• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,047 Views, 25 Comments

The New Wondercolts - TheKing2001

After the Friendship Games, our favorite five Shadowbolts switch school's

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Chapter I

Five girls stood nervously in front of Canterlot High. Lemon Zest’s jacket and dress were blowing in the wind as she was bobbing her head to her loud music. Sunny Flare sighed and tapped her on the shoulder. Lemon ignored her and started dancing to the music, ignoring the looks from the CHS students walking up the stairs into the school to begin their day. Groaning, Indigo plucked the headphones off and shut them off mid song.

“Hey!” Lemon shot her a glare. “Gimme em back!” Sugarcoat pushed her glasses up.

“You’re going to go deaf with how loud they are,” she stated dryly.

“You’ll get them back after we discuss if this is the best option,” Indigo snapped as she held them above her head as the shorter pink girl jumped and tried to get them.

“And not so loud dearie,” Sunny pointed out.

“Because we would totally hate for you to not hear us anymore,” Sour Sweet said in a honeyed tone. “Because you definitely listen to us all the time!” Resigned, Lemon quit trying to get her headphones and started tapping her foot.

“Are we sure this is the right course of action?” Indigo asked, a fraction of nervousness breaking through her carefully built mask of nonchalance.

“Well, it’s too late to reconsider,” Sunny pointed out. “Dean Cadence and Principal Celestia already accepted our transfer requests to this school.”

“Isn’t it kinda weird how she still goes by Dean even though she is the principal?” Indigo asked. Lemon shrugged.

“I guess so. Apparently she’s more comfortable with Dean instead of the title of Principal,” she said as she started clapping her hands.

“Can you go five seconds without making some form of noise?” Sour demanded. Lemon propped a finger on her chin.

“Hmm nope!” She shouted. A girl tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around to look at her. A grey girl was holding a basket of muffins out to her.

“Muffin?” The girl offered with a shy smile. Lemon grinned and took it, taking a bit. Her eyes lit up after she swallowed it.

“Wow! These are spectacular!” She exclaimed. “Do you make these?”

“Mhm,” the girl answered. Shrugging, the other former Shadowbolts took a muffin and started eating theirs. They all gave the girl incredulous looks.

“These are pretty good,” Sunny Flare smiled at her sweetly. “What’s your name, dear?” The girl shuffled her feet nervously, staring at the ground.

“Derpy,” she finally said. Indigo grinned and wrapped an arm around the girl, making her squeak.

“Thanks for the muffins, Derpy. I was starving!”

“They had a lot of blueberries,” Sugarcoat stated. Derpy shrugged and Indigo slapped her on the back of head.

“Why are you so nice to us?” Sour asked.

“Everybody deserves kindness,” Derpy explained with a grin. “Even former rivals.”

“Derpy!” A mint girl shouted, running up to her with a cream girl. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” She skidded to a stop and glared at the five girls. “What are they doing here?” She pointed an accusing finger.

“We go to school here now,” Sunny explained. The mint girl snorted and rolled her eyes.

“Likely story. You’re probably here to vandalize what remains of our Wondercolt statue,” the cream girl growled.

“Lyra! Bon Bon!” Derpy chided. “Be nice, everyone deserves respect. Even them.” She gestured to them. The two girls flinched and shared a look between each other.

“I don’t trust them,” Lyra finally said. Bon Bon crossed her arms and looked away.

“Me neither,” she agreed. Derpy sighed.

“If I can trust them, so can you.” The new Wondercolts stared at her in shock, Lyra and Bon Bon stared at her too.

“We respect you, Derpy,” Lyra stated as she rubbed the back of her head. “But they’re Shadowbolts.”

“Technically we’re Wondercolts,” Sugarcoat pointed out.

“Let’s go Wondercolts!” Indigo shouted, enthusiastically pumping her fist in the air. Lyra rolled her eyes at that.

“If you say so,” Lyra grumbled as she tried to steal a muffin. Derpy smacked her hand. “Hey! I haven’t had breakfast!”

“You were mean to them. No muffins for you,” Derpy stated firmly. Lyra groaned and Sour shot her a smug grin.

“We can go get breakfast from the cafeteria,” Bon Bon grabbed her hand. “Let’s go. See you in Algebra, Derpy.”

“Bye Bonnie!” Derpy waved as the two girls walked into the school, shooting a distrusting look back at the five girls with Derpy.

“Why do they hate us so much?” Lemon mused.

“Well to be fair, we did beat them countless times and vandalize their statue,” Sugarcoat stated.

“Thanks Captain Obvious,” Sour Sweet grumbled.

“What are your names?” Derpy asked with her big smile.

“I’m Indigo Zap,” Indigo told her. She pointed to each of her group. “That’s Lemon Zest, Sunny Flare, Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet.” The first two smiled and gave her eager waves while the last two gave her barely noticeable nods.

“Nice to meet you,” Derpy grinned. “What classes do you got?” She focused on Indigo and Sunny Flare, who seemed to be the spokespeople for the group. Lemon Zest snatched her head phones when she saw her chance and shoved them in her bag.

“Uh first hour is science, then math, history, english, gym and woodworking” Indigo told her.

“Algebra, history, science, english, tech theater and gym,” Sunny announced.

“Music, history, english, woodworking, chemisty and physics,” Lemon admitted.

“I have chemistry, biology, english, history, dance and math,” Sugarcoat stated. The group stared at Sour Sweet and she groaned.

“Chemistry, architecture, history, english, math and music,” she grumbled.

“I didn’t know we had architecture as a class,” Derpy admitted.

“It’s new according to Vice Principal Luna,” she stated. Derpy grinned eagerly.

“Me, Indigo and Sunny share english class. I have chemistry with Sugarcoat and Sour Sweet and physics with Lemon,” Derpy said excitedly.

“Excellent,” Sunny smiled. “If you’ll excuse us, we really need to get to class.” Derpy nodded as she started walking up the steps.

“See you all later!” She waved as she opened the door and disappeared in the school. Sunny straightened her skirt and smoothed the wrinkles.

“She’s scarily nice. Wonder what she wants,” Sour mumbled. “People are only that nice if they want something.”

“Or maybe she’s naturally nice?” Lemon offered. Sour snorted at that and rolled her eyes.

“Nobody is naturally nice,” she pointed out. “Everybody always wants something, no matter who they are.” Indigo shrugged as as she lead the others up the stairs, adjusting her backpack.

“Well we can worry about that later,” she said confidently. “Let’s face the day, Wondercolts!” Sour face palmed.

“God kill me now,” she mumbled as she walked into the school. The talking in the hallway ceased as the other students stared at them and started whispering, pointing.

“They’re pointing at us,” Sugarcoat pointed out as she adjusted her glasses and brushed some dog hair off her dress.

“Brilliant observation. Did you figure that out on your own?” Sour snarled, then smiled. “I appreciate it, Sugarcoat. Sincerely.”

“Hey!” Sunset grinned as she walked up. “Glad to see you guys took my suggestion seriously and transferred.”

“Cinch was a bit much afterwards,” Sunny admitted as she gave her a hug. Sunset returned her in confusion.

“Didn’t she get fired?” Sunset questioned. Indigo inhaled.

“She did but it took a bit before they did so and find a replacement. The three weeks after were a living hell and by the time they announced her replacement was Cadence, we all had put our transfers in and they got accepted. Besides, we had already talked about coming over here for a bit do we didn’t bother trying to change their minds,” she explained as she adjusted her goggles.

“Where’s the other Rainbooms?” Lemon looked around.

“In our band room. We’re getting some practice in before class,” Sunset explained as she patted her guitar. “I was just headed there.”

“Can we uhm come with?” Lemon asked hopefully. “It was cool after you helped us with the music video thing.” Sunset shrugged and smiled.

“Sure why not?” She lead them around some glaring students and into a room nearby. “Hey, guys. Look who I found.”

“Hey y’all,” Applejack tipped her hat as she strummed her bass.

“Hi,” Sugarcoat waved.

“Indigo!” Rainbow exclaimed eagerly as she set her guitar down and highfived her.

“Nice to see ya Rainbow!” Indigo grinned.

“Hello darling. You look absolutely stunning!” Rarity looked over Sunnys magenta dress.

“You as well,” she smiled at Rarity’s comment and took in her purple dress.

“Wanna hear a song?” Rainbow eagerly asked.

“Sure?” Sour shrugged.

“What song? We haven’t wrote any new ones,” Sunset pointed out and Rainbow shrugged.

“I’m in the mood for shine like rainbows,” Rainbow admitted.

“Okay then,” Sunset shrugged as she picked up her guitar.

“Once upon a time, you came into my world and made the stars align,” Applejack sang as she played her bass.

“Now I can see the signs, you pick me up when I get down so I can shine,” Rarity took over.

“Shine like rainbows,” the group sang and Lemon started bobbing her head with a grin.

“Friends, you are in my life, and you can count on me to be there by your side,” Rainbow sang and played her guitar that Indigo could only describe as intensely.

“And when the music comes alive, we sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine,” Sunset took over and smiled.

“And the sound that we hear in our hearts, makes a crescendo. And the light that ignites in the dark, it makes us all glow. And shine like rainbows, we shine like rainbows, shine like rainbows. Together we stand, as the rain begins to fall and holdin’ our heads up high as the sun shines through it all,” the Rainbooms sang in unison. A bright glow made the new Wondercolts cover their eyes as the other girls ponied up.

“And the sound that we hear in our hearts, makes a crescendo. And the light that ignites in the dark, it makes us all glow. And shine like rainbows, we shine like rainbows, shine like rainbows,” they repeated and finished the last few notes of their song.

“Excellent song and message dearies,” Sunny clapped.

“Thank you,” Rainbow bowed.

“Where’s Twilight?” Indigo realized one was missing and looked around. Sunset sighed and rolled her eyes.

“She’s a bit nervous about seeing you all again,” Sunset admitted.

“Oh,” Indigo’s expression fell as did Sunnys.

“We were awful to her,” Lemon admitted. Sunset stepped forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“So was I. Remember, I yelled at her after the motocross event,” Sunset reminded everyone in the room.

“Absolutely terrifying,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Ah thought Ah’d never seen the old Sunset again. For a minute, she was back,” Applejack agreed.

“It wasn’t that bad. Not like how it could have been. I could have yelled at her like I did to the princess version,” Sunset disagreed. The Rainbooms stared at her.

“Okay, it was bad,” Sunset admitted sheepishly.

“It was like a return to the dark ages,” Rainbow announced. Everyone stared at her in surprise. “What? I didn’t have my phone when Harshwhinny went over that topic that day.”

“Surprised you even paid attention,” Sugarcoat said dryly. Applejack snickered at that and hid it behind her hand when Rainbow glared at her. A loud wet sound came from the back of the room and Rainbow turned her glare to the two girls making out.

“Sunset! Pinkie Pie! Get a room that isn’t where I’m at!” Rainbow snapped. Indigo and Lemon Zest burst out laughing. The two girls stopped kissing and stepped away, cheeks burning bright red.

“Sorry,” Sunset rubbed her head.

“I didn’t even know they were dating,” Sunny admitted in surprise.

“We just started dating,” Sunset smirked nervously.

“Like, last week!” Pinkie shouted. Everyone except Lemon was affected by the loud sound. She gave Pinkie a fist bump and a grin.

“Ah a new relationship,” Sunny cooed. “How adorable.”

“I think its adorable,” Rarity agreed.

“You only think that because you planned everything out and they wore the dresses you made,” Rainbow scoffed. Rarity looked offended at that.

“I find it adorable that two of my friends are finding love with each other!” Rarity snapped.

“Oh sweet god,” Applejack grumbled. “When are you two gonna quit?” She gestured at the former Shadowbolts. “This ain’t a good first impression.”

“Technically we’ve met before,” Sugarcoat corrected. Pinkie rolled her eyes and giggled.

“You sound just like my sisters boyfriend!” Pinkie giggled.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Sugarcoat asked. Pinkie shrugged and leaned up close to her.

“Up to you to decideeee!” She sang. The bell rang and everyone jumped.

“Shit! That’s the five minute bell! Gotta go. Bye!” Rainbow shouted as she took off into the hallway. Laughing, Indigo followed and everyone went to their respective classes.