• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,236 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

  • ...

Jobless Trainee.

“Hear thee, Anonymous. For thou help with our catching up with dream magic, we shall bestow upon you a Royal payment.” She placed a large bag of bits on my back. The golden coins cling as they shuffle within the pack. It also caused my knees to buckle under the strain. I forgot how heavy gold was.

“Oh. Thank you, Princess.” The strain on my voice is heavy, and the weight upon my shoulders is aching. Still, I turned and went to leave the castle, storing the pack of coins in my pocket dimension, which took up a majority of my visible space, better there than me.

It’s been a hot minute. I’ll catch you guys up.

In short, Chaos Guy is back as a statue, harmony has been restored across the equestrian land, and I’m getting paid! I never did agree on a payment; I just accepted to train a princess.

For a long story, I’ve been in safe keeping with Celestia. I did not have much accomplishment other than Celestia napping the entire time, and I read a book.

Also, I figured out how to teleport now! It was a remarkable accomplishment that took me a couple of tries when Celestia was sleeping. I think I woke her up a couple of times, but she was just happy to see me progress, it felt like. Also, learning magic while right next to Celestia is incredible. Due to her immense power pouring out every moment, I could refill my mana instantly without breaks.

Then she woke up and told me it was safe to go, and I obliged by teleporting to the study. It was a mess while I was in there, so I took the liberty of cleaning up. The hardest part was scrubbing the ink off the carpet, but nothing a little fire can't fix. It didn't repair the carpet, but I did eventually fix it! Don't flag me for arson, please.

As I marched toward the train station, my energetic steps stopped once I saw the state of every pony in a short-mile radius. They were traumatized. Everyone was asking what happened, will it happen again?

It's a good thing I’m not in charge of the citizens. That's Celestia’s and Luna’s job! However, this whole manic event has caused my train to be delayed. I wonder…

Closing my eyes, I try to recall the last place I remember in Ponyville—the Library. The circular center is inside a massive tree. The walls of books are carved into the tree. The odd purple book horse that is a colossal nerd should be there if she lives there. She's also quite cute herself, but that's just me and massive nerds. Nerds are adorable when you get them going about something they like.

With my heart ready, I lit up my horn and teleported, a flash enveloping my eyesight and body as I landed on a table. Not much of a landing, I crashed back first on the oddly stable table, then I flopped to the ground. “WOOOO!” I raised my hooves in the air as I sat up on the floor. “Can't believe that work! Actually, I can, it was me!” Gods above, the ego I get when I learn a new spell could send me to heaven and then crash into hell.

“Owww…” A lingering male voice was in pain beneath me. Looking down, I saw Spike face down on the floor.

“Oh! Sorry buddy! I wasn't looking.” I quickly got off of him, hoping I didn't hurt him too badly. Either way, he should be more durable than me.

“Figueres. Whenever Twilight teleports, it gets me as well.” He struggled to get up for a moment, and finally, he could kick himself back off the ground.

“Next time. I should probably look before I teleport.” Opening up the pocket dimension, I hand Spike the teleportation book. “As you can probably tell, I don't need this anymore and would like a new book.”

“Jeez, you're really just going through these. You’re a lot like Twilight.”

“Huh. In a good or bad way?”

“Uhhh, good? I think.”

“Yeah. Well, I think I’ll need a book on…” Man, this is hard. Usually, reading material on magic in other worlds is kept secret and hidden from the world. They're sometimes only taught by seasoned magic masters, and they are entrusted to teach spells through memorization rather than reading. Then there's the fact that not every human is magically adept, so it would make no sense for a small village to contain books on magic within their local library. It just makes this place a whole lot better, in my opinion. Since magic is commonplace with an entire subsection of ponies dedicated to magic, and even some outliers with others, magic is accepted, expected, and studied.

I have to learn as much as possible from this world if I croak. Knowledge of magic is invaluable, especially in worlds without magic. Luckily, it seems I won't be dead anytime soon.

“Got any books on heat spells?”

“Oh, for the winter? I got you!” With that, he zooms off, picking a book for me. “Heat Control and Fire Magic by Flame Works” was the title. It seemed alright to me. It'll work for me. I wonder if the author has a sibling named Fire Works. I guess I'll never know.

“Thanks, Spike!”

With a quick signature and stamp, I got myself a fire magic book. I knew the very basics of fire magic: shuffle molecules around and toss them once you make a ball of fire, but I needed more precision if in an enclosed area. The piano fight opened my eyes to that fact. Fire is a lot more consistent than ice magic to me, anyway. Lots of things can be solved with a good old firey cleanse than a frozen bath.

Now, on my way to do something I should be doing: find a job! I had sizeable savings from Luna. Now, I just need to see actual sustainable income!

The job hunt begins now!

[Job BeggingOpening Test 1: Sugar Cube Corner]

“Hiya Nonny!” A pink friend was stationed at the front. I knew her from the first day I was here. Good times. “What can I get for you?” She’s very bubbly when she's not speaking at a million miles per hour and bouncy!

“I'm looking for a job!” My heart was excited. I could do anything with this energy I have! I'm still riding off the high of figuring out teleportation!

“Oooooo~ Let me ask the cakes!” With a zip, she zooms into the back section of the store. I could only hear a few segments of the conversation. Hearing ‘Job?’ ‘Two Foals’ and ‘Can’t.’ This is really cutting my chances of finding a job.

The pink friend returns to the front desk a little less bouncy but still herself. “Sorry Nonny! The cakes said they can't right now. They have two foals and can't afford another employee.”

“Darn, that's alright. If I can't get a job, can I get a cupcake instead?” I had bits. Why not?

“Okie Dokie Lokie!”

“Lokie? LOKIIIIII!” I went along with it!

[Job Opening Test 2: Sweet Apple Acres]

Still chewing on the cupcake I ordered, I went onto the local farmland. Now, I'm no decent farmhand, but I'm willing to learn. I have no idea what to do in an orchard, but it seems as easy as picking apples.

Seeing the big red man, I stopped in my tracks. This was it. “Hey, uh…you got a minute?” I don't know his name, but damn, he's sweaty and smells like apple sauce for some reason.


“That’s awesome.”


“So, do you have any job openings?”


“Oh. Is it because your farm is only operated by family members?”


“Figures. I'll buy more apples from ya from the market today. Thanks for your time.” Turning away, I went to leave.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac was saddened about not being allowed to get help when his sister could but knew that it was a family-only farm.

“Darn.” Was all I could say under my breath.

[Job Finding Test 3: Carousel Boutique]

With a knock on the door, I waited momentarily, remembered it was a business, and walked in. The bell above the door rung out again, causing the white mare to look at me and smile, but her smile was a little weak, and her eyes were saddened

“Hello, Anonymous. I'm sure you're here about the job offer, but we have a small issue.” Her voice was also weak.

“Darn.” I didn't know what issue she had.

“I'm sorry! I know I promised you a job, and now I'm just a liar to you!” Her entire body swooned as a couch was dragged from out of my view to beneath her. “It's just been so terrible! First, Discord attacks and ruins my ‘in the zone’ moment, and then he comes and ruins my shop! I had a store opening in Canterlot, you know, and now I'm ruined! Now I have to restart on all my dresses right away. I'm sorry, Anonymous, but I can't hire any help at the moment!”


“That’s okay Rarity. I'll come back when your store in Cantelrot is okay.”

“Thank you for understanding, Darling.”

With that, I left. Best to keep away from that drama. Its a good way to lose my head.

[Job Begging Test 18: Golden Oak Library]

Let's see, plenty of businesses are in disarray from Discord. The post office won't take me, not a pegasus. Bon Bon’s Sweet Confectionary only needs one, plus a Lyra. Sofa and Quills are somehow expanding into Beds, turning into Sofa, Quills, and Beds. So, no bueno there.

Also, many farms here are family-operated. I get that part. There are plenty of fantasy farms that are only operated by family. The only time they get help is when a family member falls sick. That kind of sucks.

So now I'm back to where I began, the Library. It's not too late in the day and should still be open. With a knock, trying to keep Spike’s safety in mind, I waited a moment, then entered. There are no bumps on the door, which is good.

“Oh, hello, Anonymous!” The cheerful voice of Purple Smart was always a good sign.

“Hi! I'm here to see if you have any openings for a job!” It hurts to be denied by 18 other places, but I'm willing to make it 20 by applying to the weather team as a joke.

“Oh, sorry, Anonymous, I just don't have any need for a library assistant when I have Spike.” Ouch, I'm like pretty sure that dude is underaged and is under indentured servitude. Well, that sucks.

“Well, Darn.” I've been saying that a lot today. Something about this place is preventing me from swearing vocally. Probably the Harmony.

“You sure you ain't have anything else for me to do?” I am pretty desperate at this rate, it kind of sucks for me, but I do need a job. Also, a house! Ego inflated, then deflated today. It shows me that getting a big head is bad; don't do that.

“Well…wait. Anonymous…Anonymous. You're the stallion who taught Luna!” She points at me. Finally, we're getting somewhere.

“Yeah, I did. Got a pretty fat paycheck out of it, but I still need some income.” It was 400 bits in that huge sack. Not enough to buy a house, but enough to live comfortably for a few days.

“And also gave Celestia a spell even she didn't know. I would know she gave me that pocket dimension spell.” Recognition: This is new. Usually, my accomplishments with royals are dedicated to just the royals, writing me out and all involved. So this is new. I am credited as the one to help the royals.

“Yeah. I did that too, didn't get much of it, only protection from the chaos magic guy.”

“Right, right. So, how much do you know about magic?”

“I know it is more of a science field than actual magic. Despite its namesake.”

“I know. It's a strange thing with magic. Lots of Ponies think it's all about runes or letting magic do its thing, but it’s more about manipulating the very fabric of your being and atoms themselves from horns.”

“Yep! I don't know all the technical terms for magic, but I am adept in the ways of science and technology. Also lots of schools of magic, illusions, evocations, transformations, transfigurations.”

With every school I know of being listed off, Purple seemed increasingly interested in what I was saying. A lightbulb shined in Purple’s wise head. “Wait! What if we did some scientific research together? I could ask Celestia for a research grant, and we could figure out a whole new field of magic with science!”

“You know what, that's the best deal I heard all day!”

Become a mad scientist with a librarian. Let's do this!


Author's Note:

I’m back, fresh with ideas now.

Not going to be daily as much as I used to be, but still kinda frequent.