• Published 27th Aug 2023
  • 1,167 Views, 59 Comments

Ori And The Dragon In The Blind Forest - Dragonfan101

Spike wakes up in a dark decayed forest, he then meets a spirit named Ori, and he and her team up to go on a emotional journey to save the forest from destruction.

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7: The Ginso Tree And Spike's Visions

Spike and Ori stood at the entrance of the Ginso tree, they then inserted the water vessel and like Sein said the door opened.

"You ready for this Spike" Ori asked with some determination
"Ready as I'll ever be, lets do this!" Spike said with a serious look, they then both entered the tree.
The tree was huge, they were at the very bottom, they saw what looked like small portals around the area, one was one the bottom and the other was on the top.
"We must have to use these in order to reach the top" Spike said as he observed the area.
"The waters of Nibel once flowed through this very tree, now its all rotten and dried up inside... We shall restore the water flow, The Ginso trees heart we must find" Sein explained, Spike and ori both understanding
"It's gonna be a long way up, we should get going" Ori said as she made her way to the first portal with Spike following behind.

The first few floors were pretty easy to traverse, they had to jump off logs that helped them reach higher levels, the next few areas were pretty tough though, Spike and Ori had to avoid walls and ceilings with spiked surfaces and had some enemy's on them, but they were simple to deal with. Spike and ori had to carefully maneuver some of the enemies fire through some logs that made its way to a sealed off wall at a few points, they soon came upon yet another Ancestral tree Spike then looked a little sad.
"It's depressing seeing how many Spirits lost they're lives" Spike said sadly.
"Yes it's a true tragedy on what happened that night" Sein says sadly as well, she then goes up and sees who lies here.

"Reem was agile, he dashed through the air, listen to his voice, the wisdom he shared." Sein told them, they then stepped forward and absorbed the light once again and landed on the ground.
" This is the bash ability, it will allow you to dash towards the direction you want to go, and it will send enemy projectiles in the other direction you go" Sein explains to them
"Cool" Spike says in awe
"Its really amazing" Ori says agreeing

They then decided to try it out but before they could, Spike groaned in pain as he fell to his knees.
" Spike are you okay?!" Ori asks in worry, they then saw a lot of spike's scales glowing and spike groans as he and his eyes start glowing as well as it happens, the glow soon fades away as spike takes heavy breaths as he tried to get back on his feet.
" Are you okay Spike?!" Ori asks worried for her friend.
"Yeah, I'm fine now, what was that?" Spike asks as he looks at himself.
" I don't know, but i think its something we should be concerned about" Sein says with worry.
"I feel fine now, we need to keep going, the heart shouldn't be far" Spike says as he got moving and used his new ability to bash from a nearby lantern with Ori and Sein looking a little worried before deciding to talk about it later and moved onwards.

The way upwards got a little tougher, they had to redirect enemy projectiles to other walls like Sein said, and had to carefully move their way by falling through a few portals they soon came upon the heart after a long climb.
" It looks like it needs to be freed in order to have the water flow" Spike said as he overserved the area.
" yes, The heart of the Gniso Tree once kept the elements of Water safe, but now its corrupted, all foul and decayed." Sein says sadly, she then flew towards to see the problem.
"we have to help it, cure it and cleanse the blight by removing the blight by removing the corruption on both sides" Sein explains as she figured out the problem.
"I think it will be easier if we split up and go in either direction, I'll go right you, go left it will make our jobs faster" Spike suggested.
"Good idea, please be careful spike." Ori says a little worried
"I'll be fine ori, don't worry" Spike says with a smile as he made his way right like he said and Ori and Sein went left.

As Ori and Sein made they're ways to the source of the corruption on the left as they made they're was to the top, ori was looking worried with Sein noticing.
"What's wrong Ori" Sein asks concerned.
"I'm just worried for spike, the way he glowed like that, i don't think it's natural for his kind.." Ori says as she continues to walk forward.
"Yes I'm concerned as well, you think it will happen again" Sein askes concerned as well.
"I hope not, if it does I hope we'll find a way to help him" Ori concludes as she finds the corruption, Sein uses her powers and cleanses it as the blight explodes like a chain freeing half of the heart, soon the other half is followed as Spike had taken care of it as well, they then both landed on the ground with a little impact.
"is everything okay Spike?" Sein asks worried.
" Yeah I'm good" Spike says with a smile, but deep down Spike knew something was wrong...

A few minutes ago with Spike

Spike had made his way through the puzzle, he moved the enemies projectiles upwards and was able to redirect it into a damaged wall, spike soon landed on the ledge with a smile.
" That was tough but I'm glad its done" Spike says with a smile.

But before spike continued he soon felt a large pain in his head.
"AGH!" Spike screams as he holds his head, he soon fell on his knees as his body started to glow again.
"What's.. happening?!" Spike asks weakly as his eyes glow again.
He then started to have visions and what he saw made his heart beat rapidly.
he saw visions of what looked like the night of the ceremony, but what he saw terrified him,
he saw first person shots of Kuro slashing at him, over and over and over again, he could feel the terror of the people in the vision, Kuru then roars in rage and slashes at him one more time before he snaps out of it, his heart is pounding and he is breathing heavily.

"What was that?! Why am i seeing these?!" Spike asks scarred, after a minute he finally calms down and is able to walk.
" I have to focus, when i find Twilight again she can hopefully help" spike says as he continues on, he soon finds the other half of the blight and he uses his fire breath to destroy it, the blight explodes and the heart is soon open ready to be restored, he then jumps off the ledge and lands on the ground he sees Ori and Sein just landed as well,
"Spike are you okay?" Sein asks worried.
" Yeah im good" Spike says with a smile, but deep down spike knew something was wrong.

"So all we need to do now is restore the heart?" Spike asks.
'yes leave this to me." Sein says as she flies to the center of the heart.
"Once the heart is restored the water will finally be able to flow again" Sein says as she glows brightly, and soon the heart glows a complete blue making it restored sein soon comes and flies down again.
as soon as she finishes this however, water begins to rise up fast!
" We need to get out of here right now!" Ori says scared, she and Spike both see a lantern and use their bash move to rise upwards.

( listen to this, it is beautiful)

Spike and Ori continued to use the lanterns to move upwards, they had to move through more portals in order to reach higher areas, they then had to move through enemies and use them as projectiles to move upwards, they even had to use some more blue sprouts to jump higher, they then had to climb a few walls to reach more ledges and use enemy projectiles to jump higher.
"MORE WATER JUST KEEPS COMING!!" Ori says scared as the water keeps getting higher.
" WERE ALMOST OUT OF HERE! HANG ON! Spike says with determination as he holds Ori's hand.
they then continued on to move higher and climb some more walls all the while trees that had grown in were being flooded by the water, but they soon saw the way out.
" THERE IT IS!! COME ONE!!!" Spike says as he and Ori had to use the bash a few more times, the water rising higher with each bash, as soon as they do the last one the water bursts out of the tree like a fountain and Spike and Ori land by the side of it.

"We.. we made it! We really made it!" Ori says happily as she feels relieved.
"I told you we would make it!" Spike says rubbing her head.
"Great work you two, the waters should be restored now!" Sein says happily.
Spike and ori both stand up and feel the water rain down on them.
"It's beautiful" Ori says with a smile.
"It really is" Spike says with a smile, he and Ori both hold out they're hands to feel the rain while they they held they're other hands.
But they're victory is soon interrupted as lightning begins to flash, and something appears in the background.

"KURO!!" Sein yells as she lands right in front of them.

With each step she takes, Spike begins to have more flashbacks.
he kept seeing the terror of he when she killed the spirit guardians, it happening over and over again, spikes heart began to beat rapidly and he breathes quickly as he heard multiple voices saying the same thing

As the last one happens lightning flashes again as she takes a final step and is right in front of them, Spike then looks at Ori with a terrified face and says one thing as she holds her hand.
"RUN!!" Spike yells as she and Ori both try to run, but the next step Kuro makes causes a large impact to hit the ground catching them off balance and they fall of the tree.
"ORI!" Spike yells as he holds her.
"SPIKE!!" Ori yells scared as she holds him close to her, they hold each other close and close their eyes waiting to hit the ground, but Kuro is seen flying in the background and begins to move closer and closer to them as the screen fades to black.

" It was the light that she hated, the light of our kind. But Ori and Spike's kindness would once again save them"

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Three chapters in one day! I just couldn't wait to write this part and i hope you enjoyed it! I hope you liked the intense moments i had with spike's visions, thank you all for the support and I'm so happy you like this.
Stay tuned till the next chapter! See you then!