• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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10: Tai Lung

Spike had helped Po all the way back up stairs and took him to Mantis's room, mantis was trying to use Acupuncture on him

"Oh ow!" Po said in pain as he kept having needles placed in him" Ow!" Po said once again.
"I thought you said Acupuncture would make me feel better?" He said as he had another one inserted.
"Mantis you should slow down dude!" Spike tried to have Mantis slow down just as he inserted another inside.
"Trust me Spike, i know what i'm doing, and believe me it will Po" Mantis said trying to assure him.

"it's just hard finding the right nerve points under all this.." Mantis tried to not insult him
"Fat?" Po asked a little upset
"Fur I was gonna say fur" Mantis corrected
"Sure you were" Po said not convinced.

" Come on Po, we're just trying to help you" Spike said trying to make him feel better and Viper and Mantis nodded.
"He's right Po, it's the quickest way to help you get better" Viper told him.
"Sorry we were rough earlier, we had to follow Shifu's orders" Mantis apologized.
"Yeah, we had to do the same with Spike when he first came here." Viper explained
"It's okay, i know he can be rough now." Po said as he still hurt and Mantis inserted another one in.

"Maybe you should take a look at this again." Viper said as she brought the image of a panda and their nerve points.
" Oh okay!" Mantis said understanding.
"Ow! Stop it Stop it!" Po said in pain as he could be heard from the other rooms, Po interrupted Monkey's meditation, and interrupted Crane's art making him mess up one of his pictures much to their annoyance.

"I know Master Shifu's trying to inspire me and all, but if i didn't know any better, id say he's trying to get rid of me" Po said and he laughed nervously, Mantis and Viper simply smiled
"ha ha... Yeah..." Spike said nervous as he knew that's exactly what he was trying to do.
"I know he can see kind of heartless" Mantis said as he injected another needle." But you know he wasn't always like that." Mantis told him.
"Really? For the time i've known him he was never one to relax" Spike said as he looked back on his time here.
"According to legend, there was once a time when Shifu actually used to smile." Viper told them.
"No!" Po said amazed, Tigress was walking down and was hearing what they talked about.
"My friend Pinkie Pie would try to make him smile no matter how hard he refused.' Spike told them as he recalled how much she would do to make one happy.
"But that was before.." Viper whispered and it made Spike and Po curious.
"Before what?" They both asked, just then the doors opened revealing Tigress.

"Before Tai Lung" She told them, Crane's shadow was on the other side of the door.

"Uh yeah, were not really supposed to talk about him?" Crane said from the other side.
"I never heard about him, so you guys did a great job on that." spike told Crane.
"Who is he?" Spike asked as he looked at Tigress.
"Guys guys! i know about Tai lung" He was a student, first ever to master the.. thousand scrolls of Kung Fu.
"Oh geez.." Spike said surprised that he's that skilled.
"And then he turned bad, and now he's in jail" Po said nervously as Tigress walked up to him
"He wasn't just a student." She began to explain to them.
"Oh boy.." Spike thought as he was curious to learn about him.

We cut to a memory of a long time ago, a young Shifu was seen looking down at a young snow leopard cub.
"Shifu found him, as a cub" Tigress narrated over as Shifu picks him up.
"And he raised him, as his son" She continued, a young Tigress is seen eating some food with Shifu, he rips off a little bit of Shifu's mustache much to his pain.

"And when the boy showed talent in kung fu" We see a young Tai Lung doing poses and hitting the dummy to the wall.
"Shifu trained him, he believed in him, he told him we was destined for greatness" Tigress narrated as Shifu is teaching him some poses.

"It was never enough for Tai lung" Tigress said as we cut to years before Tai lung went rouge as he took care of all the spiked dummies.
"He wanted the dragon scroll, but Oogway saw darkness in his heart, and refused" Oogway is seen looking at him as he felt ashamed that he would have to hear the truth.

Tai lung is then seen destroying parts of the village.
"Outraged, Tai Lung laid waist to the Valley" Tigress says as Tai lung burst through the doors to the hall, he ran towards Shifu and Oogway
"He tried to take the scroll by force, and Shifu had to destroy what he had created" Shifu is seen trying to kick Tai Lung but the memory of him as his son comes to him and he softens.
"But how could he?" Tigress said as Tai lung sweeps his feet and knocks Shifu away, he leaps for the scroll but Oogway stops him by using a special pressure point move and froze his body knocking him down, Shifu looks at him heartbroken.

"Shifu loved Tai Lung like he never loved anyone before." Tigress says as a young version of her is seen trying to strike poses and she hits the dummy back, she looks at Shifu hoping he was impressed, but Shifu puts his stick on her arm and legs putting them to a proper position.
"Or since..." She says sadly, as the young Tigress looks sad as he walks away, we cut back to real time.

"Oh my Celestia.. that is so... sad" Spike said depressed as he couldn't believe that happened to him. Tigress then looks at Po with Monkey and Crane watching the whole thing.
"And now he has a chance to make things right, to train the true Dragon Warrior" She tells him.
"And he's stuck with you, a big fat panda who treats it like a joke, but if you have help from Spike and support, you could just as well be it." Tigress tells him, and Po looks at her feeling ashamed of what happened.

"It kind of reminds me of Sunset Shimmer in a way..." Spike thought to himself as he looked at her sadly
Po then ruined the moment by making the most ridiculously funny face he's ever seen.
"What?" Spike asked chuckling a little, but Tigress didn't find it so funny....
"OH! THAT IS IT!" She shouted as she was ready to claw him, Spike was about to stop her but luckily Mantis came on his face.
"Wait! My fault! I accidently tweaked his facial nerve!" Mantis told her.

Po's body then falls on the ground with dozens of needles in his back.
"How did you put that many in him?!" Spike asked shocked.
"And i may have also stopped his heart" Mantis finishes, he pokes Po's face and it twitched a little.
"Lets get these removed and try again." Spike said annoyed as he started taking them out with Mantis's help.

Author's Note:

Hey guys hope you liked this! I personally think Tai lung is better then Shen in terms of tragic backstory, it makes sense that he would be outraged after all the years he's trained only for it to be for nothing. Its one of the reasons these movies are some of my favorites ever! Hope you look forward to more!

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