• Published 7th Sep 2023
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Kung Fu Panda: The Dragons Destiny - Dragonfan101

Master Oogway finds Spike near the peach tree after going for a walk, he learns that he was called by the universe to help the future Dragon Warrior with his battles, and he takes him in and trains him to fulfil his destiny.

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22: Shadows of the Village, Part 2: The Journey Home

Spike and Viper had begun they're journey to make it to Viper's home to see her dad one last time, this was an important journey for the two, it may take a few days to get there, but it was for an important family event, a tragic one too. Spike and Viper soon had left the Valley, and said goodbye to the residents who wished them the best of luck, it was high noon at the time they left, and for most of the day, they started to travel through china.

They started off by going through the bamboo forests that were near the outskirts of the village, it was one of the things people used for furniture around here, and stuff Po occasionally ate sometimes, going through familiar places like these gave Spike some good memories. He and the 5 occasionally had to travel through here to reach other villages that were being attacked, it was part of they're job as protectors.

They soon began to leave through the borders of the Valley of Peace, and now began heading through the mountains, they had to cross over a large bridge that connected to the other parts of China, this was the very same bridge the 5 had fought Tai Lung on, and it had been repaired after all the damage it was given, and was made to be far more secure too. Viper had a little shiver just going across this bridge, it wasn't a pleasant memory when here.

"You okay Viper?" Spike asked worried as she was slowing down a little.
"I'm.. i'm fine, i don't have many good memory's the last time i was here, i still have some nightmares of what happened on this place." Viper said looking over the large fall that would be a certain death if one were to fall.
"Yeah, this was where you and the other's fought Tai Lung.. and almost got killed.." Spike said reluctantly, as he heard they're tale of how they fought him, and lost extremely badly.
"Yeah.. he almost got Tigress thrown into the abyss, if Crane wasn't there.. she wouldn't have made it.." Viper said in fear of thinking that, it made Spike shiver in thinking about it too.
"Thank goodness Crane was there to save her, but even if you lost. You all fought the best you could, and in the end, it gave me and Shifu time to train Po and help him become skilled. And in the end, Tai Lung got Skadooshed by us." Spike said flexing his pinkie to get the move he used across.

"Skadoosh? Is that some sort of catchphrase?" Viper asked giggling a little and Spike chuckled a little too.
"Yeah, Po came up with it, but he said i could use it when i want, we're bro's so he didn't mind. I still use it from time to time, it was a good final fight when he and I fought Tai Lung, and took him down for good, with a double Wuxi Finger hold." Spike explained which made her look concerned.
"You mean you both used it at once? Spike.. that move is insanely powerful, just one of it is an instant kill, but two of them.. i honestly pray Tai Lung made it to the afterlife in one piece, otherwise his soul could've been destroyed from the combined power.." Viper said worried about that, and Spike looked a little worried too.

"Yeah, Shifu said that the combined power of 2 Wuxi finger holds could cause more harm then good, and if that's the case.. it's best we only use it once, and not twice on the same person. I do worry if the combined power caused something bad though, Shifu said that there was something worrying him before he left." Spike said recalling what Shifu told him, and connecting that with his nightmare and the concerns from both of them, something bad must've happened..
"Yeah, i can understand Shifu's concerns, moves like that can cause a lot of concern to those who can use it. But i know you two wouldn't do anything to rash with that move, i know it.." Viper said as they were getting done crossing the long bridge.
"Yeah, let's hope Tai Lung made it there at least, i bet you he did, but let's hope." Spike said as they continued on their journey.

After Spike and Viper had crossed the bridges that led them out of the current borders, they were now climbing the high mountains of China, they were able to see almost all of China from the top, they could even see the Jade Palace, far far far away in the distance, the fact they could even see it amazes them on how beautiful a view it was.
"Wow, take a look at that sunset.. it's amazing.." Spike said in awe as they saw a gorgeous view at the top.
"Yeah.. traveling so far allows you to see many amazing sights, and this is no exception.." Viper said amazed a the sight as well.
"We're definitely gonna be seeing more sights like this, that's for sure.." Spike said regaining his focus back to their path ahead.
"Yeah.. let's see what lies ahead.." Viper replied as they resumed they're journey and continued once again.

The two spent the next night or so moving through the mountains, they had enough stamina to keep going for a week without needing to rest, while that didn't stop them from having some food every now and then, they kept going for most of the night, at least until they reached the bottom.
After leaving the mountain area to continue forward, they spent most of their the next day moving through more forests, as China's forests are lush and huge, it would be easy for one to get lost in the place if they didn't know where to go, but luckily they did.

But while they were still on this journey, they both had separate thoughts to think over.
For Viper, she was still really concerned about her father, after she saved her home from that thug, and became a famous ribbon dancer there until she was chosen to join the Jade Palace, she didn't get to hear from him for quite a long time. He was pretty old from the last time she saw him, but still looked capable of fighting. But now it's been years since she last saw him, and he must be even older looking by now, she honestly bets he'll look as old as Oogway, but no matter how old he gets, he's still a kind person deep down, but with how sick he's said to be, a part of her wonders if she should be bringing Spike along still, even if he's assured her he's more then willing to come with her.

Spike and Viper kept moving through the forest for most of the day, they hadn't spoken for quite sometime after they woke up, and Spike did notice Viper seemed lost in her thoughts, and decided to make a conversation.
"Hey Viper? You okay? You haven't talked for some time.." Spike asked which got her attention, she didn't notice how long it was since she last talked.
"Sorry Spike, it's just.. all a lot for me you know, this journey, going back home after some time, and knowing it may be the last time i'll see my father.. it's.. a lot.." Viper admitted again and Spike kinda figured this, but he doesn't blame her for having this be her constant thought right now.
"Yeah, this is gonna take sometime, i could just fly us over to the village if you want, i'd take us far less time." Spike offered spreading out his wings, but while Viper did like the sound of that, it never hurts to take things slow for now.
"That's sweet of you Spike, but i'd rather try and take in the sights and see what we can before something this big really happens. Remember all the places we and the others went to during missions? We didn't just go from point A to point B you know." Viper pointed out which was a true fact.

"Yeah, that's totally true, remember when we had to stop all those wolfs on that fishing village, and the stuff we did during and after our time there?" Spike joked chuckling at a funny memory they had.
"Yeah, when Tigress was accidentally knocked into the water by a giant fish Crane pulled out.. and she jumped out of the water like a spring and looked both terrified and furious at the same time.." Viper replied starting to laugh at that thought.
"Her fur got puffed up till it looked like an afro, i've seen some pony's with weird hairstyle's back home, but she takes the cake. And what she did to crane in response dear lord..." Spike said beginning to laugh harder.
"She literally whacked him with that giant fish and knocked him so high into the air he made a girlish scream.." Viper finished as they remember that hilarious memory play out which just kept they're laughter up.
"Oh man i still think Monkey uses that same prank on them for pranks. That will never get old.." Spike said calming down from the joke.
"It never will.." Viper said in agreement as they calmed down for a bit to get back on topic. '

Back at the palace, Tigress was training again in the halls with the others like nothing much was happening, but she suddenly stopped for a moment and made a loud sneeze which caught the other's attention.
"You okay Tigress?" Crane asked concerned coming up to her, she didn't know why, but a memory suddenly came back to her, and she looked a little upset at Crane.
"What's wrong?" Crane asked concerned as she went behind him and was looking angry for some reason, this caught the other's attention and they stopped for a moment too.
"What's she doing?" Mantis asked as she left the room for a moment.
"I don't know, to get some food maybe?" Po suggested as they waited for a moment, after a few seconds. The doors suddenly opened again and to their surprise, Tigress came in with a familiar giant fish.
"Hold up is that the same fish from the vi..." Crane asked right before she whacked him on the beak with it and sent him flying through the roof and into the sky while he made a girlish scream, and Tigress just had a blank stare.
"I don't know why, but i just felt like getting back at Crane again." Tigress said dropping the fish down which made Monkey chuckle.
"You sure you aren't hungry kitty cat?" Monkey teased which made the other's laugh, but Tigress wasn't having it and grabbed the fish again, it shut them up and they're laughter soon turned to fear.
"Oh.. man.." Po said in fear as a loud whip sound was heard as the camera cuts to black.
"AHHHH!!!!!" They all screamed in pain as the whack would leave a mark for sure.

We cut back to the talk like no time had passed after that little moment.

"If that's the case then, if we get more fun memories like that when traveling, then walking it is, just hope we don't see a giant fish again like last time." Spike teased shaking his head a little.
"Let's hope so. So how much farther is it to the nearest village?" Viper asked moving this along, Spike reached to the back of his bag to pull out a map they had, and opened it up for them to see.
"There's a small village not to far ahead from here, it's very welcome and it probably won't be a problem for us. I think it's best we stay there for the night and hit a boat down the river to make it to your village after that, it should take us till tomorrow afternoon to reach it if we do this." Spike suggested trailing his claw along to the small wooden village ahead from where they are, and the river that may be 5 miles longer till they finally make it there.
"I like it, wonder what that village has to offer?" Viper asked curiously as Spike put in back in the bag.
"Let's find out Vipes." Spike replied with a smile as they continued forward once again, and proceeded to move to this village that's said to be up ahead.

And for the next couple hours or so, they continued moving through the forest to reach this village, they thought they'd reach it within half an hour or so, but the village must've been farther then they thought, as it felt like it took forever to reach it. Spike soon got lost in his thoughts for this too, as for him, this wasn't a mission like they often did when leaving the valley, this was an important family thing for Viper. Spike's heard the story's of Viper's father and her family, he often wondered what they were like, what they're hobbies are and if they'd even like him. While they knew they may like him, with the relationship of his and Viper's growing more, it makes him wonder what else they'll think..

The two continued they're way forward for most of the day until the sun was starting to set again, they didn't think so much time would pass during they're time traveling to it, from what it looked like, it was only a couple miles away, but they may have been wrong. But soon, they could see some wooden buildings in the distance, followed by some lights and small chatter ahead.
"Finally.. i thought we'd be here far sooner.." Spike said in relief after the long walk they had today.
"Yeah.. let's see what this village has.." Viper said as they began moving to the village just down the hill that led out of the forest finally.

They moved for a bit longer until they finally entered the village, and it was a small one, a lot smaller then the valley, but it was still a nice little place here. Most of the houses were made of wood and logs, a lot of the villagers consisted of ducks and bunnies, and it was nearby a river that flowed to where Viper's village was, there was some stuff that looked like activities here, they saw some kids playing with kites and lanterns, and some of the people were fishing in the lake, they all looked pretty happy here like it wasn't troubling them.
"Huh, it's a really nice place here.." Spike said impressed with how this place looked, he'd never been here before, but he could already tell it was a small and fun place to live for a bit.
"Yeah, it's small, quiet, peaceful. It's a perfect place to stay for the night." Viper said with a smile looking around too, the villagers seemed to notice them, but they seemed to have a welcoming look to them, so they must not be trouble for some of them.

"Well, now that we're here, why don't we try and find an inn for the night? The suns just setting now." Spike suggested as they could see the sun just below the horizon, making a sunset that had beautiful orange, red and pink lighting over the sky, and followed by the dark blue sky above filled with dozens of stars in space.
"Yeah, let's hope they have room." Viper prayed as they began moving to find one. While they moved through the village, this place was reminding him more and more like Ponyville, it was a small and peaceful village with people going about they're day like nothing bad would happen. While this probably ever gets as much trouble as his home does, seeing so much familiar stuff like merchants selling fruits and other products to others, the small kids running around laughing in joy, it was such a lovely sight to see.

But from seeing all of this, it started to make him feel a little sad remembering home, not just because he missed it, but from other issues he started to feel when there before he finally came here. But soon, they finally came upon a small settlement that looked like an Inn for them.
"I think this is it.." Viper said hopefully as it was large enough for some travelers to stay.
"Only one way to see the truth." Spike said as they opened the doors to see the inside. What they were greeted with was a comfy looking place that had long halls that most likely led to other rooms, there were paintings of landscapes like the ocean and the rivers of other parts of the world, and they saw some people were checking in for the night and getting room keys, so this must be the place.
"Let's hope there's room for us." Viper said as they started to wait for they're turns.

It didn't take too long to reach the front desk, the duck in front looked friendly and seemed to be doing his job well, he was writing down on a board and crossing some spots out that looked like rooms for the night, and it looked like there was only a few left available.
"Ah, welcome my fellow travelers, i take it your gonna be checking a room for the night?" He asked putting his attention on them, he seemed not to bothered that a literal dragon was here, but he must not see much surprises in his life then.
"Uh yes please, we'd like a room for the night please, we can share one together, it's just for tonight." Viper answered coming up to him who was writing stuff down.
"Names please?" He asked waiting for an answer.
"Spike and Viper good sir." Spike said politely which made him smile as he put their names down.
"Okay, Spiker and Viper, your room is room 203 down the left hall, thank you for spending the night with us." He said giving them a room key for just tonight, Spike made sure he payed the right amount for them to stay too.
"Thank you sir, have a nice night." Viper said as they made they're way to their room.

They made they're way through a long hallway that had doors on multiple sides, they made sure to look at each number until they found it.
"Ah, here it is." Spike said as they saw the number finally, Spike used the key to unlock it to slowly open it.
"After you ma'am." Spike said softly which made her chuckle a little.
"Thank you dear Spike." Viper replied as she went into the room and Spike followed after and closed the door.

They're room was a little small but was a perfect size for them both, there were 2 beds on the right and left sides, there was a small bathroom on the left side that was clean and nicely made. It looked like most Inn's one would stay at, and it was just a nicely clean room with no flaws for them to see.
"Man, what a day of walking.. i thought it would never end.." Spike said feeling exhausted from today, he put his bag next to his bed and got on the right side.
"Yeah, traveling can take a lot out of someone." Viper said getting onto the other side and layed down too. They both started to relax for a bit to think to themselves, while there wasn't much they did during they're time traveling other then a few talks, it was still nice they had alone time together.

But Spike was still lost in his thoughts still, this place reminded him of home in some ways, just from the looks of it, to how people handled things here, it was a nice peaceful place, it was making Spike feel a little sad for being gone for so long, even if he got a nice goodbye with Twilight and the others before he became a master.
"Hey.. Spike? Can i ask you something?" Viper asked which got his attention.
"Yeah, anything. Go ahead." Spike replied waiting for it, Viper had a bit of a worried look before she leaned over to him.

"What was your home like Spike? Like.. how did you feel when there, what do you think of it, and how did you try and handle things when.. something big happened?" Viper asked which made him have a surprised look, but with how often they spent time together, it was inevitable this question would be asked, and he honestly had some stuff to get off his chest.
"Well.. what is there to talk about honestly? It was a colorful place filled with creatures that would be seen as a myth here, i lived in Canterlot for some time with Twilight before she was tasked with making friends, so we moved to a tree library in the village, while Twilight struggled at first, she soon opened up to our friends. And Over time they went on fun adventures and often saved Equestria, and i often did what i could to help.. even if i wasn't able to do much.." Spike said starting to feel sad at the last part which was concerning her.
"What do you mean by that? You were her number one assistant right? So that means you must've been on plenty of the adventures she went on with them right?" Viper asked a little confused on that.

"Your not wrong on that Viper, but while i was there.. sometimes i felt like i was on the sidelines.. when Nightmare Moon attempted to make an Eternal Night, i was just told to go to sleep, while she and the other's went on a dangerous task to stop her by going through a dangerous forest, i was just at home.. being treated like a child.. even if i was, i was still wanting to help.. even if it was for my own safety.." Spike explained which interested her on this tale.
"Did you ever go out on yourself? Or try and show you can do more?" Viper asked as she's seen him do great things since he came here.
"I.. tried.. but whatever i did.. it often put me in danger.. or showed that i can't handle things on my own.. it often had Twilight and the others save me, which just made them more protective of me.. sometimes i felt like she'd put give me multiple chores while she and the others did more adventures. I know she loves me and everything.. but sometimes i felt like she went to far in some areas.." Spike admitted as his memories were showing a different perspective to him.
"Spike.. you know she did it because she cares for you, it sounds not to different from what we face to be honest. If you were too young, that's okay." Viper replied trying to make him feel better, but he was still questioning things.

"That's the thing.. i felt like even when i got older.. i still wasn't able to go out and figure things out for myself. When i tried to find out more about dragons, and maybe even find my parents. They still snuck they're way through the borders and kept an eye on me, i know it's for safety, but it was like they didn't even trust me enough to try and learn more about myself. I only did learn that most dragons were jerks, but the ones i met were teenagers, and i didn't meet most of the other types of Dragons. And when Rainbow Dash said that i'm not like most dragons, because i'm not intimidating, or Rarity said i'm a dragon because i'm not a jerk like them , it felt like they were implying that all dragons are just jerks, and i'm not a dragon because i was kind. I honestly found that.. offensive.. It was like they all thought the dragons were nothing but rude beasts who didn't care for other things but themselves. I didn't even spend a full day there, i could've seen some dragons who were kind and willing to help me, but because of their perspective on my kind, i never was able to find out who my own parents are, or even if they showed up at the migration. It was like they were steering me away from trying to find more about my own race, when i know about the others, but not my own kind. It felt so.. infuriating.." Spike confessed at his long speech about that incident, and Viper seemed surprised at this, but soon found some relation in a way.

"Yeah.. i think i can understand honestly. Most people don't even give my family a chance because we're snakes. Some always looked at us with fear, and run away from us without giving us a chance. There was one snake i knew in legend, called Fuxi, he was a strong warrior who often protected others, he only had venom that could bring fear into people, he harmed no one with it. But when they fear overtook they're thoughts, they attacked him and his family, and while Fuxi survived, he lost his family because of their perspective on his own race too, because he was a snake and never forgave them for it. Even when i go out and save people, there are some who look at me with fear too, because i am a snake. It's like.. they won't even give me a chance, even after i showed i'm a friend.." Viper confessed as well, and that made Spike feel bad for her, and Fuxi too. It showed just how much fear can get to one, and lead to often violent acts.

"I'm.. so sorry to hear that.. but i think this can show us that not everything goes how we see it. And for me.. while Twilight and the other's got to do awesome things and save Equestria, i was just.. on the sidelines.. i never got the real chance to prove myself not as my own person, but as a dragon too. Even after i saved the Crystal Empire from Sombra, it didn't feel earned to me, unlike what i've been doing here, it was like.. somethin was always holding me back back home, and now that i'm here.. i can finally show it.." Spike explained some more looking up at the ceiling.
"I'm.. sorry too Spike, i didn't think our talk would go in this direction, but now.. i think i see how you feel.. it was like you didn't think you'd live up to what you can do, and any chance you did have often got ruined, right?" Viper asked turning to him, Spike sighed and continued confessing.

"Yeah.. it's one of the reasons i wished to go somewhere else to prove myself, and the universe brought me here, so i could. And while i'm more then happy to be here, with you, and help others like Twilight would. What i felt back home.. i don't think it's something that will leave me.." Spike explained which made her feel sad a bit.
"I don't think something like that will leave no matter how long we live Spike, no matter how long i live and fight for others, there will be people who still are afraid of me, and i may never get the chance to show them who i am as a person.. even when i saved my own home.." Viper said regretfully turning to him again, and Spike kept an eye on her too.
"I guess that's the reality of life huh? Sometimes.. you may never live up to your own dreams.. but if you do.. what more is there for you to do?" Spike asked again continuing this talk.

"I don't know, but i know one thing. You and i aren't that different, and it only makes me appreciate you even more Spike." Viper said putting her tail on his claw, and he held it too.
"You know.. i'm honestly jealous of you Viper, you got to prove yourself with your own talents, and yet.. i never got too.. it's one of the things i like about you, it's your determination and kindness." Spike complimented which made her smile.
"Thank you Spike, but don't think you are just as special, you can fly and breath fire, you are a fast learner who are almost up to our level, your just as great. We both are, no matter what.." Viper assured which did relief him a little.
"Thank you Viper, i really needed to talk about this to someone, and i'm glad it was you.." Spike said starting to feel tired now.
"Your welcome Spike, i'm always here for you, sleep tight." Viper said beginning to fall asleep.
"Good night Vipes." Spike said as he fell asleep too for the night, glad that this talk helped them understand eachother more. But far away from the Inn they were in, on a hill where the moon was right behind, there was a strange ominous figure watching over the village right in front of it. It wore a black hood and had white fur, it looked like a wolf, it had blood red eyes, and two sickles on his sides, and was glaring to the specific spot Spike and Viper were in, almost like he was watching over them..

After the night passed, Spike and Viper got up early in the morning to finish up their journey, after they checked out of the Inn, they made sure they had everything they needed. After they left, they purchased one of the boats that would lead them to Viper's village finally, it only took them about an hour before they departed from that small little village, and began their last little trip before reaching Viper's home finally.

They were now moving down the river that led them to her home, and we're watching the water move by them as they waited for them to finally arrive.
"You know Viper.. you ever wonder how far the water can go with places like these? Some go to waterfalls, which lead to large ponds and more rivers, and even caverns that led to the sea, which went all over the world.." Spike asked looking at the river flowing down small streams.
"Yeah.. it's beautiful on how far it travels, even in places like deserts, there's always an oasis, or even rain itself, it's something else to be honest.." Viper said in agreement looking at the colorful rocks that were in the clear water. But while they kept moving, the thought of Viper's family still concerned her, and they were so close to reaching them now.

"You know Spike.. with how close we are to my home.. i'm just getting more worried on what'll happen when we're there.." Viper said which caught his attention.
"Yeah.. we're so close to seeing him.. after this journey of ours.. it felt like no time passed at all... and yet.. it felt so long too.." Spike replied looking at the sun which was already high in the sky by now.
"You know.. with you fast it does pass.. i'm starting to feel.. afraid with how little i'll have with him.. one day he may still be here.. and the next.." Viper said with sadness not finishing that sentence, but Spike felt sad to hear it too.
"Death comes for us all, no matter how long i can live, or even Oogway, Death will come to us, but if there's one thing i always appreciate about this.. it's that i can spend time with you and your family.. even if it's just this once.." Spike explained rubbing her head.

"Yeah.. no matter how long we live.. it always comes for us.. i'm just.. i don't know how i can handle it when he does go.. he's such a kind.. strong and noble soul.. and seeing him go like this.. its just.." Viper said beginning to cry again, and Spike tried helping her too.
"It's gonna be okay Viper, i'll be here for you, your whole family will be there for you. I know when we see him, he'll show you the proud and loving smile of a father, and will always be there for his little girl.." Spike said hugging her close which was calming her down a bit.
"I just wish i spent more time with him Spike.. and not during situations like these.." Viper said keeping a grip on him, Spike kept her close and helped her out more.
"What matters is that you can see him now, and i'll be here. You will never be alone, i promise.." Spike assured looking in her eyes again, and she was starting to feel better hearing that.
"Thank you Spike.." Viper said gratefully as they stayed like this for a moment.

But after some time, they soon saw something coming up on the horizon of the river, and saw more houses, and settlements nearby it, which meant one thing..
"Viper.. is that.. your home?" Spike asked as they looked at it with awe, Viper had some tears seeing it after so long, as she hasn't been here in years.
"Yes.. it is.. welcome to my village Spike.." Viper finished as the camera pins to a shot of the large village on the horizon, and with they're destination right ahead, they now had to get ready for something really important..

Author's Note:

Hey guys i hope you liked this again! I wanted to give Spike and Viper a few scenes to help them be fleshed out even more here, so i think Spike confessing on how he felt about certain events like Dragon Quest would work. I feel like that episode could've done so much more then show that the dragons are just jerks, because Spike never really got to see the other types there, and how Spike really felt on how Twilight and the others saw his kind. Because there are kind dragons like Smolder and Ember, but what they said really rubbed me the wrong way, and there could've been more to that episode if it were a 2 parter, Spike could've shown them the dragons are more then what they think in a good way and found his parents to prove it, but alas we never got that. And i am sorry for those who didn't like what that talk showed, but i tried the best i could with it.

Sorry if this little journey felt short or not too long, but i'm still learning how to do chapter's like this, so i did the best i can with it. Viper's village was never given a confirmed name from what i know, as well as her family, so i'm gonna have to give them some original names, i'm open to any ideas you guys have for it if you have something, let me know in a private message if you'd like, i just hope you liked this and look forward to more!

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