• Published 20th Aug 2023
  • 6,233 Views, 512 Comments

Live, Die, Repeat - Hidden_Night

An Isekai starts when you die, so what if you kept dying and got placed somewhere else?

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Huh…I’m in the Dreamscape. That’s odd. Last time I was pulled into this place automatically was when…

When the dream wizard…

Not again. God damnit. Who is it this time?

I had enough of people digging around in my head. I just want them to stay out of the things I hold dear. I should be able to take care of this…

I exit my own dream and wander around the Dreamscape. It should take care of itself.

Luna’s heart was pounding, she was about to invade some pony’s memory for the first time. It wouldn’t be the first time she used Anonymous’ dream magic, she did some—tests let’s call them that—tests on herself. Memory manipulation is surprisingly easy. She was always adept with dream magic, so it was just another facet of her abilities.

She dove in headfirst, careful not to disturb Anonymous’ dream. It wasn’t a nightmare thankfully, her beating heart can’t help itself from imagining the worse. Perhaps it’s nervousness, or rather the guilt she feels having to do this to an innocent pony. She decided she can apologize to him later, she just needs a tiny bit of a memory.

Closing her eyes, she delve deeper into Anonymous’s mind. Leaving the dream world and into his memories, it was strange. The writings did say that everyone has a different way of viewing their memories. Yet Anonymous’ mind was cluttered. It was a rows upon rows of shelves placed in a wide white void. Everything was exposed like a book upon a display stand. The memories themselves are dvd disk cases, complete with the title and image.

“The memories are here, but why have so many? What did you experience Anonymous?” Luna said to herself, taking a slow walk forward through the memory space. The titles of the memories are exposed out to be read.

“First spell learned, First Fire Pit…First time drinking…I’m in the wrong section. This seems like the area of firsts.” Luna craned her neck to view the other sides of the isles. To her left was family stuff, but something felt off. The titles were fine, but the covers usually displayed something relating to the memory, a fire ball, a fire pit, a beer. Yet the family on the cover had their faces marked over with pen. Plus their bodies were too lanky, and they had clothes.

“Poor anonymous. To have your memories messed with. Fret not, I’ll be careful to—“ She felt something, her magic was being drained at an exponential rate. She shut off her flowing mane and constant exhaust of excess magic to prevent this new danger from gaining more power.

“Careful? CAREFUL?!” The familiar voice of Anonymous caused Luna’s ear to twitch. “I had enough of you dream wizards thinking my mind is your own playground! Get out! Now!” The voice was filled with so much hatred, it caused Luna’s face to visibly cringe at the sound.

“Sir Anonymous! Tis’ I, Princess Luna! I wish you no harm! I just needed to confirm your experiences in Longsword!” Luna was caught red handed. She felt the need to stand her ground for whatever reason. Deciding to accept her instincts for now.

“I know what you’re here for Luna! I already gave Shining Amor your interview or whatever. Truthfully I did not enjoy having to bend the truth so much to be right.” Anonymous slowly made his appearance, forming a human shape. The usual black tie, the mask, his mismatched socks and black tennis shoes. A strange mask was covering his face, green with an embroidered question mark.

‘That’s not Anonymous.’ Luna thought, yet in her heart, she knows that’s him. ‘He looks like a cross-between a Minotaur and a Monkey. Just no fur.’

“I can hear that you know!” The sudden outburst made Luna flinch at the threat.

“Right. Apologies Anonymous, I forgot you were an adept in the dream field as well.” Luna had no doubt that this was anonymous, but why choose such a form? She had no answers, nor could she give the question a thought.

“Yeah. Yeah. As I said, I gave Shining Armor the thing, or whatever and you have it. That should be it, done! Yet, you’re in my head. Why?” Anonymous’s hand clenched into a fist. Even if Luna can’t see her face.

“Anonymous, I truly mean no harm. If you have nothing to hide, then why have such animosity?”

“Because it’s uh…” Anonymous paused, even here she can hear his thoughts. ‘No…not again,’ his thoughts were sad, it hurt her to hear that. Anonymous shoot his head clear, realizing she can do the same to him. “Just get out, okay?”

“Anonymous, what does ‘again’ have to do with this?”

“None of your business.” Anonymous walked over to her and tried to push her out of his head, but the mare wouldn’t budge. She just stood her ground. This was a sad display, it was like watching a teenaged version of herself again. Internally, she cringed when she remembered she called herself ‘Blood Moon’ for a year.

“Anonymous, you and I both know I cannot just be mushed out of a dream.” Anonymous stayed silent, his hand pressed against her fur, his feet slides across the floor as he tried to push her. He grits his teeth and closed his eyes, his scrunched up face in an attempt to push her. Luna feels mixed about this, it feels nice, but at the same time alien.

“Get out!” Anonymous yelled again. He seems like a broken record, Luna noticed this and decided to use her dream magic to pull Anonymous away from her. Holding him up in the air. “Hey! That’s cheating!” He was struggling, flailing his limbs around in her magic grasp.

“Anonymous, I truly mean no harm.” Luna sighed, this was getting difficult.

“That’s what they all say!” Anonynous was not being easy to deal with, it was like a child.

She decided to carry him above herself, looking over the memories. Seeing one that’s particularly interesting, since she was still in the lane of firsts, a memory labeled ‘First arrival to Equestria’ next to…’first arrival of Rubicon’? There is no such world known as Rubicon. The cover had a picture of a strange mechanical thing. She did not know what she was looking at.

“Sir anonymous. Care to explain these?” Luna looked up at Anonymous, who was still struggling.

“Fuck off!” Luna flinched at the foul language. She was no stranger to the rough intensity of Griffon swears, but didn’t expect it from Anonymous.

“Anonymous!” She scolded him, but decided to ignore him for now. Deciding to check more of these ‘First Arrival’ memories. All of them were places she had no knowledge of, Lordran, Kanto, Night City, and Yggdrasil was listed multiple times.

“Anonymous, where has thou been?” She instinctively spoke in her Royal We, these memories were real. She could feel them, they weren’t fabricated or imagined worlds, but real tangible memories that imprinted permanently on Anonymous’ mind.

“Places! Let me go! Or I’m calling myself!” Anonymous reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. With a click he turned it one, and dialed a number.

“You can call your…” Luna realized, this wasn’t Anonymous, this was simply a doppelgänger. “No!” She knew that Anonymous could reasonably take her out if the dream realm, so in a panic she began to shift through the firsts as fast as she could. Then she found it, an odd memory. First arrival in Longsword, it wasn’t of his birth nor was it of anything she knew of Longsword. It was just two griffons wearing their dark colored uniform.

She regrets having to intrude into this, but her curiosity can’t be satiated. Her horn lit up and entered the memory.

“Fuck!” Unfortunately, when she entered she dropped Anonymous on the floor. “My nose!” He clutched his nose with both hands, sitting up on instinct. “God damnit. How did she fucking shut off my absorbing!” He punched the floor. He dialed the number again. “C’mon you fuck, pick up.”

I slum around in the dream world, my A.D.S (Anonymous Defense System) should have pushed the intruder out by now. It usually works wonders, it pretends to be weak, then after absorbing a good amount of their magic, he self destructs, taking the dream intruder with them. Sure it kinda gives me a headache when I wake up, but it keeps my memories safe.

Then I felt a buzzing on my butt, that’s an odd feeling considering I don’t have any pockets. Turning my head I see my cutie mark has lit up and began to vibrate, that’s neat.

Using my horn I pull the cutie mark off my butt and put it to my ear. The hook of the question mark holds near my ear, while the tail is acting as my microphone. “Hello?”

“Hey you shitter!” I pull the question mark away from my ear, of course he’s this loud. Keep forgetting I made him.

“Ayyy! Anonymous! How’s it been bud?”

“Terrible, this big ass blue horse lady walked in and prevented me from being a fucking bomb!”

“Blue horse lady? What kind of blue? The only other blue horse lady I know is Rainbow Dash.”

“I didn’t say rainbow horse lady, I said blue!”

“Then…” I slowly realize who it was digging around my memories. “Luna…”

“Yep! That’s the one. I’m taking my fifteen, go do your whole magic battle or whatever.”

“Yeah, yeah. Give me a second.” I light up my horn and disappear, heading into my own mind is strange but I’m used to it.

Let’s see, where could she be? I close my eyes and cycle through my memories quickly, years of dream magic has kept me organized in my head. Yet even shifting through, I can’t find her. That’s odd, she usually should….


“She shut off her own magic didn’t she?” I smile softly and chuckle, continuing, “…clever girl.”

I had to enter my own Mindscape. The rows of memories segregated into their own section. I had to fly through the isles to see if any of them got messed with. Then I noticed something odd, it was my memory of Longsword, on the floor. She…is going through to see if I was a liar. Oh fuck! Enter!

I quickly hop into the memory, I didn’t need to use magic, it was my own head! I’m in control here!

I slide through and skid on the dirt, stopping myself cleanly as I look around. Trying to find her, it’s difficult to find another person in my own memory already. Now that she has turned her magic off, she practically made me blind to her presence. This is so annoying.

“Anonymous Incognito!” I heard a Royal Canterlot voice behind me. That scared me, its proximity and the fact that it’s Luna. I don’t know how much of an experienced Dream Wizard she is, but since her talent is everything relating to the night, I’m kinda fucked.

“She’s right behind me…” I turn around slowly, looking up to see a flying Luna above me. Her angry face was all I need to know that I’ve been caught as a liar.


“Princess Luna!” Her royal voice still rings loud. “Why hast thou been stringing a lie together!?” She’s disappointed. Now I imagine getting yelled at by Celestia is like disappointing your mom, she’s mad at you, yes, but wants you to do better. Now, getting yelled at by Luna feels like I disappointed the cool aunt who isn’t going to do the cool thing anymore.

“I uh…” I had nothing, I didn’t have a plan for when I get caught, hell I didn’t plan on Luna raiding my own mind!

“Anonymous!” Her cold and bitter voice rung in my ears.

“Eep!” I squeak on the very sound of my name.

“I am a fair Princess, but at least you still helped. I’m not mad Anonymous, just…disappointed.” No matter who is saying that, it still hurts to hear.

“I still went there! I still saw what I saw!”

“You have barely spent five minutes in Longsword! You’ve been attacked by two scouts, saw a burning village then left! Your note is now the only trustworthy source I have upon Longsword’s crimes.” Luna stepped forth, bringing the note to my muzzle, I just grab it and pull it off, but she shoved it back into my muzzle.

“I…uh.” Wait where is she going with this?

“Your note is more than orders to be passed along! They aren’t doing just genocide, Anonymous. They’re enslaving ponies in thralldom, and yet you, a stranger who hasn’t been born there, who hasn’t even been originated from Equestria, and made us take action early was not a good decision Anonymous, yes it saves lives Anonymous. Our core tenants of harmony is honesty, and you’ve been honest, yet deceitful.” Uh, you’re losing me Luna, my fear is turning into confusion.

“So I’m being yelled at for forcing your hand to take action? Doesn’t make much sense to me. It feels you are making an excuse to yell at me. For what?” I look up at her, Luna is…crying? She’s red in the face, but tears are budding.

“You’ve suffered for too long Anonymous. I’ve seen more than just Longsword…” She sniffs, rubbing an eye to clear out her out her angry tears. “I’m not sure how to feel. I want to be angry that you’ve lied to us, yet I can’t be. Your actions will save many ponies from indentured servitude, but it’s through a path of lies. I just want to ask Anonymous. Why did you go to Longsword? You could’ve died, or worse been captured.” Her voice slowly relaxes itself, no longer blind by a fury, but a calm tranquil peace.

“Could’ve just asked from the start…or not even entered at all.” I sigh, this is too much. Good grief. “I went there out of pure curiosity, it was by chance I ran into those two and took the note. That is all, it’s true I’m not from Longsword, or Equestria…”

“Then where did you come from?” Oh boy, do I tell her?

Fuck it, someone needs to know.

“I died Princess Luna. I died and just appeared here.”

“Anonymous, we can hardly such a believe a story if we haven’t seen your memories.” She chucked, sympathy pouring from her.

“Yeah…” Where did I come from? It’s been so long since I’ve seen home. Perhaps the Wizard that originally attacked me is still affecting me. It doesn’t matter, I can’t go home anyway. I’ll just live life to the fullest, for them.

I felt a wing wrap around me, then suddenly draw close to Luna. “I can hear your thoughts Anonymous. I know I missed my sister when I was gone on the moon. I’m glad I have her, I just hope we can be there to support you.” Luna’s fur is so warm. Hehe, I can see that blush Luna. ‘Thou can not.’ I heard her thoughts ring. This is nice.

“Thank you Luna.” I smile and hug her back.

Life is good.

Author's Note:

Bit of a messy one. I’ll have to edit and refine it soon, but for now. Enjoy!