• Published 21st Jul 2023
  • 3,246 Views, 274 Comments

A Dubious Welcome - Maonyman

Anon the veterinarian has to help Twilight recover from her injuries and then return home.

  • ...

CH41: New Friend

Anon groaned and cracked an eye open, a bit surprised to still be alive. He was slumped over in the bed of one of the trucks, his hands tied roughly behind his back. Celestia lay beside him, so they must have just quickly tossed him in after knocking him out. He'd have only been unconscious for a minute or so after all.

His head still felt sluggish and he struggled in vain against the ropes digging into his wrists behind his back.

"Nuh uh uh, Doctor Mous."

Anon immediately recognized Peter's voice.


His voice came out in a hoarse croak and a violent coughing fit prevented him from saying more. Peter casually leaned against the side of the truck and smirked.

"You didn't really think I'd just walk away from all this, did you?"

"W-Where is... Twilight?"

Peter shrugged and said, "In one of the other trucks, I assume. Your notes about her anesthetic response proved quite useful."

"...My notes?"

"Oh yes," he said, his smirk growing wider, "And the samples you took of her were invaluable. Particularly, her blood. Thank you very much for that."

With dawning horror, he realized they must have raided his home and his clinic.

"S-Sally? Is she...?"

"Who? Oh, the woman at the clinic?" He waved a hand dismissively, "Don't worry about her. We aren't monsters, Anon, we just sent her home. Confused her a bit, perhaps, but no more."

A man jogged up and spoke quickly in a language Anon didn't recognize. Peter nodded and the man jogged away again.

"Time to go, Anon. Get comfortable."

"W-Where are we going?"

Peter's grin vanished, "Somewhere we can keep these things under control. They just killed at least a dozen men and women in mere minutes, and the remains are... disturbing, to say the least."

He glanced at Celestia, his face contorting in something like disgust.

"We can't risk letting that sort of power roam free in the world."

"They were about to leave!"

Peter sneered at that, "So they say. How are we supposed to know where their portal leads, or even what spell they were truly casting?" He shook his head grimly, "No no no, we are not taking any chances."

Anon instantly thought back to Daren jumping through the portal.

"You just want to use them!"

Peter's smirk returned, "Well, you know. May as well see what use they can be while we have them, right?"


"Hero, more likely, once this footage gets out. Charred skeletons? Exploding walls? Ponies splattered with human gore? Oh yes, the people need to know the truth."

Anon could only gape in horror as Peter pushed himself upright and turned.

"Best behave on the drive back, Doctor Mous. Wouldn't want any accidents to happen on the way, would we?"

Then he walked away without a backwards glance, leaving Anon all but shaking with frustration.

They were so close! How could this have happened!? Worse, how could he have been so stupid as to leave his notes where anyone could get them? Nevermind that, trusting Overture had been the real mistake. But what choice had they had?

He cast about wildly, twisting around in the back of the truck, trying to figure out which one held Twilight and her friend Starlight, but it was useless. They were probably unconscious in the truck bed like Celestia, impossible to see without peering over the edge of the truck.

He turned to Celestia and jerked with surprise--she was glaring at him with one cold eye.

Anon looked around nervously, but no one had noticed his reaction, so he carefully lowered himself onto his side, bringing his head closer to hers.


Her eye narrowed and Anon grimaced. She would be suspicious of any human, and justifiably so.

"I... I am a friend of Twilight's."

Her eye widened momentarily, then leered at him again.

"Prove it," she said in a low, cold hiss.

Anon took a nervous breath and whispered, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, your pupil, with five close friends in her home in Ponyville. She only named Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash so far."

He paused, but the eye still peered at him suspiciously.

"Basic information. Tell me something personal."

"Uh..." He cast about in his memory for something suitable. What could possibly qualify?

Then he had it: "Her mother used to make hibiscus spaghetti. It was her favorite meal."

Her breath caught at that.

"A-And your name?"

"Anon. Doctor Anon Y. Mous."


She seemed to roll the word around in her mouth as she said it, as if testing how it felt.

"Very well."

Her eyes crossed, then widened and even teared up a little.

"My horn! I-I thought... how?"

"I reattached it. Twilight broke the tip of her horn off too--"



He waited anxiously for a few moments, but when no one came, he slowly let out his breath.

"You have to be quiet! Don't let them realize you're conscious, whatever you do."

"But Twilight--"

"Her horn is fine! I was gonna say, I helped her heal it, and it's all fine now. I simply did the same thing for you."

Celestia took a steadying breath, then asked, "And what is it that you did, exactly?"

"Cleaned it, reattached it, made sure as much of it was in the right place as possible."

He shuffled uncomfortably, trying to get his arm to stop digging into his side so painfully.

"There was some material missing from yours, but it's mostly all there, so hopefully it'll be enough. Twilight also did something herself after I reattached the tip of hers."

"Yes, reenergizing the core. I have already done so and I pray it will be enough. I thought it better to cast my note at the expense of my horn and be saved, but having faced the reality of being hornless..." Her eyes scrunched up and her voice fell until it was almost too faint to hear, "I think I'd rather be dead."

He didn't know what to say to that.

Celestia suddenly slumped and closed her eye as two men approached and, glancing unconcernedly at Anon as they passed, jumped into the truck, the engine roaring into life. Anon slid closer to Celestia as she opened her eyes again in fear, speaking almost directly into her ear.

"It's okay, don't worry. It's just the sound this vehicle makes.

"I-I know, it's just..." She shuddered, "Bad memories."

The truck began rolling and the ride almost immediately became uncomfortably bumpy. After a particularly nasty bump caused Celestia to knock her head against the side of the truck bed, they decided to huddle together for mutual safety. With some shuffling around, they eventually settled on a yin-yang sort of shape, with Celestia resting her head on his lap, and he resting his head on her side near her wing. It wasn't very comfortable since both of them were bound with rope, but it was better than a concussion.

At first Anon worried about the men in the truck seeing them like that, but when he sat up to check on them, the single passenger seemed to have fallen asleep--despite all the bumps--and he was fairly sure the driver wouldn't be able to see this low in his rear-view mirror. He breathed a sigh of relief at that.

With little else to do, Anon then focused on Celestia's body and was amazed to see her wings almost completely healed already, even spotting traces of new feathers growing in. He curled forward to get closer to her head, a position he could only hold for a few moments at a time, and spoke as loudly as he dared.

"How are you healing so quickly? Twilight was fast but not nearly this speed."

She turned her own head to bring her mouth closer to his ear, "Regeneration spell, slow decaying. Should last a few more days yet."

He gawked. A regeneration spell?

Of course--Twilight had said something about Celestia making healing spells look easy. He glanced up at her horn and she nodded in response.

"Already it has begun to revive. It will not be long before I am returned to power." She looked around at the landscape passing swiftly by, "I only hope it will not be too late to help."

Anon laid back down onto his side and Celestia relaxed, both of them flopping back into the yin-yang again. They remained like that for maybe half an hour before Celestia raised her head again, Anon curling up to meet her.

"Do you know what happened to Twilight?"

He nodded toward the other trucks, "Probably the same situation as us, in another truck. Only, they've knocked her unconscious."

She shook her head, "I mean at first. Why did she not return to Equestria?"

"Oh," Anon grimaced, "When she first appeared in this world, she popped up right in front of my vehicle while I was already traveling at speed, so I... accidentally hit her, injuring her pretty badly." He felt her tense beneath him and quickly continued, "Fortunately, I am a medical doctor and was able to get her fixed up, and she is perfectly well now, horn and all. Even her wing healed nicely."

"Her wing?"

Anon tapped Celestia's humerus bone with the side of his head, "She broke that bone pretty badly. I had to surgically realign and reinforce it. But she's good as new, now."

Celestia's lip quivered as she smiled at him.

"Then I thank you, Anon, truly. You cannot imagine how much she means to Equestria... and to me."

She curled her neck and strained toward him until her muzzle brushed his nose, then she collapsed back onto his thighs with an explosive sigh.

Anon slowly laid back down again.

Just how important was his little pony friend?

Author's Note:

Okay, we're nearing the "ending" that I mentioned in the description, so expect future updates to be slower than the break-neck pace I've been maintaining so far, as now I'm actually fully editing and writing new material rather than just copying my greentext with minor syntax edits.