• Published 2nd May 2023
  • 1,047 Views, 25 Comments

The New Wondercolts - TheKing2001

After the Friendship Games, our favorite five Shadowbolts switch school's

  • ...

Chapter VI

“How the hell did the dock get destroyed?” Indigo sighed as she stared at the damaged dock.

“A kayak crashed into it,” Sugarcoat stated.

“A kayak did all that?” Indigo asked in awe. “God damn. Musta been moving.”

“There was no wind and then suddenly it went flying into the dock. At least Derpy wasn’t hurt,” Sour grumbled. “I could care less about Sandalwood, he’s weird.”

“Maybe it was Gaia Everfree!” Bulk Biceps shouted.

“Gaia what?” Indigo asked in confusion.

“Before we woke you up for Sunset’s stories, Timber told a story about some spirit haunting the property,” Rainbow said.

“Don’t tell me you actually believe it,” Sunny scoffed.

“You never know. Weird stuff happens around us,” Sunset rolled her eyes and kneeled on the docks entrance. “Me becoming a demon, the sirens.”

“And me,” Twilight said softly.

“None of us were gonna bring that up,” Sunset frowned at her. “Right guys?” She switched her frown to the others.

“Yeah,” Rainbow rubbed the back of her head. “Not at all. Because that would be messed up.”

“Plus Sunny, you believed the stories Sunset told us,” Sugarcoat pointed out.

“That’s because she promised they’re real!”

“And who said Gaia wasn’t real?” Pinkie countered. “Also, we have new magic! Everyone except Twilight.” The girl looked away nervously.

“I’m intrigued. What can you do?” Sunny asked.

“Sunset can read memories, Rainbow has super speed, Applejack has super strength, Rarity summons weird gem thingies, I can blow up stuff with sprinkles and Fluttershy can talk to animals!” Pinkie shouted excitedly. “Twilight has none yet, but if we got ours then hers must be around the corner.”

“Hopefully,” Rainbow agreed. “That would be awesome!”

“No it isn’t,” Twilight whispered.

“I can’t believe I’m gonna admit this,” Aria sighed to Adagio as they relaxed on some chairs near the Rainbooms and watched Sonata swimming. “But this is kinda nice.”

“See?” Adagio gave her a smug grin. “And you didn’t want to come.”

“Adagio! Aria! Come swim with me!” Sonata shouted.

“No!” The two shouted back.

“We’re relaxing. We’ve played with you earlier.”

“Fine,” Sonata pouted. She resumed her splashing around and playing by herself.

“I’m so bored,” Aria grumbled. “I’ve read all my anime, slept all day, climbed the rock wall they told us to stay away from.”

“Entertain yourself,” Adagio groaned. “Like Sonata.” The two jumped up at Sonata’s scream.

“Sonata!” Aria called out as she and Adagio darted into the water.

“What’s wrong?” Adagio demanded as she grabbed Sonata who screamed again.

“Nothing!” Sonata gave her a mischievous grin. “I wanted you two to come play with me.”

“You asshole!” Adagio snapped. “We thought you were drowning!”

“Don’t ever do that to us again!” Aria growled in anger. “You scared me!” Se missed Sonata’s grin turn smug. Grumbling, the pair turned to head back to shore. Sonata splashed them with water and they spun around.

“You little...,” Adagio grumbled. Aria glared at Sonata and splashed her back.

“How do you like it?” Aria demanded. Sonata gave a giggle and disappeared under the water. Adagio and Aria looked around.

“Where the fuck did she go?” Adagio snapped. Aria gave a loud yelp as she felt something pulling her under the water.

“Adagio!” She shouted as her head disappeared under the surface. Adagio looked around nervously.

“Aria? Sonata?” Adagio hesitantly called out. “Where are you guys?” She spun around at the sound of something surfacing behind her. She jumped when she felt something pull her leg. She glared at Aria and Sonata, both gasping for air. “What the hell happened?”

“Sonata pulled me under the water,” Aria grumbled with a faint smile. “I pulled your leg but you’re stronger than me.” Aria flicked some water Adagio’s way.

“Oh it’s on!” Adagio snapped as she splashed Aria.

“About time you two loosened up,” Sonata smiled, interrupting their water fight. The two girls looked to each other and approached Sonata before splashing her with water.

“No! Wait!” Rainbow smirked as she watched the sisters fight each other with water.

“Now that’s a surprise,” Applejack mumbled as she watched with wide eyes.

“Yup,” Rarity agreed.

“Hey you guys,” Watermelody tapped Sunset on the back. She held out a drawing book with the designs for the dock the Rainbooms asked for. “Finished up that dock design you guys requested.”

“Thanks darling,” Rarity smiled gratefully as she took it.

“Do you know where Lemon went?” Rainbow asked.

“We’re hanging out and talking in her tent.” Watermelody stepped off the remains of the dock and headed back to the tent. She eagerly jogged to it and opened the flap.

“Hey,” Lemon looked up from her drawing of a tiger. “Did they like your design?”

“Loved it,” Watermelody sat down next to her. “Where’s Mystery at? She was here when I left.”

“She went with Cherry and Scribble Dee to go climb the rock wall,” Lemon went back to drawing. “They said you can join them if you want.”

“Nah, I’m good. I’d rather stay here with you,” Watermelody told her as she grabbed a pencil of her own and her notebook, starting to draw. “I don’t like heights anyway.”

“Are you sure? Might have more fun with them instead of me.”

“I’m sure,” Watermelody reassured her.

“How’s your afternoon going?” Lemon asked as she started coloring her tiger in.

“Great. What about you?”

“Got a slight migraine. Mystery snores, talks and moves in her sleep. I woke up needing to use the bathroom and she was standing in the corner with her eyes closed. Scared the everloving shit out of me,” Lemon rolled her eyes with a grin.

“So that’s what the scream I heard last night was,” Watermelody snickered and nudged her. “Thought Pinkie had snuck into Sunset’s tent for some adult time.” The two girls shared a laugh.

“I was at a sleepover before we came to camp with them and walked in on them making out. Who knows where it was going to go if I hadn’t accidentally walked into the kitchen.”

“The kitchen?” Watermelody repeated in disbelief.

“The kitchen,” Lemon confirmed.

“Isn’t that a weird place to do it?” Lemon shrugged at the question.

“You can have sex anywhere technically. Some places it’s illegal, like the outdoors. But inside your home is fair game,” she replied.

“It’s kinda weird you can’t have sex in your own backyard. Like it’s your property, who cares?” Watermelody pointed out.

“You can in a tent. Probably going to get the police called on you for a noise complaint depending on how loud you are.”

“Good point,” Watermelody smirked. “I’ve never had sex but if I did, I’d prefer the bed. Comfortable and romantic.” Lemon smirked back and rolled her eyes.

“I haven’t had sex either. And I can tell you’re a drama student based on the fact you call a bed romantic.”

“I called it comfortable too!” Watermelody retorted.

“Touche green hair. You did,” Lemon gave her a quick once over. “Why did you switch out the skirt with shorts? It worked well on you.”

“We are at camp,” Watermelody reminded her. “While I do love my skirt and my skull heels, I figured I should get comfortable. Hence the shorts and tennis shoes. Hell, even Octavia is wearing shorts and a tshirt and she rarely does. She’s typically always wears a dress, skirt or heels with her pink bowtie.”

“Isn’t she British?” Lemon asked.

“Yeah, apparently she moved here in middle school. How she hasn’t lost her accent is beyond me.”

“Is that possible?” Lemon wondered as she paused her coloring. “To lose an accent?”

“Yeah,” Watermelody nodded. “If you spend a lot of time around people who don’t have the same accent as you do, you pick up on their accent and it gets replaced with the accent of where you currently are. You can always regain you old one, but you gotta go live where you first were born.”

“That’s cool.” The two sat drawing in quiet.

“I hate we got partners at random. I wanted to share a tent with you,” Watermelody suddenly grumbled.

“Why?” Lemon raised an eyebrow as she kept coloring.

“Because. I like spending time with you,” Watermelody admitted with a faint blush as she looked away.

“Likewise. You’re a great person,” Lemon patted her on the head. “First friend I made outside the Rainbooms. If you want to hang out more, I’ll be sitting on the dock tonight probably. I enjoy looking at the stars. Helps me think.”

“I’ll be there.”


“Why do you constantly get salads?” Sunny asked Sunset. The girl paused with a fork full of lettuce near her mouth.

“I’m a pony remember?” Sunset reminded her. “We don’t eat meat. It’s gross.”

“You’re a human right now though,” Sunny pointed out.

“And?” Sunset asked as she chewed her lettuce.

“Shouldn’t your body change to suit human needs?” Sunset shook her head no.

“What the fuck is that?” Rarity exclaimed as she poured her glass of water out onto the table. A rat fell out of the glass and Sunny stared at it in horror. Sunset stared at Rarity in shock.

“Rarity! You just cussed!” She smirked.

“I don’t care darling! It’s a rat in my water!” She snapped. Timber had come over and poked it with a pocket knife. Frowning, he picked it up and Rarity about fainted.

“It’s rubber,” he announced. “You’re okay.”

“Thank God,” Rarity grumbled. “Who put a rubber rat in my water?” She glared at Pinkie who started giggling. “Pinkie Pie.” She gazed in shock as Pinkie highfived Sugarcoat.

“You helped her?” Sour asked in surprise as she pointed a finger at Sugarcoat.

“It was my idea,” Sugarcoat allowed a faint smile play across her face as she pushed her glasses up.

“Wow,” Fluttershy whispered.

“I did not see that coming,” Twilight admitted.

“She suggested I loosen up and offered to help me by telling me to prank someone,” Sugarcoat shrugged.

“And you picked me with a rubber rat?” Rarity guessed. “Why me?”

“Figured your reaction would be funny.”

“How didn’t ya see it?” Applejack chuckled.

“The glass is tinted darling. I don’t have super vison!”

“I’d love to stay but I’m gonna go and stargaze,” Lemon pushed her chair out as she picked up her plate fork and glass. “Goodnight, see you all tomorrow.”

“Night sugarcube,” Applejack smiled at her and nodded.

“Aren’t we supposed to head directly to our tents after dinner tonight because of a bear in the campsite they found?” Fluttershy asked.

“We are outdoors. We were always going go run into the risk of a bear coming near us. I’d be more concerned if we didn’t,” Sunset piped in.

“Plus a bear could easily rip through a tent and all people would hear is screaming as their friends were cut with claws,” Sour said calmly. Everyone stared at her.

“Not helping sis,” Baton smirked.

“I’m not sleeping tonight,” Spike mumbled.

“Good. Last time you did, you were slobbering my face with saliva in my sleep. Most disgusting thing ever to wake up to,” Sunset scoffed.

“Remember the one time I tricked Sunset into eating meat?” Rainbow laughed as Sunset glared at her.

“Yeah. I almost punched you.” The group stood up and dropped their dirty dishes at the place they were told to and walked outside.

“Speaking of punching,” Applejack spoke up. “Ya never did get to punch me back for slapping ya during anon a miss. Hit me.”

“Anon a what?” Sour asked, eyes flicking between the two. Indigo sighed and quickly filled them in.

“Oh wow,” Sugarcoat stared at the group.

“Anyway hit me,” Applejack said.

“Applejack I don’t think that’s such a idea,” Rainbow warned her. Applejack slammed against the wall of the lunch room and slid down it. The group let out various sounds of shock.

“Sunset!” Rarity chided as she knelt down to Applejack and started wiping some blood off her nose. “You didn’t have to do that!”

“What? She offered!” Sunset pointed out.

“She kinda did,” Sugarcoat agreed.

“That was an insane right hook!” Indigo stared at Sunset. “I never expected that of you.”

“I’m a mystery,” Sunset smirked as she knelt down next to Applejack. “Are you okay?”

“Ah’ll be fine. Ah don’t think Ah’m gonna allow ya to hit me again though,” Applejack smirked as she stood up and held her bleeding nose with a hand. “Ya hit hard, harder than me probably.”

“Let’s get you to Nurse Redheart,” Rarity grunted as the pair walked over.

“Ah don’t need a damn nurse!”

“Yes you do.”

“Hey look over there,” Sunset pointed at the docks and Lemon.

“Oh I guess Watermelody is joining her,” Fluttershy brushed some hair aside.

“Let’s go to sleep,” Sunset suggested. “All of us.”

“Looks nice out,” Watermelody sat down nervously. “Aren’t we not supposed to be out this late?”

“Safety is boring. Rules are made to be broken. I got suspended all the time at CPA for listening to music.”

“I’ve never been suspended. What’s it like?”

“Vacation from school. You just get in trouble at home depending on your parents,” Lemon smirked. “I always got my homework done and was in the top of the school so they didn’t care.”

“Mine would kill me. They hate that I don’t take my schoolwork seriously. All I care about is art class and drama club.”

“All I care about is music class. It’s a great class.”

“Astronomy is okay I suppose,” Watermelody admitted as she tossed a rock across the water.

“I’ve never learned how to skip rocks.”

“It’s complicated to explain. It’s fifty fifty with often it works.”

“I’ve heard that,” Lemon let out an aggravated sigh as she threw a rock and watched it sink.

“Damn. It’s already eleven.”

“We had dinner like thirty minutes ago. I’m surprised Pinkie is as good at cooking as she is at baking.”

“She’s a talented girl. Sunset is lucky,” Watermelody gave a chuckle and leaned against Lemon. “How’s it going with the rest of the new Wondercolts?”

“Sugarcoat just pranked Rarity. Rarity even cussed!”

“Woah,” Watermelody said in awe. “That never happens.”

“I’ve never heard her say fuck either. Then again, I just met her a few months ago.”

“Get back to your tents, please. Lights out,” Timber startled them.

“Sorry!” Watermelody grinned. She took a deep breath and gave Lemon a quick kiss on the mouth and stood up, running to her tent. “See you around!” Lemon stared at her in shock and touched her lips.

“What the hell was that?”

Author's Note:

I've noticed I'm giving Lemon Zest, Indigo and Sour a lot of love lmao. Which is weird Sour is getting attention, because Sugarcoat is one of my favorites. Anyway, my brother suggested I give the main characters mottos so here we go.

Lemon Zest: When the music is rocking, I'm rolling.

Sour Sweet: Believing in yourself improves your aim better than target practice.

Sunny Flare: Looking good is what life's all about.

Indigo Zap: Quick action equals quick victory.

Sugarcoat: Things are never as good as they seem, usually they're worse.

Rainbow Dash: The faster it is, the better I like it.

Rarity: Beauty is in everything, except war.

Fluttershy: The least likely can be the most dangerous.

Pinkie Pie: It's my duty to know the unknown.

Applejack: Truth is revealed in the smallest detail.

Twilight: The mind is the greatest weapon.

Sunset: It's better to have fought and lost than never to have fought at all.

Watermelody: One person's junk is another's person's art.

(Honorable mentions)

Adagio: Strive for perfection, even if others must suffer.

Aria: Anger gets me running better than anything else.

Sonata: If it ain't fun to do, it ain't worth doing.

Lyra: I don't break rules, I just bend them a lot.

Bon Bon: If at first you don't succeed, keep trying.

Lightning Dust: Winning is everything.

Octavia: Looks are always deceiving.

Vinyl: Let your actions do your talking and no one will misunderstand you.

Derpy: The thrill is in the journey.

Fleetfoot: In confusion there is opportunity.

Spitfire: They can't beat the best.