• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,168 Views, 59 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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2: Through The Sunken Glades And Meeting Sein

Spike groaned as he felt something was off, he opened his eyes and found himself... floating... and alive? Spike looked around and he saw the creature he met just a bit ago floating as well, he also sees some light flowing into them as if it was healing them, eventually the light died down and then landed softly on the ground, Spike struggled to stand on his feet as he felt different.

" What just happened?" Spike asked confused as he observed himself for a minute, he looked at his shoulder and his eyed widened, the wound that had nearly killed him... healed? Spike looked at it in shock before he heard a female voice.

"Are you alright?" The voice spoke, and spike looked around in shock trying to find the voice.
"Who said that?" Spike asked confused.
"Behind you silly" The voice had told him and Spike turned around and his eyes widened in shock as he found the source, he looked at it shocked for a moment before asking.

"You can talk?!" Spike asked shocked as he didn't understand it before.
" You can talk as well?" The creature asked confused.
" Yeah... how come we can understand each other?" Spike asked confused.
"I don't know i don't think you could understand me before, so how did that happen?" The creature asked confused.
" I don't know either... it might've been that light that saved us" Spike suggested as he looked at the ginormous tree in awe
"It might've been." The creature said agreeing looking at the tree as well.

They stood like that looking at each other awkwardly before spike decided to introduce himself,
"Sorry i haven't told you my name yet, I'm Spike nice to meet you, what's your name?" Spike asked holding out his claw.
"I'm Ori, nice to meet you too spike" The creature he now knows as Ori said with a smile holding out her paw and grabbing his. They soon separated and Ori observed him for a minute in curiosity before deciding to ask,

"What kind of creature are you?" Ori asked in confusion.
" I'm what's called a Dragon." Spike answered
"Dwagon?" Ori asked confused.
"No, Dragon with an r" Spike corrected.
the creature then understood what she was told and decided to ask him one more thing,
"Why were you out here? Bleeding to death?" She asked concerned
"I woke up here after falling asleep in my home, i tried to search for help but i ran into a couple monsters, i was able to knock them down but i got a major cut as a result, I tried to move forward but i lost to much blood, i thought i would really die, but then i met you." Spike explained
"I'm so sorry to hear that, you being lost from your home...alone" She said the last part sadly which Spike caught up on.
"You here alone too? with no one to help you?" Spike asked sadly, she only nodded in sadness.
"yes my guardian...passed away when i tried finding food, i was to late to save her" Ori said with tears in her eyes.
Spike looked at her in sadness before placing a claw on her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry i wish i could've helped" Spike said with a few tears as well.
"it's okay, there's nothing that can be done now..." She said as she started to cry, Spike then came over and hugged her.
"It's gonna be okay..." Spike said sadly as he was crying as well, Ori hugging him in return.
They soon stopped crying and they decided to speak once again.
" So you going anywhere?" Spike asked her.
" I'm gonna try to find some help... Would you mind coming with me?" The creature asked hoping he would answer yes.
" Of course! I've got nowhere to go right now... I'd be glad to help you." Spike said with a smile, Ori then smiled at him and gave him a hug catching spike off guard
"Thank you Spike" Ori said with a few tears.
"no problem Ori." Spike said with a smile and returning it.
they soon separated and decided to get going.
" Alright lets go!" Ori said with energy as she ran ahead.
"Right behind you!" Spike said with a smile running after her.

"And so the two friends went out to find answers" The voice echoes over.

They continued to move deeper into the woods, Spike definitely noticed something was different about him, he felt more athletic, he was jumping higher then he normally could as well as running faster.
"Did the light do more then save me? What else can i do now? spike thought in question before he and Ori stopped by a large ledge, they looked at each other and nodded and they jumped down holding their hands.
They landed on the ground without any feelings of pain, they then decided to look around, Spike then noticed there was a damaged wall, but he wasn't strong enough to break it down.
"Dead end.. we need to try to find something else" Spike said to Ori as she nodded her head in agreement.

But before they could move forward, the wall behind them suddenly burst down, Spikes eyes widened as he saw a familiar creature.
" Oh no! Not another one!" Spike thought in panic as he recognized the creature, the creature then charged at them in rage, Ori scared on what to do couldn't move , Spike then grabbed her and jumped out of the way, the creature crashed into the wall and rocks came down killing it, just like what happened before.
"I... Is it?" Ori asked with a few tears.
" There was no other way." Spike said sadly agreeing, they stood like that for a moment before getting up and keep going.

"As they dove deeper, They found what was lost" The voice is heard once again
Soon they came upon a strange light which confused both of them.
"What is that?" Ori asked confused.
"I don't know lets be careful" Spike said as they moved closer. Ori decides to get a closer look and holds it in her hands.
The light they starts to float as more light grows around it, the light then forms into a strange orb of light.

" My strength is returning, I am Sein the light and eyes of the spirit tree, i was lost in this glen when she loosened her grip, i can help you two on your journey if you allow me to come. " it tells them, Spike and Ori look at each other in shock before spike decided to ask,
" Spirit tree?" He asked confused.
Yes the light of the forest, it's what kept this forest alive before the light was taken away from it." It explains
"taken away by what?" Spike asked concerned
"That answer will come when we meet the spirit tree itself." Sein explains to them.
Spike and Ori then agree to let Sein come with them,
" I'm Spike this is Ori" We'll be glad to let you help" Spike introduces
"Thank you Spike and Ori" It says gratefully.
But before they could move Sein says something important.

" Be still, can you hear that?" they must have followed you two here!" The voice says in warning.
"Who?!" spike askes worried.
Getting his answer some frog like monsters soon ambushed them, they look at each other before deciding to fight them off, Spike threw some fire balls at a few monsters burning them, While ori was being defended by Sein who threw some sparks of light at the monsters defeating them.
Ori then looks at spike in shock and asks
"You can breathe fire?!" She asks in shock.
" yeah its something my kind is capable of doing" Spike answered.
"you are a strange creature indeed Spike, you'll be a great help." Sein compliments.
"Thank you Sein, lets get going to this Spirit tree you told us about, maybe we'll finally get some answers" Spike suggests before Ori and Sein agree and they make their way to the Spirit Tree.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this newest chapter!
Sorry for those who don't like the idea of Ori being able to talk but i wanted to give her more of a character and have her and Spike be able to bond better. I plan on having Spike get abilities like Ori's through the story because Spike was given the abilities to harness they're power.
Hope you look forward to my next one! Stay tuned see you guys then!