• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,237 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Friendship! Friendship?

Princess Luna invaded my mind. It’s only fair I get to invade her. Her mind is pretty dark, it’s a dark castle with hallways leading to different sections of her mind. The most important thing was the center, it’s her and her sister. It’s a nice display, but I’m looking for the good stuff, embarrassing stuff. We may have eased the tension, but I’m not going to let her get a leg up.

Though, I do have options. I could mess with her mind, torture her, you know mind rape. I’m not going to do that here, that would be very rude and also Celestia will kill me. I’m not going to test someone who can move the FUCKING SUN! Besides, I already tried digging into Celestia’s dreams, girl has a fucking barrier I can’t even crack into.

Anyway, Luna doesn’t know, and I haven’t found much. Just a couple of pleasant memories of parents, ain’t messing with that I’m not that vindictive.

With my search slowing down, I find something shiny in the corner. A garbage can, of course! I immediately began to shift through the garbage.

“Huh…Fifty Shades of Horse…they have erotica here?” I hold the novel in my hooves, I’m going to copy this down for later. Perhaps when the time is right I can remind her about this dirty thing.

Then I found something interesting, it was Luna, but she dyed her mane a stark red, she had piercings in her ear and the best part, “Blood Moon” was her name. This is perfect. She was a goth kid! God, I…didn’t know they had those all the way back when. How old is Luna? Well over a thousand I think. Does staying on the moon freeze your age or let you keep aging? I’ll ask her next time.

I dig into the trash can and pull out a rock, it seems to be one of these elements of harmony or whatever. Haven’t seen the rocks myself, but from what Twilight tells me, it matches their cutie marks. This seems like a collection of tainted elements, she must be ashamed she can’t use them anymore. I’m going to copy that memory, it’s actually a little cruel, but I think digging around in my brain without permission is fair compensation.

The last thing I found in the trash can was a strange slippery mist thing. It can hear the whispers from it.

“You don’t deserve rest.”
“You know what you’ve done.”
“You made your sister cry.”
“Go to sleep. Don’t wake up”

“Jesus!” I throw the mist back into the trash can. I felt the memory, she’s mind raping herself. Good! Saves me the trouble! Sorry Luna, but I’m not going to stop you!

I step away from the garbage, it seems she stores her trashy and unhealthy thoughts here. I need something darker, something I can use for blackmail. Yet, she is oddly pure. The only other spot I can’t check is the section on Nightmare Moon. I can’t enter that place, she must’ve learned mental barriers on her own.

I light up my horn and escape from her mind. To my left is Celestia’s dream world. I feel an urge to attempt something stupid.

So I am going to run headfirst into this orb! I float myself back and hold my head down, aimed right at Celestia’s dream. “If I can’t use magic! I’ll use my head!” A wondrous war cry from my voice as I fling myself towards the orb. With a crash I feel my horn has dug into the barrier, progress! Then the barrier reforms and breaks my dream avatar’s horn.

I sit up panting, my heart is pounding from the adrenaline of being in pain. With my breath calming I look at the window. It’s starting to creep to morning, I think I woke Celestia up as well with my little display into her head. Best not to think about it.

I get off the couch Twilight let me sleep on tonight and head over to the kitchen. “I should try my hand at cooking. Never know when that could be useful.” I try to remember Twilight’s usual breakfast schedule, but I don’t know it. Spike does, but the lizard is difficult to stir awake at this time. So lets do this! I’ll make the best damn omelet this side of Equestria has seen! The only question left is do they have red wine and soy sauce?

With my search through the cupboards, I found soy sauce, It seems fresh enough. No red wine though, I mean, fair enough but I would like to ask for cooking wine next time. If such a thing exists.

So, I got my recipe down. Step 1, beat eggs like a father beating their son with a belt. Step 2, pour in a little bit of soy sauce, not too much to overpower the egg. Step 3, spices because I actually know how to season my fucking food! Step 4, turn on stove.

“Wait…shit!” I realize I forgot the frying pan.

Step 4.5, frying pan on stove with butter. Step 5, patience and pour a light coat of the egg mixture to the bottom of the pan. Step 6, whilst only letting the bottom of the pan cook, use a tool to roll the egg from one side to the other. It’s so much easier with magic. Step 7, repeat until you have multiple logs of eggs cooked.

Now you have egg rolls without the bread, I think they’re called something in Japanese. No idea what, but I made it.

Pouring more soy sauce into a small dipping cup, I set it next to the little egg logs. “It’s missing something…” I think about what plants go well with eggs, trying to remember anything from a civilized society. “greens!”

I grab come celery, chop them up, add peanut butter and raisins. Ants on a log! Haha! A childhood favorite. I set them on a separate plate on the table and sigh in relief. I done cooked breakfast, I should do it more, relax myself. The last few days have been nothing but excitement and stress. I need to unwind. Also, I need to expand my friend group. Luna might be the newest member, but I do need some guy friends. That can be worked on today.

I take a seat in front of the table, waiting patiently for everyone to wake up. Hearing some footsteps I see Spike walk in the kitchen, yawning as he ties the pink apron to his body.

“Mornin’.” I wave to him, he waves back eyes half closed from waking up too early. His hands clutched a baby blue blanket with him, I guess he is too tired.

“Hey…” He stops once he got a good whiff of the aroma. The food seemed to lift him by the nose and into the air. “Woah!” He seemed to caught himself and landed himself back on the ground. Still holding on tight to the blanket. “Did you make breakfast?”

“Yep! This egg omelet roll thing…I don’t know what it’s called and some celery and peanut butter!” I would’ve added some meat, but horses can’t eat meat.

“Woah. I don’t have to make breakfast today.” Spike was happy to go to the chair and sit down, dropping his apron to the floor. “Guess I don’t need to do that today!” He is giddy and reaches for the egg roll things.

“Yep! Take it easy today, cause I have a plan!” I stand up, I just made this plan on the spot.

“What’s the plan?” Spike is still eating his roll, his mouth is full.

“Spike, please chew first.” I wipe some of his crumbs off the table.

“What are you, Twilight?” A couple of crumbs spewed from his mouth.

“Yes. I just need to dye my coat purple and straighten out my hair.” I chuckle, I mean I can probably do that with magic. Actually I’ll try it! What could go wrong. Lighting up my horn it fizzled instead of doing my spell. That’s odd, I was doing telekinesis fine earlier.

Spike was still chewing, at least he’s doing that now. With a gulp he began to speak. “Uhhh, that normal?”

“Probably, I can fix it later. Just as long as I can do telekinesis and…” I light up my horn and attempt to open my pocket dimension, only for my horn to shoot sparks, fizzling out. “…get my wallet.”

“Oh, that portal thing.” He chews on his celery now, a healthy breakfast at least. Got no raisins here, I ain’t a fan of raisins. “Guess you can’t open it for now. It’ll come back eventually, I think.”

“Yeah. It will. Just takes a day.” A day without magic…I can do this!

“Also, what was your plan?”

“To make friends. I was going to go out to a bar and get some drinks. I guess I can’t now, I don’t have money and the stipend doesn’t turn in today.” I rest my head on a table, I try telekinesis to see if that still works. I lift up a roll, but my magic fizzled out and dropped it on the table. “Damn it.” I covered my mouth as soon as I swore.

“It’s all right dude. Nameless taught me a bunch of those words.” That shook me a little.

“Not something to be proud of…” My mood is a little sour due to no magic, but I’m sure it’s fine. Nothing too intense is happening today, right?

“They’re still fun to use!” I’m scared now.

“Right…” I my ears are picking up clip-clops, and wood. Twilight must’ve woken up.

“Good morning boys.” She is cheerful this morning, I wonder what that’s about.

“Morning Twilight!” Spike is having a good time, the mood feels conflicted to me, but I’ll transition to happiness. “Anonymous made breakfast.” He took another celery stick, I really did use the last of my magic to make breakfast.

“Thanks Anonymous!” Twilight sat herself down, I think she has a coffee maker in her room because she slightly smells of caffeine. Either that or her shampoo. Also, where is her bathroom anyway? I usually just go outside and hop in a river. It works.

“No problemo.” I have to grab the roll to eat, it’s not particularly filling but it’s tasty. I should melt some cheese inside of this, maybe add a couple onions, mushrooms would definitely add a lot.

“Huh, these are tasty.” Twilight was using her magic to hold the finger foods. I’m slightly envious at that now. I’m now basically an earth pony just without the strength.

“Thanks. I want to add more to it. I can always do better.” I look at my little roll, I can do so much more.

“I don’t know how much you can add to this.” Twilight seems to be enjoying my cooking, it’s the little things.

“I know. I love to cook.” Why did Twilight’s tail raise a little then get out back down?

“Good to know.” She puts on a nervous smile and chuckles a little. Spike noticed this and gave his big sister an elbow to the stomach, she only chuckles more nervously.

“Yeah. It is.” I wonder if I’m going to take over kitchen duty. Spike’s breakfasts are pretty good themselves. Pancakes with hay I can live without I suppose.

“Anonymous. Can we talk about something?” Oh? With moi? Be still my beating heart…actually don’t I like being alive.

“Yeah. Sure.” I step down from the chair and watch as Twilight does the same, coping an extra celery stick for herself as she does so. She must like peanut butter.

I follow her into the main central room of the library. I ponder her possible questions, maybe Luna told her what’s in my head, or maybe she found out where Nameless came from. Or maybe-

“So, have you gotten something for Spike’s birthday?” She stopped my train of thought, I haven’t thought about that.

“I uhh…made him breakfast?” I quickly respond.

“No silly. An actual gift. I read that dragons love to get material items for their days of birth, so maybe we can get Spike something.” Is she goading me into hanging out with her? Oh hell yeah.

“When is Spike’s birthday anyway?”

“In a week. So let’s get him something before the whole town does. He is a local hero, so he’s bound to get a lot.”

Right, Discord is a thing. I should visit his statue, he can’t be too evil. “So, what should we get him?”

“I don’t know. We could get him a gem, but those are very difficult to give as gifts.” Twilight decided to use her horn to grab a book off a shelf, it’s apparently a guide to giving gifts to other races.

“Right. He can eat those…” This adventure will take us long and far! To the ends of Ponyville’s gift section! To the…wait I have no money. Fuck!

How do I break this to Twilight?

Also what is Nameless doing? I didn’t see her at breakfast.

Nameless was swearing at a million miles per hour to a very tired Luna. She was slightly excited to talk to some pony in their rest, but was regretting it.

Nameless on the other hand was given a heads up on Luna’s snooping and was tasked with annoying her. Anonymous didn’t expect her to start as soon as possible so he just didn’t check on her.

Author's Note:

An excessive amount of dragon coming to you, from a lazy writer near you.