• Published 7th Sep 2023
  • 2,964 Views, 185 Comments

Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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2: Meeting The Five

Spike had followed Oogway to the private courters, and he had picked out a pair of clothing just right for him

"You should get properly dressed, the five will be here any moment, and i'll introduce them to you" Oogway explained to him.
"Yes Sir, thank you Master Oogway" Spike said gratefully, Oogway then walked out and Spike had started to put his new clothing
"These are really nicely designed, Rarity might be a little jealous" Spike thought as he saw how well they were made, it's like they were specifically made for him.

Oogway was walking through the hallway of the hall of warriors as he expected the 5 to be here at any moment
"That little dragon has a large future ahead of him" Oogway thought with a smile as he heard the doors open and 5 warriors came into the room and bowed at his presence

"Master Oogway, the bandits that were attacking the nearby villages have been dealt with" a large Tiger said seriously.
"Well done you 5, you are relieved of training for the rest of the week, that includes you Tigress" Oogway told them all and most of them quietly cheered while Tigress was a little shocked

"Finally! Some time to relax, we've been worked to the bone" The monkey said relieved
" I think it will be best that it is best that we rest up and regain our strength" The snake said really grateful
"I could catch up on some of my paintings finally" The bird said with a smile
"I'm just happy we can finally do something fun after a while" The mantis chuckled awkwardly, Tigress looked at all of them a little upset but kept it to herself and looked at Oogway
"Master i prefer if i continue to train, i want to keep myself at the top of my game" Tigress told him and Oogway sighed

"Even though you can, i merely wish for you to learn to take it easy, overworking yourself like that will lead you to exhaustion in the next battle." Oogway told her
"Yes Master Oogway" Tigress bowed again and the others bowed too, Spike was watching the whole thing without them noticing him, Master shifu had came into the room and they all bowed at his presence, he then stood next to Oogway.
"Tigress, Viper, Mantis, Crane, Monkey, I have an announcement to make" Shifu told them
"What is it Master Shifu?" Viper asked curious, before shifu could answer, Oogway put his staff on front of him
"Let me do the talking please" Oogway told him and he nodded
"Of course Master Oogway" Shifu said understanding, Oogway then walked to all the lit candles and he started to blow out each one slowly much to the 5's confusion
"Is he seriously gonna blow out all 1000 of those?" Spike asked confused, Shifu wasn't having the patience however and used a move that put them all out at once.

"Master what is this announcement" Tigress said a little impatient while Oogway walked back up to them.
"We have a new student joining us today" Oogway told them and they all looked surprised
"New Student master?" Tigress asked.
"A new student?" Monkey asked surprised
"It's nice we'll have a new face around the palace" Viper said a little eager to know
"Who is he master?" Mantis asked, Crane nodding as well.
"He is a new student, who will be training to fight alongside the dragon warrior when the time comes, i expect you all to show respect." Oogway said especially looking at Tigress and Shifu and they all nodded
"Yes Master Oogway" They all said at once and bowed once again.
"So who is this new student master?" Tigress asked once again.

Oogway looked at Spike and he motioned his staff to come over to him, they all looked in the direction Oogway looked at, Spike took a deep breath and stepped out, most of them gasped in shock at what they were seeing, a real dragon was a new student at the Palace.

Spike walked up to them he noticed each of them and they're reactions, Monkey and Mantis were in pure shock, Crane had his beak hanging down at what he was seeing, Viper was mildly curious and concerned, Tigress looked a little cold and suspicious and he could feel her eyes following him like a predator, Spike stood next to Oogway and bowed like they all did
"It is an honor to meet you all" Spike bowed respectfully,

"This is Spike, I had found him by the peach tree this morning, the universe had told me he is meant to train here, not to become the dragon warrior, but to become a master of Kung Fu and fight along side him" Oogway told them all, Tigress was a little relieved knowing he isn't the Dragon Warrior.
"I expect you all to treat him like a fellow student and learn to fight alongside him" Oogway said and they all bowed once more.
"Shifu and i will leave you to get to know him, Viper i entrust him in your care" Oogway told her and she nodded in understanding, they then left the room leaving the 6 of them alone.

"So... how was your most recent mission?" Spike asked curiously
"We had to take down multiple threats threatening to harm innocent people" Tigress said coldly, the others groaned as she was being a little harsh again
"Come on tigress, you heard him, he's only meant to be training alongside us" Monkey told her, but she shook her head and decided to leave the room leaving them in an awkward moment, Crane then asked
"So where are you from?" Crane asked, Spike thought he would make it the most believable way possible
"I'm from a land called Equestria, it's basically a land full of creatures that you'd expect would be in a fantasy, like dragons, griffons, and other mythical creatures you would expect" Spike told them, and they all looked confused
" So like your, basically from a fantasy land" Mantis asked and Spike nodded.

"I woke up by the peach tree this morning in front of Master Oogway, and he told me i was meant to train here along side you all" Spike told them all,
"So can you breath fire like an actual dragon?" Mantis asked, Spike then turned around he took a deep breath and breathed a long stream of green fire surprising all of them.
"You can! That's awesome dude!" Mantis said laughing in amazement Monkey as well. Spike then got curious about Tigress
"So what is up with Tigress? How come she was so.. cold" Spike asked shaking a little and the others groaned a little
"Forgive Tigress, she hasn't had the best childhood, why don't i show you around the rest of the palace for today?" Viper offered, Spike nodded and walked with her through the rest of the place, Spike waved back at the others before they left.

"So you guys think he can be a great partner?" Mantis asked
"He looks to be fun, so i'm gonna give him a shot" Monkey said with a smile
"I'm a little optimistic, but i'm willing to see what happens in the future" Crane said as they all left as well, Tigress was secretly watching the thing and she still wasn't trusting of Spike, she'll have to see what happens in the future

Author's Note:

Hey guys hoped you like this new chapter! Spike has met the others finally and Spike is now gonna be alongside them all, Spike will be getting to some hard training at first, but Oogway and Viper will be there to help him, hope you all like what i've been making so far and look forward to more!

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