• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,245 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH37: Flying and Talking

"Twiii... Twiiiliiight..."

Twilight groaned as a hoof prodded her side. Starlight Glimmer's sing-song voice did not encourage her to wake, but the hoof was insistent.

"C'mon Twi, really. We're getting close."

She let out a sigh, then reluctantly cracked an eye open. Starlight's face was inches from her own and she rolled her eyes at it.

"But are we landing yet?"

"Well, no... I just wanted to talk a bit."

Twilight sighed again and slowly pulled herself upright, "Alright, let's hear it. What's on your mind?"

Starlight looked around conspiratorially as if she were giving away a big secret.

"Okay, so hear me out," she said in a hushed tone, "I know this might sound crazy, but... I think that human fancies you."

Twilight blinked at her.

"I know I know, it's weird, but like, the way he was watching you before he fell asleep, and earlier after the crystal celebration he was rambling and he--"


"...Yeah, Twi?"

"I know."

Starlight's ear flicked as her expression went blank, then she giggled nervously, "Oh okay, well then, I guess, uh... s-sorry for disturbing your nap! I'll just, uh, go back over here..."

Twilight gave her a tolerant smile, "It's alright, Glim. I'm up now, may as well stay and talk."

She instantly hopped up beside Twilight and put her hooves on the armrest excitedly, barely able to keep her voice constrained, "Omigosh, so it's true then!?"

"That he loves me? Oh, without a doubt."

"Oooh, actual love, huh? So what's he like, then? Have you... you know..."

She tapped her hooves together meaningfully and Twilight batted at her with a hoof.

"Ew, no!"

"Oh come on, 'ew'? Really?"

"Starlight, he's not even a pony!"

She winked and said slyly, "Exactly! Aren't you a little curious? Just a little? Don't you lie, I see that blush!"

Twilight laid her head in her hooves, but couldn't resist an embarrassed smile at her teasing.

"Oh, get your mind out of the manure. Is this all you woke me up for?"

Starlight let out a wistful sigh, "Alright fine, but we're coming back to this!"

"Yes, I'm sure you will."

"Ooh, naughty," She said with a mischievous grin.


"Hey, you said it. Anyway--" Her horn glowed briefly and she nodded, "We're getting really close to Celestia. Princess Luna and I used some bits of mane from Celestia's hairbrush and the Compass of Rosemary to tune my harmonics to her, so I can detect her from pretty far away now."

"Pretty far? How do you know we're close, then?"

"Oh, I first detected her a while ago, but now it's strong enough that I can clearly make out a direction."


"Yep! She's..." Starlight's horn glowed again, and she raised a hoof to point to the left of the cockpit, "That-a-way."

Twilight scoffed, "You could just be pointing anywhere."

Starlight lowered her hoof and pouted, "Aw, come on, Twi. I wouldn't joke about this. I love Celestia, too. We all do."

Twilight sighed, "I know... I'm just nervous, that's all."

Straightening with a confident grin, Starlight said, "Well don't be! With the two of us working together? Please, those poachers don't stand a chance."

"Don't underestimate them, Starlight," Twilight said, raising a hoof in warning, "I've done a lot of research on these humans and they can be incredibly dangerous."

"Uh, really?" She glanced at Anon, who was slumped over and drooling onto his arm, "Are you sure?"

"Well, they aren't strong, they aren't fast, they don't have magic, they can't fly--"

"Exactly, so what's the problem?"

"...So think about it. If they aren't fast or strong or anything else, how'd they become the dominant species on this planet? They're on top and it's not even close."

"Uh... hmm..." Starlight tapped her hoof thoughtfully, but Twilight continued anyway.

"Weapons, Starlight. Look at their forelimbs--arms, they're called. They are perfectly designed for grabbing and throwing things. Ancient humans created spears not unlike our Royal Guard, except instead of needing to charge, they could just throw the spear."

"Uh, why would anypony just throw away their weapon?"

"Because they can throw hard, fast, and most important, accurately. But that's not all... That's just the ancient humans. These modern ones... they have handheld machines they call a 'firearm'."

Twilight closed her eyes and shuddered as she recalled the video she had watched.

"They harness the energy of a small explosion to propel bits of metal at unbelievable speed. I guarantee you the poachers use them to hunt, so that's probably what we're going up against."

"Just how fast are we talking?"

Twilight quirked her mouth and said, "So fast it's hard to even describe. Many times faster than any pegasus has ever flown. If they were standing on the opposite end of the castle from you, it would strike you before your horn could even begin to glow, nevermind getting a shield up."

Starlight shook her head incredulously, "That's... come on, Twi, that's not even possible. The air resistance alone--"

"The bits of metal are shaped specifically to cut through the air. Trust me, Starlight. I've seen them in action."

"Tartarus, you have?"

Starlight looked shocked and Twilight winced. She didn't particularly feel like spending the next few hours explaining how the internet worked to Starlight.

"Not in person, but let's just say the humans have something like a scrying pool, and I used it to watch other humans practice with these firearms. Believe me when I say they are frighteningly fast."

Starlight puffed out her cheeks nervously then let the air out in a whoosh.

"Wow. Okay, um... That basically completely ruins what I was going to do when we got there. I hope you have a better plan."

Twilight sighed, "That's what I was thinking about when I dozed off. I was hoping you might have some ideas."

"Hmm..." She raised a hoof to her chin, "Invisibility?"

"No, you know that only works within the spell's dome. We wouldn't be able to move."

"Oh, duh. Hmm, what about illusion magic?"

"Very tricky... we're good, but I don't know if we're that good. I wouldn't bet Celestia's life on it, at least."

"Yeah, you're right," Starlight thumped her hoof on the armrest, "Damn, if only the ritual hadn't worn off!"

"Oh? And what would you have done if you had unlimited power?"

"Uh, a blanket stasis spell, obviously."

Twilight nodded, pleased by Starlight's quick thinking, "Yes, that certainly would work."

"Maybe if the place is small enough, together we can make one large enough to be useful?"

"It would need to be large enough to guarantee none outside of it could aim a firearm at her."


They fell silent for a time.

"Couldn't we just tell Celestia we've arrived and have her teleport out to us?"

Twilight waved a hoof dismissively, "If she was capable of teleporting, you really think she'd still be with the poachers?"

"But she sent out Anchor's Note! A good one, too. That's not an easy spell."

"True," Twilight admitted, "I was thinking about that... It doesn't really make sense. If she were capable of that much power, surely she could escape herself, or at least make a return portal, right?"

"Well, I can at least say why she wouldn't make a return portal."


Starlight poked her in the chest, "Because you're still here. She's not leaving without you, Twi."

Her eyes widened, "But she's in danger!"

"For all she knew, so are you!"

Twilight quirked her muzzle awkwardly, "...Buck, you're right. But what about the rest? Why doesn't she escape?"

"She was badly injured. Very badly. Princess Luna feared for her life--probably still does, honestly."

Twilight remembered her own injuries and a cold fear settled in her barrel, "You don't think... her horn?"

Starlight blanched, "Buck, I hope not..."

They both fell silent at that horrible thought. The Princess losing her horn? Unimaginable.

"Can't be," Starlight finally said, "She cast Anchor's Note, right?"

Twilight grimaced, "That's no guarantee... We don't know exactly what a broken horn is capable of. It's possible she could manage one last big spell, then... no more."

Starlight shuddered at the thought and they fell silent again. Eventually Twilight couldn't hold it in any longer.

"That's what happened to me."

"What did?" She asked nervously.

"A broken horn."


Twilight nodded soberly, "Hit my head, broke the tip. Anon found it, healed me up. That's why I trust him."

"But... it looks flawless!"

She nodded again, "Yes, the literature seems to be a bit off on that front. A day after it was reattached, I could already cast telekinesis, and the day after that, I could handle more complex spells. By the third day, I was basically healed."

Starlight's eyes widened, "That is so much faster than anypony believed!"

"Exactly. My guess is it has to do with how soon it was reattached, or how powerful my magic is."

Her pupil seemed more shaken by this news than she'd expected and decided to wait until she spoke again to continue. Starlight spent several long moments just staring at her hooves, her tail twitching anxiously.

"What..." Starlight finally said, then she gulped and tried again, "What did you... I mean, what was it, y'know... what did it feel like?"

Twilight winced at the memory, "Worse than I ever thought possible. I only broke off the very tip, yet even with nearly all of my horn intact, I could barely control even the simplest spells at first."

"I can't even imagine... and you, the Element of Magic!"

Twilight nodded, her throat tightening at the mere thought of it. She could still remember the suffocating helplessness. Magic was everything to her, everything she knew--even her special talent itself was magic.

Without a horn, she was nothing.

Her vision began to blur as the tears threatened to spill over. Starlight immediately leaned over and hugged her.

"Hey, hey, relax. You're okay now, Twi. It's okay."


"Really. Everything's okay. You're safe, you're healed."

Twilight cleared her throat, "You're right. T-Thanks."

Starlight just squeezed her tighter.

There was a soft ding and Twilight saw the seatbelts light turn on, and the captain's calm southern drawl played out of a dozen speakers throughout the cabin.

"Howdy, this here's your Captain speaking. We're on approach to Newcastle Municipal Airport and will be touching down in about eight minutes. It's a calm, clear night out, so I don't expect much bouncing around, but some turbulence is always possible, so please remain seated with your seatbelts on until the 'fasten seatbelt' light turns off. Stay cool out there, and thank you for flying with Overt Airways."

They straightened in their seat as his voice cut out and Jayna approached them.

"Um, miss pony? We'll be landing soon, so... Oh, are you okay?"

Twilight sniffed, then nodded with a weak smile, "Y-Yeah, don't worry. Just bad memories, that's all."

"Oh, I'm sorry... do you need anything? Some water? Tissues?"

Starlight grinned and said, "Nope!" then her horn glowed and Twilight squeaked as her magic enveloped her muzzle and dissipated the excess mucus in an instant. "We're all good!" She finished cheerfully.

The woman's eyes had gone wide and she took a nervous step back. "My God. Um... Wow, okay."

"It's alright Jayna, don't be scared, please. She should have warned you first..."

She shot her pupil a glare, but Starlight only giggled, "But the look on her face! Come ooon, it was funny!"

Twilight sighed and looked back to Jayna, "Sorry. She's a bit of a troublemaker sometimes."

The lady smiled nervously, then said, "W-Well, in any case, you should buckle in. We will be landing shortly."

"Okay, thank you, Jayna. I'll wake Anon and tell him, too."

She nodded and walked down the cabin to where Lizzy sat several rows back. After she left, Twilight glared at Starlight, who merely rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"Oh, don't give me that look."

"Starlight Glimmer, you cannot just go throwing your magic around with creatures that don't understand it."

She looked indignant, "What's the big deal? So they get a little startled, big whoop."

"The 'big deal' is that it could cause irreparable harm to interspecies relations! Just imagine if you visited Yakyakistan and behaved like this. It could jeopardize their trust of all ponies!"

Now Starlight just looked confused, "What does Yakyakistan have to do with anything?"

Twilight slapped a hoof to her forehead, "Uugh, it's an example, obviously."

"Alright alright, jeez. I'm sorry. Calm down."


Anon jerked awake, looking around wildly, then his eyes settled on Twilight.

"W-Whoa, hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing!" Twilight snapped over her shoulder at him. She was glaring at Starlight, wings partially spread, ears folded back, and tail twitching anxiously. After a brief moment's hesitation, Anon stood to hurry over.

Twilight immediately turned to him, "Anon, sit back down. We're about to land."

He ignored her and came over to sit down beside them. She frowned and leaned back in her seat.

"Twilight... what's going on?"

"I told you, nothing. I'm scolding my pupil, that's all."

"She's, uh, just worried about Celestia," Starlight said with an awkward grin.

Anon nodded and turned toward Twilight in his seat, "Twi..."


"Listen. You're anxious and kinda freaking out a little. You need to breathe."

She crossed her forelegs.

"I'm fine. I'm just frustrated at our lack of plan about Celestia."

Now Starlight leaned closer and set a hoof on her shoulder, "Twilight, please. We're going to be okay."

She did not respond.

"You don't need to worry yourself," Anon said in his most calming voice, "We'll talk it out and work through this together, alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I know." Twilight sighed, "I guess I'm just nervous, that's all."

"So am I, Twi," Starlight said quietly.

Anon reached out and gently held her hoof, "I know how important she is to you, but getting angry isn't going to help anyone, least of all Celestia."

"Yeah," Starlight added, "Being angry just makes you stupid. Ask me how I know."

Twilight couldn't help but smirk at that.

"Just remember we're here for you. You have a lot of help on your side."

"Plus the element of surprise!" Starlight added.

"Exactly," Anon said softly, "There's a lot in our favor, even without a plan. But I know you love your plans, so we'll work together to make a good one before we do anything, alright?"

"I..." She felt her lip tremble, "I'm just scared of losing her... I don't know what I'd do..."

Anon gave her hoof a squeeze, "Everything will be okay. You'll see."

Starlight nodded and leaned closer, wrapping a hoof around her withers.

"But what if you're wrong, Anon?" Twilight looked up into his eyes and was surprised to find him so close. "What if something does go wrong?"

With an insistent little hoof tap, Starlight said, "Twilight, you've always been great under pressure. Sure, you freak out in the time leading up to when anything happens, but as soon as the hooves hit the hay, you're under control and know just what to do."

She turned to look at Starlight now, who was just as close on her other side.


Starlight nodded and gave her a sheepish smile, "I've always been a little jealous of it, if I'm honest. Sometimes I kinda panic and break down if things don't go to plan."

Twilight thought back to all the times she had saved Equestria, and had to admit Starlight had a point. Every time she faced off against some big evil threat, it was like all her worries faded away and everything suddenly seemed so obvious and straightforward. There was no question what needed to be done, so she just did it.

Anon squeezed her hoof and she turned back to him again, "You'll be fine, don't worry. You both have incredible abilities, great and powerful magic that--"

Starlight abruptly snorted with laughter, hastily muffling it with her hooves, and Twilight couldn't help but giggle a bit. Anon stopped mid-sentence, looking very confused.

"S-Sorry Anon," Twilight said with a smirk, "You made an accidental reference to somepony back home."

"Ah. Care to explain?"

Starlight giggled and said, "Friend of mine named Trixie... she used to have a stage show and she always introduced herself with this big dramatic 'The Great and Powerful Trrrrixie!'"

It was a decent impression and it make Twilight giggle again.

Anon chuckled too and said, "Well, I don't know how 'great and powerful' she is compared to you two, but I'll bet you two are more than a match for Arno and his ragtag team of misfits."

Twilight's grin faded as she was reminded of the topic at hoof, and she looked down with a little sigh, "Well... I hope you're right. Sorry for snapping at you, Glim."

Starlight gave her a little nuzzle, "Hey, it'll take more than that to get rid of me!"

Twilight let out a low laugh, then glanced at Anon. He had been staring at her snout and turned away awkwardly, leaning back in his seat.

She looked down thoughtfully. What was she going to do about him? She couldn't just ignore his feelings for her, they would have to be addressed sooner or later. Ears folding back with determination, she thought, well why not sooner, then?


The plane lurched and she was suddenly reminded that they were coming in for a landing.

"What is it, Twi?"

"Um... nevermind."

He glanced at her, one eyebrow raised.

"I, uh... it's not important. It can wait."

Twilight leaned back in her chair and stared out the window, just as she had done for the first landing. It was no less intimidating to rush over the ground at such an incredible speed, and her wings began to rustle as she resisted the instinctive urge to spread them wide and catch her in the air.

The landing was uneventful overall, if a little more bumpy than before as they slowed to a halt at the end of the runway. As soon as they had taxied into position, Twilight went over to Jayna and reached up to give her a hug.

"I was glad to see you again."

The woman hesitated, then slowly returned the embrace, "M-Me too. Thank you for the figure."

It was a small thing, perhaps, but it made Twilight happy. They separated and Twilight gave her one last smile, then trotted down the aisle back to Starlight, Anon and LIzzy waiting near the hatch.

"Well, Twilight and Starlight," the Captain said as they approached, "I don't rightly know if I'll be seeing y'all again, but if'n I don't, it's been a real honor and a privilege."

"The honor is mine, captain. Thank you again for a smooth flight."

He tipped an imaginary hat and they slowly exited the plane. This time, as they walked out into the significantly smaller terminal, there were no enthusiastic crowds awaiting them. In fact, there hardly seemed to be anyone at all in the small brick building. The few staff members stared bewildered at their little party. Lizzy frowned.

"He was supposed to meet us here..."

"Who?" asked Anon.

"The local Overture agent, of course."

"Oh, right." He looked around, "Well, it's not like he could have gotten lost."

Twilight giggled, "It's so small compared to the massive structure in London. It's almost cute."

Lizzy nodded, "Newcastle is the largest city in this part of the country, but that's still not very big. There just isn't much air traffic this far south."

"And Newcastle is in, uh, Kwa-Zulu... Natal, I think it was?"

"...Yes, that is correct."

Anon grinned and said, "Memory's on point as usual, Twi."

She looked down, embarrassed, "She did say it twice, after all."

"Oh be proud of yourself, Twi!" Starlight said with a pat on the withers.

"Alright, alright, fine."

They both giggled, then turned as a tan skinned human hurried up to them, somewhat out of breath.

"Ah! Hello, I am Mpho. I will be your contact and translator. Come, we received your picture and have a couple hours driving to do."

Twilight held up a hoof.

"Wait a moment... Starlight, you can tell where she is now, right? Why don't we just teleport there and bring her back?"

Anon raised his hands, "Whoa there, girl. Unless you think a couple of hours is gonna make or break this little operation, you should really stay with us. What if your Celestia needs my medical attention?"

"Uh, I'd be bringing her right back to you."

"And also," Lizzy added, "We want to capture Arno Mthembu and bring him to justice."

Mpho nodded enthusiastically, "He and his men are thought to have killed at least a dozen of our precious rhinos in recent years. If you ponies can help, we will be deeply in your debt."

"Well... I guess. But let's hurry, then."

Mpho nodded, "Follow me," he said, and headed off at a brisk walk, she and Starlight trotting along behind him.

"Starlight, can you sense anything about her state of being, or just the location?"

"Just the location. We could try another pulse?"

"No, I don't want to risk her trying to send another if she's injured."

Starlight nodded as they left the building and approached a large vehicle with an open back.

"Hop in," Mpho said as he rushed around and jumped into the driver's seat.

Twilight smiled despite herself as they climbed into the back of the vehicle, "Ever been in a car yet?"

Starlight shook her head, then jumped as the engine roared into life, her eyes going wide.

"What! Where--"

Twilight laid a hoof on hers and said over the sound of the engine, "It's okay. That's just the sound this vehicle makes."

It lurched and began to roll backward, then reversed direction and accelerated rapidly. The wind soon made any further conversation impractical and they settled in for the ride.