• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 59 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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1: Awakening And Meeting Her

Spikes eyes began to open, he groaned as he slowly got up.
"That was a weird night of sleep" Spike said as his eyes were still a little blurry, Spike soon regained his focus and his eyes widened as he realized.
"This isn't the castle..." Spike said in shock as he began to observe his surroundings, he was in a dark decayed forest, life seemed to wither away in front of him, he took a few pieces of grass.
"They look old and almost dead..." Spike thought as he observed it, the grass soon blew crumbled away as if it was nothing.

"What is this place?" Spike asked out loud.
"Rainbow dash?! if this is a prank its not funny!" Spike said with anger, but he didn't hear anyone.
"Twilight? Celestia? Luna?" Spike called out in worry hoping to hear somepony ,he waited for something, anything, but he got no response, nothing.
" This doesn't look like the Everfree forest at all..." Spike said as he got a strange feeling.
"No use just standing around, might as well try to find some help" Spike decided as he began to walk around.

" The creature called Spike had awakened and he feels something is different" The voice echoes again

Spike had never seen anything like this, the forest looked almost dead, he couldn't hear any birds, couldn't feel the wind, he can't even drink the water as it looked poisonous when he came across some.

" I don't think I'm even in Equestria, there are no forests that look like this there..." Spike said with worry as he wondered where he was, soon spike heard his stomach growl.
"Hope there is at least something i could eat..." Spike said as he tried to find something to eat.

"Spike looked around some more but he eventually found a fruit tree, but the fruits were high on the top and there looked like there was very few.
"Nothing can ever be easy" Spike complained as he tried to make his way up, he used his claws to get a good grip to climb the tree, spike was able to make his way to the top and he carefully balanced on a branch.
"Need to be careful" Spike thought as he slowly made his way towards the fruits, spike soon reached them and was able to carefully drop them down near the base.
"okay now to try to get down" Spike thought as he tried to get off the branch, but as soon as he took a step he heard a loud crack.
"Oh no..." Spike thought before he fell down and screamed as he hit the ground, spike groaned in pain as he tried to get up.
"Something is definitely wrong here, at least i got a few fruits" Spike said as he slowly made his way over to eat.

Spike had just a few as it was enough to satisfy him for now, he then decided to hold on to the fruits for later.
"Alright now that that's done i have to find some help" Spike said as he made his way further into the forest.

"Seeking help the young creature dove deeper trying to find help" The voice speaks again

This forest wasn't like anything he ever saw before, he searched for what felt like hours before he asked out loud,
"Has this place been abandoned because of something?" Spike asked as he was feeling sad, trying to get some help he called out one more time.
"Hello?! Anyone there?!" Spike shouted as he hoped to hear someone respond, eventually Spike heard something... but not in the way he hopes as he heard a loud roar.
Just then two large horned creatures bursts through a wall and roared in rage.

"WHAT ARE THOSE?!" Spike asked terrified as what he saw.
one of the creatures then roared and charged at him, spike managed to dodge out of the way and the creature hit another wall in which rocks came down crushing it.
"Holy cow..." Spike said as he remembered about the other one, he turned around and saw it charging at him as well, spike tried to dodge, he was able get out of the way but not without getting a large cut across his shoulder.
Spike screamed in pain as he tried to cover the wound, he saw the creature crash into the wall and more rocks came down killing it.
"What is going on here?" Spike asked scared as he looked at his shoulder and saw it bleeding a little,
"Need to find help before it gets severe!" Spike said as he quickly makes his way trying to find someone, anyone.

Spike had rushed through trying to find help, but he couldn't find anything, Spike kept losing more and more blood as he made his way through, he eventually was starting to feel week as he started to crawl weakly.
"No... i can't... not like this" Spike thought as he tried to continue, he continued for a little longer until he laid his eyes on something.

" It was at that moment that Spike and my child Ori had finally met each other" The voice is heard once again

" What is that?" Spike asked weakly as he observed what he saw, it was a small white creature, it had long ears and a long tail, it was crawling as it looked weak in strength.
Spike made his way over to the creature in curiosity hoping it would help, the creature soon noticed him and backed away scared and sad, spike raised his hands trying to calm it down.
"It's okay! I'm not going to hurt you..." spike said weakly as he slowly made his way to the creature, it kept trying to back away as it was still scared, Spike then got an idea as he pulled out one of the fruits he had.
"Hungry?" Spike asked weakly as he held it out to the creature, the creature then looked at him curiously as it crawled its way to him, it then took the fruit and took a bite and it smiled in happiness.

"glad that the creature looks to be happy, spike finally accepts his fate" The voice says sadly

"Glad... i could help..." Spike said weakly as he finally collapsed on the ground, the creature looked shocked as it tried to help him, it then noticed the blood coming from Spikes shoulder, it tried to patch it up but couldn't find anything, it then started to collapse itself and landed on him, it then looked at him sadly a few tears in its eyes, spike merely smiled as he rubbed its head.
"At least... I won't die alone..." Spike he said weakly as he started to feel his strength leave him.
"Twilight... I'm so sorry...." Spike said sadly
The creature rubbed its head on him sadly as Spike smiled weakly with a few tears of his own,
"It's.... gonna be... okay...."spike said as he took his last breath finally succumbing to his injuries
they soon felt they're breathes leave them as they both closed they're eyes for the final time.

" With that the two creatures destiny's intertwined, as they drew they're final breathes" The voice is heard once again.

Spike and Ori's bodies are seen on together as a white flower appears by they're side.

"Not wanting them to lose they're lives i used the last of my light, sacrificing my life for theirs" The voice says.

White flowers soon appeared around them light seemingly absorbing into them, more flowers soon appeared in the background.
The flowers soon become a huge field revealing a ginormous tree with light shining around the whole area, the light absorbs into them giving them life once again.

"With them by each others sides, there's nothing they won't be able to do together, as they're destiny's become one." the voice concluded as the last of the light absorbs into them and the screen fades to white.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you liked this newest chapter, sorry for those who didn't like the idea of spike almost dying as well but i wanted to make the story feel more of a dramatic weight to it, this game is an emotional powerhouse and i want spike to feel like he's apart of it.
I hope you guys look forward to the rest of the story and like what I've made so far.
Stay tuned for more and I'll see you guys later!!