• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,064 Views, 25 Comments

The New Wondercolts - TheKing2001

After the Friendship Games, our favorite five Shadowbolts switch school's

  • ...

Chapter III

Lemon sighed in frustration as she stuck her pen in her mouth, chewing on the end. She stared in growing frustration at the math test sitting in front of her that she had yet to start. So far, all she had wrote on it was some drawings at the top. She pressed the pen to the paper before moving it away and slamming her head to the desk with a groan.

“Pretty annoying, right?” A girl next to her wearing a red beret, black top and red skirt whispered to her.

“Got that right,” Lemon whispered back. “I hate math, it’s my worst subject. I’ve just been drawing.”

“Me too,” the girl snickered quietly. “Can I see your drawings?” The two girls quickly swapped papers after making sure Cheerilee wasn’t watching. “Wow. Good stuff.”

“You as well,” Lemon admitted. “I like the skull on the top.” She admired the skull drawing surrounded by roses. “Lemon Zest, who are you?”

“Watermelody,” she replied quietly, glancing quickly at Cheerilee reading a book. “Stop by the art club after school and we will talk.” The two swapped papers again and started writing.

“Lemon Zest! Watermelody! No cheating,” Cheerilee stood at the two girls desk after having snuck up on them.

“Sorry Miss Cheerilee,” Watermelody said.

“Both of you take your papers to the principals office and do your test there please.” Sighing, the two girls nodded and stood up after gathing up their belongings, heading for the door. The two walked quietly to the office and slipped in.

“Drawing again in class?” Raven asked without looking up from her computer.

“Again?” Lemon stared at Watermelody. “How often do you get sent down here?”

“Often,” she answered with a smirk. “I enjoy drawing.”

“You should focus more on your math. We have art class for a reason,” Celestia chided from her open office. Watermelody scoffed at that.

“I’m not gonna be a math teacher when I grow up. I’m gonna an artist, math is stupid and will not help me achieve that goal,” Watermelody shot back. “The only important classes here is drama, art and history of art.” Celestia sighed in frustration.

“I have to go cover for Harshwhinny. Use my office to do your test and you can return to class after,” Celestia stood up and left the office. Shrugging, the younger girls sat in her office.

“What school did you go to?” Watermelody asked as she stared at her test.

“Uh Crystal Prep,” Lemon admitted nervously. Watermelody snapped her fingers.

“That’s right! I remember seeing you in the gym before the Games started and during the Games.”

“Yeah,” Lemon sighed and rubbed her head. “We were awful. Especially to you guys and Twilight. I guess we all got caught up in winning and Cinchs overly evil personality.”

“I remember. I was there when she turned into that scary demon thing like when Sunset did that. I almost fell into the hole in the ground,” Watermelody shivered at that.

“Why didn’t you compete in the Games?” Lemon asked as she started to doodle.

“I didn’t get picked for the team because of my failing math grade. I would have liked to though. The baking competition would have been a fun art one,” Watermelody shrugged.

“Uh it’s baking? How is that art?” Lemon propped herself up with a hand under her chin.

“Art is subjective. It’s all up to the person who views it. Plus, Pinkie baked the Mona Lisa INSIDE of her cake. That right there is true talent,” Watermelody explained with a grin.

“That was impressive,” Lemon admitted. “I still don’t know how she did that.”

“Me neither,” Watermelody agreed. “But I can respect the skill.”

“We should probably finish this stupid test,” Lemon groaned. Watermelody gave her a smirk.

“She didn’t say we couldn’t do it together. All she said was finish our test.” Lemon thought for a second and grinned back.

“I like how you think.”


Lemon nervously slipped her backpack on and stepped into the classroom Watermelody told her was the art clubs meeting room. She looked around nervously the room at the people drawing or modeling with clay.

“Lemon!” Watermelody gave her an eager wave and a grin, quickly walking over. “You came!”

“Well yeah. I said I would,” Lemon smirked.

“Let me introduce you to everyone,” Watermelody announced. “Listen up, you all!” The others stopped and gazed at her expectantly. “This is Lemon Zest, she’s a new member.”

“Hi,” a light ceruleanish grey girl waved. Watermelody pointed at her.

“That’s Mystery Mint, that’s Scribble Dee, Velvet Sky, Sweet Leafs, Blueberry Cake, Bright Idea and Cherry Crash,” Watermelody announced as she pointed to each one as she named them off.

“I know you,” Blueberry stared at Lemon with an unreadable expression. “You were a Shadowbolt.”

“I was,” Lemon admitted. “Not anymore. Not a place I wanted to be in life.”

“We’re aren’t here to discuss our past,” Watermelody quickly intervened. “We’re here to be bonded by our love for art.” The other clubmembers nodded and went back to their projects. Lemon looked around in curiosity at the occasional laughing students.

“This is such a different environment from Crystal Prep,” she mused aloud.

“We try,” Watermelody grinned as she plopped down at a table and picked up a pencil. Lemon sat down next to her and watched as the girl quickly drew a dragon breathing fire.

“Wow,” Lemon stared in awe. “That’s great.” Watermelody slightly blushed.

“Thanks,” she slid a paper and pencil to Lemon. “Wanna draw something?”

“I don’t know what to draw,” Lemon admitted as she stared at the pencil in front of her.

“Well what usually inspires you?” Watermelody questioned.

“Music. Preferably loud rock music and rap,” Lemon answered eagerly with a grin. “Beastie Boys, Hollywood Undead, Hush, Tech N9ne and others.”

“I have no idea who those are,” Watermelody admitted. “If music inspires you, listen to some. You got headphones.” She gestured to the headphones sticking out of the bag.

“Okay!” The others in the room watched the altercation out of the corner of their eyes. They watched curiously as Lemon started bobbing her head enthusiastically drawing, occasionally glancing at Watermelody and the others. An hour went passed.

“Done!” She said enthusiastically as she set her pencil down and grinned, rubbing her hands together.

“Let’s see it,” Watermelody announced as she leaned over her shoulder, pressing against Lemons back. She tried her hardest to ignore the feeling of the other girls chest as the others looked the drawing over.

“Wow,” Mystery said in awe. She smiled at the hyper realistic drawing of all of them in the room doing their projects. “That’s incredible.”

“It’s okay,” Lemon admitted as she slipped her headphones off.

“It’s better than okay! It’s spectacular!” Watermelody grinned. “I want a copy.”

“Me too,” Scribble Dee piped in with a smile.

“Wanna join the club?” Watermelody asked hesitantly.

“I’m a former Shadowbolt,” Lemon reminded her. “The others won’t want me here.” Watermelody folded her arms across her chest.

“I’m the founder of the art club. It’s my decision who to allow in,” Watermelody stated firmly.

“Besides you’re cool,” Cherry Crash pointed out.

“So?” Watermelody focused on Lemon. “You in?” Lemon grinned at her.

“I’m in.”


“Do you always meet here?” Sunny asked as she stirred her milkshake before taking a sip.

“Yeah,” Rainbow confirmed. “We’ve been meeting here since middle school.” She sipped her own and contently sighed.

“This is our favorite place,” Sunset piped in. She sighed and stared at a couch.

“Are you good?” Lemon asked around a mouthful of her cookies and cream milkshake.

“Yeah,” Sunset said distractedly. Applejack followed her gaze and let out a sigh of her own.

“Ya know, we’re sorry about bringing up ya past,” Applejack told her.

“I know. Doesn’t make the memory any less painful.”

“What past?” Sugarcoat asked.

“Remember what happened to the ending of the Friendship Games?” Sunset asked and the others nodded.

“After the Fall Formal, I turned into one. It was a less than stellar experience for us all,” Sunset sighed. The Rainbooms shivered at the memory.

“And we were all like Sunset turning into a monster this and then being all like no offense and she’d lie to us by saying none taken!” Pinkie exclaimed as she slurped her shake.

“Yeah it sucked,” Sunset sighed. “But I accept the jokes now. Hell, I make a few. Just kinda hard to ignore every now and again.”

“So I heard you joined the art club last week,” Indigo changed the topic, looking at Lemon.

“Yeah it’s pretty cool. Watermelody asked me to join. I stayed after school to hang out with the club one day after we hung out in Principle Celestia’s office,” Lemon nodded.

“Why were you in her office?” Sour asked.

“Cheerile sent us up for cheating. In all reality we were sharing the drawings we drew on our papers and gave our papers back to each other when Cheerilee caught us.”

“That’s good,” Sunny smiled. “I’ve been too busy studying for my tests to talk to anyone other than you all.”

“Watermelody is nice,” Rarity agreed. “She’s super looking forward to going to Camp Everfree next week with us all. Are you guys going?”

“Yes!” They all said in unison.

“Me too!” Applejack grinned. “Ahm gonna forage, sleep in the wilderness.”

“You do realize they supply us with shelter, right? Rainbow pointed out.

“Ah still plan on foragin.”

“I’m just gonna study a bunch of insects,” Twilight mumbled softly, casting a nervous glance at the others across from her. Indigo and Sugarcoat gave each other a look after catching them look Twilight gave their group.

“You okay there Twilight?” Indigo asked hesitantly.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She asked, eyes flicking around her.

“You’ve been distant recently,” Sugarcoat pointed out. Twilight sighed and sipped her milkshake.

“Can I be alone with Indigo and the others please?” She asked.

“Sure sugarcube,” Applejack pushed her chair and dragged Rainbow to a different table. Rarity squeezed her shoulders reassuringly as she followed.

“What’s up?” Lemon asked.

“I’m nervous around you all,” Twilight admitted. “You guys bullied me a lot. Lemon didn’t really do much to me but she did help force me into releasing the magic along with you all and turn me into that ugly thing. It’s why I’ve been avoiding you all.”

“I’m sorry,” Lemon mumbled.

“We all are,” Indigo piped in, staring at her milkshake.

“It was fucked up,” Sugarcoat agreed. Sunny stared at her in shock. “What? I don’t sugarcoat anything.”

“I know I just didn’t expect that language so...randomly I guess,” Sunny admitted.

“Anyway. It was wrong of us all and we know that. We should have stood up against Cinch,” Sour sighed. “That witch is crazy!”

“Got that right,” Indigo agreed. She focused on the nervous girl across from her. “If you don’t feel comfortable around us, we understand. I hope you can forgive us one day.” Twilight took a deep breath.

“I want to try. So the others want to invite you to a sleep over tonight.”

“That’s adorable,” Sour cooed. “If we were freaking seven!” Sunny elbowed her under the table when she saw Twilight’s hurt expression.

“I’m in,” Indigo announced.

“Me too,” Sunny and Lemon said in unison.

“I suppose I could,” Sour grunted with a smile. They stared at Sugarcoat who wore an uncharacteristically nervous expression.

“I will try,” she sighed and stood up. “I’ll go get my stuff right now.” Twilight nodded and gave the Rainbooms a thumbs up.

“They’re in!” She announced. Rainbow grinned and gave a fist pump. Sugarcoat pushed the door open and started walking. Walking past all the downtown buildings till she got to the bus stop. She tapped her foot impatiently till the bus came into view and stopped in front of her. The doors opened with a hiss and she stepped aboard, showing the driver her card and took her seat. She watched out the window was the bus passed multiple houses and made multiple stops before reaching hers. She climbed out of her seat and stepped off.

“Have a good night,” the bus driver told her as she gave him a brief nod and pushed the door open to her self and groaned quietly at the smell of alcohol.

“Where ya been bitch?” Strong Arm demanded. She made a face at the alcohol on his breath.

“Out with friends. I’m getting clothes because we have a sleepover tonight.”

“And you’re not even gonna ask me for permission?” He slurred out. She sighed.

“Can I please go to a sleepover with my friends dad?”

“Yes,” he answered with a smug grin. “When ya hoe mom getting home?” She sighed again and straightened her glasses.

“Mom has been dead for three years now. Remember? I found her.”

“Bullshit! She’s at work and is coming home!” He stumbled back to the living room and Sugarcoat sighed, walking up the stairs to her room. She thought about the day she found her mom in the garage and quickly pushed the memory out of her mind for the time being. She really didn’t want to think about that moment right now. She started shoving pajamas, shirt and pants for tomorrow along with her intimates. She slipped out the house and hopped on the bus before it took off.


“So what do you guys do now?” Indigo asked as she sat crosslegged on Sunset’s bedroom floor.

“Typically video games, order pizza, card games, gossip, then sleep,” Rarity explained as she did Sunnys nail polish.

“Gossip about what?” Sour asked.

“Anything. Like how Octavia may or may not have gone on a date with Bulk Biceps. How Lightning may have a steroid addiction,” Rarity told her. Indigo looked away and rubbed her shoulder at that.

“Wait, I thought Octavia was dating Vinyl?” Rainbow looked confused.

“She is,” Sunset confirmed. “Lyra and Bon Bon told me. They were doing a surprise party at Vinyl’s house and watched the two make out on the front steps.”

“Damn,” Rainbow muttered. “Never saw that coming. Surprised that happened. I heard Octavia was really shut in and her mom didn’t let her leave the house unless it was school or cello.”

“Did you hear about the shouting match between Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon?” Pinkie asked.

“I was there,” Sunset told her. “Something about not following Diamond’s drama anymore.”

“Good,” Rarity scoffed. “The amount of times Sweetie Belle has ran home crying because of those two bullying her is too much to count.”

“Same with Bloom,” Applejack agreed.

“And Scootaloo,” Rainbow sighed. “I suggested she fight Diamond and stand up for herself. I wouldn’t condone fighting but sometimes bullies only understand one language.”

“Of course you would suggest that,” Rarity grunted.

“She’s right though,” Indigo sighed. “Sometimes you just gotta stand up for yourself. Let them swing first, it’s self defense afterwards.”

“Scootaloo already has a limp Dash,” Fluttershy pointed out. “It could be worse if she fought Diamond.”

“I know,” Rainbow grunted as she stood up. “Piss break.” Rarity glared at her.

“Don’t need to be so crude,” she rolled her eyes.

“Other than gossip, what do you do?” Sugarcoat asked.

“Well watch movies sometimes,” Sunset smirked. “Twilight is currently the champion so she picks.”

“Champion of what?” Indigo asked eagerly.

“She beat all of us in our monthly video game competition,” Fluttershy explained. “I was surprised she beat Rainbow and Sunset.” Indigo and her friends stared at the blushing purple girl in shock.

“That’s so cool!” Indigo cheered. “We gotta play sometime, Twi.”

“If you want to lose,” Twilight mumbled. Indigo smirked and raised an eyebrow.

“Someone is feeling confident,” Indigo taunted playfully.

“So heroin, so cocaine, so ketamine, promethazine, so x, so wet, so thorazine, so morphine, so dope that they wanna have sex.” Everybody in the room stared at Lemon. The girl was dancing in the corner with her head phones on. Sour groaned and snatched the head phones off her head.

“Lemon! You’re rapping again!” Sunny snapped. The girl turned a bright shade of red and slumped against the wall.

“Sorry?” She sheepishly offered. Pinkie grabbed the headphones and started bobbing her head.

“Wow! I haven’t heard this song in ages!” Pinkie shouted way too loudly for the room. Lemon stared at her in mild surprise.

“You like Tech N9ne?” Lemon questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Well duh! Me Rainbow and Vinyl listen to him like all the time after school!” Pinkie tossed the headphones to Lemon.

“Epic!” Lemon grinned. Rainbow shook the water off her hands as she walked into the room.

“What are we talking about?” She asked as she sat down on the floor on her sleeping bag.

“Rap,” Rarity said with disinterest.

“If I wasn’t exhausted after practice today, I’d be more excited.”

“We start the sports events against Manehatten University tomorrow don’t we?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“Yup,” Rainbow groaned.

“The what?” Twilight asked.

“It’s a bunch of sporting events we play against each other. It’s fifty fifty with who wins but they’re stepping their game up recently. Literally and figuratively,” Rainbow grumbled.

“Another loss,” Applejack growled as she slammed a fist into her open palm.

“Not anymore!” Rainbow grinned mischievously. “I got the schools spirit up when we played in the Friendship Games and I’ll do it again.”

“This won’t end well,” Sunset announced.

“Oh yes it will,” Rainbow argued.

“What are ya gonna do?” Sugarcoat asked.

“You’ll see.”


“I know some of you all think we might not stand a chance again this year against Manehatten University today but we will,” Rainbow announced. Indigo, her former Shadowbolts and the Rainbooms sat on the bleachers surrounded by other students.

“What is she doing?” Twilight demanded. Sunset rolled her eyes with a smirk.

“Doing what Rainbow does best.”

“Manhattan University students are super athletic, super smart, and super motivated. But there’s one thing they aren’t. They aren’t Wondercolts!
We’ve fought magic more than once
And come out on top,” Rainbow started to sing.

“She is literally reusing this song from when she hyped up the students before the games,” Rarity moaned. “So unoriginal.”

“But effective,” Sunset retorted.

“There’s other schools, but none can make those claims. Together we are Canterlot, come and cheer our name. This will be our year to maintain our streak.”

“We’ll always be Wondercolts forever
And now our time has finally arrived
‘Cause we believe in the magic of friendship nd you know, at the end of the day it is we who survive!” Indigo gave a grin.

“She’s motivational,” Indigo mused.

“We’re not the school we were before,” Rainbow grinned.

“Before!” Indigo and her friends jumped at the other students in the gym joining in, including Sunset and the other Rainbooms.

“Yeah we’re different now,” Rainbow kept grinning. “We overcame the obstacles we faced.” Three signs depicting Sunset, The Sirens and Twilight flipped over. Twilight looked away in shame and Sunset gave her a hug.

“Overcame the obstacles we faced.” Indigo looked around curiously.

“We’re Canterlot united and we will never bow!” Rainbow tossed her band hat into the air and a girl caught it. Sour Sweets eyes widened slightly when she saw and recognized the girl.

“No way,” she said.

“What?” Applejack asked.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Get ready to see us keep first place!” Rainbow shouted eagerly as she tossed some ears and tails into the crowd, putting hers on. Sour and Sunny stared at the ones that fell at their feet. Hesitantly, they put them on. Indigo stared in surprise at Lyra and Bon Bon grinning enthusiastically next to Derpy wearing their own tails and ears.

“We’ll always be Wondercolts and our time has finally arrived, cause we believe in the magic of friendship and you know at the end of the day it is we who survive,” Rainbow and the girl leading the band leaned against each other and raised their fists. “At the end of the day it is we who survive!” Sour surprised the others by stomping her feet enthusiastically with a grin.

“What? It’s catchy!” She defended herself with a blush.

“This is so crazy!” Sunny exclaimed. “You would never see anything like this at CPA! It was mainly Cinch threatening everyone.”

“We are unique,” Applejack chuckled. “Why do you have in interest in Baton Switch, Sour?”

“Because she’s my sister.”

“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Sugarcoat stared. “Wait, why did you go to cpa and she go here?”

“Because when I was a stuck up jerk at CPA, I degraded and bullied her for choosing to go here. She chose to live with our grandparents who live nearby. It was a mistake and we haven’t talked since,” Sour sighed as the students calmed down and started leaving the gym.

“Well, you can apologize to her now,” Sunset smiled. “She’s right there.” She pointed to where the girl was glaring with crossed arms and tapping her boot against the floor. Gulping, Sour walked up to her.

“H-hey sis. Been awhile,” Sour stammered.

“It has,” Baton said coolly.

“How have you been?”

“Fine. And you?” Baton asked cautiously.

“I’ve been better,” Sour sighed.

“I noticed,” Baton admitted. Sour gave her a surprised look.

“Really?” She asked.

“Yeah. Guess I’m not a stupid Wondercolt like you said,” Baton mumbled and Sour flinched and quickly looked down.

“I’m sorry about that. It was wrong of me. You’re anything but stupid. Hell, you’re in charge of the band and have Rainbow’s respect,” Sour sighed again. “Just wanted to say that, I’ll get out of your hair now.” She turned around and took a step away from her sister.

“Wait,” Baton called out and she froze. “I didn’t say leave.” Sour turned around in surprise.


“You’re my sister. Sure, the things you said to me hurt but I never stopped loving you. That’s what siblings do. I shouldn’t have ran away to live with Grandma and Grandpa when things got hard,” Baton stepped to her.

“You actually still care about me? You don’t hate my guts?” Sour stared at the other girl. She was even more surprised when Baton hugged her. She cautiously returned it and smiled.

“If I hated you, I wouldn’t have waited for you to come talk to me. I would have left the gym after the song. Which I’m surprised it’s still able to hype people up, I thought it would have lost it’s meaning after the Games. Guess I was wrong.”

“Wanna go get coffee and catch up?” Sour asked hopefully. “If you’re not busy and all with the band. I know this is sudden.” Baton smirked and rolled her eyes at her older sister.

“I’d like that a lot.”

Author's Note:

I decided to reuse the prep rally song to help the former Shadowbolts see some more differences between the schools. Plus I really enjoy the song, one of my favorites. I also really liked the theory of Baton Switch actually being Sour Sweets sister. As for Sugarcoats dad, I'm gonna use him to help her get closer to a friend of hers. Hope you enjoy and leave a comment. Kind ones only please.