, I need you to calm down for me."

"I can’t!" I cried as a new wave of tears left my eyes.

"Well, how do you usually calm yourself down?" Twilight asked worriedly.

"I don’t know!" I walked closer to Twilight and held my hoof out, but she took a few steps back with what seemed like fear. I retracted my hoof in horror; of course she didn’t want to be near me.

The only thing I thought of was Lovelight. She was the only one who had ever made me calm down when going nirik. She still treated me like normal, even while I was on fire. I don’t know what she did to make me feel better. Breathing wasn’t working, and more flashes of people screaming in fire filled my mind. Tears came flooding out of my eyes; uncontrollable emotions flooded.

Of course, I was stupid. Leaving my old world and becoming a new species. And thinking that anybody would ever see me the same as themselves. I was always going to be a freak. Always that weird one with horrible powers that you just try to forget. Throw me in a dungeon, tell me to leave—anything would be better than pretending to be my friend.

I felt the rest of my fire rush up my body with a heat wave, Twilight quickly bubbled me and held me suspended in the air. The fire rushed outward in a heat wave but was blocked by the bubble, thankfully.

Suddenly, Fluttershy burst through the door. "Mellow! Are you-" She saw me bubbled, and gasped.

"Fluttershy, what happened?" Twilight asked with a hint of annoyance.

She stuttered sadly, "I-I don’t know! We were at the park, and he started crying. Everyone l-looked at us, and I couldn’t-"

"You went to the park!?" Twilight asked in disbelief. "You know he can’t control his nirik form or his magic. Why would you take him there?"

This was all my fault. They were good friends, and I was making them hate each other. Why would everything just be better if I disappeared? I really wanted to right now.

Fluttershy defended herself even as she retracted into her mane. "H-He needed to lose some energy. I took him to Sugarcube Corner; he’d never had sweets before…"

"And you just let him eat whatever he wanted?" Twilight said, placing a hoof against her face.

I curled up inside the bubble. I wanted someone to come and get rid of me. To make all the yelling stop. I covered my ears and tried to drown out the noise.

Twilight groaned, "First, the princesses train is missing. I have to teach Mellow how to control his magic, and now I also have to figure out how to help him control his nirik. And now I’m going to have dozens of ponies knocking at my door, asking questions!"

"The princesses are missing?" Fluttershy asked incredulously.

Twilight groaned, "Yes! And I’d like to do something about it. But Mellow-"

Fluttershy stamped her hoof, "But Mellow what? You just want to treat him like a slave, the exact thing we’re supposed to be doing the opposite of!"

"I don’t have a choice!" Twilight yelled, "I understand he’s just a colt. But we have more pressing issues!"

Fluttershy grew angry for the first time I’d ever seen, "Twilight, think about how he feels!"

"I’ve tried!" she cried desperately.

"No, you haven’t! You’ve only made him feel worse!"

Twilight shook her head, letting the anger get to her. "I just don’t know what to do! We don’t even know anything about him, Fluttershy!"

I held my breath as my heart raced. Please stop yelling over me. Please make it stop.

At all the shouting, Starlight entered the main hall. "Is everything okay?" Though they ignored her to continue arguing.

"Y-You need to help me figure it out, then! We’re supposed to be doing this together!" Fluttershy offered with tears in her eyes.

"With the princesses missing, I can’t be bothered! He almost hurt ponies in that park. What if he had burned someone? Then what would we do?" Twilight said in an exhausted voice.

"W-Why are you acting like this, Twilight?" Fluttershy quietly asked.

"Because he’s dangerous, Fluttershy!"

..There it is.

"Listen to yourself!" Starlight said angrily. "I won’t act like I know what’s going on, but that’s ridiculous, Twilight!"

Twilight finally showed her true colors, just like everyone else did. I laughed; it really was funny to me. I had actually gotten close to thinking this place couldn’t be that bad. What a joke.

I couldn’t help it; my laughter made everyone stop and look at me.

I locked eyes with Twilight and mumbled angrily. I knew it was childish, but who cares anymore? "I hate you."

Twilight tilted her head nervously. "E-Excuse me?"

My fire, which was at first only a wisp of flame, burst out of me. My eyes shone brightly for a second as I stood up in the bubble, and the fire whipped around my body in an inferno. I gave into the growing burning feeling in my chest, which made me way angrier, close to the angriest I’d ever felt before in my life. Then I yelled.

"I hate you!"

Almost immediately, my eyes widened as I realized what I’d done. I had just told a princess that I hated her. I’d held my tongue all my life; why had I done it this time?

Fluttershy and Starlight gasped at my statement. But it wasn’t their reaction that caught my attention. It was the door flying open at that exact moment, and the pony who stepped into the castle was an extremely angry Lovelight. There was a rage on her face that even made Twilight shrivel a bit as she recoiled.

The door slammed close behind her, and she practically demanded an answer. "What’s going on here?"

Author's Note:

Sorry, I didn't have much time to spend on art this time. Next chapter will have more. At least you can finally see Mellow in nirik form!

I expect some... dissagreement over this chapter. All I can say is trust the process. Sorry if it upsets you though.

Hope to see you all soon. Thanks for 250+ likes! -Flygon